BIRTHS. ADAMS.-On Maroh 21, the wife of Rev. T. Adams of a daughter. ALDERTON.-On March 4, the wife of F. R. Alderton of a aon. AVENttLL.—On February 23, at her residence Beach Road. Devonport, tbe wife of W. Avenell of a daughter. BAILEY.—On Maroh 2, at Nelson-street, Mra J. Bailey ot a son. BROADGATK.-OnMarch7. at her residence, Coromandel. tha wife of H. M. Broadgate, chemist and druggist, of a daughter. BOLAND.—On February 26, at her residence, Princeaa-sireet, Onehunga, the wife ot J. Boland of a aon. COOPER. — On March 9, at her realdenoe, Spring-street, the wife of J. Cooper of a son.
C'LKAL.—On February 21, at her residence, Ponsonby Koad, tho wife of J. deal of a son, DOURICK.-On Match 24, at Railway-street, Parnell, Mrs Dourick of a daughter. GWODI_?.-On Mnroh 12, the wife of J. M. Gcddla of a daughter. GKESHAM. — On Maroh 2, at Boauch_,mp Lodge, Te Awamutu, the wifo of Thomas Grosltam, solicitor, of a son. BILL.—On March 17. at Bath-street, Parnell, the wifo of laaao Hill of a son. HA.MPTON.-On Maroh 21, at Ponsonby. Mrs W. Hampton of a aon. KING.—On St. Patrick's Day, at her realdence, Yincent-atreot, the wife of Jno. King of a eon. LOD tER.-On Maroh 9, at Remuera, the wife of William Lodder of a daughter. OGII.VIK.-On March 14, the wife ot A. N. Ogilvloof a aon. PKKKINSON.-On March 17, at Helensville, the wife of Joaoph Perklnaon ot a daughter; both doing well. RYAN.—On Maroh 0, at her reaidenoe, Wol-ltnttton-streot, tho wife of Mr G. Ryan of a 808. RuvVE.-On Maroh 14, at Ths Avenue, Mount Eden, the wife of J. 8. Rowo of a daughter. STAFFORD. - On Maroh 13, at her roaidonce, Lorno-streot. Mrs D. Stafford of a daughter. BA.NKKY.-On March 18, at hor mother's i astdeuca, England-street, the wife of H, iSan.rey of a daughter. WILiLIAiVIS.-On March 2, at her residence, Wyndham-Btreot, tho wifo of Mr John Williams of a daughter ; both doing we 1. WHKWtCi.L.-On March 8, at EHerslto, the wifo of Thomaa Whewell of a daughter. WAIT.—On March 5, at her residence. Lower Vincent-atreot, the wifo ot James Wait of a Bon.
MARRIAGES. BROWN-BTANNAWAY.-0n Maroh 1, at tho reeidence o£ tho bride's mother, Toka Toka, by tho Rev. T. G. Brook, W. J, Brown, of Dargavllio, to Laura Stannaway, fourth daughter of tho late James Stannaway, of Toka T.ka. Northern Wairoa. BRKOKON-GRH.EN.--On March 11, Bt St. Peter's Oh^roh, Onehunga, by the Rev. W. K. Mulgan, Edward Breckon to Jane Hawke. a-coml daughter of Charles Hooper Green, of Onehunga. BKLL-COFFEY.-On March 11, at Lincolnstreet, Ponsonby, by tho Rev. W. Dittos, Horace Roland Bull, eldest son ot the late Dr. James Bell, physician and surgeon. Port Albert, Kaipara, to Annie Coffey, second daughter of the late Samu.l Coffey, of Olasgow.—Homo capera please copy. DONNELLY-DOBBYN.-On March 9, at St. Benedict's, by the Rev. Father Downey, 0.5.8 , J. R. Donnelly, of Dublin, to Margaret Dobbyn, County Watnrfbrd, Ireland. FOX-HOOPER.-On Martih 4. at St. Mark's, Kemuera. by the Rev. 3. Kittdor, D.D.. the Roy. Arthur Stewart Fox, of Taranaki. to Laura Margaret, eldest daughter of John Roasl Hooper, Esq., of Fernle*. Port Chalmers. HAYR-UNDKRHILL-On Maroh 8, at Melbourne, Harry Henwood Hayr. of Auokland, to Elizabeth Mary Underhill, of Melbourne.ll SPOTTWORTH-QOSSET.-On Maroh 9, atßt. Mary'a Chnrch, Parnell. by the Rev. H. S. Walpolo, Walter Woddlngton Spottworth to Emily't. VISCO-FREBSTONE.-On March 23, at St Patrick'a Cathedral, by the Rev. Father Tuckwoll Joseph Visoo to AUoe Freeatone, oldest daughter of Thomas Freeatone ; both of Auckland.—sydney papers please copy.
