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Wanted< \mi AwTbD, Mr Oaklby, of Mount VV gden, to call at Star Office. \jkf « NTKD, a (Jlerk ana Storekeeper V» by the Dovonport Ferry Company.— Apply in writing on or before Tuesday, stating salary required, to the' Directors, 8 Qneen-st. \mi ANTED, to Kent, 8, 9, or 10-roomed VV House, either in Graf ton Road. Symonds-ati-ont nr Pnrnell flatter Dlace meferred): onen

. for a inohth.-Apply by letter to " House," this i Offlce. WANTED KNOWW.—What Every oije requires, Pniond'iii Sample 9ha> pj. &5 10s, at Albert Kotaud. neat customhouse, Fort street. '\\r A^TBtrKlV' 'WN, ia Parnell, that * • H. White has greatly Reduced the Price of Meat. Forequartero Mutton 2d ; Legs, ■id • lioast Beef, from Id. H.W. has also added to h!g business a want long felt, viz, SinalJ Goods-Pork Pica, Pork Sausages, fc'avaloys, German Sausageo, Collared Head, Potted Beef, Brawn. Quality_guarantesd ; -a/AIMED KNOWN—Money in it— V» rttocft, Fixtures 10 Yea a Leaefi, £150 — first-o't«R '.jrocary ani Urat.brj' Store, ono of tho principal ttraeffl. 13 rooms, 3 atall-.d s:ab!e;) S mtntitea from Poot otHeo livnt, 35s.—Adoreso I DGC, PTAB offlcti.

VI! AIST X D K,<U Wft —All ti oods ?' Reduced for a Speedy Clearnnca and quick Kntranco to New Shop. — Robson's Drapery. Komnoby. WANTED.— When you are in Hobaonstreet oa'l and peo the La'Kß ar d Oholoe Stoofc of Soui<h Cheviot Tweed*-, in heather and ft anlre ahadiH «t Munro aaa Millgan'a. V%' AHTBD— vr e.nted to sell, very cheap V% 24 dozen ilb Tim of good Durham Must»fj only 6d perun,2Tlna forlld, 6s iierdczonj io a, »«„ uvnit Units. 1? fill nnr hottlfi! Small

lice 7iba for U ; Large Kioe.Glbs lor Is; flsfgty Matches, 3d per dozen: Bell and Black's Plaid Matches 7d per dozen; B;ll and Hlaok"* Tin Boxes on *• Is 8d ncr dozen; Large Bibles wlih Plates, only £1 ?.» 6d and £1 7a 6d each; 20 Gross of Kxerotse Books, from 2d to 4d each,6o Leaves only. 8a 6d per d< 2e* : Fens, t nly 66 per box of 12 dotant ia 6d per dozen boxes; Fenholdeis, la 6d per Rroafl; 1,100 Pl/cea of Sponge, from 2d to 28: Lot of Flotuiea. Si and 6d; Glass Jujjs, Od and 2s each; Tea, 18 6d per lb, B!bs for in ; Apples. Sd and H par IB; Currants, ii. per It); Small Tumblers. 4 for (Id; Wine Glasses. Sd eaob, 2s 94 per dozen; Lot of Juga, Od each; lißZor Strop?, Only 9d, worth Is 6&— H. Watt, General Dealer. Pitt-street. \tf A~S TED KNOWN. DANDELION, Renowned fo? It* M. oioal neil & Clifford Are mannfaotflrlnK it Into PILLS and COFFKHV THit PILLS Are the Pest snd Cheapest made in New Zea iii.d KxtO'inivei? us. tl as a Family FIIL 1/ a bOx. THK OOFFHB Is proconnoed by competent judges to be better than the imported, it U goud for ihe Lifer, Ktrtnuya, and Indigestion. 2/ alb. BOTANIC OOVGH SYRUP Ia a Pleasant and effective mixture. Steadily eatnlcs ground in Auosland. 1/6 and 2' a bottle. SOOTHING SYRUP, UR MOTHKn'S FKIBND (FOR BAuJLH), Is exoellentfor rsmavir^; wind, roKulctiig the bowels, and iiroduci^p, natural e-ltep. Mothers who know Its value Won't be without It. It ia free frum all injurious dings. One Shilling a Bottle.

