■' ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. 'I'h". annual meeting oT shareholders of Ihe Peninsula Saleya>\i:. Co\. Ltd w;is hold at DuvaucheH" on Friday when there was a good attendance, Mr Uobf Latter, chairman of Directors presiding. The annual report and balance were read. j ! The balance sheet was adopted, showing yard fees for the year .£lB7 17s Od, rents £47 8s 4d, sundry re- : ceipts £0 18s Od, expenditure ( :28G 8s LI and a credit balance at the end of the year of £152 18s 7d. ' The report and balance sheet were adopted with the exception that it was decided to pay a dividend of (i per cent, instead of 5 per cent, to shareholders. Mr JJ, W, Wilkins was re-elected auditor, Mr J. D. Bruce moved a hearty vote of thanks lo the Chairman and ■Directors for their arduous year's
work. Seconded by Mr Silas Harris and carried unanimously. j Messrs E. Hay and T. W. Wilkins ! were elected directors. I DIRECTORS MEETING. A meeting of the directors was then hcid, Mr R. Latter being voted jto the chair. 1 Four auctioneering linns wrote 'agreeing to the Company's new rule j that .''.l should be charged for land sales held at the yards. j The Akaroa County Council wrote •asking the Company to shift the .timber from the Onawe wharf. I It was decided to reply that the Company were having the timber taken away. Mr Wilkins rcpoited the timber for the new yards was very good and was j being cut up. The other timber [required was ordered and would 'arrive in a fortnight. Accounts amounting to UO -Is 2d iwerc passed for payment. j Mr Wilkins reported that Mr 'Samuels offered V. t a year for the ■Company's paddocks and agreed to ikeop fences in order, remove all stock on tiie Thursday, Friday and Saturday when the Company's or private sales took place. Ho also agreed [to collect fees on stock left over after sales. I Mr Wilkins said this would be 'convenient to stock drivers and the : general public. The matter was discussed and it was decided to inform Mr Samuels the Company might consider his I offer if ly; paid £20 a year. [ ft was decided to fill the vacancy on the directorate at next meeting.
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Bibliographic details
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3900, 11 November 1919, Page 2
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Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3900, 11 November 1919, Page 2
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