DEATHS. ARBUCKALE.-On Maroh 7, at Surrey HUIb. Andrew, the only and beloved eon ot Matthew and Anna Arbuckale; aged 11 soars 9months. At homo with the Lord.—Manoheater and Glnagow papera please copy. ANDREWS.—On March 3, at his oarenta' residence Arawa-streot, George John Edwin, youngoat aon of George and Caroline Andrews, la-o of Papakura Valley ; aged 2 years and 1 months. __.UNKW.~On March 11, at he-t parents' roaidonce, Newton Road, Amy francos M., dauehter ot 1, and R. Agnew ; aged 2 years and 11 months. ARMISTKAI..-On Maroh 13, Charles Stanley, Bon of Anthony Wilson and Sarah Armlßtead, of Avenue Head, Parnell: aged 6 yeara. BICRGGRKN.-On March 12, at hor residence. Customs-street We.t, Catherine, the buloved wifo of 3. A. Berggren, and daughter of Mr P. Shoehy, of Belmont, Ohinemnri, late of County Korry, Ireland j aged 22 yeara.—Homo papera please cooy. BURNS.-On March 18. at the reaidenco of Mr Moore, WelUngton-streot. Jamea Burna; agod 50 yoara. BRUCK.—On February 28. at the Provlno'al Hospital, James Bruce, late assistant in Mr W. H. Dampior's boot shop, and fourth son of Donald and Sinclair Bruce. Walrangi, Waikato ; aged 18 years. BLVKH.. —On February 28. at the Wade. Martha, the boloved wife ot John Blake; aged 83 y>wa. Deeply regretted. HRACEWKLL.-OnMarchs,ot tho Auckland Hnapltal. James Braoewell, engine-driver. BOYD.-Ou Msrch 10, George Boyd, of the Nt'wton Potteries ; aged 81 years. BOKTHWIOK.-On March 12. at Cobden-atroot, Newton, of dysentery. Thomas, tho youngest .onof C. M. Borthwick ; aged II months. . BOYOE.—On Maroh 21, at West Qaoen-atroet, Sarah, the beloved mother ot William Boyce ; aged 57 yeara. BI_AUBEI_.-On March 11. at his residence, Lowor Nelson-Btreet, Adolph Blaudel; aged 28 yoara. CAMBIif. -On Maroh 8, at London street. Ponsmby. Coralio, infant daughter of D. S. and Meroy Onmbio ; aged 6 months. CAMMICK.-On March 10. at his parenta' re.ldenoe, Lorno etreot. G'nrgo Joeeph, second aon of Saiuutl end Slsslo Camm'ck; aged 5 yeara and 3 montha OAKR.—On Maroh 19, at Ponsonby, Alexander vVallls, around aon of the Rev. Thomas G, and Matilda P. Ot.rr ; aged 2 yeara and 9 months. CAVANAUGH—On March 1, at Mrs Bennatt'a, Hnbaon-atreot, Jamea Allan Vincent, infant Bon of the late J. J. Cavanaugh, of New York, and of Emma Cavanaugh, formerly of Vlncontstreet, CONQUKR.-At Edwin-streot, Rocky Nook. IMohard Ernest, the bolovsd aon of Henry and Elizabeth Cononer ; agod 2 months. DOURICK.-On March 21. the beloved wife of William Dourlok, Rallway-streot, Parnell; aged 41 yeara. Moy she rest in peace. DKBBRG.-On March 21, at Douglas-street, Ponsonby, Carl Franz Deberg, infant eon of Rudolph and Anno Deberg; aged 5 woeks.— Dunedin papars pleaao copy. BNTRICAN.-On March 12, at Augloseastroot, Joanna I.abol, the only and beloved daughter ot Andrew J. and Lizzie Entrlean ; aged 10 months. EDMONDS,—On Maroh 22, Gordon Edmonda; aged 14 months. FROST.—On Maroh 1, at Bond street. Arch Hill. Anl .mala Landers, daughter of Thomas and Mary Frost; aged 15 years. GOOCH.—On Maroh 4, at hia parents' residence, Pitt-street, Alfred William, Infanteon of C. A. and F. Gooch ; agod 4) months.—A waiting tbo resurrection. GARLAND.-On March 9, Jane Elizabeth, the beloved wife of W. O. Garland, of Parnell; aged 27 yeara. GOLDIE —On Maroh 13. at Grafton Road. Daisy May. twin daughter of James and Catherine Ooldie; agod 10 months. GERHARD.- Oa March 2, at Devonport. Henry Colvllle, the son of Jamea Porter and Catherine Gorrard; aged 10 months. GIBBINS.