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V/antea. WANTED KNOWN, Dampicr has another Fresh Advertisement of Wonderful Bargains, 4th page, m-xt the auctions. ANTED, a good General Servant.— Apply Masonic HoM. Princes-street. Good referencea required. , ANTED, good Tailors and Tuilorcsses. Apply to J. S. Cobley, Shortland-streot. \V_NTKD, one or two Boarders for VT Apartment-) in Seafiold Viow. Terms (including washingl, £1 per week.—Address fa. I ijpilsbury, Soafiold Viow, Auckland. W~ANTEL)7a K°°'l Housemaid.—Apply at once Occidental Hotel. ANTED.anActivejutclligcnt Younß Man as Hotol VVaitor.-Apply after ten a.m. to-morrow to J. F, Stewart, High-street mid Vulcan Lane. aInTED, a Kitchen Mau.—Apply at tho Auckland Hotel. ANTED, a Housemaid for hotel at Coromundol. — Apply Pacific Hotol, Quoon-ntreet. ANTED, a Carpenter.-Apply Dr. Kindor'B Houee, Arnoy Road. Rcmuern. WANTED, a KespecUiblo Girl about 17 accustomed to children.—Mrs Palmer, Cookstrtot, fourth houso below Christian Mooting House. ANTED, a fcHroug Lad for errands and Renoral work.-Ai>ply to T. K. Kvuna, Grocer, Vlotorla-Btroet VV cat. ANTED, Pick and Shovel Men.— Apply on tho works, Upper Queon-atrout. ANTED, by a strong middle-aged woman, Washing by tlio Day, or tho Cleaning of Olllcps, or tho Charge of v Baby.Hannulord'B Uogiatry. \J_? ANTED, a tidy, re?_H'cUblo Girl.— TV Apply to Mrs McKwiu, Princoß-fltroot. VfeTANTED to Buy, Kauri Palings and Vv Hoart of Kauri Kailn. -3. White, Fencer, Custom-house-alreot. ■\T7AIWKD7IW~Iroucr.— Apply t0 V V 'J'aranaki Dyo Works, WakoUeid-stroot, AJNTKD, a Message Boy.—Apply Juinoß__jslio,_ParneU J ANTED, two or three Apprentices to the Oonerul Machino work, Dressmaking, Sec—J. lloapo, Draper. &o. ANT_i.>, !i General Servant; must bo a good cook and laundress.—Apply, with reference, to Mrs. Uoiinott, Kavonsbouruo, Uupor ayinondo-strout. ANTeTTTo .Sell (cheap), v Good Keroaino CookinK Stove ; aleo a second iuuul Ijiwu Mower, Williams' muko.—Apply Daley. UowliiiK Green, Orafton Itoad. ANT KD, Tenders for Hutulrinu and Painting. — Now School, neur York Hotel, Nowton. . ANTED, Tenders for JJuilding about KO Chains of Kouuli Stono Wall at per chain.—Thomas Barnes Mount Itosklll Itoad, \\7 ANTED KNOWN, tho remaining Cd T T and 3d OloOKruph Album Scraps are all reduced to Id each picture l*ook at the beautiful Japanese Anlnnaodssars displayed at 111, Queeu-atrool, and llrandon House, Parnoll. \\J ANTED, lenders tor the Erection of V V about 13 chains of Hone Fencing at I'curoßO.-James MoKoimio Smith, Lorne-atrcirt, VTTANTED KNOWN, that you can Vy Drosa well for a small wookly payment by going to Muuro and AlilliKan. *oo advertlsomont on front page. \\fANTED, .Situations tor Housemaid's, YY General Servants, and Nursemaids— Apply Mrs Itouwlok's IU Kintry OOlce. two doors bolow tho Provincial lioardiug Houso, Snort-lanil-strcot. TjfTANTED, to Let a New ThreeTV roomed Verandah CottaKO; water laid Rnd colonial oven.—Apuly to Mrs Walker, UuaßOll-stroot, Grout Norlti Koad. ANTED to Purchase, in the suburbs Of Auckland, a Ucntloinan's ftonidonce, with largo freehold; must bo cheap.-Goorgo Fraaor, ljnnd and investment ARCncy, No. 0, South British Buildings. WANTED KNOWN, tliatProfesß(>rF, (). Cnilllau will opon an Klomcntsry Singing Class in tho ante-room at tho back of St. Jutuoit' Hull, WelliiiKlon-gtroot, on Tuesday, 3rd May. at half-past seven p.m. Hub3cription : Ijidiiw, Ci; Gentloinou, 10s 0;l por quarter, puyublo In »dvanco__ YTITANTED KNOWN.