T. E. TAYLOR & CO. 11. C inylor&Co. 1 LSIHITED. DRAPERY i We have at present a very line selection of Ladies and ■ Children's Hose. By buying well ahead of requirements we 1 are well stocked and at prices much below "present day H values. I Hosiery is almost unprocurable on the English, and Con--1 tihental Markets to-day, therrfor prices asked are fabrilous. ■ You will appreciate our Quality and Low Prices in these i lines. • . . I MERCERISED COTTON HOSE, Black 3/9, Tan- 2/11 pair. I MERCERISED COTTON HOSE, in Pale Peach, Tan, Mole I Heather, Grey. Navy, Black H "Vufella" Heather Mixture Hose, several shades, beautiful' H goods . 7/6 pair I ARTIFICAL SILK HOSE, in variety of colours 4/2 I ARTIFICIAL SILK HOSE, in.Black, White, 7/3, 10/6 I SPUN SILK HOSE, Black 15/- pair, very good quality I BLACK CASHMERE HOSE @ 4/11, 5/6, 7/3 to 11/- pair I - in Plain 1/1, 2/1, and 4/1 Ribbed ! Black, Heather, Grey, Navy, Brown, Fine and Coarse Knit COLONIAL HOSE, Good Winter Line. 4/3 to 7/6. I NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE YOUrJ HOSIERY I NEEDS, THESE LINES CANNOT BE REPLACED. i ' , " j — . jj ■' ■ ."■ . • I RING. 37 Dor 37 K. ■ GROCERY DEPARTMENT I What about Your Winter Requirements for .f^ I MEGGITT'S MEAL and CEREMILK ?. I We have a Good Stock, anticipate your wants and get them ' 1 NOW. I We are still well to the fore with our CROCKERY arid ' I IRONMONGERY DEPARTMENTS. I ONE QUALITY THROUGHOUT OUR ESTABLISHMENT I THE BEST. 1 GROCERY 'PHONES 19D and 19K. T. E:. Taylor & Co. LIMITED. BEACH ROAD, - - AKAROA.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3925, 12 March 1920, Page 3
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