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Public Notices. "VTOTICE OF REMOVAL. TUB NliW "STAR" OFFICKS. The Printing and Publishing Business of the Auckland STAR has boon REMOVICD from Wyudham afreet to Shorlhind-r.irect. Main Business Entrance In Slicrtland street. Entrance to:lithographic Department! I'ortslrett. ■-■ (\■ : ' " TN THE'SUPREME COURT OF NEW JL ZEALAND. WELLINGTON UXSTItIOX. MONDAY, the 17th dny of November, 1834. Upon roMing tic Aflidavils of Roreki Cwtsi:r.ii.ii,i. tlAMEnrbs, of AWllinijioii, HublU 'TVußtßu.'it is oidt'rcd-llint Ihe Public Truitci shall be Administrator of all the rial and p«r Bimal cstittc vi .Simon' Futkk li.uuiw, (oilnerl) o£ Auckland, Clork, deceased. (Signed) C. \Y. RICHMOND. 3. All persona indebted to tho ftliove-nameil di'ci'iLscd mi! requested to pay tlic amounts ul Uick- saveral accounts to mo. or to Thomas 3SUe.MAKr.ANE, )<>(| , Auckland. Also-i—all persons having chi"ma a^alntt tin said i-siato tin! j-00.uc.-ted tv forward the tanu to Uic. or to Mr Miioilarluna. o;i cr bcr.irc WEDN'BGDAY. the lTLii ilnv of Oec-nibornixt N.H.—Any chum not snnt in hv the day named will be liable 10 He excluded from puiiici.iation It. C. IIAIUKRTON, Fubiie Trustee. Public Trust oince. WelliiiL'lou, N'ovunilHSi-.-Jii. 1831. V all ionlc«; dhtrcticst, und iiervlni-8 .WoU't'ijßcHN'Ai'iwls lliußiiftst an; best. He sure you uts sllii Wolkk'h. ' PKASO.s' OF ISSI-S BOOKS OI'EK ON ALL FORTHCOMING EVENT* licuni.vs— AufKi.ANn CoV'ash Steki'm-xiiase — From ' ftOOtn lOtn'ii . Auckland Cvi and DftHßY—From ICO to 2 lo 8, ROBERT IiLAIKIB. Straight-out Prices on above events at Lowest ~ Market 1 talcs. MKi.DornS'ti Dffirav jnp OOP Dou'jlo, lioni l.i CO to :< to »0. . : Ad.irertJ-TaUoivaU'a Club, Auckland. N Z. N.U.—Telc^r-mia and luttws answered same day an received. Diimiisc-i strictly •unn'd.cQtial. All lluio P. 1,.'. __' iVOTION will fako in Boreas to o* Grazvnt 251 6? head per wiie*. IVdd>t:ka.iteai' Aa;lum. '■- !' .T^TOrSCB^I hove thi^ day disposed of jL^ my liusincssof dloi.ial Ovdi and SJhe.t It on Works lo ,Vr ClmrltH Donerjf. my late imiunger. anil hopo lis may Becuru the Hamo lib' ral iiatroniie. as re orded to mv Auckland, Nov. 19,1581. U 11. MAItSDKX. In refi:n-nc" Ui the above, luviuK purchased the Stoik-i:i'ti'ud<» of a most complete- I'lu.t of JUcUim-ry for the Munnf.iclory ut I'oloitl Ovens, Funnce?, u:.d all rtliuur IrOavioß", I r< spcct'Ulli' solicit your ;iatronai?o. when allordera' en trusted to mo »iU bo atu>i dod fc> with pniictaa'iity^iiiil d-'i-pntcli. l'llct-l'^t on application. / DHAI!IvK3 it- DEHKItO. Co'oniplOven ami fc'urnaco maker,»nd Genera) Sheet Iron-wnvker tlato of U. H,, i cocntr