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Officers Appointed To First Echelon


The Minister of Defence, Mr. Jones, announced last night that his Excellency the Governor-General. Viscount Galway, had been pleased to approve of the following appointments to the First Echelon of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the ranks stated, with seniority in units as shown. These are to take effect as from January 5, except where otherwise stated.

armies in the Maginot Line. A few days after, in company with Mr. Fraser, we were travelling by air over 13,000 miles in haste to get back here before the first echelon of the division left for overseas. We travelled, I think, the most beautiful journey I had ever taken in my life.”

Major-General Freyberg described the journey, after which he said he could assure those present that by far the best sight that he saw was on Christmas morning from the Awatea, when the ship turned round Point Halswell and he saw his own native town. (Applause.)


While he was in France he had a chance of speaking to the Commander-in-Chief, who was of his own regiment, and also many distinguished French generals, younger French staff officers, from Bureau 1 and Bureau 2, and they all expressed the greatest interest in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. One of them, General Conde, said: “I remember the first New Zealand Division in 1918.” General Conde said that they were the most remarkable troops he had ever seen. They had the greatest repution with the French people, not only for their behaviour in the line, but also for; their behaviour and universal courtesy wherever they went in France. (Applause.)

“Since I have been here,” continued Major-General Freyberg, “I have been trying to get into the picture, going about as much as I can and arranging the hundred and one jobs that have to be settled before we go overseas.

“May\ I endorse the remarks of the Defence Minister about the excellent work that has been done by the Staff Corps and by General Duigan in particular.

“Everywhere I have gone I have received the greatest help and the greatest assistance by the G.O.C. home here in New Zealand. I don’t think anybody who is outside military circles can realise how important it is that General Duigan, who commands here in New Zealand, and I, who am in command overseas, should know and understand each other’s difficulties and work in close co-operation. I would go' so far as to say that the most important part of my visit here is to establish those personal relationships with the G.O.C. here and to ensure that close co-operation is established, and may I here pay -*a well-deserved tribute to General Duigan for the assistance that he is giving me here.” (Applause.)

“If I appear,” Major-General Freyberg said, “to be unmoved by this reception, it belies the feelings that are inside me. I have to take a very tight rein on myself to stop myself from showing my emotion. (Applause.) May I now thank the Deputy-Mayor, Mr. Jones, Mr. Fraser, and Mr. Perry for the all-too-glowing account of my life. I wish I were onehundredth part of the things that they have said about me. You are setting me, sir, a very hard task to live up to your opinion of me, but with your help behind me, I hope to give you of my best. Thank you, again.” (Applause.)

