Showeryweather. * , ,; Rewi is dead. " '• '-■'777.7Ovalau left, for Fiji; , . ■ 'Frisco mail arrived. . v Shortest day passed. Alameda lefb "for Sydney. , ' ■ ;,. '" Talmage lectures to-nighb. Long rango riflemen meeb to-night. Sir Maurice O'Rorke elected _peakeif_77 S.s. Ruahine has Btarted for Wellington} Jubilee Kindergarten annual meebiag4cqi| day,.-.: '■■■•,;■:■■ .■•■. ■'.'.,.- :.■■ „•,,•■*. ■,;/,,<_.*".7 ; \", Big Blundera" at ihe Opera Housei nighb.- '-'■>■[ '~ ••' -.!* - ■ ' Proposed to plan.'native tr_a|.;ojjfe;,fcjjjg;' Lakeroad. >'■'*.....•.••■-.•■ ■;■■,-.< ::-':;7i;• Tvt v i: Newton Pigeon, iiPoaUiy, ,aad Canary Show opened to-day. ,/ Tmj. . Staff to be presented to Bishop Of M«a« nesia to-night at All Saints'. 777'": Newton choristers visited AvondalqLunatic Asylum lasb evening. [$. ~ •*_.*_.>■'■>■ £1. E. Kenuedy, one of tho victims of yestei*day|a explosion, has a wife ia "Canada. ; 7 7?.7 '■' ': '■'■["'•. ■ .. Lv;::.-., ''■ -'.7.^-**' The Legal Commitbee of the; City Council are framing a by-law to deal with gambliug in the Domain; ~ ~.. _~ •,.,.■/., . ,!;;..,7 rv. Orange social at Otahuhu to-nighb.. 'Bus leaves Protestant Hall, Newton, at 6.45, not 7.45 as advertised,, •' v The colonial mails. which lefb Auckland for 'Frisco on May 19bh, arrived in London v; on Wednesday afternoon last. : • ' \; | "The Land Q.tieebioii *" wasLide>l. Wifeh.s by Mr Walsh a. the lasb meeting of tha^! Eden Terrace Literary Socieby. 7*l Wellingbon Harbour Board has accepted'i the tender of the Westport Goal Company J for bhe year ending March 31,189_». « : The City Council, Finance Commibbeo | recommend a lease of land ab Arch Hill taj Ah Chee ab £3 per acre for six acres. .;[. ... Mr" B. Pebry, VicbOrifL street, near Royal Hotel, working jeweller, notifies thab old gold and silver is mado into new .articles at<, a small cost., ~/ , ■ . Mr H. W. Northcroft gave judgment for the plaintiff yesterday afternoon ab the Magistrate's Courb in the case of Ernesb John Swan v. Thomas Wells, claim £2 10s Hd. - .7. :" • ' \. The Street? Commibtee of the .City Council has reported that there ai,. no funds ■'.< available for works asked lor in. r Marine Parade and drainage of Sentinel . Road. ~■ ~ ' '. ~;',' < i '■'.. j The Streets Committee of .iba LClty .f Council paid a visit to the approaches ab ' Cox's Creek Bridge. They have asked tho < Newton Council to submib their suggestions 1 of fche leasb expensive method of doing whab :. is required. * , 7 7-. ■■-•" .-j The Pitt-Btreeb Weßleyan Literary Socieby | occupied lasb evening with musical items,J and anecdotes of personal adventure by | Messrs Bellhoiise, Rosser, Mathesoh, and I Johnßton. Mr Ormiston was elected to t^l Union Parliament. ' 7 v.}:'! "Rotomahana, Pasb and Present," Was the bible of a mosb interesting lecture dec > livered last nighb in the Beresford-Bbreo. | Congregational Church by Mr Jbsiah * Martin. "Limelight views wero shown by Mr C. Cooper. Mr English presided. ;> The Christchurch Industrial Associate has decided, ab the requesb of .the Ooverajty ment, to appoint a•tebmmlssibh^te^i^lSo^.l into the effect of the Customs tariff Lflppa manufacturing industrieg.. ah^J_o w^co^||t| paeud Buchvariations as-will- footer them. , Samuel Dlckiey, while trucking'quartz ior the Crown mine at Karangabake, meb with a narrow escape. The horse and three trucks overturned into the river, Dickey - having to jump to save himself. He 7 escaped miraculously, bub the horse was killed and the trucks smashed,
Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 1
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