or .Wynrihnin ond Ouaionis ata. West, near Auckland Ga-3 Works Auckland. Knv. IP. ISBI. WUI.FKdSCHN'AI-'r'Hiat.l.e most |»nvuiful. wholeaoma, and suc-e-sUil Xt etoralivc of Ui)«ii£i.. Obtain Wm.VR'B. . QT. SEPULCHRE'S SCHOOL'-UOOM. *? ] A SALK^oFTwORK i '' :" ",. AND ,CU n I STM S G T V TVS, • '•- :'""■■■ lii Aid of'-the' GnAKI'OX KOA.D "WK JIiEYAN CfIUHCH \ FUNDS. Will beheld In the above building on TOEBDAVS O.ii UECKMBEU. ~- Jjoora op,;n at t o'clock, jjj •*. 'v,.:.% sjltjajcJS-Tnis EvKNisn.i : Kctre^binaDta pvoviiled. l)OnnUohH;nf Ooods. etc., villl bu tliauUAilly receivol by the Oomnii.lU-u on or befor.) FftlBAY, sth I'RO.X, ElT6~N~P"0ll T II AL L, TO-MOItUOW (We>laes.lay), Dec 3. l\* GRAND CONCERT, IN AID OF CUURCH OF U'.VKILIV^ POINT. Tho following I/iidies and Oeiillinipn have kindly oms'iitwl to tak« purt: — Mcsdmnes B'spuaiik C. HurgrSK, Harrop, - Mia ci mile Flood, vVhite. 11. BurKO>s. M. HroWh. llanx* Wnlpol.%' tlM^na Clayton. Severn, U. Hi;id, Sca'y, .vnraUv). I'ullcii, A. Uuil.y. Tijkul.s:-Frc.'iii .--c:il:',^_; ndmi&.ion, 1^ ; TX/OJJWs fcCilNAPPS'skuVds'ft.t dio~liOi'.(l of * * nil toiiioa a» a supro no remedy for dya V'OUHia. rliiiiiTUiiUsui. nervqumcßS. T\'V NN'tN O" AN 0 BAliY'fE V, -L' BUIUUKHS fc CONTKACIOHS, . . j ;■ ' ' n . KEVONPOKT. x IIEPAIHS ANI> JoBHI?>C-\VOnIC DONE. IJIOIV GKEVitfOUTH " "S.S. HERALD, - 100 A1 at Lloyds. 35'jtom register, - p«^**sa^ , nJtaln S- i<;S lt \ oy, will sail as I nbovo on WEDX K3I >Ay.lho3rri ! l)LCenioor,atoo'c'ock. NoC^argo s will be receiyed M'tcr I o,'clook. For freight,* passage, or oilier particulars, annlv to * - * -;' - STONE 8R03., Queen-streiJt. ■TVTKW ZKALAND TOBACCO GBOWJ^ ING ANtl JtANUKACTUraNGCOMPANy ffN LIQUIDATION). x All Clainii aaainst the abovn Company niu l aH be sent to Hie underPißiied without dcUv. • • ARfHUK H. DK.VDY. ' Lyinjdnlor. 'Auckland, 29 th Kovomber, 1881. A"' >?ic (Tii•Woi.VK'sSciiNAPrs-fhßbr.lyalcoholic miirorant thatdo- anotovcrapvirtho brain, hi sin ft and olitain WbLt'B'B. ', jF^XI^fRiEKCED Lady Teucljer, pnplf ot Pr. flll<B (Munches'.fi,-) an^ .Ma-laino l.tlaß (Lf.udosO- is ptepur^rf toj ijiw lii •jioi'ii'ltiMiistadrSlDßinz.—Vora-lilroan sfliVlj Mrlinpey'w.t toju. Mount Kdeft Ufa 4, .:■ . /^VER 500 DIFFERENT SAMPLES V/ o£ Kngllsh, S otoh. and Coloninl Tn-ecdf ami Fanes' Ooatincs to seloct fr.nn. S-uitii f'Oui . uOs to 41 10s; 'l'rous-'.i-s l!ri>m'l3i( i*-.-Woolluir.B, Heady Money Tailor, Sydenluiu* Ilouso, foot of Orey-gueot _ - W"4 V . WEA.7TSLOI'S t r SUITS 'l'C measnro from a'Js; Tronsers to meaaurl from 13s Ed.-WouUiinis, Heady MonejjrTttUor Sydenham lUiise, foot of Orey-street.^ A "'BIRD IN THE t\Ms IS WOiiTif < hv the bush ; a;nd a 'pound iv my pooket i worth.. 