Proceedings concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

The list is: Headquarters, Second New Zealand ■ Division. . Commander: Major-Gelierai B. C. Freyberg V.C.. C. 8.. C.M.G.. D.S.O. LL.D. , • General Staff Officer. First Grade: Lieutenant-Colonel K. L Stewart. 0.8. E., N.Z. Staff Corps General . Staff Officer, Second Grade : Major W. G. Gentry, N.Z. Staff Corps. neral Staff Officer, Third Grade: Lieutenant R. M. Bell, Second N.Z. Divisional Cavalry Regiment. Assistant Adjutant and QuartermasterGeneral : * Lieutenant-Colonel W. G Stevens. Royal N.Z. Artillery. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-Gen-eral: Major A. W. Greville, N.Z. Staff Corps. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General: Major D. T. Maxwell, N Z. Staff Corps. Camp Commandant: *Captain D. F. Duigan, M.C.. Eighteenth (Auckland) Battalion. Assistant Director of Medical Services: Colonel K. MacCormick D. 5.0., N.Z. Medical Corps. Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services: Lieutenant-Colonel T J. King N.Z. Army Ordnance Corps. Ordnance Mechanical Engineer: Captain A. 11. Andrews, N.Z. Army Ordnance Corps. Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal: Captain C. F. McAllum. Nineteenth (Wellington) Battalion. Acting Senior Chaplain: Rev. E. B. Moore, C.F.. third class. Chaplain : Rev J. M. Stewart. C.F.. hi rd class. Headquarters Divisional Artillery. Commander: *Brigadier R. Miles, D.S.O. M. Royal N.Z. Artillery. Brigade Major ♦Major C. S. J. Duff, Royal N.Z. Artillery. Artillery Intelligence Duties: Lieutenant R. I). Sellers, 4th Field Regiment. ♦To take effect as .from date of embarkation. Headquarters Divisional Engineers. Commander: Lieut.-Colonel F. P. Heath N. Engineers. Adjutant: Captain G. P Sanders. N.Z. Staff Corps; Captain M. S. Carrie ; Second Lieutenant J. F B ' Pea eocke. Headquarters Divisional Signals. Commander: Lieut.-Colonel S F Allen, N. Staff Corps. Second in Command : Major G. W. Agar, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Signals. Adjutant: Captain J Vincent. D.C.M.. M.M., N.Z. Staff Corps. Quartermaster: Captain E. L. J. Marshall Headquarters Divisional Army Service Corps. Commander: Lieut.-Colonel S. H Crump O. N.Z. Staff Corps. Senior Supply Officer : Major K. N. Todd, N.Z. Staff Corps Adjutant: Captain R. St. J. 4. Hill, N.Z. Staff Corps; Captain E. P. Davis, N.Z. Army Service Corps; Captain S. G. Forbes, N.Z. Amy Service Corps; Captain A. G Hood, N.Z Army Service Corps. 2nd New Zealand Division Provost Company. Officer Commanding: Captain E W Hayton, 19-th (Wellington) Battalion. 2nd New Zealand Division Intelligence Section. Intelligence Officer: Captain A D. W. Woolcott, 19th (Wellington) Battalion. Cipher Duties: Lieutenant A. E B Burge, 19th (Wellington) Battalion. 2nd New Zealand Division Postal Unit. Subaltern: 2nd Lieutenant J H Shelker. N.Z. Engineers. 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force Overseas Base. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General: Lieut. -Colonel D. 11. W. H. Donaldson, N.Z. Staff Corps. Deputy Judge-Advocate-General: Major C. A. L. Treadwell, 0.8. E.. 19th (Wellington) Battalion. Deputy Adjutant-General’s Office at Base: Officer-in-charge, Captain W. H. Alexander, N.Z Staff Corps. Records section; Officer-in-charge, Lieutenant T. H. Agmen-Smitli. 18th (Auckland) Battalion. Administration and discipline: Camp Commandant, Lieutenant M. Douglas, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

