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I I Wanton % & ANTED KNOW* -My highest- ! Y» priced Tea is 1b 6d. It 1b going fast, and Ia(I balioveiequsl to what is gene ally sola at 3a. —W. H. Pa'aipler. ffobaon ntreet. \\J ANTED, a ueneral Servant for the TT oonntry. — Apply to Mrs TomlioßOnv Kiohange Hote', Parneil. WANTEDj a respectable General Ser. van*,—Apply hoiabu ga castle Hole!, " Symotda-atreet. "/ i*/ ANTED, a General Servant.-Apply VI M;s Gre9n, a) Mrs Powell's, Ated- ; street, AltertJPark. \ \V7 ANTED] a good General Servant,* v T tt'so aft apeoKublo Lad.—Apply at once \ at T. J. > htllp'g t-ateery Aewton^ j -, v aNIKD, a good General Servant tr where another Ja kept.-Apply Free--1 an' 3 Hotel. Freoman'a Bay. 1 is; a'NI'ED, 3 respectable as rr Apprentices to the DressmßkiEg.— Apply W. Beehau'a " Castle" Drapery. tfpposite Governor Browne Hotel, Hobaon-street. ■»»/aNT&D, a lidy lespectable Girl to V? mind bibj- and at-oi-t in hniißtworki ' referenced required.—Apply at '":t*K' ___ .-. 4/ aN I. tD, asmaro lidy bill as geueral V V seryant; age about 15.—Apply Ueo. W. Rogers. Upper Queen street, » ,*/ aWTED, an experienced Saleswoman % T of aood address and iady-Jie manners for Show-room lv Drapery KBiablieliuient in Qaeen-aireet.-Apijly bj 1-tiur with rcfoiencts I 10 All)till, . T. R OltlOC. \X7ANTKD, good Machinist. — Apply Yf fc» Zealand Boot factory. Grey-Btr->et. »», AN'lliD, everybody to Hear the EviVf denceof Mr John Hockin ac the Trial of " John Barleycorn." THIS (Friday) EVENING, Ponaonby HaUi v„ AN USD KaOWN—Towels, 2JU ; # T Extra Grand lino of Ladies' bilk Scarvcf, la; stay Bmtu, 2J, id. and fld.the pair; at UanuiierVWukeflelrt-atrett .hop. \j_J ANTED, a few good hands for Roadt V making.—Apply on tho Tram lino, noar Swanson Station.—X. Gibbons. iA/AgfED, a Steady, Trustworthy ¥ T 1(1111111 Mem to help worknillHi ltound. —Applr Parnell Da r*y. t \\l ANT*i>, an Assistant Printer, or Vt KespkCtable 'South.—Apply Hemua aha Banna, Photographers W" ANTiD, by a respectable Married mod, a situation ns Shier and y .-i.orul Blaokumtti; oouatry preferred, — Apply HU, cTakoUIOo. __ __. »». ANTED, a smart Boy. Apply to f V J. Cook, Bootmatter, flranklla rtuari. a* • aNTKD, s Strong Lad about 17, to 7 7 work In garden and uin»o himself gboarolly useful.—Apply J. tfdaooo. off crakel lioad, Kemut-ia. !>»,' a N IKD, a Youth that is accustomed » » to oliekiJng.—Apply at once to Garrett Bros,, Wakenold-atreet, Auokland. ANT4J) KNuW« — Men's Unbx>a :he* Sooks. 3d ; Superior do, li 1 j Worsted Sooka, Jd; Braces, 9d; liens Bum jultea, Zd tee suits; very Superior do, 0:1; at Uamplor'a Wakefleld-Btreet Bhop. ANTED KNOWN—Ladies' Collars, 3d; Collars and Coffa, 5d the Bet; Blbboaa (asaorted). S ihohea wide, la per yard; food Boning hlik, !ess than mnal prloe, 3 reels id; at Uumpler'a Wateflald-»treet Shop. WAhTKD, Teachers, scholnrs, and the Ladies of Ponsonby to be In eympatho tio aooord with the 2g 3d Corset now on sale at Robson's Ponsonby. "ANTED, two Boarders. Terms, 16s. Exoeilenl accommodation.—Add. esj at Stab Offloa. WANTED, Two or Threo Young Men as Boarders; terms moderate.—Apply to Mrs Dewstovr, opposite Dr. Macdonald's. ANTED, Unfurnished Boom with flropUod at Onehuuga.