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The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1903

Duvauohelle's Sunday School — A concert and dance, in aid of this school, will be held in the Assembly Roomß. Duvau 1 chelle'e, on Tuesday, August 4th. For further particulars see advertisement elsewhere. Okain's Factory.—This dairy factory hae done well this season. It h»s paid 4|d per ca11.." for milk eunpb'ed. and a surplus of over £50 remain" available for r>ny improvements needed. The suppliers lave received aa average return of over £10 per cow. The Wallaroo Incident—The inquiry has been completed into the Wallaroo torpedoing incident The object was to discover why the missiles deviated after beirg fired from the tube. The result has not been dirclosed, and the report will be forwarded to torpfdo experts in England.

St. Peter's Cnußcn —On Sunday morn* ing next, Bishop Julius will preach in St. Peter's Church. Akaroa. He will also hold a children's Fervice in the afternoon, and in the evorirg a enmfirmation cervice will be combined with Evensong, when a number of c -didates will he presented for confirmation On Sunday evening, the Rev. W. Sedgwick gave an address, strongly advocating the Bible in Schools.

Late Cable—Wireless telegrapbio fire Blarms have been introduced as an experiment in Brrsse's.—The battleship Edward VII has bepn launched at Davenport The Princees of Wales performed the ceremony of (hrisfeninj;.—Three Australians ha\e qualified for tho seconr 1 stage of the King's prize at th* Bisley meeting.—B. L. Farjeon. journalist and novelipt, is (.ad,

Australian Naval Defence—ln the House of Representatives, Australia, the Defence Bill was read a second time. In the course of the debate Mr Hurre Cook oxpres'ed a wish to see the way open for Fendinr troops to New Zealand if „c were attacked. He thought Australia would be best defended by repelling an attack made on th>it colony. The Federal Cabinet has adopted General Hutton's military reorganisation scheme in a considerably modified form.

Friends Abroad —We have received a very p< rgeous Neopolitan post card from Mr John Duxbury, of Robinson's Bay. It contains a startling view of Vesuvius, with brightly attired pedestrians, wending their way up the road to the crater. Mr Duxbury writes :—" This is a very beautiful country, someihing like New Zealand. We are just abieai.!-, of Elba and reach Genoa soon. Having a very pleasant time, fine weather all the way. Hope everybody is happy." Tbe card was posted at Genoa, on June 11th. akaroa Library—The following is a list cf the new books now ready for circulation : —" Banner of Blue," 8. R. Crockett; " Marty » J. S. Winter ; "The Bird in the Rose Bush," Mary E. Wilkins ; "The Gadfly, ' E L Voynich ; " The Commandant," Ernest Glanville; " Unole Charlie," J. S. Winter ; " The Jade Eye," Fergus Hume ; "Four-leaved Clover," Maxwell Gray; "A Coin of Kdward VII," Fergus Hume ; "The Three Wagers." Nat Gould; "The Seven Secrets," William Le Queux ; "In Happy Hollow," Mfx Arieler; " Soulb." Rita; •'The Puppet Crown,'' Ha-old McGrath; "Pretty Miss Neville," B. M. Croker; "Sir Anthony and the Ewe f.amb," Author - of Lady Beatrix, eto ; "The Advanced Guard." Rydnev C Grier ; "The Success of Mark Wyngate," U. L Lilberrard ; "Wayfaring M-g." Edna Lyall; " The Wizard's > ight," S. R. Hockinc ; "The Grey Wig." I. Zangwil! ; " A Kentucky Cardinal and Aftermath," James Lane Allen 5 "A Bon' nic Saxon." S. R. Hocking; "The Other Man," Martin J. Pritchard ; "King of the ™cad." Frank Aubrey; "Angel Jim." A. G. Hales; " Cas'.le Omemeh," F. Frankfort Moore; "The King's Mirror," Anthony Hope; "The Marriage of Lydia Matnwarinf," Adeline Fereeant; " The Lady of the Cameo." Tom Oftllon ; "Janice Meredith," 7\ 1.. Ford; ''Lova aod a Cottag«." Keble F"waH ; "Havilunds Chum," Bertram Mit ford; "How Ho Choose a guaband," Jio.s-.lie Neieh,

Netting in Lake Ellesmere.—Mr H. A. Bruce, secretary to the Canterbury Ac climisatlon Society, received a telegram from Mr Ayson, Inspector of Fisheries, agreeing to meet him and wait on tha Minister of Marine in regard to netting in Lake Ellesmere. Mr Bruce therefore left for Wellington on Friday evening.