N.Z. Base Depot. Adjutant and Quartermaster: Lieu tenant T. J. Cronin, N.Z. Permanent Staff Attached: Medical Officer, Lieutenant J Dempsey. N.Z. Medical Corps; Ordnance Officer, 2nd Lieutenant D. E. Harper, N.Z. Ordnance Corps. Assistant Director of Dental Services: Captain J. F. Fuller, N.Z Dental Corps. Dental Officer: Captain E B. Reilly, N.Z. Dental Corps. N.Z. Base Pay Office. Paymaster: Major F. Prideaux, N.Z Army Pay Corps, Assistant Paymaster: Lieutenant W. C. Morris, N.Z. Army Pay Corps. N.Z. Base , Post Office. Officer Commanding: Captain T. O Lambie, N.Z. Engineers. 2nd N-Z. Divisional Cavalry Regiment. Lieut. -Colonel C. J. Pierce, M.C., E.D.. Commanding Officer; Major H. G. Carruth, 2nd in Command; Major J. F. Potter, Squadron Commander; Major J. T. Russell, Squadron Commander; Captain R. 11. Bell, N.Z. Staff Corps, Adjutant; Captai W. J. Foster, Quartermaster; Captain T -C. Wallace, Squadron Commander; Captain W. R. Pigou; Captain F. W. Horton: Captain D. H. C. Wilson; Lieutenant J H. Garland; Lieutenant L. B. Ballantyne. Lieutenant J. H. Sutherland; Lieutenant A. V. Neal; Lieutenant E. R. Andrews; Lieutenant H. A. Robinson; Lieutenant R. M. Bell, Headquarters, 2nd N.Z. Division; Lieutenant R. H. Wynyard; Lieutenant W. G. Handley; Lieutenant H. B Capamagian ; Lieutenant G. H. Stace; Lieutenant M. L. W. Adams; Lieutenant R. R. Livingstone; Lieutenant R. B. McQueen, Lieutenant E. W. Kerr; Lieutenant M. Douglas, 2nd N.Z.E.F. Overseas Base: 2nd Lieutenant P. S. Crisp; 2nd Lieutenant C. L. Wood ; 2nd Lieutenant C. L. Sommer ville; 2nd Lieutenant J. G. Wynyard; 2nd Lieutenant A. M. Barton; 2nd Lieutenant F. L. Ward. Attached: Major P. V Graves. N.Z. Medical Corps, Medical Officer; 2nd Lieutenant J. C. Kelsey. N.Z Ordnance Corps, Officer Commanding 13th Light Aid Detachment. Fourth Field Regiment. Lieut. -Colonel G. B. Parkinson, Royal N. Artillery, Commanding Officer; Major R. W. Fenton, 2nd in Command; Major A. Ainslie, Battery Commander; Major K. W. R. Glasgow, Battery Commander; Captain James R. Page. Royal N.Z. Artillery, Adjutant; Captain A. V. Jenkins, Quartermaster; Captain H. M. Lewis; Captain G. J. O. Stewart; Captain L. P. Turner; Captain J. F. R. Sprosen; Captain L. H. Veale; Captain J. R. Stevens-Jordon ; Captain A. L. Hogg; Lieutenant J. S. Findlay; Lieutenant T. W. Straker; Lieutenant S. W. Nicholson; Lieutenant J. L. R. J. Tait; Lieutenant D. J. Sweetzer; Lieutenant H. C. Bliss; Lieutenant J. Richardson; Lieutenant R. D. Sellers, Headquarters 2nd N.Z. Divisional Artillery ; Lieutenant G. A. Nicholls ; Lieutenant L. M. Kissell; Lieutenant S. T. Nolan; 2nd Lieutenant C. D. Bell; 2nd Lieutenant L. A. Radford, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Ammunition Company N.Z. Army Service Corps; 2nd Lieutenant F. J. Needham; 2nd Lieutenant T. R. Atchley; 2nd Lieutenant E. P. Ombler; 2nd Lieutenant D. D. Twigg; 2nd Lieutenant J. M. D. McCredie; 2nd Lieutenant G. P. Hanna; 2nd Lieutenant F. M. Fisher; 2nd Lieutenant J. S. Clark; 2nd Lieutenant J. P. Dill; 2nd Lieutenant N. M. Louisson ; 2nd Lieutenant R. H. Dyson ; 2nd Lieutenant N. J. Nathan; 2nd Lieutenant G. McLean. Attached: Major G. H. Thomson, N.Z. Medical Corps, Medical Officer; 2nd Lieutenant G. Langslow, N.Z. Ordnance Corps, Officer Commanding 9th Light Aid Detachment. New Zealand Engineers. Lieut.-Colonel F. P. Heath, C.R.E., 2nd N.Z. Division; Major L. F. Rudd, Officer Commanding 6th Field Company. N.Z. Engineers; Captain G. P. Sanders. N.Z. Staff Corps, Adjutant Headquarters 2nd N.Z. Divisional Engineers; Captain T. O. Lambie, Officer in Charge N.Z. Base Post Office; Captain W. G. Morrison, Officer Commanding sth Field Park Company, N.Z. Engineers; Captain M. S. Carrie, Headquarters 2nd N.Z. Divisional Engineers; Captain H. S. C. Woolcott, 6th Field Company, N.Z. Engineers; Lieutenant D. V. C. Kelsall, 6th Field Company, N.Z. Engineers: Lieutenant R. C. Pemberton, sth Field Park Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant G. W. Bucknell, 6th Field Company. N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant J. F. B. Peacocke, Headquarters, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant H. G. A. Claridge, sth Field Park Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant I- S. Neil, 6th Field Company, N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant G. W. Chapman 6th Field Company. N.Z. Engineers; 2nd Lieutenant J. A. Shelker, Officer Command-

ing. 2nd N.Z. Divisional Postal Unit. Attached: Lieutenant M. Williams, N.Z. Medical Corps, Medical Officer; 2nd Lieutenant G. D. Pollock, N.Z. Ordnance Corps, Officer Commanding 10th Light Aid Detachment.

