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The Chamber of Commerce and the San Francisco Service.

We publish km our fourth p.igo a letter from Sir Julius Vogel as*~PoßtinaHter-Gono.ral in reply to a communication from our Chamber of Commcrco on tiro postal Kervico via San Francisco. Our Chamber urged on the Government to anticipate tho termination of the present contract about 11 months henco by preparing conditions for a now contract, and suggested that theso Khould include not loss than a 15 or, if possible, a 10 mile service on tlio Pacific, that tho detour via Honolulu should bo saved, and tho distanco to that extent shortened; «lso that, as all tho swift steamers which cross tho Atlantic leave Liverpool on a Saturday, tlic day of making up our mails in London should be altered to Saturday. Tho reply oijtho Postmaster-General can scarcely be ,*Sid to dispose of the question. If tho c.ervico is to bo continued on shorter time, it isOiot too early to invito tonders. Sir •M"18 V'otfol pcoins to be unaware that n ItTpriilo steaming is quite a common thing on>-; tho Atlantic^ Tlio distance from (Jieenstown to Now York in about SfciO miles; this at 10 miles an f*yr would give seven and a-half days, 'ife.rato of speed has been attained any tfcc within tho last ten years. We gave a rterd in our London correspondent's letter qny a few clays nj,'o of ono of theso Atlantic In -'I performing tlio round journey from (J[ \stown roNowYorkandback,including iff lion at tho latter port for discharging ;i tiading, in tho marvellous time of I' 2 i| |21 houid. It w known that tlio I , jl Co. Mill shortly havo two vessels, t mbria and Etniria, which are to have ;i, [mum speed of 20 miles an hour, and V Sable our mails to be put on board in S irancieco within 12 days from London. 1 /ion admitting that tho fast Atlantic sf| iners leave on Saturday, our Post-t»/tor-General should, wo think, have ns trdod more explicit reasons than ho does W f Thursday in pioforred as the day for c| *ig tho mnil« in London. During tho p( >l of subsidies in tho Atlantic, tho in) / for tho United States and Canada w^ 'always mado up on a Saturday, and tl/ j Saturday became tho day of departure orji-hat havo como to bo known as tho ".StlanMc Greyhounds." Tlicro is no lino which adopts Thursday absolutely as its sailing day. Saturday has other, recommendations—for instance, the London weeklies :iro nearly all published on that day. Tho latest of those is rfx weeks old now beforo being received. With tho improved sorvico now recommended, we fhould got them in a month, no moan advantago to tho reading public. One important suggestion overlooked by Sir Julius Vogoly&i his letter, i» that for omitting to call at Honolulu. It is reported that tliGjFacitie mail steamers, are now do- ■ ifaKj^ ny'.njjreomoiit.with sorao other comtrade 1:6 tho Sandwich Islands, cither pasfengers or merchandise, and for the purposes of New Zealand thcro in no necessity ■ for thiri dotour of something like 300 miles. By omitting to call, tho distanco would bo shortened to about u,7UO miles. A 14-mile sorvico would cover this in 17' days; a 10----mile, which i.« tho one wo consider wo are fully entitled to for our subsidy, would do it in 15 days.

Wo hopo the contract entered into with tlio New Zealand Shipping Co. is not going 'to bo made tho excuso for not improving tho San Francisco one. Wo havo no wish to cry off the direct sorvico contract; at tho same time, for postal purposes.the interests of the colony would havo boon best served by putting all our subsidies into ono sum for a fortnightly service to bo performed within 28 or 30 days via San Francisco. Mr Milne merits tho public thanks for raising the question in so practical a way, and the Chamber of Commorce having takon up tho quostion, will push it forward. There is nothing extraordinary in a twentyci^ht dayrf' service; it is perfectly practiCiblc, and j6b with it wo shfjald have tho quickest mail sorvico in the world, and one that would attract a largo .share of tho correspondence betweon England and Australia.