-AB, *ViH offlo*. _ WANi'kl), to Kent, a 7-roomed House In tho Vicinity of Parnoll or SymondsBtreot.—Addreea " Tenant," Stab Office. WANTED, Furni.hed Parlour and Bedroom, with übo of kitchen; no family.-Addreaa J.T.S., Stab Offlco. %»7ANTED itNOWiX-Tne following ▼ T Bluntly Boiied Ladles' Aaperlor Coloured Eld (jlovfs, li 2d; LsiiW Sklttx, In 6d; Clark's 300 yard rteU of Black Cotton. Id eanh ; Men'a 'i routKira, li fid; at Damniar's Wakelluld atreet Bhop. W" ANTED KNO /VN—Udles' Winter J»okow, 6s 64; li»dle«' Ulalers. Sa 6d; Wool hhiiwlo, In 6d; Lot of Large no, oheip; Hkltta. 3d bl; atDampler's Wakefleld treat Bhop. \\l ANTitD.—Oatmeal, in 71b bags, Is Yf 4d eaoh.--K. Bew'.^ Victoria-itroet, YjrrANi"ED~ Tobacco ' ulture is"a first. » ' class paying concern.—For particulars apply to Adams, Virginia, STAK Ufflce. v*/ ANT»D, Farmers and i onsumcrs to ** know that lam in receipt (ox s.B. Walhora and brigantinu L'Awenire) of prinio Derwin'a Kidney Heed Potatoes, also beat Oamaru and Canterbury Potatoes for Tablo Use; not to bo surpassed.—E. E. Davies, 13. Custom-street (near H. B. Morton's). »*/ ANTED, Covered-iu American Wag- *• gonette. Price and whoro to bo seen, XYZ. Post Offloo, Newton. WANTED 10 SELL, Beet Canterbury Potatoes, 201ba a-shtlllnic, is B>i per owt. by the saok deliverod ; splendid unions, 31h.-; v thllilng; lamest stock of laland Uian^es In town,— William Marshal), ilarkot. / ANTkD TO SEuL, a Smart Sailing B«a*, cheap,-J. Q, Mclntosh, HobtOu Bay, PnrnoU. I*7 ANTED, to sell, a (;ood Second-hand »t Piano-a bargain. Maker's prloe, £15; will bo Bold £2S; Uttlo used. - Mrs Walker, Rusaell atroet, off Groat North Koad. »*/ ANTEu to Sell, cheap, Lot of Charts 7 ' for New Zealand and south Bet IbUihlb. —Apply Pnlilp Glover, at J. Ingram and Co.'a, Hlgh-sireet. \&! ANTED to Sell, first-class 6J horse- » ™ power Horizontal Kngino wltri Mnlti tnbnlsr Boiler.—For prloe, &c, apo'y to T, W. Bevell, General Furnisher, next Mb irt Hotel. VVr ANTIID. to purchase a 6 x 8 Tent in *~ good ordor; must bo choap.—Aidress " Tent" Htak CJffloo. »* ANTEu KNOWN.- Ladies' Winter * * Jackets, is fid; Ladies1 Ulsters. 5s fid; Wool Shawls, Is 6d; lot of Large do. cheap; Wincey Skirts, 3d 6d—at Dampicr s WakofloldatreetShop. ! %* J ANTED to Buy, Left-off Clothing of ~» every detoription, for (Msh, Parties waltad on. r.e.—Wanted Known—For Hire, Trap aad Baddlo Horse*.—Aip!y Tlios. niil, Clothier anfl Draper, Parnell. V»7A«TKD KIOW*.-The following » * slightly soiled Ladlos'anperior Coloured Kid Gloves. Is; Ladles' Felt Sklrta la 6d; Clark s 200 yard reels of Black Cotton, Id each; Mon's Trousers, la 6d—at Dampler's Wakefleld-atroet Shop. WANTKD KNOWN—Mrs J. Penny him now opened a Registry Office tor Servants In Hotnoa-ttreet (next Pukm'a Uroosry), where ihe tmeta to rtoalre t fair snare of the patrosaga of the Ladies of Anck land. ~\\r ANTftD.— The public can buy the » * Primest Napier Beef at 2d per lb; Bteam made Sausages, 3d—tho best in the country; Mutton, 2d; German Sausage, 6d—wholesalo, fid ; Black Pudding. Bd; Pork Brawn, id; Pork Pies,4d; Koast Beef, from 3d; Ox Tongues Corned Beof, Piokled Pork, Poultry, &c; Sausages Wholesale, by tho ton or half-ton.