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- If the present personnel remains unaltered by a revision of the figures and the counting of absent voters' votes, the. new House will contain twenty new faces. It is generally reckoned that at every election approximately 25. per. cent, of the membership of the House changes and' that •is what has happened on the present occasion. Following are short .biographies of the new members i— 1ME, H. G. DICKIE. The now member for Patea, Mr. H. Gr. Dickie, was born at Patea in 1874; .and has lived practically all his life in the ■district. He visited England on one occasion, and during his tour gained some valuable information reJating to the dairy and meat industry. Mr. Dickie was on active service during the war. MB. GORDON ELIOTT. Mr, Gordon Eliott, who succeeds the Hon. D. Guthrie as member for Oroua, is the youngest son of the late Mr. H. J. H. Eliott, who twenty or thirty.years ago was a prominent figure in the Civil Service, as Undersecretary for Mines and Laiills, and spent 47 years in all as an administrative officer. On both . niilos of his family .the. new member tomes of pioneer'stock, for his •" grundfiither c.iiirte to New Zealand-hi 1838, tuid his futlier wtus born in Auckland in 1542, while his mother first suw ttio light at Tauranga in 1847. "Four generations of the EHotts are still living, all bom in New Zealand. Mr. Gordon EUott is a native of Wellington, and was educated at the Terrace School and Wellington College. After six years of' banking.'experience in Wellington, he engaged iii stock auc-tioneering-in the \Viiirarupa timl.'M'a.*. aawatu districts. 3'lwa lie bcuiuuc
manager for Mr. L. B. M'Kelvie, of. ' the Flock House station, where he remained until tho property was subdivided and sold, part of it now forming the training ground for tho young colonists, sons of sailors who perished in the Great War, brought out to New Zealand through the patriotism of the Dominion woolgrowers who have devoted to the purpose a proportion of the profits they made from ,the sale of their clips. In his early manhood Mr. Eliott was well known in the South as an athlete, particularly in aquatics. MB. H. -M. CAMPBELL. Mr. Hugli M'Leau Campbell, of Poukawa, Hawkes Bay, who has been elected the - Koform member for Hawkes Bay, entered. Parliament in 1911 at tho age of 42, w.hcn he defeated Mr. Lan Simson after a second ballot by 3927 ,to 2829. At tho ■ following election, in 19.14, he was defeated by the Hon R. M'Nab by 40' votes, the polling being 4217 to 4177. lu^l!Jl9 he was elected with 3094 votes agniuet 2233 for G. M'Kay and 2126 for C. H- Chapman. Jn 1922 Mr. G. M'Kay was elected to the Hawkes Bay seat. Mr, H, M. Campbell is a runholdcr, has .been chairman and member of tho Hawkes Bay County Council, and takes a keen interest in sport, especially horse-rac-ing, and qnite a number of horses of , high class have carried his tartan colours to victory. '. He is highly popular and is generally esteemed in Hjiwkes Bay. ME. J. MASON. , .. Mr. J. Mason, who defeated the Labour candidate for Napier (Mr. L M'llvride) is a lawyer by profession. He has always taken a great interest in the affairs of the Beturned Soldiers' Association, and wan associated with the Bepatriation Board. 'Last election he unsuccessfully contested the Napier scat. • • MR. d.-stewart *sn>. : Mr D Stewart Reid, who has eap;tured the Waikato seat for the Government, was born at Drury in 1867, and came to the Waikato m 1874, and 'has lived at Tuhikaramea, in the Wai- : P a County, since that date. There were '■only two or three settlers at Tuhikara'mea when Mr. Reid settled there, and ': he has done his share toward developing the district into the fine dairying ; a;id sheep raising centre it is to-day. i'Mr. Reid was chairman of the Tuhikaramea Road Board for a number of j years. He was also captain of the local cricket club. • At present he occupies | the position 1 of chairman of the Waipa I County Council, and he is a member of the No. 2 district Highways Board and oE the Central Power Board. Mr. Roid has' always" taken a keen' interest in all local body work and all kinds of sport. . ■'■' ' .