Postal matters appear to have been most satisfactorily arrangod between the New Zealand and Imperial Governments. Tho Agont-.Gencral cables from London that no further matter will bo sent to this colony by way of Brindisi unless specially addressed.

A. young man, who has beon accustomed far months past to propel a pon in ono of the public offices, has just taken wing for other shores, and rumour hath it that a goodly 'number of petty tradesmen are chagrined to think that he did not even take tho trouble to say "good-byo" before. ho went.

Thero was no meeting of tho City Schools Committee last evening, the ordinary business, which was of no general interest, having been transacted at a special meeting held on Wednesday night. , -

In pursuance of his promise to tho deputation which waited upon him yesterday re tho sale of drink atliawhia, tho Hon. Mr Tole at once telegraphed to the Native Office inquiring if that port and district had been included within the territory over which tho sale of drink has been prohibited. This morning, lie received a reply from tho Hon. Mr Ballance informing him that Kawhia had been so included, and that the sale of drink was consequently interdicted there. This will prove reassuring news for tho friends of temperance

At tho Harbour Board meeting on Tuesday tenders will bo received for tho retaining wall, Selwyn Terraoo, and for dwarf wall, ornamontal iron railings, and fencing, for the new v oliices.

We notice that tho splendid block of land at Itemuera which was purchased, by a syndicate from tho Hon. James Williamson is already announced for-salo by Mr B.C. Greenwood. Tho pvico paid was, we learn, £10,000, not £9,000,. and the area is 32 acres, not 33 acres. We also understand that Mr Greenwood is in troaty for another block of about 100 acres in tho samo district, Tho prico mentioned is over £15,000,

.Waikomiti Licensing Comraitteo meeting, appointed to bo hold at Mr Seaman's office this day, was adjourned to tho 20th for want of a quorum.

An interesting ceremony took place this morning when the teachers and pupiltoachera attending tho' classes at the Training College assembled "at the conclusion of the morning's studies for the purpose of presenting Mr McArthur with a very handsome timepiece and a dinner-gong, the workmanship of Mr Kohn, of Quean-street, with an address tastefully illuminated .by Mr JY Slator, Mjss fiilfoyle, on behalf of the teachers, in a noit and appropriate speech, expressed the feeling of very groat pleasure with which the news of Mr McArthur's re-appoinrment had. been received. They had prepared to present him with a token of their gratoful rememborance of the kind and efficient way in .which he had always discharged his duties towards them, andoftheirdeep regret that, inconsequenceof of his intended retirement they would bo deprived of the benefits Which under hie management of the college they had enjoyed. Under the present happy circumstances they bagged his ■acceptance cf their offering an an assurance of their C3teem and sincere contemplation?. Mr McArthur, who was much t affected, acknowledged in suitable terms his appreciation of the good feeling which M}as Kilfoyle had given expression, and thanked the teachers for the handsome present.

11. G. Soth Smith, Esq., R.M., presided at the Polico Court this morning, and disposed of the following charges : —George Jones, drunk and disorderly, 10s; John Barrow, alias Starkey, 20s and costs ; John O'Connell, on warrant, charged with unlawfully assaulting Susan O'Connell, his wife, by beating her, and keeping her out of doors all night, on tho 4th instant. Mrs O'Connoll told a sad tale of her wrong?. She resided at Mount St. Mary, Ponsonby. She'had suffered under his hard hands for seven years, and was weary of her life. She was in constant fear of her life. Constablo Coliis deposed to prisoner's drunken habits, but said that occasionally Mrs O'Connoll indulged pretty freely. There were faults on both sides. Prisoner said he would allow his wife to have her own way ; that she might be satisfied. Ordered to find suroties to keop the peace for threo months, himself in £50, and one or two persons to the eamo amount. Mrs O'Connell then applied for a prohibition order. Evidence was takon, and the ordor was granted.

