The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919.
Mrs W. H. Moore presided over a meeting of the Akaroa Ladies Committee which organized the returned soldiers' ball. After paying all expenses there will be a credit balance of £12, which has been banked. It was resolved to make the ball an annual affair. On Saturday a gift sale in aid of the St Savious's Orphans adopted by the St. Peter's congregation, was held at Mr Thomas' shop, Akaroa, when £18 was netted for the orphans A large amount of vegetables and produce was received. Miss Dalglish won the cheese donated by Mr S. Curry, of Long Bay Road, and MissLorna Armstrong a maiden hair fern donated by Mrs W. If. Henning. The residents of Pigeon Bay recently had two proposals put before them for a war memorial, one being a memorial hall and the other a handsome memorial gate with marble tablets let in each side for the names of their soldiers of the same design as the proposed memorial gates at Duvauchcllc. The memorial gate proposal has been adopted and a scheme for erecting a public hall | on a section presented for the pur-J pose by Mr E. Hay is now on foot and the memorial gates will lead to ( the proposed new hall. i ■■ Exhibitors are reminded that en- }. tries for the Peninsula Horse Show and Pastoral Association's annual j show, to be held at Duvauchcllc on t Thursday, November 20th, close with j. the secretary, Mr G. H. O'Callaghan, ~ on Saturday next, November 15th, ; v while entries close on the same day ! , for the Banks Peninsula A. and I*. <* Association's show to be held on j * Tuesday, November 25th, at River, with Mr H. Lewthwaite, sec-1 retary, Li tie River. < There passed away in Palmcrston''■_, North last month Mrs W, T. Green, ! t an old pioneer who is survived by v three sons, four daughters, 32 grand- ; n children and 21 great grand children, j She was born in London in 1842 j and came out to New Zealand in ~ 1858 coming out with Mrs Dayley. ]. She lived in Akaroa for a number of j\ years, marrying Mr W. T. Green, a n son of Mr W. Green the well known ]. owner of the Green's Point Hotel, c i the first hotel in Canterbury. Re- a port says that Mr W. T, Green was j, born before 1840 in Akaroa and was „ the first white child born on the a Peninsula, the Maoris making the — child a gift of a large area of land Mrs Green will be remembered on .V Banks Peninsula, where she lived up In to 3885..' ■.. jsi
At Duvauchelle Sale on Friday Mr ". K. Ray sold a pure-bred shorthorn I'a.l cow bred by Mr W. Menzies, Ueii/.ies Lay for !;27. To-day b*ing Ihe anniversary of 'he signing of the armistice between ;ho Allies and Germany, at the \ing's request at 11 a.m, a stoppage >f a.'i work, sound and locomotion vill b" observed I'or two minutes in everenl remembrance of the glorous dead. At Akaroa the church lolls will be rung at 11 a.m, as a ■ignal to the public. Since his arrival in Akaroa, Mr 'o.i*iie, the Borough gardener, has '"'•ii occupied in preparing bc-ds on h? various plots in the town for ■codiings. and his work gives pronise of great possibilities. The '.litomart Reserve has been laid out r. small beds, while the grass plots •ound the wharves are also being aid down with gardens and new soil. V bolder garden on tho Esplanade iext to the Council yard has been aid down with ornamental rock borer and there are sweet peas growing gainst the fence. When Mr Currie as liis plants in flower the hnprovelent to the town will be considerble. To prevent a cold "getting hold of ou," take "NAZOL'' on sugar, or in-' ale it at intervals. Its effects are hylly marvellous.
r , Notice re voting by declaration i and particulars re absent voters , permits and seamen's rights may be j seen, in our advertising columns.
The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 3900, 11 November 1919, Page 2
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