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.:. .'' • To Let. :■ •;• ;77 TO LET, in Stanley-Btreet, 2 Housesone 7 rooms and one 4 rooms.*—Apply to E. Tait, Mirble Works. Rutland and Lome streets TO LET, 6 T roomed House, .gas, city water, just painted 'and renovated, excellent view.—Ligar Place, facing Cemetery Bridge. Graf ton Road. ' . , >■ TO LET, the large Shop in Queen-streot. situated between Esam and Arthur's and Jones' Auction Marts;' rent low.—J. J. Macky, Estate Agent, Victoria Arcade. TO LET, pleasantly situated Residence," six lofty rooms, bath, lately painted, washhouse and boiler, large graund, off Jervois Road.—Address Delta, Star Offlce. ' . "'>i -•*•■":■ TO LET or for Sale, Mount Albert, 9roomed House and 5 acres Land, in garden and paddecks, at present occupied by Mr S. Day.—W. Frater and Son. 97, Queen street. O LEASE, Exchane-e, or For Salb, Oh .easy terms, a small Farm, good 6-roomed House and outbuildings, about 13 miles from tow.—Apply Star Office. .■; ..'-■}. ■■■■<: IRON SHED, 25 x 18, and Yard to Let, in Albert-street, near Durham-street.— James Stichbury, Coombes' Arcade, Queen-st. 7-' -:.7 For Sale. .-/_• ■~ . '■■■."•< IHOR SALE, a stud-tyre Safety Bicycle, changeable gear, latest improvements.^ Address Maxim, Star Office. ; FOR, SALE (bareain), Two Shop Sashes Rendell's Old Shop, corner of Pitt and Grey-streets.—J. W. Hewson, on the premises, or J. M. Lennox, Queen-street. -. . - FOR SALE near Three Lamps, Ponsonby —4,5, and 6 roomed Houses in good order. —For particulars apply Mr Daw, Wood-street (behind Suffolk Hotel). tpOR IMMEDIATE SALE, best part of Ponsonby, 6-r6omed House, with washhouse and other conveniences, city water, concrete paths, close to tram.—For address apply Star Offlce. ■ ■■ ■ ■ "■■■'■' ' FOR SALE, in Mangere, one mile from Bridge, comfortable Homestead, two Acres of good Land. 4-roomed.Cottage, stable, cowsheds, and other out buildings, concrete dairy, tanks, orchard and garden.—For particulars, apply to S. Gooseman, jun., on the premises. . JJ* O R S A L E, 114 h.p./Multitubular Steel Boiler, lOOlbs. pressure, v ■:■•"■' 1 16 b.p. Semi-portable Engine, fitted with reversing gear, and new steel boilor, with extra large Are box, 801bs. pressure. 1 10 h.p. Cornish Boiler. 601bs. pressure. 1 6 h.p. Double Cylinder Engine. R, H. YEOMAN, i Albert Boiler Works. I7IRESH EGGS—Any quantity, ls per . doz. at Gallaugher's, "Victoria-st. BOUSE of superior Furniture for Sale, a bargain.—Apply Star Offlce. PIANO, by Bord), in first-class order, «15 10s; also, English, £14.-H. L. Hoffmann, Newton, i RARE UHANCE FOR EMNTERPRISING MAN.—To Let. Sell, or Lease, in tertrt. to suit Leaser. Tenant, or Purchaser, sixroomed. House, Dairy, good-sized Fowl-house, 50 Fruit Trees (all bearing), piggeries, a neverfailing spring well, throe acres of flrstclass Land, fenced all round with Hobart Town palings, surrounded with pine trees, half hour's walk from Queen-street; a bus leaves Queenstreet four times a day and stops at the door. Suitable for nursery or market garden, overlooking the harbour, about 100 yards from water-s edge. - For particulars apply W. LYNCH, Clarendon Hotel. O SPECULATORS & GARDENERS. —For Lease or Sale, 17 acres rich Volcanic Land. Splendid site for a house. To suit purchasers, it will be offered in three parts.—Apply to Mrs Symonds, Onehunga. ,___ ___*-_ €% — ORGAN, 2_ sets reeds, 13 _$&____./w stops, by Debaln, original price £40.