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The Welliagton Harbour Board agrain discasßed the queafcion of building a dock yesterday. Tha engineer reported bhab the plans were nob ready, bub nhe rough preliminary eßtimafcen showed bhab the Board nmsto be prepared he face an rxpendibure of a-quarter of a million. After a lant? debate, Mr Gale's resolution to introduce a Bill authorising the Board to raise money for the construction of a dock, and for acquiring addifcioaal land, ebc, vraa carried on the caafiing ?obe of the Chairman,

H.M.B. Minerva, a twin-screw cruiser of the second class, which ia to be re-com-misßioned in October to relieve tha Orlando aa the flagship of tho Australasian station, ia one of the nine cruisers included in the naval programmo of 1894. She is 5,800 tons, and carries eleven gune. Her aiacar ships are the Diana, Dido, Isis, Venus, Doris," J tino, Talbob, and Eclipse, t)ha latter being the flagship on the Eaßt Indian station, and the Ta bob on the North American station. The aew flagship i<3 a very fine typa of vossol, and she and the rest of her class aro considered to bo almost as good as Brat-class cruisers. Her principal dimensions are : Length 3Sofb, baam 85ib, displacement 5,800 ton?. Her eaginea are of the triple expansion type, and will develop 9,b'Qo and 8,000 indicated horsepower, with or without forced draughb respectively. Steam is supplied by four single and cylindrical boilers, and 1,000 tons of coal can bo carried. Her spood in 19£ knots. Tho Minerva and her aisber ships am built: wholly of sbeel, and they have a steel probsctive deck with a maximum tlnckaess of '2!jia, which extends the whole length of tho ship. Thero ia also a conning bower, with armour 6ia thick (of nickel abeol). Each vossel haa two steel inants, with wooden topmasts, bub only slight/aail power. The armamonb conaista of live 6in and aix 4'7in quick-firing guns, and eighii 12-poundor quick-firars.]

A man named Victor Lambqvißb waa riding uu the platform of a train running between Wanganui and Palmoraton on Monday morning last, when ho fell off. The train waa going along at a good epeed at tho time, but) ib waa afc once stopped, the pansengers fully expecting bo find that) tho mun had been killed. On resuming to tho spot ab which he had parted from the train, however, tho man was seen bo be sibbing up praebically uninjured. Ho waa placed in one of tho curriagea and takon on bo Bunaythorpo, where ho alighted and walked otf bo go und see some frionda prior to going on to Wellington in tho evening train.

A meeting of bha Onohunga School Committee wan hold la&b night. Mr W. Dunwootiio occupied tho chair, and thoro was a full attendance of tho members. The monthly reporß of tha haudmaafcer (Mr Mclntoah), which was! roud, showed thub bhe attendunco had been extremely good considering wet'weather. He called attention to the fact Ssbub tho school build inga and furniture wera very much out of ropair. Mr Mclntosh alao wrote asking when bhe> repairs to bhe toachor'a houHe would bo abarted, and suggesting bliab as tho Board's men would be unable bo undertake tha work for three months somo local tradesman fhould be pub on te effect tho repairs, which wero of a vary urgant character. It waa dacidod to writs (so bho Board recommending thab this courao bo adopted. A latter was also read from bhe Auckland Board of Educabion stating that the cosb of repairs to the school deaka, and of new hub pegs, etc., must bo paid by the Comtnit;r,ee out of the school fund. The Secretary was inebructod to roply, pointing oub thai) they hud no funds available for such a purpone. The Seercbary of the Board of Education alao wrote pointing oub ,that in view of the increased attendance the Board waa proparad to supply a tilth asaifltant teachor to the school, and submitting the names of certain teachers who wero eligible for bho position. Ifc was decided to racommand thub Mias Jessie Bower be appointed. The monthly accounts ware paused for payment.

