I Owe My Life.
CHATTER I, " I was taken siok a year ago With bilious fever." "My doctor pronounced me cured, out I got sick again with terrible pains m my tack ond sides, and I got so bad -I Could not move ! I shrunk ! Prom 2281bs to 120 ! I had been doctoring for my livor, but it did me no good, 1 did not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bittern Direotly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as if. by magic, and after using several bottles, am not only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Biterß I owe my lifo." Bul/lin, June 0, '81. lt. FmPATMCK. CHAPTER 11. Maiden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. Gentlemen — I Buffered with attacks of sick headache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years m the most terrible ond excruciating manner. No medicine or dootor could give me relief or cure, until I used Hop Bitters. ■'The first bottle Nearly cured me ;" The Becond made mo ac well and strong as when a child. ,{ Apd I have been bo to this day." My husband was an invalid fer twenty years with a serious ' • Kidney, liver and urinary complaint. '♦ Pronounced by Boston's best phyisciahs — " Incurable,!" Seven bottles of your Bitters cured him and I know of the " Lives of eigbt persons " In my neighborhood that hava been Bayed by your bitters, i And many more are ueing thorn with great benefit. " Thej almost do mirae'es ?" — Mrs J_ . D. Slack How to Gist Sick —Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without exercise, work too hard without rest, dootor all tbo time ; take all tho vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know How to Get Wblli. — Which is answered m three words— take Hop Bitters !
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Bibliographic details
Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 1642, 22 August 1887, Page 3
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I Owe My Life.
Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 1642, 22 August 1887, Page 3
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