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Want*__ ' \X7"ANTED, a Man to Cut Firewood.V T McKinloy, Rata-street, Ponsonby Road WANTED, "Employment by thoroughly experienced Florist, Landscape, an! Mark, t Gardener.—..rtrirwß- .V.C.. Star Office WANTED, Employment by a stead* Young Man, able t.i diiv_ nnd mi.l: and willing to make himself useful.—Addresi 0.N.A.. Stak Offlce. WANTED, a Grocer's Assistant witl knowledge of book-keeping.—Apply b' etter, with references, to " Business, Dow ' den's Auction Mart, Quecn-stroot. WANTED, a smart Junior Assistant also Young Lady as apprentice.— J Rendoll, Draper, &c„ Brighton House, Top ol Grey-street. .' "VITANTED, a respectable young Man, II -Apply to R. W. Hellaby. Butcher, * Shortland-stroet, l W-^NTE 0. a K°od Smith ; also strong T T Boy to strike.—Apply A __toria lion Works, VictorlasireetEast. WANTED, a smart, tidy Boy.—Apply T. Barnaby. Butcher and Grocsr, Kings- > land, Now North Road. WANTED, a Smart Boy. — Apply Edgar's Hop Beer Factory, Oxford-st, 1 Arch Hill. _ WANTED, strong Youth as carter for coal and firewood yard. — Apply E Wnrneford, noxt Mr Garrett s. Butchor, Karangahape Road, Newton. WANTED, immediately, a respectable married couplo for a farm; must be good milkers.—Apply London Dairy, Victoriastreet. WANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry, a Young Girl, 15 or 16, to wait tablo, and sleep at homo. WANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry (ostab. 22 years; Telephone 278), Hotol Qoneral iCoromandell. WANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry (estab.22years; Telephone 27a), Walter, 20s (town). WANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry (estab. 22 years; Telejihouo 278), Ejpveral General* and Young Girls. WANTED, a respectablo Youn» Girl for plain needlework.— Apply Stir Hotel, from 8 to 10 morning. WANTED, nt once, a good tidy Nursegirl, for two childron; mußt know how to sew.—Apply Flagstaff Hotel, North Shore. WANTED, a Littlo Girl to attend to a baby and make herself gonorally n« e.'ul. —Apply to S. Niohol. Grocor, Pitt stri 01. ANTED, a respectablo Girl about Hi, for housework.—Apply Mrs Brewer, Ponsonby Road, noxt Monro ami i mcc. WANTED, for First-class Dressmaking Establishment, Scholars and Apprentices ; cutting and fitting taught.—Forbes and Marshall. Uppor Vincent street. WANTED, ~2 Junior Saleswomon for Showroom.—William Rattray, Importer of Mantles. Millinery, and Costumes, 178, 180. and 182, Queen-Btreet. WANTED, by a young lady, a Situation as Companion, or Governess to young childron. Has no objection to help with sewing.—Addresa Beta, Star Office. WANTED, good General Smith.— - —Apply Jamos Maclntyre, Wharf, Onehunga. W" ANTED, a good General Sorvant; three in family.—Apply to Mrs Tonks, Glenfoyle, Reniue._., before 11 er after So'cloek. TTI7"ANTED, a good. General Servant at TT Mrsßurnnand's. Dublin Houso, Wynd-ham-street. WANTED, a good Cook and Laundress ; references required.—Apply Mrs Honeyman, Symond-streot. WANTED, a General Servant. _tefercnoes required Apply Mrs L. Ballin, Llohflold-street. baok of Star Hotel. Nowron. ANTED, a General Servant; personal character good.—Apply before 1 or afterG; small family; 25, Rnssell-stroet, PonBonby^ WANTED, a good Gonoral Servant.— Apply to T. Short, Remuera. WANTED, good Gonoral Sorvant; must bo able to wash, and accustomed to ohildren.—Apply Mrs Ross, Sarsileld street, off Shelly Beach Road. Ponsonby. WANTED, by couple without children, a Small Cottage near Queon-street; must be in an elevated position; rent moderate. -Apply " F. J.L.," Stab Office. WANTED, a good Waitress, also a Housemaid.—Apply British Restaurant, Queen-Btreet. WANTED, a Girl about 14 or 15 to assist in kitchen.—Apply to Mrs Clayton, St. George's Bay Road, Parnell. ANTED.a Partner with_l,ooO capital In a good Paying Manufacturing Business.—Apply to Secretary T. and S. Morrin and Co. (limited). WANTED, a Partner with Capital to start Auctioneering ln my premises; in Sood position, and Btook to start with; open till io 15th instant.—W, L. Roth. Cheap Bodding and Furniture Mart. Victoria-street East. TTSTANTED, Partnership ip a sound, YV paying Business. Capital £250 to £300. —Addresß M. J.. Star Offlce. , WANTED, Respectablo Working Man as boardor.