Captain McGee, who was in command of the ataamar Tasmania at the biaio aha waa wrecked, is much depressed (aaya the Sydney " Mornintf Herald ") at ska miafortune timb befol faia tine uteamer, and from hia appearance foela kaonly bha lo3f. "Ib has put yoara upon him," waa bho remark of his many frionda who wera proaenC to meub him aa he stepped ashoro from tho abeamor Anglian at Huddarb Pucker's wharf, Of tho alleged uncharted rock he would tiay notlsing until bho Hurvey which bho Naw Zealand Grovernmeafi is malting of tho scone of bhe wreck has boon completed.

The officer in charge of tha Prison Gate Brigade Homo desires to thankfully acknowledge raceipfi from Mr Alfred WeipporD, affcnr paycaonb of all expenses, of the Mum of £10 10a, proeoeusi (inclusive of donations) of entertainment kindly organinod by him in aid of that institution. He also raturna thanka f,o Mr Gco. Carter, treasurer, and those ladies and gentlemen who gratuitously randered their services in connection therewith, and begs to state that, owing to tho great demand on the resources of tho Home at the present time, further donations in money or kind would bo gratefully received and daly acknowledged by him or Mr Weippert, the Secretary of the Home.

Tho Onion Bank have made extensive alterations to their premises corner of Queen and Victoria streets. Thrso shops hava been erected, which when lighted will iuprova the corner. Mr Percy W. Bolland, returned from Home, has opened the shop nearost Queen-street aa ft higbclaaDtailaringesbabliahmant, with a biij stock of goods for tha spring and nummer, and intends patrons the lade^b London fashions. Tho mosb appropriaba atyles in boys' and youths' clothing will be made to moasuie at tha most reasonable rates.

A meeting of the National Asuocinbion waa hold last nighb, Mr D. B. McDonald presiding, whmi Mr S. B. Vailo rood a paper entitled "la Omvavsal Equality the Emit Bauiti for Electoral Privileges ?" Tho speaker traveled tho principle at one man one vote, and avid lie would exclude all aliens, lunacies, criminals, racipienta of charitab'a aid, undischarged bankrupts, all who ooulii nob raad or write, and >/ivu all otliora oiij vote. In addition he wouid yivo ono vota extra for education, one extra to householders, and another for landowners. A diacussion followed the reading at the paper.

A graab improvement has been made in tho buildings facing bho msiiu road at Parnell owned by Mr B. J. M. Kemp, tho wellknown merchant) tailor and mercer. Hie buMnuHß has so much increased bhab he has boon compelled to provide doubla blie accommudiifcion, and hia promises, oppofiife Bifchopscourt, aowoccupy a window frontage of llfliti to Manultau Road. The new pro mi*eß have boew fitted up in up-to-date stylo with all mod<tra imj^roveinonts, and the various daparbmonfes "are ao conveniently arranged that all ia under tha proprietors' Buparvieion from hia private office. Mr Kemp hua added a family drapsry and millinery departments to his buHiaeaa, the new departments boina under Mr Theo. Queree, Miss Sim*on aud Miss Brown! Tha premises are to be oponed to-morrow (Saturday) with a big display of novelties.

Thera will be an entire chang-e of pro-a-rammo ub the Cifay Hall popular anterbainmeubtomorrow niuhb, when Crawford and Mooru1.- Ail Sbar Noveity Company maita taoir ru-appoaianco. Some new performers will aif-o appear. Coaipleba arrangßmcnta have been made to auppruna anylhujg approaaiun^ disorder and the comfort of the audience will be aesured. Popular prices are charged.

Moro novelties are announced by Mr P. R. Dix for tho 22nd of bhe Monday popa! Moto-eein insbantograpfaa of the Right) Hon. R. J. Seddon in his carriage, and of the Naw Zealand and Maori contingents, wiil bo exhibited as well aa the animated picturea ot the Queen, etc., in the Diamond Jubilee procoaaion. The musical ifcema are very attractive, the programme includiug items by Mr W. B. Cadzow, the popular tenor, Alieeas Bfchel Mclabyra and Katie Fitzpatrictt, and Moaara Arbhur Stevens and Thos. Curran. Madame Wig. more, R.A.M., will make har first appearance and render two pianoforte selections. The concorb ahonld be a great auccesß.

