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WANTED, a Boy.— Apply Publiahei Star Offlcß. WANTED SEEN, the Children Tilstors, from _s Ed, at Gordon Housi j; Wakeflold-street. 1 \TSTANTED, a Good General Servant.- ---■ TV Apply Mrs Buddie. Cheltenham Bead f Worth Shorn. WANTED, a smart, respectable Bo* about ll— Apply J Itoblcy, Princes at WANTED KNOWN—Saddle c Twisted Twoed Trousers, lis. best vain r in the city.—J. Green. 85, Victoria-street. WANTED, Two Gentlemen to occup Two Furnished Bedrooms, with o i without board; best part of Ponsonby.—AddreE ■ " Alpha," Star Oflice. r \ITANTED KNOWN —Men's Whit ■, TT Dress Shirts. 2a lid; Men's Oxfon , Shirts, 3s 9d; Men's Union Crimean Shirts, 1 , 6d, regular price lis; Men's Hard Felt Hats, 2 Od; Very Fashionable do, Is; Boys' Twoed Hat ■ (very strong), Is 9d each.- J. Green, 85. Victoria ; street. ANTED KNOWN-Ladies' Under clothos very cheap. Chemises, reducei from 7s 6d to 3s Cd (shop soiled); Nightdresses ■ 2s 9d; Crinolines and Crinolettes, &c.; Tadioi flannels, both plain and twilled.- J. Green, 83 Victoria-street. WANTED KNOWN.-Dress Goods (ii serges, Cashmoros, Merinos &c, Blacl Volvoteon) from Is Id por yard, Good Wincj »t s*d yard, All-wool Kstonain Sergo atlsSi per yard, French Twillen Flannels Is lid yard —J. Green, 85, Victoria-streak WANTE^KNOVVN^four Shilling! in the pound is tho cash return or die count on all cash purohasos over flvo shillings at Kolsey's, off their Gold and Silver Jewellarj and Fanoy Goods, thoy having to vacate theii premises —Charles Kelsey It. Co . 120. Queen nt. WANTED, another 1,000 Clocks anfl Watchos to cloan and repair; also, purchasers for Waltham, English, and Swim Watohes, Clooks. and Jewellery by Thos. Nuts ford, Watohmaker, Jeweller, &_., next Union Bank, Viotorla-street.—N.B.—All work guaran teed for 12 months; musical hoxes repaired, pianos purchased on commission. W' ANTED TO SELL~Whips (areafiy splendid assortment of evory kind)— Ladles', Gents', Hiding, Driving, Cart; also. Solid Nlokel Spurs, Stirrups, aud the latest aoveltles in Saddlery and Harness; prices are nseless to auybody unless they see the Quality. Come aud inspoot, — W. S. Jones, Wholesale Manufacturer, 183, Quoen-atrai-t. WANTED KNOWN-That Onk Soit made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN. Hob-jon-stroot, will wear longer than a Dozen tCheap and Nasty) Shopdv Surra. WANTED KNOWN. — We supply Hydraulic and Shell Lime. Bricks, Plpos. Salt and Fresh Wator Sand. Our praotionl knowledge of concrete enables us to give customers froo and usoful information on tno uses and treatment of concrete.—J. Wilson and Co., diatoms-street West. ANTED KNOWN—West End Pharmaoy, Ponsonby Road, cheapost Drug Store in town—Holloway's Pills. Is 3d; Cockle'B, la 3d: Whelpton's, Is 3d; Kno's Fruit Salt, 3s 3d; Feeding Bottles, 6d; Steadman's Powders, Is Sd: Porous Plasters, Is and Is 3d: Fluid Magnesia. Is 3d; Citrate of Magnesia, Is 3d; Jacobs 01). 2s 6d ;Do Jongh'B Oil, 2. 9d; Chlorodyno. Is and is 3d.—A J. Blomfleld, Homceopathlo Chemist, Herbalist, and Pharmacist TX7-ANTED KNOWN-Opposition takes IT away Imposition. Bost White Sugar, 3Jd lb; Jams. Od; Piokles, 8d and lid: Fresh Salmon, 8d ; Fresh Herrings, 7d: Flour, 71bs Is; Oatmeal. 2d lb; Potatoes. 28lbs Is; Wheat. 121bs Is: Double Crown Soap. 3 bars, Is Id; Household, 3 bars, Is 2d; good Tea, Is lOd ; very bent, 2s Od; Morton's Goldon Syrup, 21b tinß, 9d; Kel ler's Marmalade, 85d; Morton's Salad Oil, 7d ; largo Tomato Sauce, lOid; Mollor's (half-ulnt), B_d; splendid Cheese, Od and 8d; best No. 1 Rice. 3jd; Barley, 3_d; Sago, 3jcl; Tapioca, 31d; all other Goods oqually as Cheap, for Cash Only.—Note tho address: A. J. Thomiiß, Flores Store, Haydn-stroet (noar St. James's Church). TV^ ANTED KNOWN. During the 21 days of the ECLIPSE SALE at GOODSON" LONDON ARCADE, £2.0001 VALUE in STOCK will bo I £1,000. £2,0001 ottered for |, .1,000, The VICTORIA-STRERT WINDOWS boing filled with GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS, GLASS, CniNA, &o. (Separato Stalls, Specially Arranged), All of which are offered at onb iiai-p rim MARKED FRICE. Wo pledge ourselves that this redaction is a genuine ono from our original marked prico. Soo our Half-Column Advortlsomont on tho ith page. Tho usual Stock and Trado aro not Interfered with by this Grand Ecllpso Sale now