_ f|jBLICN OTICES. over £50 I on the . . . H' : SPENCER PIAIiO at CIOB | ' H.M.S. ALBION H.M.S. POWERFUL ■ , H.M.S. GRAFTON H.M.S. IRRESISTABLE ■ , H.M.S. PERSEUS H.M.S. REPULSE , . H.M.S. DIADEM H.M.S. VINDICTIVE ■ ' ALL HAD SPENCER PJANOS ABOARD. I The Spencer Piano ■ 236 A Oxford Terrdce (near Manchester. s£, » I Office Hours: 2to 4 p.m. CHRISTCHURCH. I
BUBUBUBUBUBDBnBuBuBEJBUBUBL g The Key to Economical Transportation. ■ ■ • —-—r— — - , C fj Chevrolet Motor Cars j B L □ To obtain satisfactory transportation at. a low cost - ■ « has always been the desire of the average man. To 4 p i—i satisfy this desire is the mission of the Chevrolet, and gj j-J its success can be judged ;by study of the models ■ ffl offered. FOUR DIFFERENT CHEVROLET MODELS. L 2 Each one built to satisfy a "different need and to fulfil B j® a special ipurpese. L g - We invite your careful consideration of these five F r-i Chevrolet models. The closer your inspection- and the m more detailed your examination, fhe more you will 5 bH become convinced that-- the Chevrolet deserves its ; U acknowledged superiority as a medium of economical I B transportation. • . • .•£] 3 This famous little Chevrolet Car still holds an un- H B beaten record - for hill; climbing. A trial run in any of '£] these models will thoroughly convince you to buy. Do || n not hesitate to ring or communicate with us and ,rn -j arrange a demonstration: immediately |l Toui"infj"~M odel" ' £233 ~CWd C.»r ' J De Luxe Model £265 3-Seater Loc#l '^.jB Z] For Particulars apply: ! Dominion Motors Limited, i 3 Gloucester Street, CHRISTCHURCH. ' " I ■ rr
; •o»o®o»o«o»o»o»o#o»o«o«o«o ' • § ENGLAND S • Can Prove 111 o ; 2 :a ' ; 0 England can easily demonstrate to you that it will 'O v '' O pay you handsomely to entrust your car repairs to 0 a mm, not only in the quality of*the work performed, q but in the moderateness of the charges? ifc 1 g England specialises on motor repairs and 1 employs a n plant and expert staff second to none throughout the Dominion. • • 9 Entrust your ailing car to England'sxareful attention Q ' to-day. ' 9 • K. E. ENGLAND, J 0 18 Bedford Row, CHRISTCHURCH. - Q O 'Phone 5085. ' M' - • •; ; o*o«o#o#o#o*o#ofo#o#ato#o# ~
, , :■■■ ■ , V, J WALKER 4 SMS. SOMERSET HOTEL BUILDERS ft UNDERTAKERS, DUVAUCHELLE. AKAROA. . T wish to remind Customers that 'Phone 7S. . '• v *" J all orders for Wines and " Spirits will be despatched Promptly " ' sthe following day by the Eastern Bays mail service car. . The Best Brands of all Spirits All classes buildin* work undertaken, and Wines Stocked and Sold at Town or Country. Current Rates. Plans prepared, estimates given. WHEN ORDERING RING 'PHONE No. 3, Duvaucheile. Apply to us for Septic Tank and Drainage Installations. - F. W. YOUNG, ; " Proprietor, • m First aid for coufihs, colds and in- 'w' , k WooTcrct Peppermint Cure. 1/ ECLIPSE CHAIN # - | For Influenza Colds take y\V MESH NETTING "* J *r '{*$ Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. ' Will outlast ail other* VL A I A Send to-day for illustrated catalogue of i-iwuki&jjSa \V/ Fencing and Gates for all purpo>e»;.A' : '- " Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, CC _.. i^ C . r * | rasP , . L T D '! ffiM For Coughs and Colds, never fails
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XLIX, Issue 5065, 5 May 1925, Page 2
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