His Excellency the Governor ihaa authorised the Becretariea<ofi>Educatidri.'BoardS' to Jfcank letters and- parcels posted pa th,e publ.ic service. The schooner Excelsior, 28 day 3 out from Thnaru, is 'posted in; Wellington as missing. Sh'eis T ihsttre4:i^ti^feotifchfJsritl^h for £$00. Application w^niado paVthe Uth instant far tho insurance. ' ' t A, large; number of .Roman, Oatholio clergy from all parts of the 1 dijGOdse, are at present in Wellington,' for the pufpose ; of holding "a retreat. ■ After tho retreat "(which 1 Will last eight days) there will bo a meeting of the Synod.' ' The Revk Charles' Clark i» drawing immense audiences in Dunedin. Ut continues another week. On the 10th -instant Jho preached in' the Knox Church in aid of the Benevolent Institution. the' churoh, audi "l,ooo outside. > Toe, collection^ waß over £80. •. "' '<-' 'i- •">'••■•! The following additional regulation respecting prisoners .ootifiaed in-Ne^r Zealand gaols is gazetted : — " When a prisoner received • cumulative, sentences ,he musf; serve the period of probation prescribed in re'spectof each sen-* lence before hfc pan, earn marks ; 'and* - his marks will be calculated as commencing three months from - the date each sentence com - : mences to take effect." Tenders are called in the Wanganui papers .for fche erection of the ft 1 rat' section' of the proposed Patea harbour vrorUs.b'e' ing a breakwater of about 600 feet in length, composed of rubble and concrete^ ( . . Tho p.s. Hauraki arrived at ; \ya.itara. fyom. Mahukftu On, patdf^ay. iaat,* where Bhjp\has just undergone a thorough /overhaul. Her poop»' main deck, and sides have been re-caulked, her bottom newly coppered, flaw „ false keel,; &c; her rudder has also been enlarged, W ns to be more suitable, for bar harbors. New and more powerful Steering gear 'has been fitted,' a 1 s'tcam : win6h has; been put on 'board^ tWs, affording greater' facilities- for shipping stock, besides a considerable saving both in time and^. labor,, Tho qponson room.? have all been refitted for the use of the officers of the jßhipj thereby leaving all cabin accommodation for the. use of .passengers. .It is intended .to enlarge the cabin) &n.d. when completed she will no doubt secure a good share of the passeuger trade. The^Dlreotois hafe. Spared nothing in 1 making her,. t seaworthy and "well adapted for the trade in which she is .engaged. 'The alterations were earned out under the supervision bf 6ne of the Directors. The steamer called at Raglan on her down passage, landing passengers and 20jtons cargo. — » At a-meetipg of, the- Auckland solicitors it .was resolved to form' a law, society. Tho,, Marquis -of, Njormartby U.nowfcn a visitto Auckland, nnd lie purposes remaining in the North until about tha .middle of April. A Baronet turned head clerk {says the J?ost. What ; tiext? Sir : Edvvani bsbprne-Gibbes, Bart, is appointed to be chief clerk in the Department of Education, from the Ist instant. • ■ • ' ' It is rumoured in commercial circles in Dunediu that a well-known mercantile firm in Bond.-street,' Duuedin, will shortly Jbo absorbed by the National Mortgage Agency Company of New Zealand ; tho manager of the firm in question to be general manager to the Company. "It -is -also understood that the" business of Mathicson's Agency, Ch'ristctiarch, will be acquired by the Compan)\ The Hon. W f B» Rhodes died in Wellington on the 11th February, : at the age of seventy years. Mr. Rhodes was widely known as one of the ojdest nnd most' successful colonists iv New Zealand, attracted to tho colony iv the early days, heWured, to.be always maintained, the Middle Island for the British Crown, by hoisting tho British 'flag at Ak'afoa a few hours beforo the arrival in that harbor ' of the French squadron, with the immigrants of the Nanto-Bofdelaise Company* -Ofigimilly settled in Wellington/ he; however,' soon left for Canterbury, the, capabilities;-, of which he" and -his "brothers were : amongst the first to discern. Their shrewduess and enterprise were soon rewarded by tho acquisition of largo runs and freeholds. Though possessing much, property, in Gantevbmy, :Mr. Rhodes continued to live In Wellington till r.Jh^- (time 1 of his death, " J
Taranaki Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 2749, 18 February 1878, Page 2
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