' We Hear 'that the premises in ' course of ! erectidni. for the Bank of New- Zealand, at inglev#ocl, are rapidly approachiug completion. ( Wo are informed that in a few days time' the telegraph line recently laid between Now Plymouth and Iriglewood will be open to the public. ' ' '■ •* " : The s.s. Taiaroa, with passengers and cargo arrived yesterday, aj. 9.30 a.m., and took her departure at 7 p.m. for the Monukau. The following bye«law has been substituted in place of No. 21 fixed by Order in Council of April 17, 1877 :— Smoking is strictly prohibited in any of the railway sheds, offices, platforms, waiting-rooms, or any portion of the railway premises ; md any person bo smoking shall be liable to a penalty not ex- : Deeding £10. ' Ou Saturday last, a ; largely attended soiree was held in the Wesleyan Church, Inglewood, for the purpose of according a welcome to* Mr. Hoskingy who is w taking charge of the church there in tho " capacity of Home , Missionary. After ample justice bad been done done to the good things provided, tho remainder of the evening) Was devoted to singing and speech-making. The Rev. F. W. Isitt, who was in the chair, made a humorous and interesting speech, and was ably followed by Messrs. Salter and L. Tsitt ; a most successful meeting being brought to, a close about half-past 9 p.m. Air. Charles W. Purnell, of Du&edin (says the Post) has been admitted and enrolled as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand by his Honor Mr. Justico Williams. We congratulate Mr* Purnell on having become fairly launched on his new career, and desire that all success may attend his efforts. Mr. Purnell is an .Able -^writer, and is well known as a journalist. He was at one timo on tho staff of the Wellington Indcpoident, and has been counocted with this journal, aud the. Canterbury Pros*;" ■ Mr. P.ornqll was an apprentice in theTARAJNAKi Herald' Office as a printer. Ho was also connected for soino years with the Dunodin Press, and we believe is tho first Now Zealaud printer aad journalist who has been admitted to the Colonial bar.
'itsaSSetiiilwQlk^q^nkhe pAtd^-Countr Council jtpat,^|fte^^poriJ^e^H^fi^^r. Sheehan conBißted~6'M^^^^^Jfriages (chairman), W. Daje, Q. F. She.nv9od.jind E. M. Honeyfield. The" Hori. Mr.' SH~rißfem said that tenders c<sHln^iJG"oaired-to"th'e^xl&o"t"^f *&>(too'idp-tnT*& > (too' idp-tnT* Patea side o£ the Mountain- Roa4>r *° *>q teat car r T rirfd-'but uhfleV 'the -control' K ot 'the^Coun^' 7 Council^ that anoJthejr^gT^OOO, would-be! * IbrtficbmTng Yfltic loan - was fioa ; fefl"*in"ETQg^l land, which; ferlth the '367{OOOiallowed for the New Plymouth end and now being speat, would complete the expenditure voted. The deviation bftfn'e'road^ at : ha: (Mr. ■Sheehan) : left for the ' Patea Council fc-deal ' witfc. 'As to- maintendnce of the Hospital/ he said he would ascertainywhat Major Atkinson had agreed. to, adfl fpr a], time, would abide, by 'il, bat. cdu'ld not' continue undef the" old arraqgonWfit beyond' the" "end' of the fioan6ial" year: The Hospital would afterwards have to be supported by the .county^ with the addition j Of; a £1 to £.i"BQbsidy, 'He said he would hlso : ' recpmmehd a similar subsidy towards providing new buildings, the present being altogether' . unsuitable.; , la view o£ the provable imme--dia^e settlement ; of th.c Waimate Plains, " .thQ^'perliainty tberegp'on ol^ large iodiix, %}£' population, the. Cf over uraent yvould $tpl retain .' noss'ession of the Immigration Btirracks, but would endeavour to procure suitable reserves jfpp^punty, Buildings wh^n the, growth) of, tl^e piafie warrantee} ,sic ei»ctio'n,of large buildiiigs. In the new Representation Aot^lthe. boultqary .of. the county would be taken! Other matters of purely local interest wero'j , favourably Teceived. including £300' for "tug service for the ;£ atea. Itiv,er. . . tI \ Toe <leputa,t}o.n then .withdrew. ., - rl;r l;
Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 2749, 18 February 1878, Page 2
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