The R.M.B. Moana, from Sydney, passed Ruasell at 9.45 this morning, and should arrive here a6 about 6 o'clock this «venine. She has in her sbrong-room byb.UUU sovereigns for Europe. The Moana leaves for •Frisco, via Apia and Honolulu, with the outward 'Frisco mail at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Two sharp and distinct shocks of earthquake were falb in Wellington at; 9.30 on Monday nierhfc. la the Opera House the shocks cauaed quite a commotion and distracted attention from tha performance for same momenta. There was a good deal of acartled surprise amongst the audience, but happily nob the slightest approach to panic. At the moment of the earthquake Mrs Brough and Mr PHinraor wero ou fcho stage, in phe third act of " Fedora," aad went on with tho performance as if nothing had happened.

Last evening, in company with Detective Bailey, Sergeant Ellison-wonto so the shop of Henry Campbell, fruiterer and tobacconist, in Victoria-street West, noar Freeman's Bay, and arrested Campbell on a charge of "haviug unlawfully received certain tobacco, knowing the same to have boon stolen. Campbell was lodged in the poiica acation, and later on in the night ho wan released on bnil, the total amount of the bail being fixed at £ 200. Ho is a young man of 33 years of age. Tho charge against Campbell ia that on or about August 17th, 1897, at Auckland, ho did receive from Frederick Deaaon and Alfred Weeks fourbeen pounda of tobacco, valued at £5, knowing same to have been dishonestly obtained. Campboll was brought up at) the Police Court this morning, and charged as above, bub on tho application of the police he was remanded to allow noceneary evidence to be procured. Bail was renewed.

A public trial of Mr Thos. Hawks, patent cub-sailor, exhibited by Messrs Elder Bros., of Durham street, took place on Saturday on fcho farm of Alosfire Mar Sin Bros., of Manurtjwa, before a critical company, and ene and all oxprowsed fchemHolvoii in very favourable terms, and prodicted a revolution in sub.soiling by the use of fchia paten b. Tho firsb trial took place in vary heavy soil, where it did ita work effectively, tho second trial taking plucaiulighter aoil; here it waa to the front again. There was also exhibited a patent Skena - Coultor attachment), tnado and triad by Messrs Eider Bros., for the firsb time in Bhia district. It did ita work in a thorough manner, cutting the comb with clearness and placing it in tha bottom of the furrow already made, after which nob a blade of grass was to be aeon. This email patent attachment will prove a groat boon bo farmers in general and should be viewed by same, tho expense being of a trivial character. Amongst those presenb were Messrs Tylden, Rutherford, Harris, Wright, McDonald, White, Martin, Greenwood, representing Oaaterbury "Times," visitors from tho Kaipara and other parta too aumoroud to mention.

At the Crown Landa eale hold bo-day by Mr G. Mueller, auctioneer, section JMo. 22, in tho pariah of Karama, Waipa, containing 15 acres 1 rood, was sold to Mr Thomas KemDbhorne ab tha upsab annual rental of £3.

Tha weekly uaaebing of the Pibb-streeb Literary Society was held last night, the time being devoted to readings and recitations. Tha following pieces were read or recited by the persona namad : —" Among tho Liura," Mish Ward ; " Rejoicings upon bbo New Year's♦Cotning «t" Age,1' Misa Roid ; selection from " Weac<vard Ho," Miss Bellhouee; recitation, "A Sabbath Scene," Mr Parkinson ; selection from RoberD Browning:a poetry, ilr Forben ; "Tho Three Paraonn," Mr Peak. Tha dramatic, pathubic, or humorous character of tho several itoma waa wivon eifect So by each performer, and an tha rsaulb both a profitable and eujoyablo evening waa spent.