GENUINE HOP BITTKRS, 2/6 BOTTLE, NEIL & CLIFFORD, BOTANIC DISPENSARY, WKLLK3LiY-BTRKKT KABT, Four doors from Crnlok shank and Miller's, Qneen-Btrett. VV ANTED.- 21b Tins Most Excellent V ' Tea, only 4s eaoh.-R. Rew'B, ViotorU>t/cot. --/ANTED KNOWN. -Pure Gold, v • Pure Silver.—Charles Kelsey and Co. have now added Gold Jewellery to thoir stock. Their first parcel is just to hand, in which will bo found a beautiful assortment of Ladlos' Droas Rings, Keepers. Alberta, Neokleta, Brooohea, Gents' Scarf Pins, Suitoa, &c. They strictly conflno themselves to keeping only Real Silver and Koal Gold Jewellery. Freeh arrivala monthly.—Charles Kelsey and Co, (two doors bolow Morrin's, IronmongorsK

\\! AMTED I — Wanted to Sell, very * ' cheap, having bought a Lot of Groceries very cheap, dashboards, only 6d (worth 1»); n»rk Blue, only 3d ib; Plaid Matches 6a doz, in 0:1 pr Br(iK<; Bo'l and Co.'a Tin Boxes, Is 6d per doz; Good Tea. I* ii lb; H«rper iwelvetreo*'« Wathl>.« I owilms, only 7d doz; Good Wokl/B 8d bo'Ue; upaom Pai's, 4d per doz 2a box; Hu son's Boap Powoeru, 1 paoketa for &i j SmaJ Tin Hoxea Ma«oh>e. 2 boxes for Id, 6d per diia; Arrowroot, 3d lb, )2 lbs for 2i; «»go. i* lb, 12 llw for 3d 6'i; Romp Utxta. it lb 12 lbs for 3a 3d; Canary Seed, Sd lb, 12 lba for is; Patent Grouts, Id per ib tin. 3s 6 ■ ion ; Shoo Twine. Id per ball. Is Id lb j Clothes ¥»&; la id ppr grrss; Dried Apui'f, only id lb; Uolors,2d lb; Mote Paper 10 qulrca far Is; Lemon Peel, la 4d H. WATT, Htt street, large Vases, 6a 6d per p»lr (worth 10e), 1.H.! ANTED, Ladies to know that I am v ▼ faßt Kednclcg my Sock. through haviDg a Genuine previous to extnnnlvo alterations. Hlack Caehmerea, Ib lid to 3a 9d yard. I am aniline a great quantity; an well ss Co oura, from tljd to 'U 6d, The Savin ClotD. at 4Jd, Is a good Una; bs well as the All-wool Serge. Bt la l}d. Vrlvetoers. from la 21d. Ladloa" Ulsters are Rrcntly rertuned. T> c" wove (no dfooptlon) Cnlion 2Jn ; nrowlfon's.4B6^l doz-t>: Unb'oaohaa ShPOtinft, 6}rt. 7Jd. BJd. and IB Ji; White Twill do, (washed). IOJd, 1« sja,»nd lfifijd ; Oood (runne c, from 03(I to is Hid ; While BUnkota, from 4* 6d paoh; Brown Helfnet Hollands 3}d, Ij'l. 6bh B}rt. 10J1. Is id ; T»blB Llneu. 83 I, HJrt.l. DJI Is lljd, 2s 6 . 3d 6d. Ilnstery, Gloves lUnnonß. Kiowora. Fea>hers L»ce, Undprolotbing, Infants' Kobea, Poilleß. uroota, Cloaks, &0., all Keflucd. N.B.—Nnie tho address:-JiMK^ BCUIT, General Draper, Clcthler, Outfitter, So., &c London House, Vittona and NeleonBlreeta, Aacfcand. GRANTED KNOWN.

