I ■* 4 J Nil a eifarat n T $■r ■ ■ ■ SlclllllC/li3 vjO ra OjJ 9 I J Association til Canterbury, Uβ. \ t ■ ■ »i i AUCTIONEERS, WOOT BROKERS, $ f FAT AND STORE STOCK SALESMEN ( f LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. ' • i j LKfll BNKK— IAVAIJD ST., AMMA. J I I Head Office:— GASSBEL STREET, CHRSSTCHURCH. . V ■ : J — J x J SALES OF ALL CLASSES OF FAT AND STORE STOCK I I I ■ , $ NEGOTIATED EITHER BY I ' * I' A PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATELY. . 9 r \s ■ ■ i l ? Oar Stock Agent nt Akaroa ■ $ : j. MR. CHARLES INWES, Tclophono iMo. 85. V I i will be pleased to call uj:ou you at any time ? I x ,-ti W I Appointments may be made '\{, our Atairoa Braucb, f Telephone No. d. 9 - J I ~™ ' - If you want Uio highosi prices for your Stock let i k j ■ f sell for you. ? . . • * f Consign all Stock'to J FAHMEKS , CO-OP. I j ' -,\ ; i : I I I \ 1 . you will find the Hupp. There ' 1 I is no more popular car m the i I .Dominion to-day than the Hup- I mobile. I \ And this is not haphazard popu- • ; I larity, not mere chance. ' : The man who buys a car now- • ] } p adays has been educated. Beauty j f of line and general appearance ■ j I are not the only features that I 1 sell a car. The buyer must "be . \ I satisfied that it has an engine ' I 1 cajiable o!" standing , up to all J 1 sorts of conditions every day of [I " - 1 evej'.y year. _ ' ■ [I I In the Ilupmobile tin. , car owner _' 1 - 1 knows that he has an engine of '"" 1 • I ,■.'." I absolute dependability, of abso- 1 I lute simplicity, of abounding" , I ' I strength and powei , . I I Quite ajiart. from the luxurious 1 . ■ d comfort oP its riding , qualifies 1 4 the Hupi) is essentially the car g I ' for New Zealand conditions, the M I car that will go anywhere and 1 m conquer obstacles. n I • I I ' Those arc reasons why N j 1 I' ! 1 THE POPULAR HUPMOBILE .. j |!il . . I ■ ■ : " is seen on every road. | j I The new series Hupp , , supplies I ' I of which are now to hand, con- . ■"{ ' I tains the latest features, which J |. make it a better car than its *■■':■• I famous predecessors. Get | •.■ I ■ acquainted with Hupp superior- %■ '■ : : ■■■■■: '■ " ' I ■;% N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Assn. r |:l j Limited f I
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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