—On Maroh 2. at her late residence, Paget-Btreet,RhodaHelena,yonngestdaughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Glbbina; aged 8 yeara and 5 months. GKAKE. -On March 1. at his residence, Moeler Cottage, Uppor Pitt-street, Robert Poaao Goako. tlio boloved husband of Sarah Jane Geako, late of Lannoeeton, Cornwall, England. Home p.pera please copy. GUNN.—At her parenta' realdenoe, PompalHor Terrace, Ponsonby. tbo infant daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Gunn ; aged 12 months. GUEST.—On March 18, at Sunnyaldo, North Shore, Auokland, New Zealand, Mary Jane, tho beloved wife of J. E. Guest, late of Forest Hill. Kent, formerly of Newton Abbot, Devonshire, England ; aged 45 years.—Home papers please oopy. HARRISON.-On Maroh 21. at the parents' reaidenco. Duke-street. Cambridge. Joseph Henry, infant son of Joseph and Eliza Harrison ; aged 9 months. HOttAN.-On Maroh 23, at Otahuhu, John Hbgan ; aged 44 yeara. HARMAN.-On March 16, at his parents' residence, Brighton Road, Parnell, Arthur George, second son of Arthur and J. Harman; agod 3 montha.—" Suffer little children to corns unto me." HUNNISETT.—On Maroh 21, at his residence. Cobden-atroet, Newton, John, the bolnvert husband of Mary Ann Huonisett; aged 81 yoara. "For ever with the Lord."—Sussex papers ploaso copy. HOOPER.—On February 27, at St. George's Bay, Amelia Hooper ; agod 65 years. IRVINE —On Maroh 8. at Brown-street, Ponsonby, John, the son of John and Eliza Irvine; send 11 months LYNAS.-On March 12. at Ponsonby, Winnie, the beloved child of Thomas and Ellen Lynas; aged 13 months. L^RKIN—On March 14, at his parents' reaidenco. Mount Eden Rood, Erncat John, the youngest son of James and Kate Larkln; aged 11 months. LA.URIE.-On March 22, at Newton, Edith May, infant daughter of Matthew S. and Mary Laurie ; aged 1 months. MUIR.—On Maroh 17, at Belmont Terraoe, John Muir: aged 38 years. MALCOLMBON. - On March 17. at Plotonstreet, Ponsonby, Mary Laing Maluolmson, the beloved mother of Wm. Laing Malcolmeon, land agent. Auokland ; aged 76 yeara. MORRIB.-Suddanly, on Maroh 12, at the reaidenco of her husband. Pitt-street, Frances, tbe beloved wife of Joeeph Thomiß Morrlc (bandmaster of Garrison Band, Auokland); aged 44 yeara. MOODY.-On February 21, at Inglewood, Taranaki, Grace Brown Charlotte, the beloved wife of Jamea Moody, of Mannkau Road, Parnell. MALYON.—On Maroh 11, at hor parents' residence, Eden Terraoe, Isabel, the infant daughter of W. and E. Malyon; aged 3 months. MoDONALD.—On Maroh 19. at his parent.,' residence, Charles Frederick, the beloved son of William and Annie McDonald, and grandchild to the late Andrew McDonald, formerly mauler mariner; aged i months.—London papera pleaae copy. MCDONALD.—On January 25, at her parents' residence, Auckland, Katie, third daughter ot William and Annie McDonald, and grandchild to the late Andrew McDonald, iormerly master mariner; aged 18 months. Deeply regretted. — London papers please cop/. MoLENNEN.—On Maroh 22, at his residence, Victoria-street Weat. Daniel, the beloved huabaud of Margaret McLennen; aged 45 years ; a native of Pogwash, Novia Siotia. NELSON.—On Maroh 3, at the reaidenco ot C. Soper, Sackville-.troet, Lars, infant son of Jessie and tho late Thomas Noleon; aged 3 months. NYBERG.—On March 5, at the parents' realdenoe, Seafield Viow Road, Percy Ludveg, youngest son of Hjalinar and Maria Nyberg; aged 3 years. - NEWHON.-On Maroh 16, at the residence ot her parents, Winchester-street, Newton, Ada Frances, the infant daughter of Charles and Bessie Newson.
