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Dampier's Wonderful Bargains. r a D I E ■ S! Remember wo opon now nt 8 and cloao at 6: and on Saturdays wo closo at 10.30. Como nnd soo tho laws nico lot of Wonderful Fresh Uai - gains, comiuonolng with Ladies' Auckland Made Kill Hoots, at 8s tho pair: Pompadour Kibbon. :id tho ya.; Satin and Falllo Bevor«iible hlbbon, Gd ; Largo Lot other Sununor Rlobona Bdto la; Very Wirio Hash Ribbon, (Id tho yd.: Loatlior Tablo Matl). Is fid tlie net of b; knives nnd Forks.Bd tho Dair; Hooks and Kyes, 2 cards for Id, or 6d tho doz. cards ; Glass Ink Hottles, with metal lids, G'l; Hlaok Urucolots, .id tho pair; tho Fashionable Snako Bracelet, 13 tho pair; Silvered Snake Bracelets, 9d oaoh.; Nice Lot or Tablo Oilcloth. 1h tho yd. Toll your husbands to look in tho Wakefleld-stront Window at my Black and Sninnwr Kelt Hats, at %23 each. I urn rot awaro that I've had »u»h a cheap lot of Felt Hafj before: Hoys do., tho same Drlco; Black Lustre I'd and is the yd.: Hoys' Hummer Suita.l 53 and 7s: Grand Metal J)rcß9 Holtlors. 2d; tho now fashioned Lodes Girdles, Crt; tho Ladies' now fashioned Thick oaded Necklaces, la Gd; now fashionoa roochos <blaok or coloured), Gd: Kid Ulovos, Is 10 pair: splendid lot of Jpßcphlne do. (wlnto and coloured), 2b; nicolotof Hiding Whip*, 18 ouch : Largo Cards of Children's Tools. Ud tho card; Play inn Cards, 9d tho,,puok; Handsomo Honey Boxes, (id: Workboxoß, nicoly illlod witli Scissors, &c..'2»: Toy Hells. 2d; Laruo clo.. SUltnblo for Tablo Bells, id; Largo Grand China Tea Sots. '2a : Dlnpor, Is tho yd.: Crochet Antimaccasarn, Is 3d ; Toilet Mats, 1b tho Bet of v; Omnihuscß, (id each ; Hair Kruahea, lai; Cambric Handkerchiefs, Gd; Trumpets, 2d each; Punch Clappers, Is; Kngines.Gd: Turkey Twill, 1h; Framed Oleograph Pictures, la tho pair. Grand Pin Cushions, !ld; Largo Jars Rltnmol 8 Pomndo, <M; Victoria Mats, 2d each: argo nico lot of Ladles' Gloves. Cd ; Superior Fingor Rings, Grl; Infants' Feeding Bottles, 9d ouch ; Children's Potent Leather Hoots. 2a; Children s Prunella no., sizo Gto !). 3s; Ladies K.B. Boots, 68 Gd ; Prunolla do.. Gs Gd; protty bottles Smelling Salts. Ort; largo out glass bottles Scent, la fid : 150 yd. Reels of Thrend. 8d ; 200 yd. Heels of Cotton. 2(1. or la lOd tho dor..: Crochet Cotton. 2d and 2Jd; Buttons, 12 rloz. for Id ; Cloth Vest Buttons, 12 doz. /or Id; Ladles1 and Glrln TlilmWoH, 2 for Id; Brown Windsor Soap, 7 for Is; Glycerine Hars, 7d tho bar; a few "IJn" TnsHcls, 2d ouch; eood size Picturo Crosses, 2d j massive 3-cornoredglass Ink Bottles, Is; L'« «», and Girls' Umbrellas. 2s; nico Lot of Ladles White Straw Hats, Is 3d: Girls' do., lOd nnd Is : Men's do.. Is and la Gd: Shoots of Pins. 2 for Id orod tho doz.; Ladles' Hamlsomo Silk Squares, iflGd; Morley's Knitting Cotton, Nos. f. to 11, Is Sid tho lb.: Infanta' Feeding Bottloc »d each; Book Muslin, fld nnd 01; Stoel Knitting PUs, I for 2d ; good size Tin Waiters, , ; Pretty Kgg Cups, il for la; fow Hall Dresses, a httlo soilod, Is ; Mm'a Walking Sticks. 1b Gd; Boys do., 9d ; Electroplated Forks. Is ; do. bpoPi.s. id. l.d. and Od • Boys' Wido framed Slates. 2d; 2 ViolinH, with Hows. 20s each. Toll tho Shocmokors I have a Nico liOt of Ladies' Kid Boot Uppers. 