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Another Competitor for the Mail Contract.

VTe are glad to observe that tho proposed new contract for tho conveyance of m-uin between America and this colony is attract ing prominent attention. Mr William Center, a member of tlio Oeoinic >toa'nship Company of San Francisco, wna a passenger by tho mail rtuamur Australia, which arrived this morning, hw object being to obtain particulars ot tho terms of contract with a view to his Company tendering for the service. Should this Compuny obtain tho contract, not only would our mails bo safoly carried in war lime, undor tho American Hag, but the mail and passenger service provided would oe of tho best possible kind. Tho Oceanic Steamship Company at prosant a mail service between San FrancUco v.a! Honolulu -supplying two splandi i no.v steel alcamships of 3,000 tons each, moft superbly n'ttod up. Tllc^o .-teatncis, whicharonamed theAlamodaund Miirip >;«, have a of fifteen knots per hour, ami if required could perfoii) U.u voyuge betiveen thia culuny ami California in leis than eighteen days. Mr Center cannot, of couiso, cay definitely whether or not his firm will tender ; but we learn that there is no likelihood of tho Pacific Steamship Company tondering on the, forms offored. In thee lircumstances it is gratifying to know that at least ono Amorieun company thinks tho prospocts sufficiently good to send a representative hero to inquire fully into tho tormn and conditions. Botwocn tho Ucennic Company of Sun Frnncisco, tho Union Company ot Nov.' Zealand, and tho two largo comptiniefl who aro running the direct steam servicj to London, there is tlio certainty of tho colony securing an American mail sorviee superior to that of tho Pacific Company, justly famed though that has been for speed punctuality, and comfort. Mr Carter leaves ior Wellington tj-morrow morning, so that he means to 10.-o no time in carrying out the object of his visit. After an interview with the head of tho l'o»t Ollieo Department ho will bu in a position to say whether or nut his tirin will tender.

By some unaccountable mistake, which will bo found referred to in our mail news on tho eighth pago of to-day* i'Piio. n ])irtionottheAmoricanmailswiiichshonld hive enm« by the Australia ha>'o been desp itrhoi] by way of Brindixi. Thin mintake, «hich may causo eoneidorible inconvoninnrat, appears to have beon the result of -oiiio mieapprohenfion on kiiO part uf tho Wusli ington authoritieH, but slops were be.iig taken to prevent a recurrence of tho error.

The Bunk of Now Zealand recoived from their Thames branch binf evening, p-.r Kotoraahana, 4,008i"i7* of ({old, valued at about £11,000, purchased within lirtki more than threo weeks

Mr Gamble, United States Consul, received a note from Dotoctlvu Tracy, il-ittd Honolulu, stating that tho prisoner, Max well, gnvo no trouble on tho way up, but bohavod very well. Ho refused, howovor, to enter into any conversation on tho Fobject of the murder.

Benjamin Poolo, of Kingeland, mi»fcr< mariner, filed a petition in bankruptcy to day.

Tho Island mail steamer Janet Kicoll, which arrived in harbour thia morning, brought3obags of mailmatterfromsouthern ports of Now Zealand.

Tho Tramway Company have commoneed laying the first section of tho linoH in tho western circuit of tho city. Operations have been begun at the cornor of Pitt -afreet and Karangahapo Road, a gang of mon being hard at it last night until a late hour in making tho first connection.

Further particulars are to hand respecting tho fAti-1 shooting accident nt KaitMo. Tim deceased young man, Nelson Jimes Laiuiut', wont out shooting in tho morning, and as ho did not return that day, a search party was organised, They found the dead body with tho pun lying within « foot of the head, and the muzzle pointing towards the wound. It is supposed that tho doceased slipped and foil, and that in somo way or oilier the gun accidentally discharged, causing death. Tho gun was not loaded when found. The jury returned a verdict of "Ascidental Doath."

Mr F. Nowall, of Auckland, in tho not of stopping out of his buggy when in Otuhuhu, met with a slight accident. lie stepped on a stono and dislocated his unklo Dr. Empley was sent for, and Mr Nowall was taken into the Criterion Hotel, whoro tho doctor reduced tho dislocation. After a fow hours' rest an easy express was frocured, and Mr Nowall removed to his own residence

Professor Tucker bus resigned his seat on the Board Q f Education, on account of hi*projected early doparturo fov Melbourne. Hin resignation was received with rogrot ut yesterday's meeting, and tho Board passed a voto of thanks tj him for hie services.

