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Land and Estate Agents. W ~~iL~ MKTCAL.JPE ESTATEI& GENffiRAL COMMIQSION AGENT, NO. 29, INBURANCK BUILDINGS. The advorttßor, having bad 17 years' oxporionco, nnd boing intimately acquainted with all properties now In hla hands for salo, can advfso intending Settlers in their choice ot land. FAKMS.from 60 to 8,000 aores, on hand. }> ull particulars on application. Sovoral good InvestmentH for Cupitalists. Commiasions of ovory dOßoription exoouted forCountrv aottlern itt low rates. LAND, INVESTMENT, AND TRUST AGENCY. .UNDER ITHEjaMANAOEMENT OF GEOKGK FKASER, INVESTING AND ESTATE AGENT. AND PUBLIC AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTANT. Owicics : • No. C, South British Insurance Huildlngs, corner Qucon and Shditlivndstreotp, and \V. H. Urahamo's Bond, Fortstreet, aAuckland. For this Salk o£ City, Suburban, and Country Properties, Tiik Invkstmknt of Money in Land, Mortgages of Freeholds, Hank, Insuranoo, nnd ollior i Dlvidond paying Companies' Stook. I Tho Manaokmunt of Katatos for Trußtoes i and others. Monoy to lond on Mortgago. Soveral Sums on hand ut Low Itatos. Special Facilltios for Ro-paymont if doslrod. Bnyors and Sellers nro roqueatod to Noto that to thoso dcHiroua of Acuuiring, lCxchaniting, or I Increiißing Fioohold Imoreats, and thus placing j themselves nnd thoir families in tho near futnro in a position oC indopendonco and ahove t.lin imßonding struggles of tlio iiuibb of v toomlng population.'HUH AOKNC'Y lrt IN A rOBITION TO GIVK jjI'KOIAT. tfAOIUTISa KOK TIIK PtJHOIIAHK OV ProPUUTV (OK A FIHBT-OCiAHS UIIAItAOI'BH Only) enthustkd tv it rait Halk. FOR SALK-TIIK FOLLOWING TIIOPEH TIK3 :— Fivat-clasa Farm, Main South Road, about 350 acres very rlchoat volciuilo 8011, oultlvatud, fenced, and subdivided, with « beaulifnl roaldonoe and all neenpsary ontbuildlnuß, with lino orchard and garden. Prlco very chean, n bargain, and terms easy. Farm, I'ukokoho, :SSO aoros, larpfo par cultivated, with good honso and lino bush. Farm, Pukokohe, 1100 acres, unimproved, but partly fenced, well wutored.and near Kailway Station. Farm, Walranga Valley, 150 aoio», largo part cultivated with house, orchard, cattlo shod, &c. Farm, Pokono, 320 acros. mOßtly cultivated, and in grass, all fenced; galvanized Iron sheds and barn, railway convenient and good main road. Farm, Waiknto VaUoy, 303 acres, partly fonccd and in grass, good houßO, garden, and orchard, railway conveniences. Farm. Walkato Valley,-1211 aoros cloao to Railway Station, koo'l deep soil, easily culilvntod. Form, Razor Hack, (53 aoroe, Mrst-olnsß land, fenced wllh houso and necepaary oulbuildingH. Farm, Tuakau, l» aonw, with excellent bush on" milo from railway station. Surbarban Land, HtokoH' Point, 80 aoros. Farm, Maungiuuroto, 1)80 acres, good land, chi'ap, rail and water communication. Fiirm. W'aikato. iOO acres, purtly in grass fenced, largo ri»er frontugo. hstato, Waikuto, 0000 acres, first-class land, largo rlvor frontage. H'Htnto, Waikuto, largo Freehold and Leasehold property, with , farm buildings, stock, horsos, OAlile and Bheep. A number ot other properties. Fullor doscrlptlona with Pnrllculars on application to GKOUOK FRASER, Investmont Land and Trust A gonoy ■OROPERTIEB FOR SALE, BY ". R. RANDERSON, Broker and commission agent : RKGKNT-STREET-Flva-roomod Houso foi EUsalo cheap. ilVji-UUOAiEI) HOUSE (now) on allotment ! 120 x UO. Clieap-£IOO. FOUR-HUOMKD lIOUsK, West-street, Now- ; ton: £175 1 88 ACHES POKKNO. FJno Farm. Terms ex--1 coptionull? eausy. Price £350. r 100 ACttKd, Wirott Parish; 5h mi acre. 1 WAIICATO—Lots SI and 62. Komakarnu, 10( 1 acres; £200. ' 20,000 ACKKS, Great Uirrlor Island, farming and timber land, from 9a per acre : choic* elections, ■ SEVKN-KuoMKD lIOUSK, Great North Road 1 £100. • CORUUGATKD IRON COTTAGE, Nowmnr ' ket; £150. ! VICTOIUA-STKICRT WKST- Splendid AUot ment; 51 x7O; £8 per foot. . 