2s tho pair and a Lotof Ladies' Boot Blocks, la tho piiir • nico Lot of Hoot Trunks for anyone 2a Ud to Cb ; Wash Leathers, 1b oach; about 15 doz. Tomahawks left for Is oaoh: Playing Cards, 9d tho pack; nioo Lot of German Silver and Steel Spectacles, Is tho pair, worth 2s 0i: Slato I'encils. Id the doz. or Gd for 100: Hair Nats. Id : another Lot of tho Black volvetoon, 2» 6d tho yd.; Lot of Sarcenat.i Is tho yd.; Gents Satin Bows, 6d and l)d; Nooktios, Id; Ladies' Scarves, 9d to Is Gd; Peorless Gloss to shine tho boots without brushes, 9d; nico Lot of Men's Wost Knd Collars, nizo 11, 3d (good quality); Blaokand Whito Borlin Wool, 3d tho doz i all tho beautiful colours. 4d; Ladios' Stayß. la Gd tho pair; Calico, lid; Towelling,4Jd; Fresh Lot of Whito Haok Combß. 4d and Gi: Mens Shirts. Is 3d to 2s 6d tho highest prico ; Boys do., different stees cheap ; Ladies Whito Hose, 3Jd : Unbleached d0.,6d; Other colours, Gd; Very Wido Whito window Holland, Od por yd.; «roon Striped do , Gd: Como Ladios aud sco tho Ijovely Lot of Ladies' Hummer Gloves I am foiling at fid tho pair ; Children's Gauntlot Gloves, 4d; Ruche different colours,2d tho yd.; Lndios'and On-Is Petticoats, 2a; White do., 4a 6d: Boys' Dux Collars, sizo Hi, 3d tho bor; Mon's Grand Pugaaroes, Ud ; Splondid Line of Men's Rraces. la ;:noihignor raico ; Littlo Boy's do.. Gd; Puff Boxes, with puffa, 9d ; Towels, 2d to2Jd; Largo Honeycomb do., Gd; Turkish do.. Is; Navy Bine, Majonta. Maroon. Groan, Brown, and Lavender Merino, la 3d the yd.; Ladieß' Bolts, Gd nnd !)d: Men's do., If: Boy's do., ad; Hair Pada, 3 for Gd ; Satin Tubular Trimming, Id tho yd.; Heading Glasses, to hold in ttto hand, Od each: Nico Lot of soent. Gd tho bottle; Piping Cord 18 knots for Gd; Fingering Wool, 3d the hank; Ladies' and Menu Stand-Up Collars, sizo 15.15 i, and 18, 2d the box; Kmbroidered Mats, 9d; Notepaper, 2d quire : Flannel la 3d,—W. H DAMPIER Ouccn-strcfet WANTED, my Customers to take particular notice of my Christmas Holidays' List of Bargains, comprising a grand assortment of Kathlonable Millinery Bonnets, and Bomeof thoChonpnat Trimmed Ladles' Hats in Auckland. My honse! is celebrated (or selling the best and cheapest Kid Gloves iv town. The following list of prices will bo a sure guarantee that tho articles will inimro themselves to the public, especially Bohemian Kid Gloves, an excellont quality, in allsizea. price Is9d per pair, worth 3s 6d: ono line of Twilled Flax Shirting, at7d peryd., worth Is; Summer Fancy 2-Button 2s, worth 4s per pair; a Good Dark Kid Glovo, 2-Buttonsd, 2s, worth 3s Gd ; a splendid value In OBtrich Feathors. 8s Cd. worth 10s Od; ft large stock of Long Whito Ostrich Feathors equally cheap : 1000 yards of Dress Mohair, for Snmmot wear, 7d per yard, worth Is 6d ; 30 dozen Silk Scarves, Is each, worth 2s ; 50 dozen Luce Collarets, Is, worth 3s ; a good lino In Black Kid Gloves, 2-Button, 3a, worth la Gd por pair; Men t nnd Youths' Ventilated Straw Hats at Is Gd, worth 3s: a splendid lot of Boys' Straw Hats, li each. Thia is tho only honse in town that haf got tho now Uhinnallo Frilling for Ball Dresses also, a groat variety of Gold and Silver I,ace tho Gent.'s Now Tuscan Hats at sa, worth 7s 6d, — WM. EYRE Victoria-street. T-v R a P_ E X Y. Wanted, all to Bead thlx Advertisement, and keep it in their mind's eye, as tho Prices arc extraordinarily Low. and the articles Good :- Lyon's Katharin, 8d a bottle: 481 yds Maize anc Kcro, Corded Kibbon (all silk), at 5d and 6c yard; 269 Tnrkey-Rert Handkerchiefs (dumaorod at 6d usual price. 