—For Sale, the V T Cutter-Yacht' Kdkh.' half-docked, with punt, bsllb, oar.s, aud moorinuß complete.—For prico apply to John Knuia, Pai noil Itiso. \\J Lease, in a Rood thnrnnqh" V V faro, suliablo Promises for a Drapery Busineiß —Address, " Draper," Star onto. ANTED, you to sec the magnificent stock of New Tics. Now Hats, Now Shirts, and Now Hosiery ja»t opened at tho New Zealand (Uothiug Factory. WANTED KNOWN.—the Wondorfol Davis' Vertical-food lowing Muchino tool:: tho only (Irst prizo at Sydnny and ilelbourno over all exhibitors.—W. ('■ Denni'p. \l7 ANTED to Purchase, several »ood V T Henidences in tho suburbs, with from 5 to '20 acres attached : also, similar properties without rosidi-inH".—Oeor«o Fraser, ljund and investment Agency, No. (i, t'ouili British liuildipKU- _ , \*^ ANTED, n General Servant; one V T Rccutomo'l to washing and ironltik' and general bouie-work.—Apjily to 3lr«j Porclval, tjreen Luno. _ •_ Y^ANTEiT'KNOWN, the Wonderful V! Davis'Sowing Machine can bo scon nt work ovcry day, tuid Saturday iiiklils, at (J. W T ANTED.—Wanted, to Sell, very V V cheap: About 2.0C0 drzen Oranges. Largo Oranges, 8d nor dozyn : Hmall OranKca, 12 for Gd ; 6 dozen Large Oranges for 3s 61; 6 lozen Small OrauKeH for 2s Gd. i'leaso to bring pour own bags, and bo In time. Best Fresh Uutter, Is Id lb, i lbs for 4s.—H. Walts, I'ittatroet. No*- in tho tiino to buy chonp Oran«c__ VV ANTED, every Reader of the STAR YT to bco our Advertisement ou tho fourth [>o#o.—John l.opporjfc Sonn. WANTED, to give aw.iy Trousers. Kverr person ordoring a Suit for 55a or upwards will rocoivo a present of a pair of rroußurs.—J. D. Phillips, Tuilor, 170 ljuoeu atrcct. \\T ANTED, two Respectable ApprcnV V tiofs to tho l)re«8 *nd Habit-making : a thorough knowledge of tho business imparted t>y a competent insiructress.—Apply Mrs Atkin son, opposite Hvitt'd, Gunsmith, Upper Quecnjtroet. VVrANTED, Tenders for Building V V Stables and Out-houses at tha Whan. LiU FRIDAY, 28th. Plans and Specifications at No. 2 Cotolo Villa, Kdcn 'J'orraco. Lowest or my tender not nocosjarily acceptod. ANTED KNOWN, a 300-gallon Copper Boiler for S»lo, choap.-Clark „ Glano, Fort-Btroot. AI^TED KNOW IN. — Ihe New Winter etock la row Opened Out at iho Sow Zealand Clothing Factory. Tho variety ia larger than u«ual, and tho tfiltinu and Quality much superior to any other goods ollerod to tho public. \\T A N TE D KN O WN.-As regards V ? Dampier's Pianoforte MUSIC I MUSIC ! MUSIC 1 Monsieur Cailllau, tho oelebratod musi-al crlliquo, whoso Judgment as such no diic in Auckland h»B jot gainsaid, huß been a largo purchaser, and haa Bince praised it highly. The Mosic consists of Songs (sentimental and comic), Duot», Operas, Pieoes, Dances, &c., &o.; all ono price—6d each, 13 to tho dnuen. Catalogues on application. Lot of Soiled Vusic. Jd and Id each.—\V. H. Dimpiek, Wakofleldstreot, a few yards from the Bhop ho has lately left. WANTED, Housewives to Buy 21b. tins Californian Honey, Is 3d each ; 71b bags Oatmeal, Is 3d each; 21b tins Golden 8j rup, lOd each: Household Soap. 0 bars for 2b 3d; Cornflour, 6d per lb; Marmalade, 8d por tin; Now Jams, Gid per tin ; Bloater Paato. 6d per tin; Post Salt liutter, lOd per lb; Blacking Brusho*. 2s 6d por sat; Safety Matches, IJd per doz.