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♦ /.* )' HI.ECTR.IC I'h'LHQR.i Pli Pkr Umted Pkess Association. Ddnedin, 28. Eacecourse Porbury. Otago Oup. Freedom 1 Wolverine 2 Occident 8 Won by a head. The morning broke dull, but cleared as the day advanced, with attendance fair. Hurdles. Waitaugi 1 Little Arthur 2 Spy , 8 Ahua, Ixion ami Romulus also started. Romulus fell when looking all over a winner. Dividends £12 ids 6d, and £10 12s. Time, — 4mins. SOsecs. Dunedin, 29. Racecourse Forl'iny. Second Day. Weather five, and attendance about the average. Hurdles. Ixion 1 Little Aitbur 2 Garibaldi 8 All started hut Romulus. Dividend £2 15s. Presidents Handicap. Freedom ... ... 1 St Maio 2 Wolveriue 3 Time 2min ' 42sec. Dive. £4 8a 6d and £6 Is. A youth named John Thomson was killed last night through a gun which h( was handling, unexpectedly exploding The Returning Officer officially announces the Eiectiou of Thomas MacEeuzie for Clutlm. All the. re* turns for the Southern Maori district, with the exception of Stewart Island are now in, the return being: Parata, 148 ; Maku, 107 ; Taiaroa, 79 ; Ellison, 51. Stewart Island is expected to increase Parata's majority. A wrestling match between Ross and Dumi^ took place last nighi. There wasli large attendance, Dunn won falls in the American, side hold, and catch as catch can, and Ross in the Cornish, and Graco-Roman. Just before midnight the final bout in collar and elbow style commenced, but after some time, neithet contestant seeing it likely to gain a fall, decided to make a draw. The stake was divided. Names, 28. Up till noon the returns for the Eastern Maori district show :—Cmroll, 1019 ; Wipere. 848. Other cau~ didates nowhere. Thirty more polling places yet to come in. Napier, 29. Eastern Maori election : Carroll, 1,578; Wi Pere, 1,410. One more return to come. in. The last returns for the Eastern Maori district to hand. The result is : —Carroll, 1596; Wi Pere, 1411 ; the others nowhere. Auckland, 28. D. Goldie returned unopposed for Newton. Invebgargill, 28. J. G. Ward was elected nnopposed for Awarua. H. Feldwick, j. W. B:iin, and J. Kelly were nominated for Invercargill. Brunnerton, 28. Mr Reeves had a meeting at No ■ Town last night, lv spite of the
short notice a crowded m'cetiug raft him. Mr Beeves spoke on the principal topics of iinpoi'tancer, notably the progressive land tax (the reduction of Custom duties on all necessaries of life, the encouragement of the Mining industry n».d the. ereat question of Labor. Mr R-ovep frequently applauded and spoke for over two honrs. At the conclusion of his address a number of questions were asked and satisfactorily ahjpercd. It was proposed by Mr Flynvi and seconded by Mr Madden that, the meeting accord Mr .Reeves a- hearty vote of thanks and confidence, also thanks for his past services,; and confidence in him as our representative in the new Parliament. This \vfts carried l»y acclamation. ?.Jr Reeved has also visited Moonlight, Blackbdllrand Red Jacks, at all of which placed : he was greeted by the miners with ? , every possible feeliug of kinclaessiirthe general expressed wish being that he would be .returned at the head of the P°l'« anc ' regret oppressed that: lie should liavn been opposed particularly by an un known and untried radii. Wellington, 28. At (he Ma»i9t>a!.e r o: Opart to-day at Masterton, Thomas Sfoui.wae commit.tod for trial on v chrjfge of registering fhe death of xVfary iniesilj Vife of Jolm Bas6i!, of Dnntroois., u^udjer the name of Mary Af»n Sloan. It appears that Sloan left DuntroonCvvith Mrs Bassil some threw years ago/and were !ivin» harmoniously together as man and wit» until her death^-when to evado curiosity and to protect his own character Sloan registered,, the woman as his wife. • i A fire broke out in^ihe new Roman Catholic Church at|Palm<*ston North this morning, but; was, extinguished 1-pfoi'O much damag?' was dons. Incendiarism is suspected, v.', The C4roymouth Committee notify by acJvertiseoJstto parents and teachers that the State and District High Schools aref-ojgsed til) further notice. This actipfi^Jrise3 out of the course the Boaid>jpui?sued regarding the head teacher Sir Sttnvai t. It is understood that ■••fi^|k Committee demanded an eaaquir|i%s,bein?, r unable to receives any satisfactory answer from the Minister :^f,slduciition,th(!y adopted the coui'se ojj: closing both schools in tin* hop^j'SfitrXpeclitiiis and getting an enquiry!?:'*; l '' ■ Sydney Taiwhjliig|, ex M.H.R., died at Whakatiiuo: "tost night. He had been 'suffering fj^ni a chest complaint for sotn« tfnra-.-'a'hd was about 55 years of n<. r e. y&i &■ ■■** Ten charges a£-e|||ss^dbwn for the criminal session,^ |4^pi% c ipal being the Hntt murder. Ti^ The Attorney^ fteVal^pSpgiven the opinion that yea pay -Ivas the lust day on which $ piqatious could be received, and ifiar ist& made to-day they will bu inval' fe;. Governmental *(). fuiot take any action re tH^^Rj-^ien Convention Bill after the election. The Southern Maori returns so far as received are: — Moka, 79; Panita, 75 ; R. Taiaioa, 55 ; R. E'lisou, 16. Wellington, 29. Two bankrupts had their certificates suspended this morning for six :uid three months respectively,- for not furnishiug proper accounts and keeping books properly. The Native Department. has communicatHd with Bishop, the Returning Officer for the 'Northern Maori District, re Taiwhanga's death, but have received no reply yet. The. prevailing impression appears to be thai if Taiwhanga is elected there must l>e another election, *»ut no legal opinion has yet been taken. Gkeymouth, 29. Reeves held a meeting at Brunnerton iasb night. The public hall was crowded, and he spoke for two hours, touching on the principal matters of interest at thn present time. He answered a number of questions satisfactorily and received the usual vote, it being carried nnanimously. Reeves' chances here have greatly improved and ho i?s certain' of a majority in this portion of thtt. electorate. 'I lie think ing poition of our working population naturally ask " why endeavour to dis* place an old and tried friend for an unknown " ? This is the general feeling. Hamilton, 29. The state of the poll for the Western Maori election at 5 p.m. yesterday was : — Hoani Taipua, 1002: Pene Eketone, 478 ; Kepa Te.whatanui, 74 ; Te Kahui Kararahe, 59 ; and Tatana Te Whatapoko, 13. A number of returns are still to come in, but they will in all probability increase the majority for Hoani Taipua. The latest returns for the Eastern Maoti District give Carroll, 1502 — Wipers, 1239 : — Eleven othor returns ate yet to come in. If th« Uriwera's vote, which they have refused to do up to the present, the oosition may bo re* versed as they would support Wipere, otherwise Carroll must be elected.
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Inangahua Times, Volume XV, Issue 20887, 1 December 1890, Page 2
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1,089TELEGRAMS. Inangahua Times, Volume XV, Issue 20887, 1 December 1890, Page 2
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TELEGRAMS. Inangahua Times, Volume XV, Issue 20887, 1 December 1890, Page 2
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