HOTELS. bruce. hotel, AKAROA. MESSRS 11. PARKIN and H. ROBINSON wish lo inform their Friends Tourists and the Public generally that they have taken over ths above new and beautifully situated Hotel overlooking ths lovely Akaroa Harbour, and in close proximinity to thej Domain —a unique spot—and hope by strict attention to business, and in supplying the best of Wines and Spirits to merit a fair share of public patronage. Motor Launches, Fishing, Bathing, etc CROWN XXXX BEER ON DRAUGHT. Hotel Elefropole^ LAVAUD STREET - AKAROA. THE MOST CENTRAL HOTEL. 1 Excellent Table. Lunch from 12 to 2. The Spirits, Wines, and Beers in stock will always be carefully selected from the best brands, and disposed of at lowest current rates. Billiard and Bagatelle Tables. Good Stabling. Splendid Motor Garage. H. BELL, Proprietor. How's the Time TO have your Creamery Waggon PVERHAULED and got ready for the coming season. 'PHONE; 23 'Sj&RfAf -4 tpj'fiiwe. -y'oii. 'an Estimate for Repairs or a pric* , for your ' new Cart. RIQTOR CARS RE-PAINTED AND RE-TRIMMED. By First-class Tradesman. RUBBERTYRES FITTED. 6. Golombus, LITTLE RIVER. MAPS OF BANKS PENINSULA. MAPS of the Peninsula showing the roads may be procured from the "Akaroa Mail'" Office, or the Tourist Office, Akaroa. Price of the map is 6d. >RRIS & CO.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 1
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