—KEW'S. Victoria and Albert streets, ANTED KNUWn, tuat D. Goldie 1b prepared to sail all kinds of Building and other Tirnbor, including Hardwood, Spokes Felloes, Iron-Bark and Blue-Gum Shafts, Blocks, Palings and Shingles, at his Yardß, Lowor Albortstroet, near Dock, at tho oweflt cash prices. The timber, boiDg under vo is bettor than that pnrohaßod alsowhero ANTED KNOWN, the Greatest Exhibition of Mechanicsl Toys to bo seen in Auckland aro now on viow »nd sale at C. tv. Goodson's. All movo by Bteßin or clockwork. An immense assortment of Games, Puzzle, Musical Boxes, Magio Lanterns, &c, &o , suited for winter evening's amußomonts, at prices varying from Is to 100s. A Specimen Toy will bo set in motion in tho window nt each hour from 10 to 5. See it, and then iaspoot them in tho shop, 111, Queon-jtroot. \y ANTED KNOWN. Tho Auckland Tlmbor Company havo on hand sevoral Job Lots of Building Materials, which will bo sold as Great Bargains, to make room. Also, all descriptions of Timbor, Doors, Sashes, Mouldings, Joinery, Turnery, &c,, at Lowest F rices. O. HOLDSniP, Manager. \TIRANTED, the Public to cull and inVy spoct, or purohase, the Goods at A. McLcod's New Zealand Local Industry Cash Store and Spring Lath Matttosß Factory, City Mart, 123, Qneon-street. They will find that everything is marked in plain figures, and is tho Cheapeßt in Town. Open from 8 a.m, till 5 p.m., and on Saturdays till 9 p.m. WANTED KNOWN—At C, W. Goodson's Stationery is sold at English prices. Cream-laid Ruled Note, 2d per quire j good Knvclopes, at 2d per 25; tho Kensington and Brunswick Note, (highly fashionable), Is 6d por 5-quire packet; Knvolopes to match, 3d per 25; Exquisite Damask Ropp Noto, in 0 colours, at Is per quiro: Knvelopes to match, 1b per 25: Mourning Note in all borders, 6d per quire, and Court Knvolopes, 6d per paoket; Monogram (2 letters) Note Paper, 6d per quire, with Court Knvelopes to match, Gd por 25. Pass, JCxerctse and Copy Books, Day Books, Lodgers, Journals in icreit variety: Writing Desks. BJotters, Envolopo Cases, &o.; Birthday Cards, a bcantlful assortment; Initial Stamps, for paper or linen marking, from Is each; the Croedmoor,Bull Dog, and Mule Savings Bank. &c, &C.-111, Queen-etroot, and Brandon House, Parnell. ANTED KNOWN—An established faot that 111, Queen-streot, is tiik place for Novelties, combined with Economy, where daily may be seen tho Most Brilliant Illumina tion in Anckland, "The Kohlnoor," and th( " Novel Card Advertiser." All Goods are markec in plain figures. The trade motto, "A nimble sixpence better than a flow shilling." An ia speotion is solicited of the Now Goods, pei Oxford and s.e. Norfolk, just received, com prising tho New Patent Knife Cleaner, fron 7s Gd; the Patent Wringer, lCs; the Climaj Tap, 3s; tho Prize Filter Tap, 3s ; tho Americai Songster; tho Game of 7, or Jonathan outdone Is; the American Wizard, or Electrical am Matrimonipl Instructor; the Bear Hun',; th' Duck Shooting: the Agricultural Show Puzzle Cm 1: the Yankeu Toy Knitter; Tom Thuml Printing Press; the New Crystalino Wailore from Is; the New Indestructible Enamellei Cup, Palls, and Vases; Dolls and Dolls' Peram bulators; ar.d a variety of other new am attractive Goods far too varied to enumorate.t'all and inspect them at 111, Queen-street, an Brandon House, Fariidl,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3353, 26 April 1881, Page 3


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