Tho social gathering held in tha Foresters' Hall, Newton, last evening it) connection with tha Caledonian Society waa well attended. Mr J. Sinapnon presided, nnd Mr J. Cowley officiated ab the piano. Songs were given as follows :—Mr Ryan, " Wreckad and Saved," " Rocked in the Cradle of tho Deep," and " I am a Friar of Orders Grey ;" Mr Purve«, " March of the Cameron Men," "Tha Weo Thiny That Faggib Them a'," and "Tho Auld Quarry Knowe j" rßcibufcion, Mies Gardiner, "Curfew Shall Not King To-nighb;" and solecbion by Messrs Smibhaoti And Pibkethley on tho piano and whistles. The customary dance also book place.

A tea and CDncorb for the Epiphany organ fund held lust nighb was a groat) success. The tea waa served in tho Foresters' Hall, several ladies presiding ab the tables, and the boys of the club turned out with their rosette badges and white aprons iv the most business like fashion for waiting. The school in Gundry-street waa elaborately decorated with a whole aeb of ship's flags, with white lacs curtains to the windows, and a profusion of arum lilies. The following programme was goaa through : — Instrumental trio, " Queau'a Prize," Mr Wesb violin, Percy Went cornnt, Miss Midgiey, piano ; aong, Mr Ferriday ; aon?, " Aattoora," Miss Court ; cornet solo, "La Bella France," Percy Wast; reading, Rev. W. Edward Lush ; song, Mißa Ramsny ; song, "The Last Muater." Mr Hisjfjotb; reuitatiion, Charley Gibb ; clarinet solo, '* Ernani," Mr Wast; song, " The Carnival," Miss Nelson ; song, "Blue Bella of Scotland," Folda Noon; recitation, " Tho Wind in a Frolic," Willie Noon ; song, " Laan Milestone," Miss Smith; piano solo, "Durand's First Yatse," Miss Nlictgrley ; reading, Mr Fred Clayton ; song, "Tho Village Blacksmith," Mr Hig«oi-.t; sontr, Mr Farriduy. Tho fares, "The Ghost; in the Pawn Shop," concluded the entertainment. This was dona by boy 1) of the Club, and caused much amusement). Tho boys anticipate handing over a good sum to the orgasi fund. Tha accompaniments were played by Bliss Midgley, who deserves cradit for the way ahe worked in organising the evening's amusement.

The lecture to be given ab tho V.M.C.A. Rooms this (Friday) evening by Mr W. Shepherd Allan, M.A., on the"" British Empire," should bo attractive, aa fcho lecturer has occupied a prominenb position in the political world, having been for many years a member of the House of Commons. Mr Allen has alwaya takan an intelligent iiiboreab in tho affairs of 6he Empire. Mr J. H. UpUon will preside.

Dr. Hainefl notities thab he will resume practice on Monday next, September 6th. He in.-iy be consulted ab his house between 7 and 8 p.m., or at Sharland's, Shortlandsl;reet, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Hurried Preparations.—Good Minister (awaiting the appearance of the lady of the house): "What is that my little dear?" Little Girl: "My apron. I'se goin' to put it in. rh'e wash. Mamma got it all dirty " "She did?" "Yes, sir; she grabbed! it up just now to dust of? the" Bible " An Earth quake Effect.— The Professor: "George:-' Georg-e: "Yes, sir." ihe Professor: "Go out and ask that tat woman on the bicycle if she won't have the kindness to ride ou sonic other street. She disturbs the «eismie needle."'

Morley a hoßiery in cobton, Lisla thread and cashmere from l a pa j r , 6X Tongariro] ao Wilaon, McCullagh and Co.'a.-(Advt.) Beanfciful new spring dress goods, ex Twnto, at Wilson, McCullaghandCo.'s!

New spring printa in emdlesa variebv, ex ToT^tiro, ab Wilson, IVlcCullagh and CoVa. —(ACtVfi.)

A very large stock of new spring miliT Yl ™ Toagariro, just opened ab Wxleon, McCullagh and C0.' 3 .-(Advt}

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 2