It is a long time since the Opera House presented each a sea of faces as it did last evening on the occasion of the first lecture in New Zealand of the eminent preacher and lecturer, the Rer. T. de Witt Talmage, D.D. Tbo stalls and pit were crowded to .overflowing whilst the dress circle also could not have accommodated many more. On coming on to the platform the reverend gentlemen, whose fame as an Orator and lecturer has reached even such a remote country as New Zealand,' was received with great enthusiasm. His first lecture was,on tbe subject of "The Bright Side of Things," and subject and lecturer were well met. As he stood before tbe audience, uniting till the applause subsided, it could not have been possible for any other living man to have given such an illustration of -he practical application of the views heard Insb evening with regard to the wisdom of looking upon the .' Bright side ef Things," as tbe veteran preacher himself did. His radiant face showing an abundance of humour and perfect indifference to the cares and broobies which other people are in the habit of making mountains of, his tall, erect figure evidencing a degree of activity which .or a man of his years is indeed remarkable, could not have been more in nnison with Ahe opinions subsequently expressed. In his opening words the reverend gentleman made a brief reference to tbe fact, thab he had arrived not more than an hour or two before, and that he had not expected he would have been required to commence tuis lectures so soon. He then at once dipped deeply into bis subject, proceeding from a humorous description of the fault-finder and the disagreeable person to point oub the consequences pf baying bad manners. The lecture was interspersed with innumerable anecdotes illustrative of the humorous side of the way of regarding the peculiarities ot men, and from the commencement till fully an hour and a-half later kept the audience in almost one continual uproar. He expressed his great pleasure during the evening that he had been accorded such a hearty reception, and said be could only return the compliment by asking them if tbey came to New York not to fail to call on bim, but he could ask them kindly not to come all at once. In the concluding wordß of his address he imparted a specimen of bis great oratorical power, which held the audience spellbouniat the charm of his oratory and the unstudied simplicity of his style. From a graphic description of the great fire at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington as contrasted with the appearance of the Capitol at the time of the disastrous conflagration, the distinguished orator drew an admirable simile to prepare tbe way for his final words that against every adverse influence which the preaent state of the world gave birth to, Truth, Liberty and Justice would for' ever remain unshaken. To-iiight Dr. Talmage will lecture on •• Big Blunders." !'..,;'•
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 3
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 3
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