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This Council met on Monday. Present : Messrs J. C. C. Gebbic (chairman), Geo. Barclay, J. O. Coop, J. P. Buchanan, W. F. Parkinson and J. Chapman. The following additional business was transacted other than that reported last issue:— The clerk and engineer, Mr Inder, reported as follows :—• "Nominations for membership of the Banks Peninsula Electric Power Board were called for Friday, loth February, when three nominations were received, thus necessitating an election, which was held on Friday, the 20 th February. Complete rolls had to be compiled and printed owing- to the election having to be conducted under conditions differing from the ordinary elections of councillors. During the month rates have been coming in freely, but there are still some ratepayers who require lo be reminded that the ten per cent, pcntlty will bo enforced after the lGth inst. Arrangements were made with Mr Bridge to make a survey of White's iproperty subdividing it into four lots. After the survey was made, I arranged for an additional peg to be put in to give lot 1 a frontage to ; the back road. , % Tiic plan has come to hand showing 1 the subdivisions, with measurements, areas, etc. When Mr Simpson of the Public I Works Department was hero Crs. Chapman and Feather and myself went with him over some of the Kinloeh Settlement reads, including the Reynold's Valley road, Livingstone's and White's roads. \ Most of the Council's employees have.been off until the last few days and when lie returned to work I went over the road with foreman Wright to select places where stone could be broken for metalling Reynold's Valley road. Long carting will be necessary on the upper portion which will ■ have to be coated with metal
from near White's fm&uv [iwA, r< 1 have interviewed both Mr Bran- j kin and Mr While and il is gratify- w ing to bo able to report that thoy k havo cacli offei-ed every facility for t the Council to obtain stone from ii their properties. j ' The necessary specification for f. spawling can now be prepared, and s will be submitted for the Department's approval within the next few 1 days. • l 1 At the present time the only men t at work on Little River roads are 1 F. Wright, Wilson and F. White, but as grass seeding is now finished, the t horses are being shod and the team g will start work shortly. v A truckload of pipes were ordered and have come to hand, but more \ will be required shortly. % r Enquiry was made about timbsr t for bridges in Kaituna Riding but i none of the required size could be i procured in Christchurch. \ Statement of Financial Position < Bth. March, 1920.
£961 0 2 FOREMEN'S REPORTS. ! Mr Wright reported cutting back willows from Railway , crossing to Dyer's, grubbing gorso in Council paddock, putting handrail on Tc Oka culvert and general repairs to TeOka road, wings had alto been put on Kinloch bridge. ' J. Brady, Kaituna, reported .as follows :--"I beg to report since ray last report the following works have been attended to—shingle carted on tho Main road and finished to the boundary at Miller's Bridge. Some grading , done on the Main road and one of the bridges on the same road repaired .and covered with broken metal and clay. Sonic repairs done to McQueen's Valley road. Watertables on Cicbbic's Pass road cleared in places. The Kaituna Valley road wants yhingl-einy a, distance of about six miles. Tho numerous curves on tho Main road in this riding arc troublesome and hard to keep in re-. pair, and as shingle is useless the timo has arrived when some other material should be used for their upkeep. I would suggest that an effort be made this winter to get a quantity of rock broken in suitable places along the road. I have tried ones curve as an experiment, viz. : the one opposie the blacksmith's shop in Gebbie's Valley and it has stood the motor traffic very well. I believe in a. clean curve, no loose material The shingle gets thrown out and banked up round the curves and gets dangerous for cars to pass over it. Personally I would like an experiment made with concrete, which at the present time would be expensive. Mr Condon, Kinloch, reported as follows :—"Started working on T. Feather Junr. road 12th January j worked for one week, on the 29 th metal Long Bay road, on February 16th five days of that week metal. Long Bay road, on three-quarters day Gap road. On the 23rd one and half days metal Long Bay road and two three-quarters days Tumbledown road and three-quarter day Wright's road. I will try and get to T. Fee. .h:r Jnr road and Barwick's road next week. I H. Nibblett, Island Bay, reported .working on Top road repairing wall on Reed's Hill road and repairing same. I The clerk handed in a lease of the Railway Reserve from the Council to ' Mr Walter Cossar which has to be ! signed by Mr Cossar. Mr Coop moved that the Council havo the title searched to put the whole thing in order, and that it be' left to Messrs Chapman, Cossar and i tho Engineer to obtain all information at the Land office. Seconded by. the Chairman and carried. It was decided to add to the lease that a, six months' notice could bo given in event of the Reserve being required for railway purposes. The question of war memorial was discussed and the solicitors forwarded information to effect that the powers of local bodies had been extended to allow of grants being made I.>y local, bodies to approved [ war memorials. >, j The chairman reported that they! had a meeting last Tuesday night,' and they decided to erect a cenotaph ! They had one plan which cost■ £10.1 i only and this seemed too small.! They decided to go into the matter more fully, get plans and estimates and. put the matter be fore another meeting. Then they could come before the Council and ask for a grant Some discussion ensued as to' whether the monument being a ceno-' taph would be simply a tomb. j The chairman said the cenotaph' would simply be a monument to the' fallen boys alone. i Mr Barclay said the feeling of the meeting was that the memorial should be to the fallen boys only, the ones who had given up their lives. They would like anyone who had any suggestions as to designs sent to them before the next' meeting. It was not necessary that I the monument should be tomb-like—l it might be an obelisk or pillar. Mr Parkinson said he must object to the Akaroa people calling their memorial a Banks Peninsula monument as it did not include their county. They should call it an Aka-
