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With reference to Cr. Atkins notice of motion thab tbe Finance Committee of the City Council tako into consideration the Mayor's annual report, which shows that tha income of the Council for the coming year will be £1,100 lees than the expenditure, tho Finance Committee have reported to defer consideration of the matter until after the annual accounts are before the Council. Tho Finance Committee also report to the Council that upon further consideration and advice they are not satisfied that the power to borrow to pay the overdratt existing in 1886, under section 189 of that Act, would apply when the debib balances have since considerably variod. They, therefore, advise no further action with regard to tbe special order, bub thab bho necesbary steps be taken to convert the amounb of £11,900 falling due in November nexb, for which a sinking fund already exisbs, The Slbreets Commibbee of tho City Council have recommended thab a deputation of the Parnell Council should interview the Council ab tbe nexb meeting relative to the borough water charge. '• With reference to the question of lighting the city by electric light, the Committee have also resolved that a reply be senb to tho Harbour Board thab bho Council are not at presenb prepared to consider the question. Three inebriates, all of whom were 6rst offenders, were fined the usual amount nt the Police Court to-day, Messrs VV. Walters and T. Tudehope being the presiding Justices. A man named Anthony Bruckard waa also committed for trial on the charge of having committed larceny as a bailee of four brooches, one gold watch and chain, two pairs of earrings, and other articlee, of a total value of £20. Inspector Hickson prosecuted, and Mr J. O'Meagher appeared for the defence. Evidence was given by Mrs Margaret Adams, owner of the articles, who stated when she came from Sydney the accused removed her, luggage from tho steamer. A trunk containing the jewellery was missed, bab somo days afterwards .was banded into bhe accused's charge, who senb it to the owner. The jewellery was not, however, found in the trunk. John Olsen deposed to the accused pawning the articles wibb him. Evidence was. also given by Detectives Grace and Chrystal, also by Messrs T. E. Sinel and W. F. Dickey. Prisoner, reserved hia defence, .and waa admitted to bail,, himself in. £20 and two sureties of £20 each.
The ordinary fortnightly meeting of bhe City Council was bo have taken place lasb nighb, bub in consequence of bbc calamity bhab had overtaken the Mayor's son-in-law, Mr J. W. Lusher, a quorum was nob presenb. Tbe Town Clerk apologised for the Mayor's absence, and the Town Clerk, Crs. Trenwibb, Stichbury and Kidd each in burn expressed their sympathy with Mr Holland. It "was bhen agreed to adjourn the Council for a fortnight, although Cr. Kidd suggested bhe meeting should be held next Thursday. Out of respect for Mr Lusher the usual Thursday practice of All Saints' Athletic Club was postponed, and the Ponaonby ab Home is adjourned from tonight till Friday, the 28th. ~, The lease of the City. Markeb was submitted for sale by auction to-day by Messrs Alex. Aitken. After some competition the leasehold was bought by Mr D. O'Kane ab a monbhly renba) of £61. This is nearly double bhe price obtained lasb time, £35 per monbh being the highest bid. The lease of bhe old Council chambers was also offered, bub as pnly £57 was bid ib was passed in, >The yachb Abalanba, which some weeks ago waa completed by Mr C. Bailey for Messrs Canning and Smith, of Napier, lofb yesterday for her destination. For some time the yachb has been cruising round bhe Hauraki Gulf and up Norbh. Her owners express themselves highly pleased by the manner in which the yachb has acted both as regards comforb for cruising and speed. Mr Canning, one of the owners, lefb yesterday in the yacht, which is manned by three seamen, and it is his intention to call at several of bhe places of interest, including White Island on the run down the coast. A shorb sitting of the Magistrate's Courb was held this morning, when Mr H. W. Norbhcrofb dealb wibh bbc following cases : —James W. James v. Donald McAliater. Defendanb was ordered to pay 5s per woek towards liquidabion of a claim for £13 4s. Emanuel Martin v. John Hurley, claim £2 ls 6d. Defendant was ordered to pay the whole amounb beforo tho 29th instant. A similar order was made in the case of Charles Hesketh v. Walter Veitch. An arrangement was made at the Paris Conference of 1890 for bhe International Bureau at Berne to' prepare an official vocabulary of code words for bhe purpose of cabling. This work is now approaching completion, and it is expected thab the list, which will consisb of about 20,0,000 words, will be issued shortly. The words will be arranged alphabetically, and will be numbered consecutively 000,000 to 200,000. The employment of words taken from this vocabulary will become obligatory for all code messages exchanged between stations in the European system aftor the expiration of three years from the date of its publication. It is expected thab bhe use of the words contained in this vocabulary will also become obligatory for messages exchanged with tho extra-European (i.e., Australian) system shortly after the nexb Conference. These Companies propose to sell the code vocabulary to bhe public ab cost price, plus an amount to cover freighb. The price will probably be something between 10s and 15s per copy. Orders for this book should he received beforo Juno 28th, at the local Governmenb Telegraph Office. A meeting of members of the Auckland National Association waß held ab their rooms, 123, Qaeen-streeb, lasb evening, when bhe quesbion " Has tho policy of the presenb Governmenb been beneficial to the working-man " was debated. Mr John Batger presided. Mossrs Bell and Ewington spoke ab some lengbh to supporb bhe negabive eido of tho proposition, and at frequent intervals were applauded for their remarks. Mr T. Prosser, junr., has opened a very fine boob shop in those central premises adjoining Cochrane's auction rooms, whore he has special facilities for manufacturing boots and shoes. He calls his place "Tho City Boob Mart," and means to secure by quality and prices, a large share of the public patronage. The attention of masters, owners and agents of vessels is directed bo a Harbour Board notice which appears in our advertising columns, respecting tho lodging of manifestos of the cargo of vessels at the office of the Board. Mies Amy Vaughan's Amazons are ready with another new and interesting programme for Saturday night, in the City Hall. The new bill includes a large number of new and *• drawing " items. On Wednesday evening lasb, Rev. R Ferguson dolivered a highly interesting lecture in the Onehunga Proabyterian Church, on "A Knighb of,the Nineteenth Century" (Lerd Shaftsbury). The musical portion of the programmo was provided by tho Misses McAlpine, A. Stevenson and Harris, Messrs Mincher, Mc Alpine, and Barclay. There is evory probability of Sb. James' Hall being taxed bo its utmost capacity on the occasion of the second of a shorb series of popular orchestral and chamber concerts to be given on Monday evening next, under the direction of Miss Clarice Brabnzon and MrS. Adams. The programme prepared is a first-class one, and contains a number, of new items, of a most pleasing character. The Newton Choristers, under Mr W. E. Baxter, entertained the patients ab the Lunatic Asylum lasb nighb with a concerb, Mr Enoch Wood presiding. Geo. Fowlds bought an immense quantity, of warm winter overcoats at half price, and is almosb giving them away. Heavy pilot cloth overcoats at 15s 6d.—(Advt.) The New Zealand Clothing Factory are selling men's colonial tweed sac suits ab 21s, knicker suits for boys, colonial tweed, from 7s 6d, Marvelloas value.—(Advt.)
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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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1,317Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 148, 22 June 1894, Page 2
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