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District Conventions

AUCKLAND Auckland Provincial Convention lieul in the West. St. Church of Christ. Sunday, Oct. 11, church parade, about 13) being present. The Rev. W. Campbell conducted the sen ice and at the close a service of Holy Communion wax held. Monday.—Reception to delegates was held in George Court’s Tearooms. Mrs. H. Kaspc. welcomed the guests, about 150 being present. They included the Mayoress, Mrs. J. A. C. Allum, ami Mrs. N. Pervman, a Dominion officer. Representatives of sixteen organisations were alxo present, who later individually extended greetings from their executive committees. A programme of musical and elocutionary items given and several trophies presented by Mrs. Kasper, including a silver vase to the Birkenhead branch for best work done in the Five Fold Plan, and a bronze vase the Warkworth branch, which gained second place. Banners for union work were presented to the Avondale and Onehunga unions. Representatives wire present from the following organisations: Bible in Schools League. Council of Temperance Education, Xew Zealand Alliance, Band of Hope Union, Social Justice Crusade. Mayoress War Memorial. Nortlicote Progressive League, Federation of Congregational Women, Salvation Army, Womcn’x Council of Liquor Control. Council of Christian Women, League of Mothers and People’s Health Society. Tuesday.—Convention opened at 9.50 a.m. and the District President, Mr-. H. Kasper, presided. Devotions by Miss Queen. Subject, “God’s exceeding great and precious promises.’’ Mrx. Kasper extended a most cordial welcome to all delegates and visitors present, especially to Mrs. Pervman, otir beloved White Ribbon Editor. Before any business was transacted the following resolution was passed by the convention: “That wc the members of the W.C.T.Uv now assembled in convention express our loyalty to (lod. and to King and Country.” and one ' erse of the National Anthem was sung. \ temperance fact was given by Mis* Read. Then followed the election of the \aiious committees. There were 62 delegates from the Auckland district present. Letters of sympathy were sent to Xlrs. Burnett, president of the Point C'hevali.r union, and to Mrs. Christian district president of South Auckland, who were unable to attend convention through illness. Greetings were received from Mrx. Hiett, Dominion President, Mrs. Lee Covie, and the Tc Awamutu, Tauranga. Thames and Cambridge Unions, also one from die Wellington district union. The recording secretary’s report wagiven by Mrs. J. Joiner and showed good work had been done by the district executive during the year. Cor. Sec.’s report giver, by Mrs. I. Williams and showed good work done by the unions. The treasurer’s report and balance-sheet was given by Miss L. M. Read, showed the finances to be in a

healthy condition. The report for the Maori Girls’ Hostel Fund was also given by Miss Read. The sum in bond for this purpose is now £271/14/11. During the luncheon hour an address was given by the Rev. A. E. Waite on the “l all of Great Nations.”

I he afternoon session opened with service of memories, conducted by Mrs. H. Kasper. Each union who had lost a sister during the year placed a white flower for each departed sister. During the placing of the flowers the hymn “For all the Saints who from their lal>our rest was sung. At the conclusion of the service a quartet entitled “Only remembered by what I have done, was rendered by members of the Papatoetoe union. The report ot the* ( radlc Roll department was given by Mrs. Williams and showed a total roll number of 1,407; 225 new members having been gained during the year. Onehunga has largest Cradle Roll, 294. Ihe presidential address given by Mrs. H. Kasper was most comprehensive, covering a wide range of world affairs, also of Dominion and local conditions. Mrs. Kasper was heartily thanked and complimented on her very, fine address, which it was decided to have typed and sell to unions for sixpence per copy. Mrx. Peryman then gave a most instructive talk on Plans of Work for the coming year, emphasising the building of a new Christian order, and the part the W.C.T.U. has to play in the building of this new order. L.T.L. report was given by Miss J. C:\van and was quite a good one. “Y” work was reported by Miss E. Appleby and showed eight “Y” branches working in Auckland. A branch for Sister Jessie’s Maori giris had recently been formed with a membership of 16. Miss Appleby was especially thanked for her work, which covered a period of ten years. Mixs Appleby is retiring owing to health reasons. Convention placed on record the quality of the work Miss \ppleby had done throughout all those years of service. Backblock Report, by Mrs. M. Richards, showed all unions with one exception worked this department.

Oct. 14.—Report of South Auckland District. The district vice-president, Mrs. S. Craig presided and opened with devotions. An apology for absence received from Mrs. Christian, District President, absent through illness. The district secretary, Mrs. Exley, reported on Opotiki, Tauranga, Waihi, Frankton, Tc \wamutu, Taumarunui, Thames, Hamilton and Otorohanga unions. The treasurer’s report and balance-sheet was presented by Mrs. Craig. There were ten delegates present from the South Auckland district. During the luncheon hour a talk entitled “The Liquor Traffic from the Christian Standpoint" was given by Mrs. Peryman.

