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•■• ____ __________ ..•' 777 .'-.. \If_J ANTED, a firßfc-clasß Trousers Hand ,W for Whanearel, at once.—Apply Simon, Anchor Hotel, Queen-street. 7\\r ANTED, intelligent Young Man as vv Boet Salesman, good business qualification, address and references necessary.— State salary expected, 8.5., STAROfflcs. : WANTED, a Message Boy.—Apply ... ■■■'..:.:' /'.Star-Office.' . -•-■• :■/■■■:'■ ANTED, General Servant, reference ■' y.T indispensable.—Apply Mrs King. Surrsystreet, second house off Old North Read, left handside. : ; W' ANTED, Housemaid. —T. Quoi, Restaurant, Queen-street. WANTED, few Pupils, home lessons, by young lady recently left school, with good certificates.—Addreas M.G.. STAR Office.: WANTED, Ladies to sea the stylish Millinery, Mantles, and Dresses at low prices. —McMaster and Shalders. ANTED, a good*little Grocery or General Cash Store, town or country.— Particulars to 0.T.. Star Office. _^ VI7 ANTED, by steady Man, 1 large unfi furnished Room with fireplace. Or 2 small rooms, near Karangahape Road.—Ajax, Star Office. >■, ; , .•„, .. ■..,,. ,■ . ; : ,.; : . WANTED, Bootmakers to Buy besb brand of Bnrnishing Ink in.the world. American Quart Bottles, 6d.—Young Bros;, High-street. - * ■ ; ■ ; "*W *A- N■■ T E D * The Public to know that Mansfi-ld's cheap sale of Aley'a China, Glassware, and E.P. Goods is still on At Karangahape Road. Plenty of Bargains to choose from ! ' ANTED to Borrow—A Sum up to £500, in one or two amounts (to extend a profitable investment). Ample security given over shares in dividend-paying: limited' liability company (not mining). Good interest Principals only dealt with.—Apply Box 197' G.P.O.' .•'•■••■■■ ''■ : -7' ■ ._[[ WANTED, people to inspect my prices and workmanship, then buy from the tailor who gives best value.—Dalton, Tailor, 210, Queen-street. ■ WANTED to purchase, Fungus, best price given, any quantity.—Ah Ghee Qneen-street Wharf. ______ WANTED Known — Dr. Talmage's Premier work, "Pathway of Life," now on sale, wholesale or retail.—At Caxton Printing Works, Albert street. ; WANTED Known—A large assortment of Silver Name Brooches, suitable for birthday presents. Old Gold Jewellery worked up into new articles. Watches and Jewellery repaired. Charges very moderate.—H; PETRY, Working Jeweller and Diamond Setter, next to Royal Mail Hotel. Victoria-street (a few doors from Queen-street). . ;-'..'. 7L,, ' WANTED Known—Thab D. Goldie is prepared to supply all kinds of Timber and other Building' Materials at his Mills, Albert-street and Breakwater Road, including Joinery, Builders' Ironmongery, and Wheelwrights' Materials, at the Lowest Market Prices. WANTED Known, Second-band Singer Machines obtained for 20s and 25s each, atPowley's Shirt Factory, Victoria-street. WANTED Known—Newton Baths in flrst-class working order. Hot. Cold and Shower Batbs, Gd. Ladies specially attended to.—J. Sutcliffe. WANTED Known—That the Kauri Timber Co. brand all sashes, doors, etc., manufactured by them. IC.T- Co. . WANTED THE LADIES OF AUCKLAND to know that, although I had four cartloads of the beautiful Berlin, Shetland, i and Andalnsian Wools, bought for less than S*lefttliey.vrlH ■ nbl^^li*sT^{or^<^...'T^sy^are-.^Utn« - fapldly.* Intending p;urchla_er_Lwill do we.J. to secure some at'once and avoid disappointment." Sale prico, ls the Jib; usual price. 2s 6d the Jib.—At Miller's Fancy Repository. 110. Victoria-street. ANTED Known—J. WENDEL. Wine Manufacturer, Symonds-street, warranted, does not fortify his wine with alcohol or chemical, but makes the Pure Grape Wine at 2s Der bottle.