ZAM-BUK, IS NEEDED TO PRE-. .VENT BLOOD POISON AND DIS ,' - EASE. ! Every woikcr should always keej , a pot of Zam-Buk within easy read Cuts and bruises are a daily occurr ence, anel uiilsss they are dresse. with Zam-Buk there is always th 'risk of blooel poison supervening. j Mrs. E. Penfold, Green Street .Waterloo, Sydney, says:—"My littl son, William, sworking amongsl .skins, severely cut his thumb. Ai the usual chmists' preparation faile. .to check the poison from spreading and the boy suffered cuel pain. B .must have been crippled for quit. . nine months, and he would have ha< a bad hand yet if we hadn't trie< , Zam-Buk • The wound was surrounded wit! i proud flesh, and it was feared thai my son wold 'lose his thumb off h} the top joint. But Zam-Buk sooi dispellecl our fears. This powerfu antiseptic balm quickly subdued al swelling and inflammation, and drove the poisonous matter out of the tissue. Under repeated application of Zam-Buk the wounel progresseel splendidly, and when all soreness and impurity hael been got rid ofj William's hand healed up perfesctly. Now our boys will use no other remedy but Zam-Buk for their ..injuries." j Zam-Buk is indispcsable in the home, workshop, and on the farm, 'sheep run and cattle station. ZamBuk soothes and heals skin injuries like magic, anel cures completely ecze ma, ulcers, bad legs, ring worm, sore feet, anel other skin diseases. Off all stores and chmists at 1/6 and 3/6 per pot
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXV, Issue 3924, 9 March 1920, Page 2
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