■'■■■' MX. A- M. SAMUEL. Mr. A. M. Samuel, who has, as the Government candidate, defeated the veteran member for Ohinemuri, Mr. Hugh Poland, has been a farmer in the Waikato district ever since, he returned from the Great War, in which he commanded the 6th New Zealand Regiment. Prior to that he had been, in business in Wellington for many years. Mr. Samuel is a native bf thp Capital City, and was educated at the Thorndpn school. He served with the New Zealand forces in the Boer War. -Athletics, particularly swimming and football, have been among hip hobbies. He ' has raced several horses, and at times ridden his own animals in the show ring. For some years he was president of the Wellington Trotting Club. In 1914 Mr. Samuel contested the Hutt seat against Mr. T. M. Wilford, and.was beaten by a majority of 914. ■ MB. B. W. SMITH. . In winning the Waimarino election Mr. R. W. Smith has regained a seat which he held from 1909 to 1922, though for the f}rgt two years of his member, ship of the House the ■ electorate was known as' Rangitikei. Mr. Smith has been a farmer in the Mangaweka district for the last 25 years, and has also important sawmilling interests .in the centre portion of the North Island. Ha was born at Neranß, Queensland, in 1871; and came' to. New Zealand at an early age. When formerly in Parliament, Mr. Smith ranked as; a supporter of Sir Joseph Ward, and on the present occasion he has ranged himself as a member of the National Party. In 1911 his opponent was Mr. F. .F. Hockly, who represented Rotorua in the last " Parliament, and by his present victory he has displaced Mr. F. Langetone, whom he had defeated in 1919. MR. W. JONES. ■};■ Once more Marsden, which' wag go , long represented by the Hon. 11.I 1. Mai: der, M.L.C., hag declared ita allegiance to the Beforin Party, having returned Mr. William Jones, and set aside Mr. A. J. Murdoch, the member.. of the last three years, who. carried the National Party's colours in the contest. Mr. Jones is a farmer, but was formerly in business in the North' as storekeeper and butcher. For nine yiiars he has beqn a member of the; Whangarei County Council, and/for; six years he has been its .chairman..; There is no public body of importance' in his district on which ho is: not scrying. For the last Bijc yoarß'he:has; been a momber " of the Whangareil Hwbour Board, Hospital Board, High; School Board of^ Governors, and Tech-; nical School Board. 'All these posts; he still holds. Mr. Jones ie also a, member of the Highway District; Oonacil, and on itp executive, MS. ADAM HAMILTON. Mr. Adam ' Hamilton (Wallace) / was born in Southland and educated' at a country school, later following for some years the ordinary pursuit* of in the backblocks. At the age of 23 he; entered college, where he spent some years, and later entered into business: in Winton as a merchant, where he reI mained until he was elected for Parliament in 1919. During his term of political life Mr. Hamilton was a keen member of the Finance Committee in' I the House, and studied all matters of (Dominion interest, especially as affecting the producers of the country. In 1921 he was appointed a raemher of the New Zealand Meat Producers' Board, which position he still holds, having been reappojnted for a second term of ; office. At the 1922 election he was dei ieated by his former opponent, Mr. J. C. Thomson, by 3646 votes to 3441. Mr.Hamilton ia chairmun pf directors of the Southland Farmers' s Co-operative Association (Ltd.), and for the past two years has been a member of the Souths land Electric Power Board, being ulso (i'member of several.other local and provincial bodies. ME, T. FORSYTH. Mr. T. Forsyth .is. a public accounluiit ami v native of Duuediii, but for the past thirty-four years he has'been a resident of Wellington. Ho has;'always taken a keen interest in the progress of the city, and previously served on tho executive of the Wellington Central. Chamber of Commerce and tlie Central "Progress League. He has-an excellent record of service on the Wellington Education Boarrli °f which'ho lifts bison chainuau fur tlie last aevcu ycaxa,
' and he is also a member of the Technical College Board, .Wellington College Board of Governors, and Victoria College Council. He was elected to tho City Council nearly Boven years, ago, and served as a councillor until April this year, when he lost his seat. He was chairman of the Works Committee. For many years he; was well known in business circles as-manager of Te Aro House. He entered the political field iv 1922, being defeated in a four-cornered contest for Wellington East; ho was second on the poll with 3801 votes, as agninst Mr. A, L. Monteith's 4274. " MR. D. JONES. Mr. David Jones was born at Templeton in 1874. After receiving his education at the local school he took on farming, pursuits, and ha 3 been closely associated with agriculture over since. Mr. Jones spent two years in the Wai~kato district, but his experience in forming has been gained almost entirely in Canterbury. For this reason he has an intimate knowledge of conditions in that province, and is regarded as an authority on agriculture. He whs associated with the formation of the Canterbury branches of the Farmers' Union, and on three occasions was elected president of the executive. When the farm labourers approached the Arbitration Court for an award, the farmers' ease was entrusted to Mr. Jones. On the outbreak of the war 'he became an active member of war organisations, and was appointed a member of