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TjWv. SALE, cheap, the 20ft. centre-board .&} Sallin-r lioitt Bay Boy, all complete.— Apply to'.T. Haiton, Croaggtreßt, Newton. 17T0R SALE (a real bargain), 20-fbot JIJ ciinlre Ir.anl Open I'o-it, with uv«rj thing nomrlete ami in good onioi-. Must ho to!d.— Apply Stais Ollice. T^l ": 9 R .3 A li . 8,, OHOICK BUILDING tUTHS, CLOSE! TO TOWN, IN PARK AVENUE ASlf) CAULTON GOKE ROAD. j Price reasonablo to persona about to bnlld' KOid honsoH. Terma easy to :uit purchasers. Aiiply to Jlft AICKIN. Chemist, QuPon : 3U FOR SALETfonr prominent level"Kjlofi moiita at the corner of Wullnceand Aruyle HtreeiH, Ponnonby; 48 and GO feet frontages; from 03 10s per fuot. Tnis property coinmarida a ifood, prospective value, situated in a favourite locality. eIO3O lo the Ponaonby Wharf trumway terminus. — Apply Mulcoliii.ton and Ds L'jcy, The New Z- aland House, l^ind, and Kilttto Agency, HlghbUuet. ' J'l\OK SALE^-IINCOLN-ST. -Very nice J littl* Co'-tas^ and Allotnu-ut. 3tx ttO. for <i'2OO. tiood paidt'ii with lruit ticcj In full bearin;.', verandah, oven, etc. Abartfftii'.—Apply l>. P. Evaus. Auctioneer and KbtuU AKCiit. (111! I) Q j^ g A L g_ OORDONVILLE, AVoNDALE-This grand Propcry fron 3 Oruut North ttoad (just S miles from centre of thacity), and with easy grade extends down lo the Wiil'diia'a llarlimir, coiilaiuinn in all about sfl wren, which will bo sold in one lot, or subdivided to suit pur chaser*. This is v grand investment. Terms and price easy. D. F. KVANS. THE "NEW ZEAIiA'ND HOUSE. LAND. AND ESTATE AGKNCi'. HIGH-STREET. AUCKLAND. Hankehs : Tho lianlt of New Zealand. Conducted by MALCOLMSOX AND 1)E LAOV. HOUSES FOR SALE. Cuuncn-HTUKKT, 1 rooms and scullery £300 CriUMllßit Roaii, 7 rooms and batn-room iifHiO CItAHIOTTK-STltK"*.'!", f> lOOIIIS, Illlt, Xt X lUfl..J!l 1.1 Kinc.-4i.ani>. I rooms, allounoiit 10 x US £M LKCOLN-siWiKhT. li rooms, all't.m' x K!o..£:iio AIT. Kui:.v Roaii.Grooms.allotment.Htlx 110.. &"M Nkwto.v Road, 4 rooms. nllotni(>nt.'i'ixl(X).i>;jiO Nai'lKK-stiiekt.7 rooms,allotnii'iit(!iixli;)..£t!fO I' BTKEnr. G rooms, allotment 3G x 1:0., (3fii) Paiinki.i.. 7 rooms, bathroom, allt. (!J x 21U. :f;VI0 PKA'i'f-STHEET. » rooms, iillotmnnt Wl x a)..i:!oi) PlC'tON-STUKcr, 11100U18, concrete fII.L'CO PoNstiNiiy Road.B rooms Cjft) Richmond Road, abort and 2 dwellings...JU,2oo'vx BT.(2l.Bring,buth-nn.allt.fiOxl3B.ii»B Shki.i.v Hicacii i:oao, nrooms.allr..l.'ixlS2..i£lflo ST. M'lil'HUN's Av*r»UK.7rooms allotmsut.."£ooo SKr.WTV-RiIIEKT, (i rooms and b:u)i-rooi;i...£lfjQ ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE. ! AliGVl.v-frTlinKT, CO', x 110, &H 10/ i pel- loot Cam.iopk Dock, 10 x lt'o. £) ;n ~ iir. Kokn koad, 40 x H7, f.r> „ Wai.i.ack htkket, 4S x 2;1. «:."» LEASEIIULI> in Ayr and Bi:itßEi'oai) fTOKi:>'s. Caui.tov (<oftK itoAD. HRi'mntN-BTH'oirr, Pawc AVHNinc, and WKf.