Hotel Changhs.—Mr G. W. Eraser, late Manager of the Empire Hotel, Wellington, notifies he has taken Tatterßall's Hotel, Christchurch, Mr Burke having removed to His Lordship's Larder. The new comer is a thoroughly up to date man, and Peninsula men calling will have full consideration.

The Lath Pops—The Pope's lying in state has commenced, and 15,000 persons defiled before the body between six and seven o'clock io the morning. Hia Holiness bequeathed the whole of his estate to the Church, after providing for his relatives for their life time. Cardinal Oreglia, the chief candidate fer the Papacy, has been taken suddenly ill. The Pope bequeathed fifty thousand lire to the poor of Rome and thirty thousand lire to the poor of Perugia.

The Manchcrian Question —The Washington officials consider that Prince Ching refers to the situitiou a fortnight ago. They declared that China recently (lodged herself to open two or more Miuchur.'an ports. The United Statts will in=it-1 on China's pledges beir_g redeemed. Prince Ching has written to Mr Conge*-, the American Ambassador, refusing to open a Manchurian town to foreign trade. He declares it impossible to op_ the towns while thoy | are luld by Russian troops. Tho feeling I hero is that Russia will nob commence war, aud that Japan is not likely to attack, since Britain will not support Japan if she is the aggressor. A Servant Badly Wanted.—Surely the most fr&Dtic appeal for a servant ever put into type is the one which has just appeared in a Chicago newspaper. Il took 500 words and £5 to express the would be employer's feeliogs. After describing the favourable location of his home, and his 'small family,' he appeals for "a medium sized girl," because " a small girl might not have strength to draw the salary we are willing to pay," and adds: "If you don't waut to wash your own clothes, we will send them with my laundry, and pay for them. If you don't waut to wait at table, we will turn the kitchen into a cafe, and all walk out and wait on ourselves. The nurse and you have separate rooms on the third floor. She is very ladylike, but if she is objectionable to you Jin any way we will let her go. My wife will try very hard to please you, but if you don't like her I will let her—wel>, any way. come to our rescue."—"Tho New Idea," for July.

Barry's Bay Dairy Factory.—The annual meeting of shareholders in this company will be held at the Factory, Barry's Bay, to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8.30 p.m,

Church Social.—A church social, welcoming Bishop Julius, will be held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Monday next, August 3rd. We hear that the Bishop has kindly offered to give an hour's entertainment at the scc'al.

Messrs T. E. Taylor & Co.—We hear that this firm has arranged with Mr W. H. Henning, the purchase of the latter's shed, adjoining the U.B.S. Co's offices. Gone Away. —Mr Beilby Barker is leaving finally for hiß new home at Aylesbury, on Wednesday next. He intends paying a visit to us on our next regatta day, and assuming his old funotions of gettitg the boats away in due time. Preferential Tariff—Mr Jos. Chamberlain in accepting Sir J. C. Dimsdale's suggestion to deliver a speech in London, said :—" I gladly agree to do so in January, after the provincial campaign has concluded. I will summarise in the metropolis—the centre of the world's commerce—the conclusions 1 have arrived at, and submit them for the consideration of my countrymen." In the House of Lords, the Duke of Devonshire replying to Lord Lytton, admitted that the comments on the tariff in Binning ham publications were issued with Mr Chamberlain's general consent and approval. Lord James of Hereford declared that it was unprecedented for a member of tho Government to separate himself from the Cabinet and announce a big fight without the cooperation, perhaps without the sanction, of his colleagues. The results were likely lo be disastrous to the Nation, since they were teasing every colony, irritating every foreign nation, and disturbing every home interest.

Ballantyne & Co.—Messrs Ballantyne and Co.'s winter eale is the event of the hour, as can be seen by the gigantic crowds visiting the firm's premises. Drapery to suit all requirements can now be procured at special tale prices. A complete inspection is cordially invited. Ladies', gentlemen's and children's clothing is now on 6how, and all who think of purchasing are aovised to come at once, as much of their stock has already been disposed of. Country customers are reminded that all letter orders are promptly attended to, so that these who wi3h to profit by the phenomenal low prices now ruling can write at once for their bargains. There is absolutely nothing but new stock offered to the public, and now is the time to buy really first class materials at the lowest possible figure at J, Ballantyne and Co 's great winter sale. I " Auld Acquaintance."—Such is the name of a new whisky, of whioh Mr McKay, of the Criterion Hotel, Akaroa, has secured a monopoly. It is 15 years old and is a vinous and delicious beverage; but taste and try before you buy, A Bad Cold can not be oured too quick ly. For tbis purpose Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is unequalled, For eale by J. 8. Dodds, Chemist, Akaroa. For Bronchial Cough, take Woods' Great Pepper mini Cure, U 6J and 2i 6d every. where,

Intercolonial Football —In the second match. New South Wales* v. New Zealand; New Zealand iVon by 5 poinis to nil.