—G. HULME, Navy Contractor in Auokland and Sydney, SteamßausageFactory, Queenstreot. /ANTED KNOWN-a Few Print Costumes left, only is ; a Grand Line of Winter Cofitnmes, 16s; Black Fur Trimming, y.i the yarfl ; Svranadown, la nhti yard; at Dampler'e Wakofleld-atrect Shop. TaTaoTED KNOWN—Another Grand » » Lot Berlin Wool, beautiful colours, still the name price (3d the flozon skeins); Fingering wool (ail coloure), 8d per skein; White Worsted, Id he large skein at Uampier'B Wakefleld-fltroot Shop. KNOWN—Nice Lot of V» Flacnel (White and Coloured), oheap; also Grey Blankets, 10s the pair; Bo 1 Quilta 3s 6d each; Rags. 7s; at Dampiot's W»ki-IL;M-Btreet Hbop. v! ANTED Known. Lowe Broihera, »" cornor of Ponsonby and Franklin Roads, are Selling Oil their Winter Etook of Drapery at a great Reduction in Prices, to clear ANTED I WTSTED ! —Wanted, People to ask tbelr Grocers for Duperior'a La, Bsuvegarde. it imparcs a oiear whlto llgbt to Eerosine, iu>d prevents all danver from ex ploßion. -ol«t in 3d p-okets. — W. B. Lewis, Vlctorla-Btreet, i gent for New Zealand. **/ ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a Good T ' General Servant, reforenwH required — Apply »yAR Office. WANTED the Ladies to Know that Munro and MiUlßan, Hobson-atreet, have secured the services of a tlrst-ol'fla Milliner, and are now prepared to supply mlllinerj In all lta branohea on the shortest notice. \I7ANTED KNOWN - Barry's TiiT t oopherouß, Is 2d; Haok Combs. 4d; Tooth Comb", 2d; ftatr Brnshos, 9d; Tooth Bruehaa, 6d; Hair On. (id the bottle at Uampier'B Wakofieldslreot. Shop, ANTiSD KNOWN - That TAPP AND CO.. Boot and Shoon aker->, Vio-torla-Btreet, are selling Winter Goods at a elipht advance on cost price, as the following quota tlons will show: — Ladle r' Leglets. IDs 64; Ladies' Button Boots, from 9a 6a ; Ladles' Kid KB, from Sa 6a; nil other Boots at very Low Prloe?. VirANTED Kt>OWN— Ladies' Um- »* brrllas. 1» 8A ; 811k do, la; Gent's do, 3a; Glrln' ParaßOls, Is 6d; and Lntx of other Freeh Bargatßß; at D»mpier"B Wnkefleld-street Shop. W ANTED KNOWN. Mrs Yandle, * ' Taxidermißt, Furrier, &0., has Removed to Hobson street, a few doors above Munro and MilUgan's. WANTED KNOWN — UUEAP TIM BEBI Cheap Timbbrl And all other kinds of Building Materials, can be purchased cheaper and better than anywnere else at the Yardß of D. Goldie. Albert-street aM"ED KNOWN—'oloured Cashmere, la 6ii the yard ; Bleok Velveteen, Is 9d; Cretonne, 7<l the yatd; D»m&Bk Tableoovtrn, 3s 6d; American Loather for Table Covers, lid tho yard j at Dampler'd Wakefloldstreet Shop. VV ANTED KNOWN—T. B. Kobson, * • Poncbnbr, Is removing to the New Shoj next Mr voort'H. and is s l'lng at greatly tufluceA pricey, to effwi a Kn-'y Clearance. t* AJV Tv. 1 > KNOW N. - 40 Pieces Blue. * and-whito Stripe Tioking s}d. slightlj damaged by Fea water, at n. McPhersons, Draper, &c. Karangahapo Road tfc,ANtED Kf-'.'W\-1 Bale Wool. * , border Fibre Door Matß, slightly dam aged at D. McPherson's, Draper, &c; Karanga hape Road.

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Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3


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