SHIPPING. ♦banks peninsula bteam- "■ ship service. r HE Steamers "CYGNET" "MONICA." ana "JOHN AM DEE SON " will rnn Bβ under ;weathor and other oircumstancos tf. permitting):- fil dleamer. Dn.v. Train. Station. , For AKABOA and Bars in Akuroa HarbourOTEnet Mon. 9.53 am Noon Sat. J Fiid. 9.55 atn 4 pra Thr"For LE EONS BAYCygne» -Frl 9-55 aa 4 prn TlLITTLE AEALOA AND MJENZIES BAY— Monioa Tues. 7.55 am 4pm Mod Monica Thur. 755 am 4pm Jrted Monica Sat. 7.55 am 4pm in. For OKAIN'S BAY— Monioa - Taea 755 am 4pm Mon. Monioa Thur. 755 am 4 ptn Wed c- Manioa Batur 7.55 am Ipm *"« For PIGEON BAY— Monioa Mon. 7.55 am Noon Sat. _ Monioa Fri. 7.55 em 4 pin ,-hur r Wed 4 p.m 1! a.EJ- Wed For PORT LEVY— John Anders'n Wed. 6.30 am 4pm Tues. John Andorß'n Wed. 4.0 pm hoon Wed. j Speoial Trips and Pionioi oan bo arranged STEVENSON STEWART & CO., Telephone i3O, Manchester Street •■' VV. D. A'ILKINa & SONS, i Agentß.Akaroa. GROWN BREWERY. The Celebrated SPARKLING ALES -" of the Crown Brewery Company can be obtained at the following PENINSULA HOUSES:— * MR H. W. PIPER, -?+ Maderia Hotel, Akaroa. tf : > MESSES ROBINSON & PARKIN, Duvauchelle. Jt * ' Grand Hotel, Akaroa. CROWN BREWERY BEER IS UNRIVALLED. * BUTTER AND HONEY V/SAPPIN® PAPERS. WE are prepared to PRINT Butter f and Honey Wrapping on the prescribed paper and with the proper ' ink, as required by the "Pure Food p' Act" at reasonable prices. Let us " ' know your requirements, and we will supply yon with quotations. B. M. JACOBSON, • Msnegar. "Ak&roa MaiL." * ' •• « - QUILL, MO!
!SSE"T7S- ■MJBSWW*"" , " , """'''—' wWW-hwim'w"" 1 - ■,■.!■ ■ r-r- '■■""■"■' • ■Ail ¥iifi*ssl & ipl Proprietors: THE fJiSTILLERS C OMPANY LiMITED. Lc.igc:,t Scotch Whisky Distillers in the World. C:<[)it;il um|>l-jyed over £2,cao,txn. EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND, , AGENTS:— Fletcher Humphreys & Co., Christchurch.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 1
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