■ To. the Editor. I Sir, As it would appeal- that we are responsible for the statements appearing in last Tuesday's issue relative to our Peraki bee farm you must in all fairness allow your facts to be somewhat corrected. You were refused the information for publication, and we consider it somewhat of an impertinence to publish details of other .people's business, especially when the details are totally wrong and misleading. In the first place our-Peraki crop is a long way short of the record for the Peninsula. Again, the tins hold. 56 lbs and not 60 lbs, while the value is under '12 instead of the >:4 you guess at. Hut the nett return is lower stiil. Tiri?, cases and freights cost over a penny per lb. Then there are the season's working expenses, which go O n whether the season is good or bad. To produce a crop of honey a few other requirements ai'e necessary, such as proper equipment, the right kind of bees (it takes years to breed the strain.) and above all a thorough knowledge of the work that has to be clone. But in spite of all that the apiarist can do, the reward for his efforts depends on a few weeks' fine weather at the critical time. We have had season's that were too dry and others that were too wet. But we don't ask you to publish our failures. We are, etc., BARRETT AND BRAY, fit is certainly due to the Information given out publicly at the last Duvauchelle Sale that our facts were incorrect. We regret that faulty 'statements should luu-c appeared; but do not think our correspondents will lose by the publicity we have given to their business. —Editor, Akaroa "Mai!. -,
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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