the Wheat Board by the Government. While in Parliament he was chairman of the committee which drew up the legislation bringing the Meat Board into being, and he has been chairman of the board since its formation. Mr. Jonee was also chairman of . the Public Accounts Committee. For a time he was chairman of the Weedons School Committee, and in 1908 he stood, as a Conservative for' the Ashburton seat, but was unsuccessful, polling 1325 votes. In 1914 he contested the Ktfiapoi seat againut Mr. D. Buddo, standing in the Government interests, but was defeated by 1181 votes. He turned the tables five years later, topping the poll and defeating the sitting member by 50 votes. The position was once again reversed in 1922, when' Mr, Buddo regained the seat in a three-cornered, contest, by a majority of 65 votes over Mr. Jones. SIR JOSEPH WARD. , Sir Joseph Geprge Ward, P.C., K.C.M.G,, LL.D. ' (invercargiH), was born at Emerald Hill, Melbourne, in 1856, and was the son of Mr. W. T. Ward, a Melbourne merchant. He received his education in- a private school at Melbourne, and later at the State , school at' Bluff, where he joined the! Post and Telegraph Department at the age of 13 years. He left to enter a merchant's office, and at the age of 20 joined the railway service. A year later he started in business as an export merchant. He was one of the first councillors o£ th« Oampbelltown Borough, and was its Mayor from 1881 to 1886 and from 1879-9 Q. Ho was. a member of the Bluff Harbour Board for over ten years, and was twice its chairman. His first venture into national politics was iv 1887, when he contested the Awarua seat in .the Liberal interests against Messrs. J ; W. Bain and G. Froggatt, both of whom he defeated. From that time: for a long period of years Sir Joseph took a. very prominent, part in tho political affairs of N&w Zealand.. He was Colonial Treasurer in the Seddon Government, from 1893-96, and, 'as 1 Postings; ter^General from 1899-06 he effected adr' vanced reforms that will Jong be associated with hi* name. Among other lofty public posts he filled were those of. Commissioner of Customs, . Minister of Industries and Commerce, Minister of Marine, Minister of Bailways,-and Minister of Public Health. On three occasions during the absence of Mr. Seddon lie was called ou to fill the position of Acting Prime Minister. He can claim the distinction of being the first Minister of Public Health in the world. He was a leading advocate of the All-Red cable service, and for Jus persistent and successful advocacy of tjie penny postage. in New Zealand he received special recognition by being., appointed a. K.C.M.G. in 1901. When he visited England and raised a special loan at 3 per cent, to finance the Advance*" ttf Setters' Office, which he initiated, this was the first time in i-he history of Australasian finance that such a loan had been raised. Between the years 1892 and 1906 he represented New Zealand at important postal conferences at Sydney, Brisbane, Wellington, Hobart, and Home, Mr. Seddon died while Sir Joseph was ab"sent from the Dominion, and on his return he assumed office' as Prime Minister. He represented New Zealand at Imperial .Conferences in 1907 and 1911, and was instrumental in securing the recognition of this country as a Dominion. During his'visits to the Old Land ho received the Freedojn of Edinburgh, Londpri, Bristol, and Manchester, and was made'ap honorary LL.D: of Edinburgh and of Dublin. In 1907 he was appointed a Privy Councillor. In 1909, on behalf of tho New Zealand Govern.ijjent, he, made to.Britain tfto historic offer of one, or, if necessary, two battle cruisers. The' Ward Government sur-i vived a no-confidence motion early in, 1912, but. Sir Joseph, then resigned, and Sir /Thomaa Mackenzie, was appointed ; Primo Minister, but was- defeated on a motion of 'no-confideuco in February^ 1912. In the .National Cabinet he held the position of Minister of Finance from 1915 to 1919, ■ and,- with Mr. :Massey, heattended several war confefences in .London. -In December, l9ltf (after haying represented ■ Awarua continuously sincij ■1887), lie was defeated by Mr. J. R! Hamilton by 3164 votesto' 2407. On the death of Sir William Herrieg he tansucQe»afuljy contested the' Tauranga' seat against Mr. C. B). M'Millan' (Reform), who polled. 