The afternoon session, devotions by Mrs. H. Kasper and a solo entitled “There is a Work" was given by Mrs. Castleton. Mrs. Craig then read a letter which was written by Mrs. Chris-

tian. Officers for S. Auckland wenelected: Pres., Mrs. F. N. Christian; Vice-Pres., Mrs. S. Craig; Secretary, Mrs. Exley; Treasurer, Mrs. Page. Prepared speech competition, subject “Does the Bible advocate total abstinance from alcoholic beverages?” The competitors were: Miss Edmed, Nii^, Cowan, Miss Read, Mrs. Jolly, Miss Pudney, Mrs. Weir, Miss Piper, Mrs. Roberta, lira V v Retd, Mrs Cullen and Mrs. Wanhill. Mrs. Jolly won. with 72 per cent. An impromptu speech competition, subject “What are the Advantages of being a Total Abstainer?” The winner of tin- competition was Mrs. S. Craig. Oct . 15.—North Auckland 1 Strict The ‘district president, Mrs. W. I Roberts, presided over these sessions, and the morning session opened with devotions led by Mrs. Weir. There were twelve delegates present from t!i<Northlands district. The secretary’annual report was given by Miss M. Edmed and showed that much work had been done during the year. The treasurer’s report and balance-sheet w*as presented by Mrs. Weir, and the White Ribbon report was given by MrGillingham. A resolution was passed resolving to work harder during the coming year to gain new subscribers for the “White Ribbon.” The follow ing reports were also given: L.T.Ls., Band of Hope, Cradle Roll, Peace, au.l Maori Work. The noontide hour waled by Mrs. Vyle and the session closed with the benediction. Afternoon session, devotions bv Mrs. T. P. Lane. A very fine address was then given by Mrs. Peryman, and a solo was sung bv Mrs. Harvey. The report of the Bible in Schools, given by Mrs. Lane. The president’s address by Mrs. W. J. Roberts was mainly on the work of the W.C.T.U. Officeis were elected: Pres., Mrs. W. 1. Roberts; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. Vvle; Secretary. Miss M. Edmed; Treasurer, MrW. T. Weir. Resolved that this convention of the W.C.T.U. now assembled in Auckland urges that consideration to the introduction into the schools of a carefully planned course designed to prepare the child for sex introduction in the form of nature notes that couid • be printed in the School Journal. The question box was then opened and tin questions answered by Mrs. Peryman. Oct. 16.—Report of Auckland District. The morning session opened with devotions led by Mrs. F. \V. Mountjoy and the minutes of Tuesday’s sessions were read and confirmed. The billowing reports were received: Bible in School, Sabbath Observance, Maori Work, Good Citizenship, Anti Gambling. Several resolutions were dealt with and the Noontide Hour wa* led by Mrs. Roberts, and a solo rendered by Mrs. Wanhill. The Scientific Temperance Fact report was given b\ Miss Read. Afternoon Session—Devotions led In Mrs. Long. The report of the new members’ department was given by Mrs. Day and showed that 71 new members bad been gained for the year.

Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Long; Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. Kasper; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. Joiner; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. [. Williams; Treasurer, Miss L. M. Read. Votes of thank* were passed to the following: Mrs. Peryman, the North and South Auckland Unions, to the Hostesses, to Rev. A. F. Waite, to Soloists, Letter Writer, Mistress of Courtesy, the Press, the Church Trustees and Pastor and to Miss Campbell and all who had helped to make Convention so succe-*-fnl. Further resolution* were dealt with and the remaining reports received. Mrs. Kasper welcomed the new president, Mrs. Lo lg, who thanked tlumernbei- ot Comention for electing her a-, the district president. Mr>. Kasper wa* thanked tor her serviceover a long period of years, and Mr.. Mountjoy her work as Vice-Pres. Convention finished with closing service. Supts. elected: Evangelistic, Mi--Queen; Notable Days, Mrs. Castleton; W.R., Mrs. Stavey; Bible in Schools, Mrs. Cook; L.T.L. and B. of Hope, Miss Cowan; Backblocks, Mrs. M. Richards; Anti-Gambling, Mrs Osborn; New Members, Mrs. Day; Maori, Sister Jessie; Health and Nutrition, Mrs. Tennant; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Bragg; Good Citizenship, Mrs. Brewer; L.W.R., Mrs. Williams; Methods, Mrs. Kasper; Temperance Fact, Mi-s Read; Home Meetings. Mrs. Hayr ; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs. Hunter; Press. Mrs. Joiner; Social and Moral Hygiene, Mrs. Holme*;; Work among Seamen. Mrs. yUcV.r HAWXES BAY Met at St. Andrew’s Hall. Hastings, at 10.30 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 6. Morning lea; devotions, Rev-. Tinsley. Mrs. Hickmott welcomed delegates and visitors; 26 present at morning session and 50 at afternoon. Delegates present from Napier, Hastings, Waipawa and Gisborne. Mrs. Lewis presided. Special welcome to Miss Kirk. J.P., Dominion Officer. Roll call. Temperance verse. Apologies from Makutuku and Dannevirkc. Havelock N. in recess owing to war conditions. Annual report by Mrs Webb, secretary, showed progress. Napier lias largest membership, 100; Hastings second with 60. Wairoa third with 26.. District membership 247, with 18 new members. • Hastings lias 15 new members for the year. A good report from Napier Ys, and Hukarere Ys report 23 pledges taken recently. Greetings to Mrs. Hiett, Mrs. Peryman, Mesdames fohnston. Mac. Alister. Walker. Garrett and Alexander. Correspondence from Headquarters re free literature. Recommendation that Dominion Executive contact world office re alteration of clause dealing with admissions to C radle Roll. *

