■ ■ ♦ BY ELECTRIC TELESfIAPH.-COPYRIGHr. United Phess Association. Received 28tl), a^ 11.10 a.m. Mblboukne, 27. Arrived: Tarawera froru Blvd. A revolting murder is reported from M'.-unt Ridd.e. The naked trunk of a man, supposed to be that of an Indian Ijt-.vker has been discovered, the
severed limbs being found some three hundred yards away. , Hobart, 28. i t i Arrived : Tarawera from the Bluft. The cattle which she hid on board for this port were not landed, owing to quarantine not being completed. They were sent on to Melbourne. Adelaide, 28. The total export of cerea's for the v"ar shows an increase in value of £850,000 over exports of the previous y ar. Received 29, at 1 a.m. Brisbane, 28. A. further forecast of the weather by the Government Meteorologist show* that New Zealand chiefly will be visi ted by unsettled weather, and that throughout further disturbance waves will probably approach before long. • Received 29, at 11.85 p.m. Sydney, 29. Payne, who created a sensation by a< tempting to commit suicide on the rf'asje of the Thcatro is in a critical condition. Unrequited affection is believed to have been the cause of the man attempting to take his own life. A new Licensing Bi 1, introduced into the Legislative Assembly by St H. Piirkes, provides for the granting of licenses to publicans for a 'period of Uiree years. This lengthened term of license will be regarded as sufficient compensation to the. publican for any loss he may suffer thereafter. The measure also sets forth that a two third majority of householders cau prevent a renewal of the license, and a simple majority Can reduce the number of licenses in any district by a certain number, or determine whether or uot new licenses are to be granted. Arrived : Gratitude from luvercarBrisbane, 27. The Chief Inspector of Stock for Queensland is of opinion thatDrKochs discovery may prove a valuable remedy for tubercolosis in cattle. Mr T. Archer Agent-General for the colony, has resigned, and Sir J. F. Gari'iclc, who formerly held the posU tion, has been appointed in his stead. An epidemic of Scarlatina has broken ont in the city, and the disease, which is of a durgerous type, is spreadiug rapidly.
Inangahua Times, Volume XV, Issue 20887, 1 December 1890, Page 2
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