-LtfHl.fcY-BTHRKT. LANDS, FARMS, &o Avonpai.k—lo acres, House, &C. ~ .. £JOO Alli/KOA-SnacivaHußh "'BO CtiKVAl.iKti Point- 91 acres MO IIAiiiLTON-N'rUOaesi.houae.ienced.&o... BCO Hf>TKO~IOO nercs -106 Long Bay—Kuac'u.lmprovcd.fonced.lioupc 11*00 Oi'Oiliii-S acres, towiihblp ISO Pa.\mi:kk—Gncreß, main road .. .. 800 And other Properties. Advance's on Freehold Security, l.'enta, Intcre-HR. and Accounts CollfcUvt. Plans tu.rt apccificaiiona for the Erection of HniMiiißa, HecnriUoa required for ii'oo, i3OO, i;W,'>ontl fiI.OOO. U'ANTKI) —10 to 20 acri'S and Oroolned KuiiHV 2 miles from-Auckland, an Allotnojit near Freemnri's Bay, half-an-aero A!t Kdi'U'&nq 8-rootncd llomc an Allotment at K.isorn, h tmall Heaeh froutaue to St. Oeorße's Hay. j Tf\ O E WIN.I)T O, N, X? • KSTATE AGENT, QOKKN-STHKHT ? (Kstabliilied lii years.) ! *.. > FOX SALK Houses, Shops, C'ottaues. Fatnis, ami Volcanic lluildim; Sites at Hoc-Uy Nook. MontLe Orand, Jlr Hall's Kamte. (July a few allotments arc left at Kocky Noolc An S-rdomed HOUSK to be Let at 20ajper week. j ; T ATCII MO H X AN D C!O., HOUSE AND lANi)' AQESTB, 13— Customs stksiit East —IP. HAVE FOH (-ALK-QUKKN-HT.-A First (dassGroecry Hubllphe; rually nood investment. NKWTOV— TwoSVwi-rootii<j.l < .'ot laai'is ; «C 0 oposlt, balanc i weekly pai'lii.Mit-j. inOHMONn Itl).—A Now 5 room d H.iJieP, allotment ;VJ i 100; price. £11:0. RIdUMONU HI) -An 8 roomed Hoiim. al'oU mint 8 x lX), well planted, and in yrass; ptiic, £U2d 'fiirins nasy. ICAKANOAHAPK liD.-A large Ocncral Store, do ng a llrst-class irado; a harßftin. j ORKAT NORTH III.).-A. Latßo Allotment, 50 x Iffl, 10 yearn' lease; price, £10. ■ . PONSONU V-A Sulondld Allotment, 10 x.]'.»; lovely vio*; prico, is 10s per foot. TURANUA CKEICk'-A Kami of 98 adren,with new House ; wrll watered api! timbLred, frontinK main road ; price, £'<00. Terms earfy, lIOTKL3, Country StorflP, &c, kc. ' F j SEVKftAL Nice Villa limldenciMand Allatmen's Tn I.nt and Kor Salo at, Mount Kden. {..:.. t fH OOD'FAIIM SECTIONS,"itAGLAX.' Several Hundred Acreaof rloh Volcanic Wnd Llniestono Lands, moro or 16sb graspod, jolnint; on to tho Town of HAGLAN, will 6c oifcrei by Public Auction WITHOUT TflK LKAST R% SERVE over an npact prico of £03 An acre, o|n 6r ' about tho 11th of January. 18S5. S For particulars apply to R. AHTHUR. Auclijnoeri E. A. Maokechnlo, Solioltor. Queenatreet j or, to Mr ChainbcrHn, Parnoll. Contlnaud on First Pago. | L«st und Found. TJ E\VaRD7— A rewar.T cf £';j will' bo 'Xj paid by tbo Ve>try of SU ThnniiliiSjfi r tho conviction of the Misorcante who liuvo. Disfigured with the Now Naplnrbttcßt Gateway of ft. ThOiuas'a Church. [j"? /•*> R E W A It B.: r^«"* i Koinovcd from tho office of the in.dorJffnea on Friday week last, a Goal's S.tddle il.unb n €amoron. Wcllinßton, mnk>M). .with red £nd white wit racina: Rirth «nd oirciiiK!.'