It was reported that ca>es had arisen where girls called up for war service bad been sent to hotels and boarding-houses as waitresses and maids. As these positions were not previously held by men, they could not

be regarded as w*ar work and the Hawke’s Bay W.C.T.U. wishes to draw the attention of the Minister of Industrial Affairs to the matter that it may be investigated

Miss Kirk spoke on conditions in cities, ‘owns, of diseases; Christian Campaign and general temperance work Noontide hymn and prayer. Educational Session—22 taking part. The following officers and superintendent* were elected: Pres., Mrs. Lewis; Vice-Pres, Mesdames Donnelly, Hickmott ami GofTc: Sec., Miss F.nnor; Treas., Mr- Smales; Evangelistic, Mrs. Webb; Notable Days, Mrs. Austin, White Ribbon, Mrs. Gwynne; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Attertold; Maori, Mrs. Pitt; \nti-Gambling, Mrs. Webb. Gisborne invited Convention for next year. Collection £2/6/-, expenses 10/-. Votes of thanks to speaker, soloist, and Hastings ladies. Closing service. MANAWATU The Annual District Convention was held in Levin, and opened on Tuesday, 15th Sept., being well patronised by * the public as well as members and delegates. Associated with the local president (Mrs. Kennerley) on the platform we’re Acting-Mayoress Mi>* Bowen, Miss Andrews, Mrs. Spence, and the Rev. Mr. Finch. Mrs. Kennerley extt tided a hearty welcome to all, and Miss Bowen, on behalf of the citizens of Levin, voiced her pride in welcoming delegates to Convention and wished all a profitable time, spent n the great cause for which they had gathered together. V ocal *olo, rendered by Mrs. Irving, was much appreciated, as aKo was Mrs. Inglis’s rendition cf “lust For Today.” Mrs. Jones, wife of Adjutant Jones, pleased her hearers by singing a lovely solo and was heartily applauded, as were the other soloists. Rev. Mr. Finch gave a stirring address, emphasising the need for our work being greater than ever, under war conditions, and stressing the fact that churches were heart and soul in accordance with the ! igb aims of the W.CT.U. Mrs. Spence briefly responded to the welcome extended to delegates, and introduced Miss Andrew*. principal speaker for CorActition. A perfectly splendid hour was enjoyed, a* Miss Andrews so ably outlined her views on the different departments of W.C.T.U. and held her audience in rapt attention, so great is her knowledge and power of imparting that knowledge, as well as the magnetism of her wit and wisdom and purposeful personality. Wednesday, 16th Sept., was the day on which delegates met to carry out the business of the conference, and at 9.30 ten ladies responded to ;he roll call, and meeting opened with Scripture reading and prayer. Report* showed great activity throughout the year a very pleasing feature being Miss Andrew’s report on lectures given at schools and colleges and workshops. A touching service of memories was conducted by Mrs. Finch, with a reading from Revelations, and

a solo, with harp accompaniment, “Sleep on Beloved.'* Election of officers resulted in Mrs. Spence being returned as District President, Mrs. Kennerley Secretary, Mrs. Andricson treasurer, Mrs. Hudson Band of Hope Superintendent. Presidential address, l>ased on Isaiah 31-5, followed by plans of work, not least of these being Miss Andrews’s intimation of her intended few days’ sojourn in “defaulting” districts, brought to a close another year of work in the cause of Peace, Purity and Prohibition.

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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 4

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District Conventions White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 4

District Conventions White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 4

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