Tho acceptances for the Auckland Cup and Steoplechase willbe found on tho fourth page,

Tlio election of a board for tho new Waipareira road district took place at tho Hobsonvillo School-rcom yesterday, Mr Seaman acting as Returning Officer. Nino gentlemen wero nominated, but to save a contest four withdraw by ballot, when tho following five were doclarod duly elected :—' Messrs Joshua Carder, William Henry Cooper, Duncan Forguson, Thomas Scott, find George Frederick Vazey. Tho first mooting of tho Board to elect a chairman and transact other business will bo hold at tho odico of Mr Seaman in Auckland on Friday next, 12th inst.

Tho Band of Hope Industrial Exhibition in tho Foresters' Hall, Newton, was open again last evening, and was largely attended. Telegraphic and telephonic instruments at work were exhibited by Mr Furby, and somo microscopes were also in use During the evening suitable selections of music wero given by Mrs Rosser, tho Messrs Elyett and Mr Abel. Tho Exhibition will bo open again thia evening from 7 till 10 o'clock. Tho following additional awards have been made by Mr Eric Craig (judge):—Fretwork: Ist, William Batts ; 2nd, C. Marson. Wash ingtub : Ist, John Smyth. Gum ornaments : 2nd, A. E. Grindrodd. Worsted balls : Ist, Edward Fort. Fire-screens: Ist, Thomas Jones. Models : Ist, A. E. Grindrodd; Ist, John Kay. Whatnot: Ist, W. Downoy. Shells: Ist, William Keating; 2nd, Edwin Robinson; 2nd, Hilda I'lummer. Seaweed: 2nd, Hilda Plumrner, The Rev. A. Reid, who was judge for the prize original story, awarded first prize to T. McGregor, 18 yoars, of Mount Eden; second prize to 11, Coghill, 19 years, St. James's ; and third prize to C. Pearson, 18 years, of Wollesloy-street Boys' School.

"A." sondsa longlettorcomplaining thai although a Jew and in need of help and employment ho has failed to get it from the Hebrew community horc. Our correspondent says tho local Hebrew community comparo unfavourably in that rospect with other Hebrew communities. There does not, however, appear, from the narrative sent, to havo boon any special hardship about his case.

Tho lachrymose drama of "East Lynne " was performed at the Opera House last night before a modnrato house. Miss Crawford assumed tho rflle of Lady Isabel, and displayed considerable aptitude in delineating tho character of tho misguided and remorseful wife and mother. The other parts wore judiciously apportioned, and tho audionce wore by no moans niggard of their applause. '■ Green Bushes, a comedydrama of the Hibernian school, will be produced to-night, and should attract a crowded houso.

The programme of the Philharmonic Society's next concert, to bo held on the 15th inst., appears in our advertising columns. This Society is now making good headway undor the conductorship of llerr Tutschka. Tho orchestra numbers ?5 performers, and there are 70 or 80 vocalists. It is expected that tho cantata, "Tho Lay of tho Boll," will shortly bo placed in rehearsal.

The Melaneaian Mission schooner, Southern Crosfl, returned hero last ovening, after a smart trip of four days from Norfolk Island. She has been absent from Auckland since April last, and has since visited Now Hebrides, Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz, Jones's Islands, and Norfolk Island. So far as mission work is concerned, the voyago was a very successful one. During tho yanr the neople of Nukapu bedamo iri*ndl«~jmdf-ii3 Southern Cross colled sont out by the sisters ofllio"iaie Bishop Pattoson, who was killed at that place. The natives recognised this as a sign of friendship, and assisted in tho work of erection. Tho cross is of galvanised iron, airl boars a circular plafco, upon which is- enf;raved —" In memory of John Coleridge 'atteson, D.D., Missionary Bishop, whoso life was lioro taken by men for whom ho would gladly have given it. September 20, 1371." Bishop Solwyn, who is a pnssenior by the Southern Cross, does not intend to remain here longj and goes at an early date to Sydney.

