' Per Qvalau :■—ll6 sheep and a large quantity of timber and sundries. * L»Per Waihora, for Sydney:—l 34 cases kauri gum, 67 bales flax, 25 cases sand •oap, 20 cases butter, 100 coils rope, 69 Backs carrots, 622 sheep, 31 sacks oata, 132 tacks oyators, and sundries. , ■ Per Ruahino for London :—3BB casos and 372 sacks gum, 60 caus honey, 266 bales wool, 28 bails bajJils, 7,500 sheep, and sundries. *
The s.a. Ruahine sailed this morning for Wellington direcb. A barquentine passed Russell bound South at 11.30 a.m. to-day. The s.s. Waihora sailed laab night for ;Sydney, and tho s.s. Ovalau for Fiji. The Auckland schooner Sovereign, recently beached ab Castle Poinb, is breaking up. The yacht Viking called in ab Russell yesterday morning, leaving again for the whaling: ground iv the afternoon. The barque Kingclune, which arrived ab Wellingbon yesterday, passed large quantities of ice on tho voyage from Liverpool. The s.s.. Poherua arrived from the South early this morning, having on board the surviving members of tbe crew of the barque Al^xauder Newton, a full account ef the wreck of which is given elsewhere.
Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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