The Oceanic Company's fine mail eteamer Alameda from San Francisco, via Honolulu aud Apia, berthed ab the Queen-streeb Wharf shortly after 7 o'clock' last evening; She passed through the Golden Gate towards 4 o'clock on May _ls._ arriving at Honolulu on the 7th insb., and leaving* for Samoa in the evening of the same day- The mail steamer anchored off Apia on the 14th, resuming ber voyage for Auckland at 10.20 quia, on the same date, making this port as above aftor a passage of 20 days 6, hours 89 minuter-. ' The weather till making latitude 28 south was particularly fine, when it changed to the S. W., a succession of strong winds and galea being met with, accompanied with "heavy sea. Shortly after six o'clock this morning tbo steamer resumed her voyage for Sydney.
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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