SKaWnG.—We hear that the Akaroa Fire Brigade has determined to inaugurate i* skating rink and have skating evenincs which shall alternate with the foi-tni_rh ly dances. No doubt skating which Ims be come such a popular exereiar* iv ot.t.. r parts of the colony will soon be us-* mush of .-■. cn-r/----in Akaroa.

The Borough Crossings.—" Ophe'ia ' writes, asking what ia the good of asphalting Ihe town from end to end. but leaving the crossings ancledeep in mud. It seems to h3r tha*. as the foreman is p _ force idle in rainy weather, he might well give atten' tion to the crossings, which, once well swept wou'd continue fairly pa'sable for a fort night. Married Couucilhrs are eadly neglectful of ths requirements, of the fair sex, '' Ophelia" think*, and intends run' niug her Borneo for the. Council on next vacancy, as he will be the new broottt that eweers cloan,

CotJUslN-G — A meeting of the Committee was held at the Criterion Hotel, on Satur day ; present—Messr3 E. F. Lelitvre (chair man), McKay, Bell, Gibbs and Henn.Dg Accounts were passed for payment—first and second prizes at last meeting—Mr E. F. Lelievre, £13 ; Mr B. W, Henning, third prizv £2; Mr Kissel, fourth priz-i, £1- It was resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be passed _o all the officers and others who had asabted at tho recent meeti-g, and that, the final meeting this Beason should be held at the Criterion Hotel, on Saturday next, when the interim balance sheer, showing the position of the club, will be presented. A vote of thanks to the ohair terminated the meeting.

The Islington Fertilizers. — The Christchurch Meat Company have ißßued a very nicely illustrated account of their Islington Fertilizers, giving instruction as ■o their use and how to U3e them. The book has photographs of the Works ab Islington, the fertilizers in bulk, turnips grown with the fertilizers at Mr M'Kenzie's, Riverford, Geraldine, preparing the fertiliser, and a peculiarly interestirg one of a field of turnips, at Mr George Talbot?', fihowing where certain strips received no fertilizer, owing to tho cog wheel of the manure box being lost. All parts of the field, where the fertihzr was received, are most luxuriant, but where it missed, the ilarts are small and nearly worthless. There are several other illustrations of the drafting yards at Islington, etc. The pub* licaion gives full particulars of th"? amount of fertilizers to use, »nd n mass of ether useful information to farrmn. inc'ndirg lambing and calving tables We intend to enlarge on these matters in the near future.

Sander and Sons Eucalypti Extract.accordiEg to reports of a great number of physicians of the largest professional standIng, there are offered Eucalypti Extno's which possess no curative qti\litie . In protection of the world-wide fan? of San ler and Sons' preparation we publish a f-aw abstracts from these reports, which bear fully out that no reliance can be placd in other products:—Dr. W. B. Bush, Oakland, Fla., writes. It is someiim s difficult to obtiiin the genuine ar'icle(S<.n 1 ran.l Souk). I employed d'ffie eat othor proportions but they tud .10 k*ier.ipsu r io i".!u3 ammo e-Te.-tj, In case the effeoks w_rs similar to the il camphora, the objection-blo action of is well known." Dr. H. B. Drake, Orsgcv., says 'Since I becamo acquainted with this preparation (San:lor xni Son*?) I uso 10 other form of eucalypius as I think t by'far the oest.' Dr. L. I. Lyncr.burg, Va., writes,'l' * I never use any propagation other thun Sander and Sons', a« I li„vj3 round othera to be almoat useless.

An'Amhkioa Chamberlain's Cough Rem' edy is a great favouriie with the mothers of small children for colds, croup, and whaoping cough It contains uo harmful substance and always gives instant relief. For Bale by J. 8. Do. _s, Chemist*, Akaroa.

For Influenza and Cold in the Head take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, Ie 6d and 2s 6d.

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Bibliographic details

Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2794, 28 July 1903, Page 2

Word Count

The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1903 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2794, 28 July 1903, Page 2

The Akaroa Mail. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1903 Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume LIII, Issue 2794, 28 July 1903, Page 2


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