on. WANTED, Intelligent people to look at the prices and the reason why tilings oan be done at those prices. J, H. DALTON, City Tailoring Establishment, Victoria-street EAST, Has cleared out a Warehouse Stook at under English prices, and can givo— A Good Suit for 655, usual £310s 8d , 00s, „ £1 OsOd 655, „ £110s0d Trousers 12s Cd, „ £Uoiod „ 15s, ~ £1 lsOd 21b, „ £1 6s Od „ 22s Gd, „ £1 7s Od This is a Genuino Salo, and no blow about It. Every one geta jußt whut they want. Note tho address;: J. H. DALTON. Tailor, VICTOItIABTBKItT EAST. VVT ANTED KNOWN. SALE OF ROBSON'S STOOK. At J. RENDELL'S, Top of Okkv rtrkkt. Net Curtains, 2a Cd per pair. Net Curtains, 3s lid per pair; special value. Men's Tweed Trousers and Vest, 5a 11(1. Men's Tweed Buits (meant for wear), IDs 6d. I'i.kask Notk : A Lot of Hoyle's and other best makes of Print, 10yds. for Is lid. Flno all Wool Flannels, good width, Is OJd and Is 3_d. Customers must boo theso to know the value. Boy's Tweed Trousorß, 2s lljd. Mon's Stout Mole Trousers, 5s 6d per pair. Boy's Kniokor Suits, 3a Od, llnod through. Boy'B Knloker Suits, Is 9d, nicely braided and lined. GO Ladles' Durablo Umbrellas, beautifully mounted, 3a lid. Ladles Corsets, Is Gd por pair, original price 3a lid. Crewdson's No. 2 Stout Calico, 4s id per doz. Dress Materials, 2s lid, 3s lid, is lid tho Dross of 12yds. Tweeds, is por yd.; Nolson do., 2s Bd. 70 inch Twilled Sheeting, Bfd. Ladles' Mackintoshes with Hood, 12s Gd. J. RENDELL. BRIGHTON HOUSE, Top of Giiby-htbekt. V*^ ANTED KlTo WNTHAT KEAN AND ALDERTON, OF WELLE3LEY AND NEL9ON-BTREKTS, Aro Selling FIREWOOD ot the following Prices for CASH :- LONG WOOD.. _ .. 12s Gd por Ton. CUT WOOD .. _ _ 13a Gd „ „ SPLIT WOOD HsGd „ „ Full Weight and Measurement Guaranteed. FORCASH ONLY. _ VTT- ANTED K~N Cf WN. WORKING M_-_T"OF AUCKLAND. Now is tho time to get well Suited at Woollams's for 50s. To raise tho wind for Extensive Shipment to arrivo per Coptic, OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF TWEEDS Will be Sold of unheard-of Prjcps tax 10 DAYS ONLY, Look at the prices marked in the window, and judge for yourselves. W O O L JL, A M S, READY-MONEY TAILOR, Sydenham House (Foot of Grey-street). A N English Lady desires a Re-engage-J\. ment as Governess; English, Musio, and French; can furnish good references; ooun'ry preferred,—Apply Mrs Bell. Parnell Registry Offlce. , . LADY staying in Auckland a few months would give hor services as Companion, or mußlc lessons, in return for comfort* able home.—Address Muriel. Star Oflice. A LADY wishes for employment (study, amanuensis, or otherwise), two hours every evening.—Apply "Soudan," Stab Office. OOR PLATES, Stencil Plates, Dies, Monograms, etc., Engraved at the Star Offlco. ELECTRICIAN.— Wanted, the Address of same that came out in the Doric two voyages ago. - Apply Holroyde and Co., Engineer. IUVEKINEHfci.— __. young Lady, com_T petent to instruct children under 12, williDg io assist in domestic dutieß. seeks areengagument.—Apply Goodson's London Arcade. /~. OSPEL TEMPERANCE PAPER being VJT started; everyone to take a few shares and get subscribers; wanted supporters from all the churches. "_ LADY, teaching thorough Advanced Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra and Euclid, Parisian French, Music, Calisthenics, Latin Grammar and Translation, seeks Employment as Morning or Daily Goveri*e«s fjj gentleman a family.—Address P.KK, .i'AR Offlce. ' OFFICE BOY Wonted.—Apply Stab Cfflce. " PIANIST Wanted, at once.—Apply R. W. Sceats. Waitomata Billiard Room, over Woollams. Tailor, Grey-street. T> A R T NERSH IP. Wanted, to join another in working some businesseap^blepf extension by the introduction of some capital and extra pnrgetic assistance. An Auctioneer or General Agency pyefprrpd, but npt a, sine qua non, or would join in establishing a gqod General Store. First class references glf en and required.- Address in first instance "B'na,Fide," ? ost-sffioe, Aupklapd QITEADY Man Wanted to drive, mgnago 0 a bprse, do garden and farm work—Apply before 1% to J. Kpn4ell, Brighton jffousp, top ot Grey-strpet. ~BWKPM- ALLOTMENT,-Wanted 3y*S. ft> to Sell. 2 grand Building Allof; memo, Rendall Place, off New North Rood; either together er separately; 40 years Lease.— Apply at Once to W. L. Mitchell, Coombes'd Arcade.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3