To the Editor. Sir, —I was rather disappointed on sale day that more motorists did not book up for the run to view Lake Coleridge and the pipe line and power house. Many I spoke to complained of the cost of petrol, this I know is quite an item, for a run of 230 miles these days. There arc many willing passengers that would gladly take on the trip if seats were available. I think Sir that if those
persons interviewed the car owners and suggested that each passenger supply a tin of petrol it may be the means of many more cars going. Any man that has the slightest leaning towards machinery can be assured of a most interesting time at the Lake end. The road is good and nothing in the way of hills to us people. ;. Nothing as long and steep as froni the sale yards to the Barry's Bay and Pigeon Bay junction. I would like if all car owners that intend going would let me know, not later than Saturday next, how many their party will be, I can then arrange matters oir the Monday. Mr Hitchcock, chief electrical engineer, of .the Public Works Department will accompany the party if possible. Mrs Templin "and Mr Quealy botli report having received letters from Mr Templin in which he states he is leaving Fn#o by 'the Tof ua 31st this month and is due Wellington about 20th April.—Yours, etc., ■ j . A. GOODWIN,
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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