5 ! To the Editor. )! Sir,-—On revisiting 4 your boautifu I and unique Domain, one wonder; I whether the citizens of Akarot , realize that their Domain's great at j traction is the preponderance 01 f native trees and shrubs. Does the 3 gardener or the Borough Council 1001----1 upon the Domain as a plantation foi 3 the supply of .firewood ? When oik 3 sees the many cords of fireweoc ~ stacked in the Domain one is tempt j ed to ask "cvi bono" ? which being in j terpreted means ''who is securing [. supplies of manuka firewood during 3 this fuel shortage ?" I would sugges: j that instead of wantonly destroying 1 those splendid manukas the Borougl ~ Council direct the gardener to at 3 "tempt to replace the undergrowth . and fill the Domain with ferns, there 2 by giving the native trees a chance . to survive indefinitely. I hope I wil / not be told that ''fools and bairns' I should never see half-done work . that English trees are going to re I place the natives, for one can see t - conventional domain of importec j trees anywhere, but few towns car ( show one with such scenic advan , tages as yours, and the bush, once ii ; is destroyed, is absolutely unreplaccable. Another thing. In no town ir . New Zealand do the birds sing as \x , Akaroa, and with the thinning-out (of the manukas the trees will as- . suredly disappear from the Domain ; If the Borough Council wishes to sec , how such a Domain as yours really [ should be cared for, let them stuclj , the methods of the Board of Trus- . tees of the Deans' Bush, Riccarton, , ' —I am, etc., . J VISITOR. ; ! Akaroa, 11 '7 20. i
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3957, 13 July 1920, Page 4
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