4360 votes to Sir Joseph's 3235. ■ Sir Joseph has taken an interest in volunteering, all hie" life, and is a director of many public companies. He marr ried in 1883 Theresa Dorothea de Smith, and they, have a family of four sons and one daughter. , --, 7 MR. H. L. TAPLEY. Mr. Harold Livingstone Tapley; (Dunediu North) was born at Sema-. phore, South Australia, iv 1875, and. was educated iiv South Australia. He ' Duncdin in 1893, and established his present ■ business of shipping, stevedoring,- • and ■ insurance agents in 1900. From 1907 to 1911 ho was a member of the Dunedin City Council, aiid from 1908 to 1911 he was a member of the Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. He was a member of the Otago Harbour Board from 1913 to 1920, and was chairman' of tho board in 1918 and 1920. In 1921 ho. was again elected to the City Council, and two years later he was.elected.Mayor. This year ho received the compliment of: being .re-elected''without opposition to the mayoralty for y second term of two years. Since 19231 Mr. Tapley has 1 been a member of the Board of Governors of the Otago. Boys' High School and of the Technical College. He was appointed City Sinking Fund Commissioner two- years ago, and about that -time became a member of the Ocean Beach Domain Board. Mr. Tapley .is one of the ' originators of tlie New Zealand and South Sfcas Exhibition, mid acjtcd. as chairman of the Organising- Committed ''in. its ini-' li«l fit-sgen til 1 u»o. fe.rmnUott of the vaiupflflj;. He it a director o£ Ike
eompanyy and a vice-patron of the Exhibition. He 1 has been president of the Overseas Club sinco 1921. Mr. Tapley, was associated with the old volunteer' system. He was a captain in tho B Battery, N.Z.F.A., and was afterwards transferred to the reserve of officers in the Territorials. On the outbreak of war ho was appointed captain of tho Coast Defence Infantry for home service, and is still on the Teserve of officers. MR. FRED WAITS. Mr. Fred Waite (Clutha) was born in 1885, and was educated at the Momington School. For many years he was employed by the "Otago Daily Timos" and "Witness" Company, but in 1913 ho took up a farm at Waivrera South. The following year, when war broke out, ho joined, up with tho Main Body, and served as an adjutant in tho New Zealand Engineers at Anzac, whore he won the D.|S.O. From 1917 to 1918 he was Chief Instructor of Engineers,. N.Z.E.F, training camps, and in Wl9 he wrote tho official history of the "Now Zealanders at Gallipoli." Mr. Waite organised tlie Co-operative Dairy Company of Otago, and is at present qhaii'inan of directors of tho company. Ho is also president of the Otago Executive of the Now Zealand Farmers' Union, and a member of the New Zealand Dominion Executive, Besides ueing connected' with theso organisations, Mr., Waite is also a member of the executive of the Archaelogjcal branch of tho Otago Institute, MR. K. HOLLAND. Mr. H. Holland, C.8.E., the new Reform member for Christqhurch North, was Mayor of Christchurch for seven years in succession, which time covered all the war period, and the epidemic period following. At the last Mayoral election he received a record vote of over 12.000 votes. Mr. Holland started the Canterbury Patriotio Funii, which has now reached £300,000, and is still its chairman. He also started the Canterbury Progress League, and was its president for two.years. For thirteen years he was a member of the Christchurch Fire Board, and he has served on the Christchurch Drainage Bpard for tl;e same period. ;He lias, also been a member of the National War Funds Council from its inception. In recognition of his war work he was created a'Commander of the British Empire. MR. H. S. S, KYLE, At his second bid for Parliamentary honours, Mr. H. S. S. Kyle has succeeded, being returned for Riccarton, At the election of 1922 he was one of two candidates that opposed Mr. G. Witty for the same seat. Then, as now, he stood in the Reform interest, and ca-rne second on the poll, Mr. Witty (Independent Liberal, but.who voted with the Refprm Party in all no-confidence motions during the Parliament' lately dissolved), being returned by a majority of '235. Mr. Kyle is a farmer, and breeder and exhibitor of horses and catfclje,. and' his service/s. are often in/request as a judge at agrf"cultural and pastoral shows in the South. At the present tihic he holds the office of Mayor of Riccarton. MR. EDWARD WALTER. . Mr. Walter, was born in Cornwall, England, in i860",, and came to New Zealand in 1885. For about* eight yeari ho .worked on various farms : ajid 4\i 18p4.,t00k ; up luyl for- himself .at, Toko,-; w; : he is still fanning. He has -beeu: a niiimber of the StratfoioV County .Council-for sixteen years, and for the last ' seven, years has been its chairman. ;,.Fpr fiv6 years he has been a member of the Stratford Hospital Board, and for twelve years hei has been chairman, of the Douglas School Committee. MR. O. E. BELLRINOER. Mr, Charlie Emanvel Bellnnger v J.P., is a native of. New Plymouth, where ho vvaa born in 1864. He was 1 educated at the Government 'school p.ud at a private school conducted by Mr. J. C, Adams. On leaving school' he joined his father, the late Mr, James Bellringer, in the painting and house-decorating: business. From 1807 to 1902 he was town clerk of Mevv Plymouth, returning, however, to 'business pursuits soon after the