I New Curtain Materials | I Post free from p. I ?silSSj£s£S S •I Dainty Bordered Voiles with charming coloured insel [j I at edge and hemstitched and drawn thread effect. | I Softly-hanging fabrics that will brighten any window and arc j^ I particularly adapted to casement windows. H I 40 inches wide, 3/11 yard. • . • | 1 Something hew for Dining Room, Smoke Room, or |i 1 Hall Curtains —Striped Terry Curtafning. In rich colour- p h ings. Very durable. $ 1 36 inch wide, 8/6 yard. "f 9 Small Oak Book Troughs, 18 inches long. || I Well finished. ' _ Price, 6/6 each. ' | I oEllEntyneSf Christchurch J rSk ®ti t\ ODODODODODODODODODODODODO C O . £ § Form' the Best Diary *§ff C Q Get a Kodak and. record every worth /Mt/M*. -I[—i while event and make pictnres of your yffio§\\k C /=} children and friends. Your Kodak ffflsffisz Z m alburn will become a treasured posses- /////tf|[Mij C □ The Vest Pocket Kodak - £2/5/- MlMj! £ R No. 1 Autographic Kodak Jr. £3/10/- &f C I—J '(| r O No. 1A Autographic Kodak J % b □ Junior ... - - £4/.-/- "'•"*' £ Q " and Dsmcr sir alien Fret v o §j I csi £**% r"j sr> c LJ W•! W B %meJf- &BBS# p o Q, • ' CHEMIST - - AKAROA. C o
A sure and pleasant specific for removing worms is WADE'S WORM FIGS, Price 1/6.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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