LEGAL. \\7 wish to notify that wo have I * ' taken over the business of j Messrs Cunningham and Taylor on | Brinks Peninsula and have opened an j office at the Corner of Balguerie and | Lavaud Streets, Akaroa. Mr F. J. Hill will act as our local representative. We will attend the Duvauchello Sale each month and at Akaroa on the Ist and 3rd Friday's and Saturday's in each month and also on Court days. We have Money to lend on all classes of security. P. J. AMODEO and A. R. JACOBSON, Solicitors, Alliance Assurance Buildings, ■ 135 Hereford Street, Christcliurch. ] Telephone No. A 5204. The Practice lately carried on by the late Mr J. A. CASSIDY, as a Barrister and Solicitor, has been taken over by us as from the 24th day of February, 1920, and until further notice the practice will be carried on at the office of the late IMr Cassidy, No. 1. Royal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral Square. Mr C. A. Booker, for many years Managing Clerk to Mr Cassidy; is remaining on as Managing Clerk. In the mean- ' time our own practice will be carried on at our Offices, Alliance Assurance Buildings, 135 Hereford Street, 'iChristclnuch. ; Dated at Christ church this Ist day of March, 1920. PETER J. AMODEO, ARTHUR R. JACOBSON. KIDNEY TO LEND. \ , Wa have various sums of Trust and other Money for Investment at Lowest Current Rates of Interest. Borrowers can arrange to pay off in sums to suit themselves. W. E. D. BISHOP, Solicitor. • Hereford Street Chambers, Chiistchurch. [ ■HONEY,- ---* We have £10.000 to LEND on Freehold security in.various sums. MEARES AND WILLIAMS, Solicitors, Lavaud Street, Akaroa. Attend Office Little River first Thursday in each month, also Duv&ucbella every Sale Day Hkaraa Gash Butchery * ' I BEG TO NOTIFY the Public of Akaroa and Surrounding Bays that I am Selling the BEST QUALITY of Beef, Mutton. Lamb, and Pork, with t SMALL GOODS AS A SPECIALITY. j and trust with careful attention to l business to receive a fair share of l your patronage. CHARLES MANN. ' FORD CARS, We have been appointed by the 5 Canterbury Motor Co., selling agents : for Peninsula for FORD CARS and '■ TON TRUCKS. Why pay a big price for a car ' when you can get one to do the same 'I work (or more) at half the cost. See 'jus re a Ford. We will demonstrate 'ito you. The Ford is the "get there" car and don't you forget it. BANKS PENINSULA ENGINEERING AMD MOTOR COMPANY. LITTLE RIVER.
Now ? s the Time TO have your Creamery Waggon OVERHAULED and got ready 'for the coming season. RING UP 'PHONE 2>, And 1 will be pleased to give you an Estimate for Repairs or a price for your new Cart. MOTOR CARS RE-PAINTED AND RE-TRIMmED. Gy First-class Tradesman. RUBBERTYRES FITTED. _ I CL ColomhuSp LITTLE RIVER.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 4
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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