Mr Cookson, manager of tho 'Vaiorongomni tramway, had his collar-bone dislocated yesterday by being thrown from a loaded truck which becaino unmanageable while being taken down. Ho was also severely bruised and shaken.

Tho Board of Education havo roeolved not to increase tho accommodation at Nowton West School on account of the small oito. No suitable site for another school being available on Surrey Hills estate, the Board will look out for a site, if it is shown that more accenmodation is required.

A Duoedin telegram, received to-day, pays : —Jt is rumoured in commercial circles that two large commercial houses ore in ibomporafy difficulties, but it is beliaved that both will be able to arrange. Some email failures are also reported.

An interesting concert was given last evening, in Epiphany Church, in aid of the lands. The Rev. Pr, O'Caltoghan presided and introduced the proceedings. The church waa crowded. Misa Hamilton and several gentlemen from St. Thomas's assisted. The Misees McLeod eang a duet with accompaniment. Duetp weie also rendered by Misses Hayle?, and Mies and Mr Oribbia (pianoforte and cornet). Songe sung by Mrs Stanton; "Twickenham Ferry" (encored), by Miss Lightfoot and Mibh Partington, The local latter carrier ouuKjd great amut-ement by his enmio song, " Lo?o iiefctora," and Mr F. A. Clarke w/in applause by his touching m lody, "My jJeaft's A.vm'." The concert wbbsuccessful,

Thomson's Diorama of the Soudan War, with gift distribution, opens to-night in tho Theatre- Royal.

Tho erection of tho fresh-water baths at the foot of Cook-streeb is now being pushed forward vigorously. Already the stone foundations aro completed, and the brick walls have reached above the level of the road. It is expected that the baths will bo ready for use by the time the hottest summer months havo arrived.

Trenton's dam Frailty, dropped a fine colt foal to Musket at Sylvia Park early this morning, and Tres Deuco and Petrolouso also colt foals to the samo sire.

Complaints are made by writers in the Wollington papers respecting the judging in tho band contest at Wollington Exhibition. Judgo Fenton and Major Eccloss havo withdrawn from the Judging Committco, loaving Mr Macintosh the sole judge.

Wo aro roquosted by Mr Bthoridgo, tlie Receiver of Land Uovonuo, to call attention to tho neiiomity of all choquos payablo to tho Receiver of Land Rovenuo being maikod previous to receipts being givon — as advortisod in another column.

The wrostling match botwoon Rowiy and Fagan for £50 a-sido and tho proceeds of tho housa cornea off at the Lome-street Hall this evening ac S o'clock. Mr Barrott, of tho Nevada Hotel, is stakeholder, and Mr Arthur-son has consented to act as judge for Reany, and Mr Wright for Fagan. Great intorost i.-i felt in tho result of this match, as Fagan i.-< merely an amateur, h lianas Heany is a profos3ionul. 'U pro -en!" bt-ttlng i. sli^liH.y i:i favour v' Ruuny, his backers offering JCIOO to £S0 To-night will prove whether tlie "Hpirits" foretell truly, as Mr.-; Clara Baldwin prophesied that Kenny would be succesßiul in tho contest, i liv in*:tc:i will bo in Cumberland style.

The following tni'or.s wore received toliny liy MowkE. Mahuii.y and Son for tho

.■! of a now Church ■>'■ lleloiifrviilo

j.I. ■ ■ ■iitiooliio, .IMIG; T.-,y /ami Mitchell. £:<!ir>; A. William", £885 : Hiywood and lilasgow. i"3B-.'; l\nk an.1 Vllon, t'ST.'i; O'Moii'-ii •■and Ko.=o, i'37(>: V Buckley, i':;U7 : Smith and liowo, f.S.i::

Considerable intere-t wad uroused during yesterday and today by the splendid display of gifts made at. tho onfranco to tho Theatre Koyul by tho proprietors of Thompson* Diorama of tho Soudan War. Those presonts, including a handsomo drawing-room suite, a gold watch, and over 200 other articles, will bo givon away among the spectators at the Diorama this evening

Wo nro assured that Cr. Goldio was oironeons in his statement at tho City

"ouncil mooting that only ono effort had boen made to legally enforce payment of outstanding rates. Two batches of defnuttinf! ratepayers huva bcmi brought bofnro tho Court.

At tho Honrd of Education meeting yesterday, MrOarr waf elected n inembeof tho fcicholarships Regulations Committee, and Mr Upton ot tho Girls' High School Committee, vice Professor Tucker (resigned).

f'ho first of tho supplementary "socials " in connection with tho I'onsonby Social Union look place la^t evening, and was a prcat pucsess. Tliero wore about thirty couples presont. Tho programme comprised no lesa than nincteon daiipcs Shciiluin's band of six porforuiersdiscoursed delightful music, mid Air VV. J. Kocfl made an etliciont M.C.