The testimonials and applications of the six candidates for the Head-maatership of the Girls' High School were duly considered by a full Board yostorday, at the weekly sitting of the Board of Education, and the balloting resulted in the appointmont of Mr T. F. Sloinan, of the Auckland College and Grammar School, to the position of Headmaster of tho Girls' High School. Mr L. A. Durrien was ro-appointed auditor of School Fund Accounts. The following balances for the week woro laid upon the table:— Building Fund, debit, £4,389 12s sd; Education Fund, credit, £3,090 16s Gd; debit balance, £1,298 15s lid. Tho romaining business consisted of applications for small grants, school buildings, fencing, etc.

Dr. considors that Mr Milner Stephen possessos a mesmeric force which might possibly bo used as a remedial or curative agent in certain forms of disease, but he does not believe it will by any means cure every complaint to which human flesh is heir.

An oil-painting, representing a winter scene in Warwickshire appears in the shop window of Mr Leech, Shortland-street. The picture is a work of merit, and was painted by Mr T. R. Attwobd, a residont of Ponsonby. Tho scene includes an old water mill, and adjacent oottages amid rural surroundings and branching elms, laden with new-fallen snow. The situation is near the banks of tho Avon, not far ftom Shakspere's birthtown. Tho artist has caught the true cloudy colourings of the wintry sky, and, altogether, has succeeded in producing a very creditable picture.

About 35 pounds of rich specimen stone has been brought into Coromandel by Mr Blaokraore, who was in town yesterday with a portion'of the find. Mr Blackmore has been prospecting.on behalf of Messrs Greenwood and Lanigan, in the Manaia district. The stone comes from two fine leaders ten inches thick, which have been followed in about 3-5 feet, carrying the same gold. Blackmoro pegged off eighty men's ground, and pointed the ground out to McGregor, who was also prospecting in the same district, and who at once took up a claim adjoining. The find seems likely .to prove an important one for the whole district. The gold is coarse, and of a kind. which miners fancy. £100 havo already boon offered for a twelfth share and refused.

Particulars of Sunday sorvicea will bo found in the usual column. The incumbent of St. Matthow's will deliver a sermon by tho Bishop of Peterborough (Dr. Magee) on "Theßiblo: Human, yot Divino," Kov, T-. M. Frasor, M.A., will lecture at St. David's in the evening on " Instrumental Music in Public Worship." Tho anniversary services of Franklin Boad Primitive Methodist Church will bo hold to-morrow.

Tho "writing in schools" eamo before the Board of Education yesterday, and tho roports of tho Inspector and the Chairman of the City Schools Committee gave riso to a lengthened and animated discussion, It was thought by "some members that some personal feeling was manifested, but Mr Moss, who had more opportunities of judging of Mr O'Sullivan'S general bearing and kindnoss to teacher?, endeavoured to dispel such prejudice, if any existed in the mind of the Board. Tho matter, however, dropped on agreement that Mr J. W. Carr, Chairman of the Committee, should movo at the neift meeting, " That the compulsory teaching of the Yorp Foster system should not necessarily be above the fourth standard,"

Asdiphtheriahas broken outin Auckland, a simple cure for that dangerous disease may be of use, and should be promptly applied in the early stages of the illness. In Victoria and New South Wales a number of bad cases of diphtheria were cured by the following means :—Four drops of sulphuric acid, distributed in a teacupful of water, is given the patient to drink ; the result being that in a few minutes Vomiting takes place, which clears all the obstructing matter from the throat and leads to the speedy recovery of the afflicted person. Several cases whicli had reached an acute stage succumbed to this treatment, which is so "simple as to be within the reach of every, ene, '"

A Press Association telegram from Wellington to-day states that July is scratched for the Wellington Gold Cup.

Actuated by a desire to bring the City Council meetings within moderate limits; Cr. Masefield has given notice of his intention to move that in future the Council shall sit not later than 10 p.m., except upon special resolution.