—Apply Summerstroot, Ponionby Road, fourth house on right, near Roberts's Grocery Store. WANTED, ono or two lesj ectable Men as Boarders; terms, 16s ;no others kept. —Apply for address to Mr Peet, Grocer, Welllngton Houso, Wellington-atreot. ANTED, Ono or Two Respectablo Men as Boarders; terms. 18s per weok; comfortable homo.— Apjy Mrs Blair, opposite Masonic Hotel. Prlnceastreet. ANTED, 4 respectable Working Men as Boarders; forms very moderateApply Mrs Darling, Albert Road, Dovonport, North Shoro. WANTED, North Shoro, Board and Residence, in private family, by young gontloman, terms modcrato; permanent.— Apply "P.." Box 118. WANTED, in Parnell, Lady to Board inprlvate family. — Apply for address Mrs 8011, Parnell Registry Offloo.—Hou<omuldu, Cookp, and Lougdresa wanted at once. WANTED, by Young Gentlemen, quiet and comfortable Home in private family, within 15 minutes of P. 0.: terms must be moderate.—Address Domuß, Stab Ofllco. WANTED, 1 or "2 respectable Young Men to Lodge only, washing Included; Gs per week.—Apply Stab Oillce for addres. WANTED, Tenant for New Store or Shop being built in the busy thoroughfare of Customs street Wcßt. Rent easy.— Apply to Q. Rhodes. WANTED, good Freehold Securities for Bums ranging from fllDO.—Apply to J. M. Spood, Solicitor, Exchange Chambers, Durham-street. ANTED, at North Shore, a House of 6or 6 rooms on the weekly payment system, within 15 minutes' walk of Wharf. Please state terms, &c—Address N.S., Star Office. WANTED, a Good Tenant to lease grand Remuora property, consisting of 10-roomed House. Every convenience, liwn, and ornomen tal shrubbery. Purchasing clause granted.—Apply to J. R- Randerson, Auotloneer. WANTED to Sell, 50 boxes of East Coaßt Fruit, comprising fine samples of Dessert Apples and Quinces,—H. B. Morton. ANTED, a plain Room, with use of kitohen, for a singlo man.—Address 25, Star OfflJo. WANTED TO RENT, in town, a House of not less than 5 rooms.—Apply to W. H. Dampier. ANTED TO RENT, an Eight-roomed House at Devonport, close to wharf.— Address Manager Northern Boot Company, Hobson-street, Aucklahd. ANTED; to Lease or Purchase House or Allotment near Ponsonby, Karangahapo, Newton, or North Roads.—Stato particu. lara to Z X,, Btab Ofljco. ANTED, to Hire a Hprse and Trap or Light Cart fpr a few days occasionally. —E.W., STABOfflpe. . , WANTED, Ladies to inspect tho New and Fashionable Costumes, splendidly trimmed, from 18s, at Gordon Rouse, Wakefield. street. WANTED, to Buy a Second hand Billiard Table, with all appliances.Address, stating price and where to be seen, to X.Y.Z.. Stab Oflice. WANTED KNOWN — Comfortable Board and L.doing for Two Roßpcctable Men, 18s por week, corner of Wyndham and Chapel-streets.-Apply Mr Cumnan WANTED KNOWN.—Photographs of Volunteer Enoampmont to bo had at W. H. T. Partington's Studio, foot of Greystreet. WANTED KNOWN.—Dress and Manteling under the management of Mrs Hollingworth, who has had large English and Colonial experience, The Guards and all makes of fashionable jackets made to order.—J. Green, 85. Nictoria-street. WANTED KNOWN, that if William Jones, of Lincoln street. Ponsonby, docs not come and take down Chtmnoy and re-build same satisfactorily before 12t.h instant, I will have it done at his exponso.-.lohn Cuming, Surrey HUIb. . - ANTED KNOWN. -Drapery and OlothlngSaleof Robson'sStock is now on at Brighton House, top of Grey-street.-J. Rendell. l3omo It yon want Cheap Goods. ANTED KNOWN— Chbap Timbbb 1 Cheap Timbebl And all other kinds of Building Material, oan be purohased oheaper and better than anywhere else at the jrard_ of D. Qqldie .Albort-Bf-OOt. TTTANTED at Once, 20,000 Pick and W Shovel Men to Call at Garrett Bros', and seoare Watertights at 8a 6d; Bluchers, Is Gd. Bale will last for One Month only. WANTED, tha Ladies of Auckland and surrounding districts to know that Mrs Corston has just opened a case of KBgli. h and Parisian Millinery, the most stylish in Aupklahd for sba#a and shape. A great variety to ihoose from An inspection mvited.-Mrs 'i-orston, Newington House, /.PSgoifcs Portland House, Hobson-street. . W" ANTED KJIOWN.— Expiration of Le»se, Chi),rleß Kelapy & Co. are n R w offering a cash return offour shilllngß ip eyery __ft_d off all <i3h purohasos of Fanoy Goods Sv-r_«TsMlHng ..-Wlps Kejsey S. Cp., 123, Queon street l ~ . _ __: \%j anted' know?i=Vy« ¥m DOLLARS, CAPES, 4#P TR_MMING.-D. MoPHERSON. Karangahape Road, FUR CAPES, at __/o-. SB Bd, 6s 6d, 8s j 6d,95. One-ssoonlr. '.','' V... '

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 78, 10 April 1885, Page 3