Tho Secretary of the Auckland Liberal Association has received from the I Ton K.bort Stout, tho Premier, a parcel of 300 c pies cif f.'iof neeohejdelivered by tho Hon. Mr Biillnnco and himself on thn poennd rending of tho Native Lnnds Disposition Bill, for circulation.

Very fov. facts beyond those published in our last evening's iejuu wore adduced at the inqut.-t 011 tho body of tho murdoror Gschnoll, who committed suicide at tho Asylum on Thursday, I'r. Young said the deceased wiu> .in Au'trhm and 4!! years' of •lire. He used artificial respiration for time-quarters of an hi)tir after tho body was cut down, but witliuut success, .fumes No.-diuid William B) run gavo ovidenco to the samo effect tis was published by us yesterday, aiui the jury, after n short dclibjniiion, returned tlio lollouing \ordict : —

" the deceased committed suicide by hanging himself when in a state of mental aberration," Thoy attached no blamo to anyone.

Tho members of tho Young Men's Mutual Improvement Class in connection with tho Tiibumai'lo wero entortnined to tea lust evening by tho pastor, Rev. TIIO3. Spurgeon, when, lifter doing niuplo justico to tho good tilings provided, a social mooting was held. Tho pastor gavo a very interesting address, with practical illustra'ions, on "Tho Art of Wood Engraving." During the evening readings wore given by Motors C Bu>wn and T. iipurgeon, an address by Mr B. Bell, address and recitation by Mr Hinton, profcMnr of olocution, and fonga by Mpwr-Huvtab-i uiuiW. Andiens A bout 40 tuimbu's v.eie p.usent, and spent a vory enjoyable ovoimig. At tho close a vote of thiink>9 wa) pa-'.-eil to Mr Spurgeon for his kindnesp.

Wo iiiiiJt-ntunil that Mr Charles Hennt^t, ngci't ]'ii ilio valuublu patent beer extractor which h»* inst with such ready .sulo in Auokland, intends visiting tho Wnikuto nn,l district.! (also Gi.-borne, Sapier, I'ictnn, Nclfon, and Blenheim , befurti having tor Sydney. Ho aisu iiitomla railing on the club* aid I/if lumniiidur of the hotels in .Auckland next week with s..mplc.i. Thi<» will be his limd visit, nnd, judging from tho fact that hu invitu.J tho Ucone.-t investigation from our city hotul-kiopurs, and from tho tvstimoniais appearing in our ndvri Using column, iiu i* likoly to moot, with n luitlier and oxtonsivo .-alo for this ingei.ious and

I'rofcAor nnd Mrs RaMn-in gave List ni'.:!it. before a l'irgo nudienon in tho TheHtro Koynl, tho last of their highly interesting mind-reading, clairvoyimt, and sleight ofhand performances. Tiio closii.g item o tho programme was a mesmeric uoai:co. About thirty persons went up on tho platfuiin, and I'rofeesor Baldwin operated upon fully a dozen of thorn, making ouo to jump like a frog, another to swim like a fish, a third to nurse n lag baby, a fourth to hug as a sweetheart the muuo articlo, v (if(h to orate and sing, and a couple more, fancying thorn selves pugilists, to engage in a fistic bout. Bjfori) they could bo Reiiiratod, ono had managed to put tho other's left visual organ into heavy mourning Thia exhibition of mesmeric power was completely successful Professor and Mrs Baldwin pet form at the North Shore on Monday

A meeting of tho North Shoro Hegatta Committee was held in tho M'isonic Hotel, Devon port, last evening, Mr M. Niccol providing. It was resolved that tho Regatta bo hold oi< oither tho 7th or 9th of Novomber uoxt, and that it shall include a champion whaleboat rnco, Maori canoo rnco, canoe hurdle race, and Naval cuttor race. The following ofticors were olected : —

Patron, Sir Frederick Whitaker ; VicePatron, Chairman of tho Auckland Harbour Board; President, Mr W. I. Hurst, M.11.11. ; Viccl'residoiits, Messrs E. Mitchelson, M.H.R., B. M, Stark, M. Niccol, W. I. Featherstono ; Auditors, Messrs E. Burgoss and E. Vosper: Secretary, Mr C. C. Dacro ; Treasurer, Mr C. Bailey ; Committeo, Morters J. Niccol, C. E. Alderton, M. Ifccsing. Crtptains Norris, VV. Anderson, Messrs If. Parker, E. W, Ali3on, 1!. U. Dudor, W. IT. Fonton, A. Alison, R. Dudor, A. Frasor, and J. Mays. A Hub-comuiittoo waa appointed to rovi^o rules and prepuro a programme for submission to noxt meeting.