O'SULLIVAN.-Cn Maroh 16, at her parenta' reeidence, Qeorge-street, Ponsonby, Margaret Mary, the fond daughter of John and Jane O'Sullivan. PEROY.—At her realdenc?, Wellesley-atreet East, after a long and painful illness, borne with Chriatian fortitude, Francea Peroy, the beloved wile of Kdward H. Percy, baker. QUEEININ. —On March 15, at Commercial Road, Arob Hill, Miohael, the belovod husband of Margaret Queeinln ; aged 39 years. RKNWIOK.-On February 27, at Norfolk House, Ponsonby, Thomas Maohattle. beloved infant son of John and Fanny K. Renwick, and grandson of tbe late Thomas Milne Machattie; aged 9 months. —English and Australian papora please copy. ROBSON.—On March 15, at Graham-atreet, Charles Jo.lah, twin eon ot Charles and Mary Robaon ; aged 6 months, REID.-Ou March 20, at Rocky Nook. Arthur Fri-derio George, infant aon of William and Je .sio Koid ; aged 7 months. SYMS.-On Thursday 11th March, 1880, at the residence of ber brother, H. J. Syms, Wake-flold-atreet, Auckland, Jane. Bocotid daughter of the late Joseph Syms; aged 11 yesra,Thamea and Waikato papera pleaße copy. SOUTHWEU..—On March 10, at the rosidonoe of Peter McArthur. Chancery-street, James Bouthwell, late of H.M. 10th Foot: aged 67 years. SMITH.-On March 23, at Papakura, after a long illneaa, Ai_nie, wifo of Mr William Smith; Bged 54 yeara. STAUNTON.-On February 27, at hia parenta' residence, Renall.street, Ponaonby, Arthur Donatus, twin aon of Rtohard and Elizabeth Staunton; aged 1 year and 1 month. SHOVE.—On Maroh 7. at- Wyndham-atreot, Meorge Ernest, infant aon of Thomas Henry Shove ; aged 3i monthß. SIMPSON.-On Maroh 17, John, the beloved huaband of Margaret Slmpßon, fell asleep in Jesus; aged 11 yeara.—" Absent from the body. Preßont wl'h the Lord.' SLOANE.-On March 16, at Marino Parade, Ponsonby, Janioa Hawthorn MaoMullon. youngest twin aon of Margaret and Walter Sloano ; aged G months. THOKNK.-OnMarch2l,at Ponsonby. Maggie Gertrude, infant daughor of William and Kllem S. Thome ; aged 1 monthe. VEYSEY.—Drowned on March 23. at Auokland, ltlizabeth Grace Veysey : aged 19 years. WILKINS.-On Maroh 21, at Jervols Road, Ponsonby, Walton Claud, infant aon of Walton ~?r,fi?.I_'Jlttrlolte Wilkina; aged 6 months. WRIQLEY.—On Maroh 4, at hor late roaidonce, Uppor Queen atroet, Sarah, the beloved mother of Edmund Wrigloy, boilder. of this nSiS&iJfR64 OSyoars. Deeply regretted. WATSON.-On Maroh 7, at Victoria-street West, Frances Amelia, infant daughter of hA. ?-J"J?-. aft nd Margaret Watson; aged 5 months, WHITTLE.—Ott March 7. at Cros_-atreet, Newton, John Whittle ; aged 40 years. WOODB.-On Maroh 14, Metrla, the beloved wife of W. J. Woods, of Whaugarel; agod 27 years.
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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 78, 27 March 1886, Page 5
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2,084BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS. Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 78, 27 March 1886, Page 5
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