2nd N.Z. Divisional Signals.

Lieut.-Colonel S. F. Allen, N.Z. Staff Corps,-.. Commanding Officer ; Major G. L. Agar, 2nd in Command; Captain J. Vincent, D.C.M., M.M., N.Z. Staff Corps, Adjutant.; Captain R. L. C. Grant, Company Commander; Captain A. E. Smith ; Captain J. Feeney; Captain E. L. J. Marshall. Quartermaster; Lieutenant D. M. Burns; Lieutenant R. Dasler; Lieutenant C. G. Pryor; Lieutenant N. G. Fletcher; Lieutenant H. W. Wilkinson ; Lieutenant D. M. McFarlane; Lieutenant G. A. Borman; Lieutenant C. R. Ambury; 2nd Lieutenant A. G. M. Holmes. Attached: 2nd Lieutenant R. H. England, N.Z. Ordnance Corps, Officer Commanding 14th Light Aid Detachment.

Headquarters4th N.Z. Infantry Brigade.

Brigadier E. Puttick, D. 5.0., A.D.C., N.Z. Staff Corps, Commander; Major F. L. Hunt, N.Z. Staff Corps, Brigade Major; Captain A. R. Cockerell, D. 5.0., N.Z. Staff Corps, Staff Captain;. Lieutenant 11. S. D. Yates, 20th (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion, Intelligence Officer; Lieutenant A. J. Crisp, 19th (Wellington) Battalion, Transport Officer; Captain O. Bracegirdle, N.Z. Army Service Corps. Army Service Corps duties. Attached: Captain J. H. Mander, N.Z. Ordnance Corps, Officer Commanding 11th Light Aid Detachment; Rev. C. E. Hyde, C.F., 4th Class; Rev. G. A. Spence, C.F., 4th Class; Rev. V. R. Jamieson, C.F., 4th Class.

18th (Auckland) Battalion

Lieut.-Colonel J. R. Gray, E.D.. Commanding Officer; Major J. M. Allen, 2nd in Command; Major M. de R. Petrie, Company Commander; Major J. N. Peart, Company Commander; Major W. H. Evans, Company Commander; Captain G. K. Fussell, Company Commander; Captain L. I. Day, Company Commander; Captain R. J. Lynch; Captain C. T. Kellevvay ; Captain R. W. Dunbar, Quartermaster; Captain C. L. Brett; Captain A. D. Copeland: Captain D. F. Duigan, Camp Commandant, Divisional Headquarters; Lieutenant N. B Cowper, N.Z. Staff Corps, Adjutant; Lieutenant (Temp. Captain) W. J. Lyon; Lieutenant R. S. Sinclair; Lieutenant J. G. Mackay; Lieutenant N. B. Smith; Lieutenant H. M. Green; Lieutenant A. SPlayle; Lieutenant G. E. Hartnell; Lieutenant T. N. Agmen-Smith, 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force, Overseas Base; 2nd Lieutenant J. A. Halley; 2nd Lieutenant S. E. Foot; 2nd Lieutenant H. B. J. Sutton". 2nd Lieutenant S. N. S. Crump; 2nd Lieu tenant J. B. Oliphant; 2nd Lieutenant P. R. Pike; 2nd Lieutenant D. H. St. C. McDonald; 2nd Lieutenant A. C. Beachen; 2nd Lieutenant I. M. Matheson; . 2nd Lieutenant D. F. Phillips; 2nd Lieutenant R. G. Parkinson; 2nd Lieutenant J. S. Tomlinson; 2nd Lieutenant J. R. McGruther; 2nd Lieutenant AV. A. Pyatt; 2nd Lieutenant R. McK. Evans; 2nd Lieutenant J. E. Batty; 2nd Lieutenant R. S. Pearson; 2nd Lieutenant K. L. Brown; 2nd Lieutenant J. K. Herdman. Attached: Lieutenant J. K, Elliott, N.Z. Medical Corps Medical Officer.