ua County memorial. ■ •< It was resolved that the Council kviiio to the Peninsula, War Memorial Carnival Committee objecting to their calling , their monument a Peninsula one, ■Tho N.C. Hospital and Charitable Aid Board forwarded a medical subsidy to the Council for their doctor. Correspondence was read from Dr Todd re change of dates of departure fcjui- grants from the North Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. It was decided not to call applica- t tions till a dwelling had been arranged and to. accept Dr Smyth's ser- S vices if he were willing. The* Public Works Department wrote re grant for the Morice Settlement Bridge £12 18s id, asking- if the Council' would take the amount for the work as the grant had been made in 1915. As the work had been done it was decided to apply for the grant towa>'d.i the metalling of the approaches (if the bridge. Messrs H. J. Otlcy and Co. wrote in answer to enquiry re hardwood timber that none was in stock. A boat was due in March with Jarrah and tiny asked the Council to forward a list of their requirements. It was decided to put in an order for ordinary timber and to cable Allan Taylor and Co. of Sydney to complete their order. . Mr Coop brought up the matter of the Motukarara bridge which was being reduced from 52ft to 22 ft. It , was absurd to build a bridge as large 'as 22ft. ; The Chairman f-aid that the bridge should not be cut down beyond 22ft ay then the water would overflow on tire top-side. . ] Mr Coop considered that it was only waste of money putting up-this big culvert. Ho considered they should approach the Drainage Board on tho matter. It was decided that the three local bodies intei'estetl meet again on the si to of tho bridge and .discuss tho matter regain, the date to be fixed later. Mr 11. A. Nutt wrote asking the. Council to appoint valuers to estimate the value of the improvements now that his lease had expired. It was decided to hold over the matter till in-xt meeting for further inifonnatk'!!. Mr Coop said he had somo particulars re a motor truck which he read. to the- Council, showing great reduced cost below horse teams. The truck could go anywhere and could: spread the stuff on the roads. Mr. Coop added that they now had five teams and this cculd replace them. J , Mr Parkinson asked how the motor truck would' damage the roads. j Mi- Coop said he did not think any damage would be done. He thought the Power Board might join in to haul their poles. I , A circular from the Canterbury Progress League re speeding up the work ?.t the Otira Tunnell so that the Midland Railway might be completed was received and it was de-. cided that a telegram be sent to the Minister of Public Works urging upon him the necessity of the work. ! ! The Department of Forestry wrote re the tree Albesia Salmon to effect that it was a large tree of very rapid growth which likes being near the sea, is very susceptible to frost. '' The pods are of great value as fodder to cattle. He considered the tree would grow on Banks Peninsula particularly near the sea. j I The Fielding Pastoral Association wrote re the Government comman-1 deer of meat and enclosing resolu-j tions favouring the sending of a commission to England to enquire into the disposal of the meat. It was resolved that the Council ( endorse the first resolution re ( clearing tho stores of meat. The second resolution re sending home the Commissioners was not upheld. Some correspondence ro alteration .in rates was read and transfers approved. I The Progress League wrote thanking tho Council for. their quota. Mr D." McLean, Okute Valley, wrote re the inspection of the read to Aeland Block, pointing out that Mr j Birdling's views were inconsistent. 110 found out in Christchurcli hisi legal position was that tho Waii'ewa Council could allow or refuso to,, build the road. He had heard one of, the Councillors &ay that- the Council had no intention of building the road or letting him make the road and ho thought that the Council was j inclined Lo listen to Mr Birdling's ( i point of view. As a means- of pre-. J venting Messrs\s paddock; . being ;»1 all damaged ho would suggest that llio road should be formed j along tho boundary fences. He ; urgently wanted the road defined.
Bal. 9th Feb. 1920. 2SS3 12 7 Interest and Exchanges 52 14 0 ReceiptsRates ■ • 1202 16 4 Rents 42 ti 3 Roclibrcakcr 200 • 0 0 Sundries ' 30 3 10 Bal. 8/3/20 001 0 2 I £2426 6 7 Bank Book Bal. £1010 18 8 Unpicsentccl cheques 2' 9 0 j £1013 7. 8 Less Cheques in hand £52 7 0
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 4
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1,963WAIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 4
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WAIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 4
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Akaroa Mail Co is the copyright owner for the Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Akaroa Mail Co. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.