Velveteens. 1/9 to 6/6 par yad Coloured satii.s (15 ohadea), 1/C p:r yard U,slurs. 3/6 in 35a Iloßiory, ml makoj atd shadea JroSoN, 0/11 to 739 Now Jeraejs, al oolonra, 6,'Obcoli Hats, In all Hti»pos oud oaloura Grey Felt l^ainßbjroUKha. a few lott Mrn'sGrttiluK lv iinat variety Undero'othlng, »ll sty'ej and qualities Felt Carueis yard vtldd. 1/3 Tapeatry Oarpots, 2/3,2/11, a«d 3/6 per jard Hearth Russ. a luno a'sortment .Mniiinß, /B}, ill, 1/2, (1 yaid, li and 1J yards widei a-J, IC-1, and 11-i HlanUeta, 9/11 to 3Se per pair New Drews Wi*«y, /6i, worth 1/oeryard Coloured Cashmcr", 1/7J worth 2/8 Unbleaohrd oa>loo, '2d 2J<l 3d, to Oil por yard White Calloo. 2Ja. 3d, io, to 1/ p«r yMd Coloured Chenille 1 lee, 3d to 1/1 a-, h Wiaceye, 4Jd to 1/ per yard SOU Ccloorvd Josephines, let choice, 2/6 par pair drkssmakinh and mili..inkhtj on the vrkmißub. ladiks" own material madk up, Atna SPAIN. MANAQXR.

Saooeastul Oontraotor for Drapery (or Lunafo Asylum, 1883. STEPHENSON'S DBAPKRY ANIi BALK WAREHOUSE, AND LADIES' KMPOBIUM, K&IUNGAHAPK ROAD, NKWTON. \A. ANTED KNOW?) — Men's Black *' Felt Hatn, 3a j Grisnd Lino of Boyß' Blaok do, la 8d; Frm,oh Peak Caps, 9d; at Dauipler's WaKeHeld street Sbop. V»/ ANTED KNOWN—That all Work. » ' ing Men oan save their money by oalling at Governor Gordon Restaurant All meals 6d. Board and Lodging, 15s per week.—Robert Mubdook, Proprietor. Note tho addrosa, nearly opposite the Waitemata, and close to the Dook BvOT AMS TiHOE TKADET^Wanted, Apprentices to tho Bench.— Aoply W. MoArthur'a Boot Factory. Upper Queen-s'reet. CHlvimhY , vWEEP.— Wanted known, Chimneys Swept in a Workmanlike Manner; nil ordora promptly attended to.- Address G W. Wilcock, Weatbtreet, Newton near Waring's Store. PIGE6"S. — Wanted, good ftroDc; birds in any quantity. — Apply XYZ, Star office. I>UPILS wanted by Mr Jouson, Shorthand TaKCher Ancitlund College. Syßtem thoroughly taugbt t>r 21a. Residence, Karan^abane Koad. j RAD SMK'S I:ookc.-Evening Bm-ploymont-Wanted to keep the above. Competent and expeditious; reasonable terms, —Please apply CD., Stab Office.

Qoodson's Arcade. See GoODSON'S LiONDON AIRCADE. the Tire ! At Goodson'B being confined to tt« reserve stock in the packing-room, the Arcadei (uninjured, and our friends need have no appioaenslon*o£ being supplied with any goods damaged by flro or water, the whole having been disposed of and removed from the premises. Never was the stock equal or the arrangements so complote as at the presont time. In Gold and Silver Jewellery Clockb and Watches (all warranted) we have a magnificent assortment of the newest designs, at prices defying competition. We make no virtue of keeping only Pure Jewellery, as to meet the requirements of onr extensive business we endeavour to supply the most artistic imitation and offer it at a price within the reach of all. The increasing demand for Abyssinian Gold has led us to import largely, and we have just opened the largest and most comprehensive assortmentwe have yet received, end invite inspection of its display in our Vic-toria-street Jewellery Window. In Gold-cased (still a great favourite) and Silverine we have some great specialties. Jet being greatly in demand, we have a splendid stock of the newest designs. (j GODSON* ijONIiON A.KCADK. Mote the Addresses— GOODSON'S LONDON AKOADK, Auoklwd. f. ~ CHBISTOHUROH, LONDON OFFICE: «8. St. Mwy Axe,

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Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 4080, 10 August 1883, Page 3