Tho following cases wero dealt with at tho Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday : — Dickinson v. Scogor and Thwaifos : This was an interpleader cuso, tho question at ineue boing tho ownership of a pianoforte in tho possession of Soegcr. Mr Thwaites was ordered to pay the executive creditor tho value of tho pianoforte, £14, and costs £2 9i. J, M. Spoed v. Wastoneys : - Claim, £■16 14s, fees. Judgmont reserved. Good man v. Lyons and Blaikio :—Claim £15, for riding tho horse Lono Hand, Judgment for plaintiff, with coats £2 11s.

The annual soiree of the Sabbath School and Band of Hope in connection with the North Shore Presbyterian Church took place on Thursday ovoning. The church, which was tastefully decorated, was closely filled by the children and thoir triends. After tea suitable addresses were given to the scholars by the Roy. Mr McCallum, Mr W. Mitchell, Superintendent, and Mr Knott. Messrs Sibbin and M. Niccol addressed the parents present with reference to tho value and importance of tho instructions given in the Sabbath Bchools, and the great pains and attention given to tho training of the young by their pastor and the excellent staff of the Sabbath School, which appeared to be in a very healthy and prosperous state. Mr Sibbin then distributed the prizes, in the shape of useful books, for regularity and proficiency in Bible lessons. The children -niig a number of hym;i£ and sacred songs ; ■.iiicor two recitations! were also contributed Alter a plontiful distribution of lulling and fruit, given by Mia Gordon and Miss Webster, a very happy anniversary gathering was brought to a close.

The Naval Artillery are to have a church parade to-morrow. This will, wo think, be the largest parade over held in Auckland, of tho Naval Arli liry especially, if thoOnehunga companies can got it, aud with the contingent from the Tham. s. would be the first meeting on pa. ado of members of eticn ot the companies forming tho Auckland division of the Now Zealand Naval Artillery.

With regard to the paragraph in this morning's "Herald" censuring Jthe police officials for not having a rocord of the mesesages received from the Whau Asylum relative to the hanging of tho patient Gschnell, tho jjuardioom-keepcr, Constable MeConnell ha? re, orted to tho Inr-ptctor that ho was on duty on the day in question, and that no message was forwarded to the polica-station concerning the tho suicide Later in the day a warder ueed tho Police telephone to communicate to the Asylum that an inquest would be hold the following day, but no official report was made.

Norman A. McMillan, a bankrupt, was examined by tho Official Assignee to day. JFo Haid that he was a carpenter, and in 18S1 began busineaa with C7O capital as a bush carpenter. Ho lost £00 on his first venture through a Hood. Subsequently ho entered into partnership with a builder named Thos. de Tliiery, and aethoy had no capital but workod on credit, a loss of £100 quite crippled them. Do Thiery filod in Novombor, 1883, and do ponent made an arrangement. Since then he had reduced his liabilities from £280 to its present total of £230 15?. Ho was now earning . rw a day, and had no means nor any prospect of paying his debts.

In uuother pail of oar is^-uo to-day will bo ftiuna iho announcement of a aetlea of six lectures oa g :olorj' aad mining for arti-ana and othoru, to be uivou by I'roftMSor Thomoa in tho jecluru-ioomof tlieUniversitj CullcK-jinEden-at. The locturor will explain in a tituple manner the lcudiug win.iul.u ...f i;<;o'.<w, and taeir apilioaii-m to ;he practical purposua of mining. They will he conioiislv illuKiuted with i-xpi'H-r.uvits and li ■ elii?t:t oingmnii Tuo first leoiuro isllxedfui-Thiu-.-.dav o\u..iiiß..ext.at7.3oo'c oc.(.

Mr ,1. VV. Wilkcs lectured on "Buddha" last, nmht, in the Ne.uon Foresters' Hall, under l.he auspices of the Kationalistie .Vi'oriallon, The lecture wns descriptive of tlie careerof Uuddha, and also contained.-mappreciative review of his moral leaching- Tho criticisms whichlollowod were of a favourable character.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 2

Word Count

Another Competitor for the Mail Contract. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 2

Another Competitor for the Mail Contract. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 193, 22 August 1885, Page 2


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