. ■ ' j If stolt-n t3 reward will tie «ivin lor Cflavktion ot tho offendor. If taken in inittilrfj; return to JIUNTKR & NOLAN.. -| AS KEWAHP. -Lo,-t, at tho Sulu (it L \ " Mr Dan J.w 'alleaiden ■<: Mdu'it Alliort, on Thins "<>y last, largo Ancllon KUir, nqmo LC. Crawloy on it—Hichardson and Crawloy, 81, Qui eh-sirJet. -' '. ■ _ - ■ j . T| A8 IiEVVABD."— Strayed from Bon L\* fionby. two Dranffht Horses ; oneb'ack, ie other bly.—Anyporson givlnß information that will load to tbn r rccpviry will receive [the above reward — Apply Bradley und^Ncwoll Auctioneers, Newton. ____4_ LOST, la-t evening, between Katangah*pe Totd ar.d i-'t. lion diet's, an Opetfaced Silver lever Watn1 , with beaded Uuurd and G'H Locket atlachi il. It,ward will be givi non leavin ;at t-TAit OHlce. >. XOST, botwodn Orcy and [Jobsori street?, J a tjilver Ticket und Chain. A liberal reward given.- Samuel Co.iinbes & Co.,Ca'nada Builainna. <J.Ufuii-»treot. T OST, by a poor man today, 4 One a i p o ii. d No'O) T>. linoer will set » re.vim! if lHft RtSfAU OIU-. LOST, ttt llovonpqvr, Brass Wlieel Cap from ro.-eive oi reward by ro:mvini; it to Mr 11., Javonport. i iriOUSD, two Setter Dogs; owner hSTi >U blivn the some by WHU exKueea.— Apply to Vlrs Early, NelßOti-vtreet. Corooration Notices. | r(ITY OF AUCKLAND. earthworks; foot 01? uobson st. Tho City Council wUI rjcalvo Tenders until 3 p.ra. ot THURSDAY, December 4lh, for above works, hi torms of plans and speclfleitions to be viewed at the office r.f the City KuKincfcr,.Council Chambers, Hißh-strfent. The Council (o not bind themselves to a-eept any tender. Tenders to be endorsed, "Works, Hpbibn Et^'j P, A--PHILIPd, Town Clork. Town Clark'H Ofllce. Nov. 22. tSSt. . IS3 /~i I T V B A T. H I !?. Notire Is hereby given (hat the liaths will be Closed, to Ijadlca ciily,for Three Days. P. A. PHILIP^ Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Cliloe. December ■■'. 1851. I • > ■\TOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS 131 IN THK X All A N BA11AP« fflJli GKAHTON' WARDS, ALSO SYMONDSSIV Tho Water Supp'.y will lie CUT OFF ori WEDNESDAY next. December 3, during'thi hours of 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. (or tho purpose ci cleansinilHevecvoii). Cou=^:ier?arcno:iiii dsc that BUfipliei required may be drown oil' p"cVi°USly- P.' A. PHILIPS. Town Clerk Town Clerk's Oftico. Nov «:. ihS*. i~" UCKL^-ND AMATS3UR. ATHI-fitlC VCLUB.-NOTicB tO MRMbJJKH *A old members wbo^c Su^oWlHioi.sare not ia.., ./S.H'K::.i st At^s u.a^B: a^ Vuift Received, a JUivm Assort* oi.toffalUni Latest Doßigna In Chrisnnas a*i.i No* Xe&i Cards (Hand-painted, Plioto.vJ'erfiunVd. So.) a£o New Zealand Views aril flo«ep. i foi Homo Mall, leavhilf in Novcmbw. f ] HY. A. tk)LBON, 3Utioneii-andtß(felfeej!er Vietoria-atreot,:1 near oc*i>et -•HODMW-Stwet Auckland. v.-'.fi.-s'' ~.M)iiFl-.<twy.}-l >\ ", '""" . • 8f.:.->"jft* till? , -

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3


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