A meeting of the Auckland branch of the New Zoaland Educational Institute was held last evening for tho purpose of making arrangements for the entertainment or delegates from the South, who are coming up to attend the Conference to bo held here very shortly.

Our Warkworth correspondent writes : — " At the last R.M. Court held here, some eight persons' names wore struck off the electoral roll, and half-a-guinea costs allowed tho Registrar against the following : —Thomas Clinkard (Malcarmi), John Clia?. Wood (Auckland), and Henry Cuthbcrt {lato of tho Kawau), which might have been saved to those parties hud they replied to tho notice sent them. About ISO more notices of objection have been posted, calling upon persons to show cause why their names should not bo struck off the Rodney roll. I believe it 13 the intention of the Registrar to ask for costs in future in all cases."

Dr. Hughes, nf Sydney, delivers tho first of a series of Sunday evening lectures tomorrow. A programme of musical pieces and recitations is also promised. The latter are announced to bo given "free" at the close of tho lecture, but it is no doubt a clear attempt to ov.ide tho restrictions of the Act with regard to Sunday entertainments. It remains to be seen whether the police will adopt tho same course towards the doctor as they followed with regard to the Dunning Opera Company and tho Rationalistic Association.

Edward Brown Reynolds, gum merchant, of Fort-street, was examined this morning on oatli before the Official Assignee. He said he started business in ISS2, and had mot with continuous losses. He did not keep an elaborate set of books, and though ho had not struck a balance, ho believed all along ithat his business was yielding a profit sufficient to justify his expending £f)00 a-year for private purposes. The bankrupt gave further particulars of his assets, and stated his willingness to afford all assistance in satisfying, his creditors.

A gratifying entertainment was given last evening in tho Epiphany Church, entitled "An Evening With Cowpor," Mr F. Clarke in the chair. Tho audience was large and attentive. A lucid sketch of Cowper, his trials, physical infirmities, and humorous poems, by Mr Blackman, formed the opening part of the proceedings, including the circumstances out of which came "John Gilpin," and "Tho Task," and his happy, almost spontaneous lyrics on birds and flowers. During tho evening the following recitations were given : — " Tho Morning Dream," Miss Laura Cowper; "The Lily and tho Rose," Miss Hampshire; "The Nightingale and Glow-worm," Miss Inman ; and "Boadicoa," Miss Ada Williams; " Pairing Time," William Cunningham ; and "Eyes and Nose," William Taylor. Selected hymns from tho Olnoy collection were sung by the choir, Mis<= Pulman acting as accompanist. Votes of thanks closed tho pleasant meoting.

A good concert and entertainment was given in Mount Hobson Girls' School on Thursday evening. Tho room was prettily decorated with ferns and flowers, and was crowded to excess with d quiet ar.d appreciative audience The following programme was successfully gone through : — Tho Chairman, Mr William Tait, spoke a few words of congratulation to the teachers and scholars on the late successful examination, and wished them every happiness in their Christmas holidays. Pianoforte solo, " Home, Sweet Home " Mr Long ; "Theßlue Alsatian Mountains," Mr Garland. Mrs Bispham sang "The Broken Pitcher" exquisitely, and also "Tell Him I Love Him Yet. Mr Charter was in splendid voico, and gavo his two songs with good effect, a rousing pea song," and "The Old Brigade," and as an encore, "Tho Skipper's Flag." Miss Blades sang " The Mill - Wheel " very sweetly, and Miss Nellio Blades "Laddie." Miss SchcrfF played "Silvery Waves"; Mrs Seccombo and Miss Maxwell n duet, " Flow on, Thou Shining Itivqr." Miss Maxwell also sang in a trio, "Tho Gipsy's Tent," with Messrs Garland nnd Collins. Miss Tapper rendored beautifully a duet with Mr Garland, whose voice was faultless, as usual. Captain Mahon's comic Bong, "The . Whistlin' Thief," was well received. /I'wo recitations wore given by -^wnoJUfcid-fHtofito. • -'i'fHi-AUt^tw BrigliframiMastor Frank Long. A fcharado in four acts, illustrating the word " Whimsical," was capitally anted by the Misses Aickin, Kidd, Robb, and Westwood. The scene from "Tho Rivals" was especially good. "God Save tho Queen" brought this pleasant evening to a close.