19th (Wellington) Battalion.

Lieut.-Colonel F. S. Varnham, M.C., E.D., Commanding Officer; Major C. A. L. Treadwell, 0.8. E., Deputy Judge-Advocate-General; Major C. A. D’A. Blackburn, 2nd m Command ; Major C. M. Williamson, Company Commander; Major A. B. AV. Ross, Company Commander; Major R. K. Gordon, Company Commander; Major S. F. Hartnell, Company Commander; Captain C. F.'McAllum, Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal; Captain C. E. Webster, Company Commander; Captain E. AV. Hayton, 2nd'N.Z' Divisional Provost Company; Cap. am A. D. AV. Woolcott, Divisional Intelligence ; Section; Captain C. L. Pleasants; Captain T. G. Bedding; Captain E. C. Morton; Captain D. K. McLauchlan ; Lieutenant E. AV. S. Williams, Adjutant, N.Z. Staff Corps; Lieutenant A. J. Crisp, Headquarters, 4th N.Z. Infantry Brigade; Lieutenant Ac. E. B. Burge, 2nd N.Z. Divisional Intelligence Section; Lieutenant J. M. Elliott; Lieutenant R. L. Hutchens; Lieutenant H. S. Budd; Lieutenant J. E. F. Vogel," Quartermaster ; Lieutenant J. D. Carryer; Lieutenant A. M. Everist; Lieutenant C. A. Latimer; Lieutenant I. E. Duff; Lieutenant L. AV. Dugleby ; Lieutenant A. R. Fitchett; Lieutenant D. W. Sinclair; Lieutenant A. T. Bustard; Lieutenant J. H. Danderson; Lieutenant F. P. Koorey ; Lieutenant D. S. Thomson; 2nd Lieutenant .C. Weston; 2nd Lieutenant L. W. 2nd Lieutenant B. R. Dill; 2nd Lieutenant F. M. Stewart; 2nd Lieutenant D. G. Thomson ; 2nd Lieutenant AV. E. Aitken; 2nd Lieutenant K. J. Staunton; 2nd Lieutenant J. I. Thodey; 2nd Lieutenant E. D. , Blundell; 2nd Lieutenant V. K. Fleming; |nd Lieutenant J. H. Hutchinson; 2nd Lieutenant A. R. Lawson. Attached: Lieutenant AV. J. Boyd, N.Z. Medical Corps. Mepical Officer.

20th (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion.

Lieut. -Colonel 11. K. Kippenberger, Commanding Officer: Major F. E. Dornwell, 2nd in Command; Major P. AV. G. Spiers, M.8.E.. M.C.,?V.D.? Company Commander: Major A. P. Mac Duff, Company Commander; Major J. T. Burrows, Company Commanddr;v,Captain F. L. H. Davis, N.Z. Staff Corps. Adjutant: Captain B. J. Mathewson, Company Commander; Captain R. D. B. Paterson, Company Com mander; Captain C. Wilson; Captain R. S. Orr, Quartermaster; Captain M. C. Rice: Captain T. H. Mitchell; Captain H. O. Jefcoate; Lieutenant 11. S. I). Yates, H.Q.. 4th N.Z. Infantry Brigade; Lieutenant I). B. Cameron; Lieutenant A. I. Garriock; Lieutenant M. C. Fairbrother: Lieutenant C. K. Fleming; Lieutenant K. G. Manchester: Lieutenant J. P. Quilter; Lieutenant AV. Ayto; Lieutenant H. J. Scol(Continued. on Page 7)

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Camp News, Volume 1, Issue 4, 5 January 1940, Page 5

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SECOND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Camp News, Volume 1, Issue 4, 5 January 1940, Page 5

SECOND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Camp News, Volume 1, Issue 4, 5 January 1940, Page 5

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