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The Clerk of the House (Mr Friend) puts the question "Tbat Sir Maurice O'Rorke be. elected Speaker." "Aye,*' replied a chorus of voices. "No," shout a weaker party. The bell rings, the doors are locked. Messrs Lawry and Mills are appointed tellers for the eyes, Messrs Newman and Tanner for the noes, and members divide into two streams, which flow into opposite lobbies. From-tbe firsb ib is evident that the right lobby receives a larger current. In accordance with Parliamentary, Major Steward votes for hie rival, who acts in a similar manner. The former goes into bhe righb hand lobby early, Sir Maurice lingers behind, and, glasses in hand, enters the left lobby. Ab last he records his vote and gains his scab. AFTER THE DIVISION. Major Steward comes back from the right in company with Mr Seddon. He knows bow it has gone, and ia smiling good-humouredly in spite of defeat. Asi he passes Sir Maurice he whispers some-* thing, perhaps ib is '* You've gob ib." Before his friendly rival has had time to see from whom the whisper proceeded, the Major has glided into bis seat. Bach sits in the old attitude—left hand to the mouth, and the righb thrown over the back of the bench, lb is only for a moment. The next, tbe Clerk has declared tbe result of the division: Sir G. M. O'Rorke, 4s; Major Steward, 19. Whab a majority 1 Tbe following was the division list:— . Ayes 45. Buchanan ' McGuire Buick McKenzie, (Woihemo) Button McKenzie, R. (BuUer) Cadman McLachlan Cameron Meredith Carnell Millar ■ Carroll Mills Collins Montgomery Crowther Morrison O'Regan Duthie Graham Parata Guinness Pinkerton Hall Reeves Harris '/ Russell (Riccarton) Hogg Russell (Hawke's Bay) Houston Saunders Kelly (loverc-rgill) Seddon* Kelly(BayofPlenty) Stevens Long Steward f*_js, •••■*•. Mackenzie, T.(Cl'tha) Ward Mcintosh Wills Massey Wilson McGowan Nobs, 19. Allen . McNab Bell Newman Buddo t O'Rorke Duncan Pironi Earnshaw Smith (N.P.) Flatm.n Smith (City of Ch'ch) Halt-Jones Stout Hu tchisoo, G. (Patea) Tanner Joyce ; Teao '~.>'.; Maclin"'.. '.7'7:|> ..■'./'.'■. ;'_".._. r '..; No pairi wew .euorded. -
SIR MAURICE TAKES THE CHAIR. Sir. Manrice takes bis place in bis old chair; the chair he has so well filled, and thanks the House for the high honour conferred on him. The new Sergeant-at-Arms, Colonel Fraser, advances with tbe mace and lays ib on tbe table. Handclapping is heard on all Sides, most for Sir Maurice and some for the ColoneL Then Mr Seddon congratulates the new Speaker, and Captain Russell, from the Opposition benches, follows with more congratulations. Then the Premier rises again, and the House adjourns. 7 v LABOUR BILLS. „ •'...;.,.■> These measures are nearly ready for presentation. The first two to be introduced will be those rejected last year. These will, it is expected, pass rapidly through the Lower House, and be sent to tbe Council without going through the, Labour Bills Committee again. Tbe most important of the new measures will be the Masters and Apprentices Bill. It will, among other things, deal wibh the case ot girls who, nnder existing conditions, are kepb at certain occupations for a year without wages, and then discharged before being taught bbc trade properly. EDUCATION LEGISLATION. The Minister informs me that- three measures of some importance will be introduced in connection with the Department of Education. One will be the Endowed Schools Bill of last year, and another is a School Amendment Bill. The third is to effect amendment of the. Industrial Schools Act, so as to enable the Department to have more effective control of children between the agea of twelve and fourteen years. Its effect will be to prevent children rescued from evil influences lapsing into the same again, and ib will also facilitate a great extension of the boardin^-oub system as applied to such children. THE OPPOSITION. There has not yet been any meeting of tha Opposition party, and probably there will be. none till next week. Captain Russell's action in congratulating Sir Maurice O'Rorke upon bis election to tbe Speakership does nob imply that he is leader of the party. Mr Mitchelson will nob arrive till Tuesday next, and shortly after that date the party will meet and decide whether to appoint a leader or proceed by way of Committee. Experienced members of tbe party recognise tbe futility of hoping to defeat any legislation proposed by Government, and tbey will nob favour a policy of obstruction. If tbere is to be trouble during the session it must be looked for in anobher quarter than the ranks of the recognised Opposition. THE LABOUR MEMBERS. Though the labour party has no existence aa a separate organisation, I believe those who directly represent the labour interest will hold a meebing and determine upon a line of action which shall, as before, embrace a general support to tbe Seddon Government. '_■.-••«■'.-' . JOTTINGS, All of tlie members of the House were present aft) the opening, except Sir George Grey, and Messrs Green, Fraser, Hutchinson, Mitd. heleon, Thompson, Heke and Wi Pere. It is shared that the Governmenb will only appoint two whips this session, and these will, be Mills and Lawry. There was lasb year a smaller, consumption of intoxicants ab Bellamy's than ever before, yet the establishment shows a credit balance of £91, which compares well wibh the loss.B of previous years. There are two members in the presenb House who were members in 1861, ana these are Messrs Saunders and O'Rorke. According to Major Steward he and O'Rorke have sab more sessions togebher in tbe Hoqse than any otber two now in ib, His record is 22 years and O'Rorke's 33. The '. Evening Post" says that Mrs Yates is to be down shorbly to assist the passage of the Onehunga Cemetery Reserves Bill through the House. Mrs Yates is reported to be an active lobbist.
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 3
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966THE DIVISION. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 3
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THE DIVISION. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 3
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