—A. G. Thackeray. Richmond, Road. )'r-\ ,18U%[;,.. ~;.,.., '.' J _~_'. . ;;. V . g _~.'., ~, ' ? r *|. Kost and Found. LOST on Thursday between Lake Takapuna and North Shore. Parcel containing Lady's Hose and other small articles.—Howard at Patterson's S i ables, North Shore. LOST, in Queen or Victoria-street, Box containing Gold Brooch. A. G. Bartlett stamped oh box. Alan, name on brooch. Reward.—Mr Bartlett, Watchmaker. STRAYED from my paddock. Eden Crescent. Two Bay Draught Horses.— Reward on returning to 3.3. Craig, Fort-st, Lectures, Etc YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Corner of Wellesley and Albert streets. , PROGRAMME OF WINTER COURSE OF LECTURES, &C Commencing each evening at 7.45. FRIDAY, JUNE 29.— Concert, conducted by Professor Schinitt. FRIDAY, JULY 13.-Lecture. Rev. George Burgess, F.R.A.S.: "Revelations of the Telesoope," with numerous Limelight Elustrations. FRIDAY, JULY27.-Lecture, Professor Arnold Tubb3: " With Spade and Bucket" (recent explorations in Cyprus). FRIDAY, AUGUST ia-Concert, conducted by Mr J. H, Philpott. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24.-Lecture. Rev. S. J; Serpell, Thames: "The Most Wonderful Book in tho World." FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7—Leoture, "The West Coast of Africa," illustrated by beautiful Coloured Limelight Views, with Reminiscences and Portraits of the late Right Rev. Bishop Hill. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. - Lecture, Professor C. W. Egerton, M.A.: "Proso Fiction." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5.-Concert, conducted by Mr J. P. Hooton. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. -Lecture. Rev. R. Scott West: *' J. M. Barrie" (author of " A Window in Thrums.") FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2-SocialGathering. Tickets for the Course-—To admit two. 4s; Single Tickets, 2s 6d: Single Admission, ls. May bo obtained from the Booksellers, the Sunday-school Union Depot, Members of the Committee, or in the Library at the Rooms. THOMAS HUDDLE, Hon. Sec. Wm. BRAKENRIG, Gen. Sec. Wanted. WTN'T ED X NOW N, SPONGES. Speoial value at HASLETT'S Pharmacy, 184. Q-BEN-fiTREBT-,; -- — — * WANTED Known —If yon -require Garden Tools, Spade, Digging Fork. Hoe, Rake, Mattock. Axe, Pick. Slasher. Hay Rake, Scythe, Hedge Shears, Lightning Saw, Crosscut Saw, Hand .Saw, Syringe. Watering Pot, or other Tools, go to J. & J. DICKEY, 234, Queenstreet. ANTED Known—At the Is and 6d Bazaar, opposite the Bank of New Zealland, Karansahape Road, you can obtain wonderful value for the money: 4,004 articles to select from. None more tban Is, or less than 6d. Don't f"il to pay it a visit. TOnFARMERsTGARDENERS~AND OTHERS. '-■ Wanted Known that R. & W. HELLABY'S ROOT MANURE, •Which is now stated by experienced men to bo the Best and Cheapest Manure on the Market for POTATOES, TOP-DRESSING AND • SPRING CROPS, Being composed of Bono. Blood and Meatßof use ACTS VERY QUICKLY. A Trial Solicited. * Price, £5 ss, Less 5s Pel- Ton Cash Discount. Also, Manufacturers of PURE BONEDUST. Prices and Analyais on Application. R. AND' 'Wi HELLABY, SHORTLAND-STREET. Works. Richmond., BRO^^toBEL^&^CM4GJSgTO, - , •-'' "''"'• . - - - sp> "• "r'r **-"?"*; v.", !." ■;■:,.-.«>;■;. .
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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953Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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