—J. Wehdel, Wine Depot, Karangahape Road, Newton. : . . , ; WANTED Known—Jusb opened up, hundred of pairs fresh Boots, bought at McArthur's Sale. Infants' Boots from 6d per £air; Children's, 7 to 10, from 2s 6d pair: Ladies' leather Slippers, 2s fedpair; Mens Bluchers. 4s lld ; 218 gross Boot Laces from 3d per dozen; Boot Protectors, 4 bags for 6d.—At Miller's Boot Palace, 112. Victoria-street. WANTED Known—Thab thoroughly . seasoned Timber, Sashes, and Doors, can only be obtained from the Kauri Timber Co. (Limited). . WANTED KNOWN. IS FOR 4D. To Introduce Seven Famous Special Preparations in Auckland, we will Sell for One Month Only the following ls articles for 4d, so.that everyone may get a Cheap Sampler-Voice Tablets, Indigestion Tablets, Shaving: Foam, Dental Cream. Hair Brilliant, Healing Salve, Complexion Pearl, 4d. Call early and secure bargain.-THE EUCALYPTUS DEPOT. Victoria Arcade and Newton. Sent post free, Id . ' ::- ' ' ■" -' '■'■,■■.' WANTED Known—Thab Bad Legs can be cured, no matter from what cause or how long standing. No cure, now pay.—Apply Z., Newton Post Offlce. >___ TO~A"N _f~E~Dv 'KnOTW~N. SPECIAL SALE OF MANTLES AND JACKETS, Newest Shapes, at Less tban Half Price. HATS, imported direct from manufacturer, Luton, from 6d upwards. PLUSHES, all colours, at 2s 6d, worth 6s Ud.; Be Early and Get the Pick. D A V I D GAR R IO C K. Kasangahape Road. WANTED Known—House Furnishing ~ Ironmongery, Pots, Saucepans, Fry Pans. Gridirons. Boilers. Kettles, Basins, Pie dishes, Meat Dishes, Cake- Tins, Tubs and Buckets, Washboards, Mincing Machines. Patent Potato Mashers. Charcoal Irons, and the many little things needfuHn the house set cheap and good at J. & J. mOKEY'S, 234, Queen-street^ * ' WANTED Known — Wedding and Birthday Present*-Best Table and Tea Knives, best Electro-plated and Nickel Silver Spoons and Forks, Electro-plated and Britannia Metal Teapots, Cruet Stands, Toast Racks, Butt»r Coolers, Biscuit Jars, Butter Knives. See the choice assortment at J. &J. DICKEY'S. 234. Qneen-etresfc. "W ANT ED KNO WN. SPONGES. 7 Special value at HASLETT'S Pharmacy, 184. QUEEI.-BTRBET. WAN TE D Known—Thab W. Spedding, Karangahape Road, has received a large consignment of really good Scotch Fingering Yarns, which he is selling at the unprecedented price of ls 9d per head. The largest variety of woola and Knitted Goods in the provinca. Knitting Machines for sale. WANTED Known—The besb quality of Ladies' Scissors, Cutting Out and Button Hole Scissors, Embroidery and Nail Scissors. Tailors' Hairdressers', and Paperhangers' Scissors, Diapers' Scissors, Lamp Scissors, are to be had at reduced prices, from i J, & J. DICKEY. 254. Queen-street. WANTED Known—Thab "Purchaser-* for Cash can procure Locks and Hinges of all kinds. Nails, Brads. Tack.., Screws. BraisWKre in great variety, Ci-rpentors' tad Joinera' Toolh, Saws, Brace., Planes, Han-mars. Chisels, Squares, Files, and Bits, cto\ at reduced prices. -J. S_ J. DICKEY. 234. Queen-streot. /,"-*• WANTED Known — Khan during our Clearance Sale, Brushes of all kinds. Brooms, Wbisks, Mops. Scrubbers, Chamois. Cleaning Paste, Furniture Polish, Brunswick Black. Glass and China Cement, can-bo purchased very cheap for Cash, at J. & J. DICKEY'S. 234, Queen-stwat. 7 WANTED-Knownj-Genuine Clearance Sale, for Cash only. Our entire Stook ot Hardware. Brnshware. Cutlery, and Platewaro Is now offered, at greatly reduced prieos. Good* must be sold.—J. ic J. PICKET, 234. Queen-st. i ARTNER wanted wibh £1,000. to old estaLbllshed Steam Flour Mill Baiiamt, doing very successful trade.-©. WiUIMMOO, .]to^s^Vv3. ft_«iiH}twet_-■-* - W^m^
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
Word Count
1,031Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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