170 ACKKS, Hunul District (choap); 25s per acre • TWO NK\V SHOPS, Wcllington-stroot (overj ', ' lmprovomont); £700. KIGHT-ROOMHiU HUUSE.largofrcehold, Pon ! sonby ; £SOO. ; TWO IBL ANUB, Port Fitzroy, 150 acres; £100 ! TWO ACRKS. Wallaco-atrcct, Ponsonhy. boi1 I frontage; £100. ; 70UR-KOOMK1) lIOUSK 8, Kivo-roomed • Houses. Six-roomed Houses, in Newton Ponsonby and elaowhere. Numerous othor Properties in various parts o the Provincial District. ■ MANGKKK—fIno Farm, choice land; £20 ai acre. NINE-ROOMKD HOUSB, freehold 100 x 175 • Komuora; £175. . ELLERSUK-Allotment 60 x lU, only £10 j IRONMONGKRY HUSIN'KaS in Grey-3treot good opportunity. Stock at valuation. J TWO Largo Blocks Native Land, Bay of Plenti ) t3J. Hoglstor of Properties can bo inspected a J the Oillce-5, Insuranoo Buildings. l WANTED: j To pnrohaf o, a Frcohold Site or Shop, in or nea: , Qaeeii-street; Rood prico. { Five-roomed Cottage, with freehold, about Hob 1 eon-street: must bo cheap. 1 Purchasers for Stocks and Shares; also fo: % Farms and other Proportion. 3 Good Dills for Discount at Itcasonablo Rates. r Freehold Securities for vurl-jua sums of money j at Current Rates. '! J. K. RANDERSON, land and estate agknt, 5, Insurance Buildings, Auckland. s ] , I "Dl J. MO&« AND DO, 'LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS., CORNER OF O'CONNELL AND SHORT LAND-STREETS (Next above Bank op N&w South Walks) Properties entrusted to us for Sale will havi I tho additional advantage o( being placed oi • MOSS, RAINE & CO.'s CENTRAL REGISTRY in Wellington. SPLHNDID FREEHOLD PROPERTY Between Auckland and Onchunga, ■, Consistingof Large Comfortable Ownlling-housi 1 with 23 Acres Rich Land, having double front ago and abundance of water; the whole beauti 3 fully situated, sure to Increase in value and cai » bo purchased either in one or In separate lots. F. J. MOS3 & CO., 1 . { Uhortland-street. J "171 O R S A' L E.- ---: X Well-built 8-roomed House in Park Road , Comfortable Largo New House in Ho . muera, 10 minutes' walk from Kail was ' Station , 7-roomed House In Ponsonby; every con voDience; gas and water; fine garden , and beautiful view Dwelling-house, with about 1 acre of land { pleasantly situated l .Fine House, near Choral Hall, with 1 acre of Orchard and gardon, nicoly id out , gas and wator, and everything n first rate order ; V. J. MOS3 & CO., shortlund-stroot. TJ URAL LANDS: 5800 acres \ Two very line blocks in the i 4510 acres f Walkato District 280 acros, near Pukokohe 3000 acres, about 3d miles from Auckland 4000 acres fine Land, near a Railway Station 1300 acres very fine Improved Land, with Uwellinui-bouse and every convenience 10,000 acres Bu%h Land, Wanganui District, very superior quality, and lakes grass by sur/aoe sowing 16,000 acres Bash Land, Wanganui District; to be sold cheap 612 acres Agricultural Land, in two blocks, near the Wniroa River 6,000 acres, Waikato; a very choice nnd cheap block of land : 100 acres very lino Land, one-half in grass, and only 3 miles from a railway station 300 acres fino alluvial Land, with river frontage 1200 acres rich Land, Kaipara district 460 acres, near Warkworth And other desirable Properties in various parts of the province to bo sold on easy terms. further information on application to F. MO3S S: CO., Shorttynd-street. FOR. S i L E^-Fa(thfnUy-buil|; Paddle Steamer, 75 tops, and 75 horse-power, Evpry improvement, and drawa only dj feet of water when loaded. Apply to F. J. MOSS & CO. tjhortland-street. O H E E P RUN. 10,000 acres on East Coast, one-third richland, rpmaindcr downs. Takes grass by surface Bowing. gOQO acros in grass. Th)B fine property, fenced and with 10,000 Bheep to be bought cheap, and a large portion of the purchase mpnpy'tobp left af lpng dafed mortgage. A rare opportunity to obtain a flrst-rato pun. Apply to B". J. MOSS & CO,, ■ Bhortlq,nd-stroet, ■KTKW ZEALAND AGRICULTURAL COMPANY. We are Agents for the above Company whloh has. 100,000 acres Splendid Agricultural Lund open for selection on the easiest termH, Plans and further information on application t0 F. J. MOSS & CO.. Shottland-street. MONEY TO LEND in sums of £100 upwards, on freehold security at current rates of interest. Apply to F. J. MOtiS & CO., ■ ■ • - , • Shortland-atroet. TITB nndertake the purohagp of Crown Lando, W of which gevral line hlocks arc?np^t ppen, apd respecting which fuU information may pp oStoined on application^ g-j fc ~ » Land and,|Eßtatp Agents, Shortlana-gtreet.

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Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XI, Issue 3218, 12 November 1880, Page 4