Telegraphic Weather Report FOR TO-DAY.
ALL OBSERVATIONS ark taken at 9 A.M,
Not*:.—To correct barometer for elevation at L Manukau (alt. 900 feet), odd *9; Cambridge ' (alt. 208 feet), *2, *.'-: ' ' ".-■-J Wind Foacf Indicated by LteTTKRS.:',L7| '■ C.Calm; L., Light; Br.. Breeze;' E.B.Eresl-! breeze; M,G.,_Moderate gale;, G., Whole orii heavy gale; W., Gale o. exceptional severity, .j WEATHEB ESTIMATED AS 8., Blue sky, be the atmosphere clear or heavy S CL, Clouds; passing clouds; D., J_hteling.rain;_{:L F-, Foggy; G., Gloomy, dark weather; IL,. Hail;.L. Lightning; M., Misty; 0., Overcast,', the whole sky covered with thick -oloudsV P<»]. Passing showers; Q.;: Squally: R., Rain, conij; tinned rain; T., Thunder; S,, SaoWi U., Ugly]| threatening appearance, . - i 4 f r- ••' ". , ' /.„...".;. '. i
■r-,,., .-■■■..' j . Station. Wind.' Bar. Ther. , in Sh'de We&t*-.; b. .... o. 7 .'O.Pi'-::. C.B. 0. B. -*;>i B.O.;; B.O. - 0/71 O.K.' B. G. 7" O. '■••■ B.C. O. I v I —* tussell ... lokiangaHeads Manukau Heads iLUckland 'ambridgo 'isborne lapler .. ••.. 'astlepoint ... Sgmbnt ... .. few Plymouth Wellington ... _ail_oura ■__ Vestport ,yttelton )unedin Huff „ .'. C. WSWbr S.W.lbr S.W.I. C. '"(::- O. -. -■■'■ W.l. S.W.I.; W.'l. C. C.i c. S.E.1. 0."' ::.' S.W. 1. N.W.I. 30*17-30-12 .29-20' 29*93 29*90' • 30-00; ',30-0l'-j 30*07 I 30'08'i 30-02 ; 30*05 30-02 30*12 • 30-04 i 52 56 51 -. 65 42 ' L.63-., 53 ■■,A5;: s :,46:7 46 I .'47 .' 44 . '49. 41
Telegraphic Weather Report FOR TO-DAY.
Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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