CANTERBURY SEED COMPANY. THE Gaunt erbury (N.Z.) Seed Company^ LIMITED. 206 & 208 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. Wβ are buyers of GOGKSFOOT "We can supply— NEW SACKS AND TWINE AT CURRENT KATES. C. 11. HEWLETT, Manager. MRS, RICHES? Ladies' ©nffitter BEACH ROAD. NOW SHOWING WORK BASKETS JEWEL CASKETS, \ ; ASES. TRINKET BOXES PRETTY BAGS. ANTIMONY WARE Handkerchiefs in newest colourings in silk, and cotton, Smart Hosiery, Hand-made Laces, Blouses in Exclusive Design, Dainty Lingerie. Also at Frank Taylor BAKER'S BUILDINGS. IG6 JVlaiichesier St., Christchurch. FARMERS! Do not pay fancy prices for your OILS this season. j CASTOR OIL in 4-gallon tins 7s Gd per gallon. We sell CASTOR, MOTOR and all classes % o£ Oils for Farm Implements from 2s to 'ds per gallon cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere. AIL goods we sell carry our guarantee: Absolute satisfaction or . money back. FIEIIIG S SONS 48 ST. BOX. 737 QI'JBiSTCHUffICH PENINSULA WAR MEMORIAL CARNIVAL A Meeting of the General Coin- ■*"*- mittec will be held in the AKAROA BOROUGH COUNCIL CHAMBERS on FRIDAY NEXT at 7.30 p.m. BUSINESS. IMPORTANT. TO RECEIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. FULL ATTENDANCE REQUESTED G. ARMSTRONG, President.
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3926, 16 March 1920, Page 2
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