death of his father in 1901, and he 1b now governing'director of the hardware firm bf Bellringer Brothors, Ltd.. He has served on the Borough Council and was chairman of the citi?.en's committee that secured the carrying of the first electric light' loan, poll. In 1012 he was elected to the ■ New Plymouth Harbour Board, and has been re-elected on six occasions since.' Since 1022 he has been chair-1 man of the board. Among other public activities he lias served at vari•Otis', tunes "on New Plymouth and 801 l Block school committees; as a member and subsequently chief oiiieer oJf i the New Plymouth Fire Brigade; president of tlie New .Zealand Fire Brigades' Association,' 1896-1897; dis'triet secretary of the Taranaki dis? trict- for the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows for sixteen years, and Grand Master of the New Zealand branch 'in 1911.1913." He has'been connected with the Primitive Mctii< pdist Church and a local preacher gincc 1881;, was preeideut of conference in 1P06; and look pai feu the union proposals leading" to the formation of the Methodist Church of New Zealand in ;191ii. He is a vice-presi-dent of the New Zealand Alliance nnd .^resident of the Taranaki Prohibition Lfague. He is a member and has been chairiiian of the Pukekura Park Board;, member of the Taranaki liiceisingf Committee; and a trustee of the New Plymouth' Savings Bank, He contested the Taranaki seat in 1908 and 1911 in the Liberal interest, and in 1922 as a supporter of the Ho. form Government. \ MR. J. R. HAMILTON. Mr, J, li. Hamilton (Awarua) was born in Southland at Forest Hill, and received, his % education in that district. After being on the land for some years hejiccame a partner in 'the firm of Hamilton and Co., his brother, Mr. Adam Hamilton, being associated!with him in that business. Later the firm merged %. with the Southland Farmers' Co-operative Association, and Mr. Hamilton continued to. farm in the' Winton district. He contested the Awarua seat in 1911 and 1914, but was unsuccessful. In 1919, however, he defeated Sir Sir Joseph Ward by 3100 votes to 2323. In 1922 he was defeated by Mr. P. de la Perrelle by 5531 votes to 3480. Mi 1. Hamilton was a. member of. the Dairy Control Board in 1924. MR. E. P. LEE. Mr. Ernest Page Lee (Oatuaru) was born at Telgnmouth, England, in 1502., He was educated at Cheltenham and London, and at the age of 18 years was to a West of England firm of solicitors, later' on following the usual course of completing his. articles with their' London agciit. He was admitted a solicitor of tho.English Supreme Court in ISSS, and camo to New Zealand in,1886. Shortly a£tpr his arrival be qualillctl us a banister tail voUaitcUi tad con-
menced practice in Oaruaru. Two years later, qn the Hon ; T.. W. Hislop joining the Atkinson Ministry, Mr. Lee accepted the position of managing clerk to Messrs. Hwlop and Creagh, and filled it for eight years. He than commenced practice with Mr. A. J. Grave, and founded the firm of Lee, Grave, and Grave. Mr. Lee has as a borough councillor and as a school committeeman, and for some time occupied a seat on the committee of the Oamaru Athenaeum. He was one of the founders of the North Otago Jockey Club, and was a prime mover for a weekly halfholiday, which was observed in Oamaru before it was made mandatory by law. Mr. Lee entered Parliament in 1911, when he defeated *.he Hon. T. Y. Duncan and Mr. Robert Milligan. In 1914 and again in'l9l9 he defeated Mr. J. A. Maepherson, the Liberal candidate. In 1920 Mr. Lee assumed Ministerial rank, taking the portfolio of Minister of Justice, and subsequently he also held tho offices of Minister of External A-ffftirs, Minister of Industrie!) and Commerce, and Minister hi Charge of Police and Prisons Departments. He also acted., as Attorney-General during the temporary abscneo from New Zealand of Sir. Francis Bell. At the cleetion in December. 1922, Mr. Lee was defeated by Mr. Maepherson by 14 votes, but owing to irregularities in . connection with the ballot papers,the election was declared void, and a byelection was held on Ist May, 1923, when Mr. Maepherson was returned by a.majority of 345 votes. During the war all the overseas Parliaments in the Empire were invited to send representatives . to. England.. . Four representatives went from New Zealand— Sir W. F. Carncross, Sir James Carroll, Mr. (now Sir James) Parr, and Mr. Lee. ...
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 110, 5 November 1925, Page 14
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4,093THE NEW MEMBERS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 110, 5 November 1925, Page 14
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THE NEW MEMBERS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 110, 5 November 1925, Page 14
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