Preliminary notice of Mr Horace Dean's entertainments appear in our advertising columns to-day.

The Rev. J. Y. Simpson, from Adelaide, Will deliver tho address in tho Theatre. Royal at the usual Sunday evening service.

Tho socond address on "Tho BreastElate" will be delivered thia avening, in the ecture Hall, Young Men's ltaonis, by tho Rev. J. S. HiU.

Tho secretary of the Band of Hope Exhibition Committee requests exhibitors to. take delivery of their exhibits this evening br presenting their numbered ticket a(ter y o'clock.

The secretary of the Choral Society announces in another column that no concert tickets will in future bo sent to subscribers who arc in arrears.

"ROUGH ON CORNS."-Ask i ur \v,: !s '- ■•):-•-«•■-> ■■•■ Corns." Quick relief, coiujtlclo, jJtirmaucut cnie. Lonw, wartu buiiiuiia.

Kcmpliome, l'roasar 4 Co., Asontj, Auckland. About a year age a series of sermons by tho Bishop of Peterborough proved very popular in St. Matthew's Church. Tho incumbent announces throe more of tho saino prelate (Dr. Maya), and promises tho first tomorrow evennino: on " The Bible—Hainan, and Yet Divine."

A conversazione in connection with St. Andrew's Church will bp hold in the Choral Hall on Thursday evening next at 7.30 o'clock. Itproniisostoboagreataflair, and most interesting.

Another baking powder has been placed in tho market by Messrs F. and O. T. Ilonshaw, Chomists and Druggists, Mount Kdcn. Their notice and testimonials appear on our fourth pago. and certainly speak highly of tho new article. No doubt many liousowives and domestics will give it a trial.

On Tuesday next the sale of work and Christmas gifts towards the new Wesleynn Church, Grafton Road, will be held in St. Sopulchro'sSchool-room,Symonds-at.Formoutha past the Grafton Road congregation and their rrionds have been busily preparing, and have obtained n large and handsome nssortmont of goods, both fancy and useful, which have been marked at reasonable prices. ' The-opening coremony will be performed by Mr John Chambers, at 2 o'clock. Admission will bo free during tho afternoon; but in tho evening the small charge of one shilling will be made, when an attractive promenade concert will bo given by a string hand, under tho leadership of Mr Impey, of the City Band. Tea will bo providdd for visitors at 6 o'clock. As tho proocods arc for tho new church, a successful sale may be anticipated.

SKINNY MEN.-'WslMtl.nmewer' restore. Ml* md vieuiu-, awt DyJVo]oia, liiii.iUihv, !>, : Ulily. ,\; li n ,. ••;,;, Krujpll.onio, )'ro««r JtCo.. A».'»l<c An..ui.',,.i.

There will be a full choral service at St. Paul's Church to-morrow, and a sermon by the Right Hoy. Biahop Cowio, "In memoritim— Hon. W. Swainson;" and in the evening, Hoy. C. M. Nelson, M.A., will deliver a discourse on " Watchman, What o[ the Night ?" Anthem, " Hearken Unto Me."

The Sir Honry Havelock Lodgo, N.Z.0.G.T., announce an "At Homo" for Tuesday next, in tho Alexanra-strcet Schoolroom.

Buy tho now Wilson Sewing Machine.—D. S Chambers.—[Advt. 1

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4531, 6 December 1884, Page 2

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The Chamber of Commerce and the San Francisco Service. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4531, 6 December 1884, Page 2

The Chamber of Commerce and the San Francisco Service. Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4531, 6 December 1884, Page 2


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