1" each: Tasso Trimming ljd yard; Men's and Boys' Braces, only Gd t pair; Men's Merino Drawers. 3a lid—u«ua price, 5s for same quality: 200 pair Girls' Ftock ings, sizo 4 and 5, Is 4d por pair: warehousi price was la 9d, so you can gee what a bargalr they are at tho price. Ladies' Embroidorec Chemisos, 2a 6d each ; Handromo Trimmer Night-dresses, 3s 9d each : Whito Holland, 8r and 7d a yard: it answers all the purposes of t strong calico; Ladies' Lace Falls, 9d and l! each ; a few pair Ladies' Corsets left, at 2a pel pair, aize 25 inches ; 300 yds Lustre in Grey anc Navy Bine, at lOd and Is. worth 18 3d yard Hrochct Dollioa, 2d each : Holland Pinafores 9d each : a splendid line ot Ladies' Whito Petti coats at 3s 9d, worth fully 4s 6d each. J. (JREKN, VICTORU-BTHKKT. N\B,^Pana,ma Hats, 2s 3d each, which ii cheaper than they ha,vo over been gold before ii Auckland, Qur\smitixa. DEVITT, Gnnmsker, VA, Queen • street, Anckiana, opposite the Market house. Established. 1859.—Always in Stock anc to arrive by diroot importation from England made to advertisers own order,—Chokebon Breech-loading Guns, Double and Singlo Muzzle loaders, Bieech-loading Revolvers, Breech-load ing Rook and Rabbit Rifles, Game Bags, Gui Cases, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, and everj article necessary to complete the outfit of i sportsman. An assortment of every dcscriptioi of Revolver Cartridges, and nil the beat Brandi in Sporting Powders are imported direct frorr the makers by the the advertiser, who cat guarantee thoir good quality. Cartridges for the Knfleld, Snider and Terry Rifles. Metallic Cartridge Cases, Chilled Shot and other spec! alities always on hand. Country dealers liberally dealt with. Gunu Re-Btocked, Browned, etc., and every other kind of Firearm Repaired at reasonable prices. Notice.—Just to hand, a lot of good serviceable C. F. Chokebore Breechloading Guns cheap. The lar&est stock in Auckland to choose from. Alao, in atock, a large asoortment of Fireworks of tho best duality. Filming Tackle Portmanteaus POBTMANTE |AI.U SI PORTMANTEAUS! W. CHATFIELD, Manufacture!; ot all kinds' of Portmanteaus" Ladies' Travelling Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Hat and Gun Casks. Travellers' Sample Cases, and Leather Cases of every description, made to size and order, Gentlemen's Portmanteaus always kept in stook lit in great variety; manufactured from tho Best Colonial Leather and Sold at English Prices. ta1 Repairs neatly and promptly executed. S5, G^EY-sTREET. Auckland. •: Venetian Bunas. A UCKLAND VENETIAN BLIND A. FACTORT, COKtfKR OF COOK AND GKEIT STRBET3 VENETIAN BLINDS J VENETIAN BLINDS I Made of the best Californian Pine, guaranteed not to warp or twlnt. Our Blinds BurpaßS all mported Blinds, Wood or Iron. We have a H£ KS'.'tkf re« neVE^TirN BIVnOS on %3£Wted ifces. Wjxe Gauze i linds made to order, and forworn tp tyll Jiartfl of. the Co) »n y at the shortest wrtiop, f ~ A, & A. BUSBY '"•■ ' (Latb M. Horton Btjbbt), VWNBTIAN BLIND MAKBRB AND| WIRK COBNBB OF COOK AND GBBY STBBBTJ

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4