2 oa my books. — Woollams. Reai; Moneir ; tailor, Sydenham Houso, foot of Grey airoot. AVIKO disposed of my conch busincs at North Shore, I have ft fe** vor Sapurior liorsts le(t for fale.—Apply to F. J Qniefe. ntironpert, North Bhor.;. EGISIM I'ENUIL.— Everyone shoult bo in ljosneesioa of a Megrini.Henri!, a tiie e(*t of la 6i. Curtain Cure forlleud at" Tuotlitiilie, Local Rheum lism. Mo*tquito"Si,l« ho. S>>M at all the Chi'inistg and ctVanj.^ Wholcskle AgenU; Brown. Hairelt-. & Co. ifiROYDON YitLA, Vincout-streeF.-V.' Sutovior Arcouinodalion for two Gentle men; 2>a per \?jak;*batba.—Alim Fuller. TSrUV'ZTirBOAIib AND RESIDENCE i. Opposito I'rlnce of Wales Hotel, Hoi eoi Bti'eet: quiut an-! rc«pectablo, with every con ton; plunge and shower bath; pianoi terir moderate. • _J TITITE■'TOWER OP READY MOW .1. IS SIMPLY MAHVKIJXJUS, . Our West of England Gnin^fl 'fto^apva; ob whore" 30a.—Woollawa, Kfadj Money Tallo Sydenham House.' foot of Grey_streot, ___^_ T[ \"I3EASH ~~- ■ rSMALLI'AX, Vk VERJ xJ*' Kit) -All persoilß wishing to keep fro: thoi o horrible cJI-tcanoa fihoul t (it onf c nruciire iwck-!>r of VVARNOOK'Scoh-bMted UISIMPKi 'PAST us " I'lvvcutiou is bettor thf.n (.'uro. HoM Hi all Ktofekipcpfirs. OhflliiUts file, 9;1 tl Panliot •>4?-1 ATO liip.OOO LENT, on Buililii "to k^li borrowers. All'i'ivitmts ln>U};l:l w Hoiimos built' on Weekly !>ayinm-t Myß&i Moitga#M> aiiit Lf-iiia n' Soo lA-A rr>.',..'rt!"S for Silicon llf&t piw«. itix Pfcr ixi hilovtriMl on nionrty dcitMuiM tor investimmL jb. Wn.r.AMsiiN, i.!".i;<{, lv;i.alc, and>*Fin«io! Agent enrl Vulncf. TltKh-wtrcut. Auckland. BLOOD COOLER is now sold at i I'oCi-ia.- lt ; ls the bent morulnij Jiltft-ii tip over-known. It instantly rejeuved Naus und Hondache. - 6" ii m All children aiiifer Irom them. ; . Apotbo.osrioß'J<al_opr.oaltePoat : ofllee._ i .13OSELINE 'ton V^J^^&£ i i\,' rront ii^e--aratiou coms>i««<MJ coiids «v< rv trUolc-of i» PiinUar Uini npw nofo >■ tile publ^• U M » bottJa.-SjiiliLAK ■ Apctfcociiries llail. : fvI"T81 -B ATS! RATS !—U Si. SKABI^JB'S-PHOSPVpR PASTSS. lUte csi it greedily, e-:.A dlo: no Rpia"t). , -. . - IWeo. OneSblllin-ra EaUJe, m , t y. C;_ffi£AELA>ni. 'at>.ppijM J^nt^aca, 1 r-rrdOTaACtii; "IJTrIiS. — Jaatantonw '' i liii!Ur--QnONrTAo(*IC.-!B per bottle. g'. b. RHAtUiAVn. opposite Poat-offlee. ; ~ T> ELIEF from Cpngh id Ton Minute*. ■ "li! SHAKLASTi'3 OHKRHV PSOTOWS " Kiac 2« ti& mi in 6d.—». C. SbarUad. oppcra f T\R ARNOLD'S PENNY -ItOVD J-/, AJTD BTICKL PILLS.-The most popti , mßdloiueoftheday, Prieei&Sd a I»jx.-*C< , nisi AtfOtW K. C SBAaK4SB/Olipoaite^he P(

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3