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News of the Union.

import* Ml *T, — ill Item Ii Kditor by Ktli of moudi, 42) in* written in ink, on one wide of the paper out). CD Ite short mill to the |N»int. NORTH Alt KI .t.M) IHVIKMT. Amtupu-Te kopurii. April 12. Mr.- To lor presided. Next meeting to I»«• held it (Kink’s Camp, West Coast. A further j •« forwarded for Jubilee funds. Tempcratu * fart read. Round Table talk held. Sym patliy forwarded to Kev. J. t). White and family. Ihtrgity ille. April 10. < hit Secretary. Mi Martin, gave a beautiful reading. much enjoyed. Decided to hold Cradle Roll party on 2711 i. members to make paper hats for little one*, to provide refreshments and take something saleable for the stall. <>ne of the Salvation Army officer* to he asked for an address to the mothers. Ilikimingi. April i>. Mrs. Hnerly pi* sided. Nine prestmt. We were more than pleased to see the name of our town printed on Rainier. Long may it stay there. A \ ery interesting address w as given by Mrs. Hawkins on Jubilee Convention, and six* was heartily thanked. Leaflets wen* distributed by Mrs. Hawkins, which will very useful in the upbringing of children. Hostesses. Mesdames Hurley and Henderson. I righ. \pril 2*>. Home Meeting at Mrfiring's Good attendance. Mrs. Grigg pr<* sided. Miss Shepherd read “Karl> Temper anee in New Zealand.” A chorus was sung "When you come to tlx* end of Flection Day." Mrs. D. V. Matheson read report of the Kxecutive‘s deputation! to Prime Milliter and Minister of Justice. Mrs. Mol lc\ read Mrs. Low’s resolution re Traffic in Armaments. Mrs. Grigg read Mrs. M An tour’s greeting to Net* Zealand I ■ Mrs. J. Torkington read Dual Voting. Mrs. Woodcork gave the motto: ‘‘A Me. t hors** or a greyhound does not make a noise whet; he has done well, and thus a ma»i who hadone a kindness, never proclaims it, bn* does another as soon as he can.” At < KI.AND PI'TUK T. luck land. - anee. Mrs. Conk presided. Our delegates to Convention gave very interesting reporter the proceedings. Helpers were appointed for street collection on Poppy Day. Arrangements were made for tin* next meeting, to take a special form of interest. The prayer sigds of Colonel Carthew, V.C.. were distributed at tin* meeting. Mrs. Conk ree-om mended members to read John Oxeuhnni - book, ’The Man Who Would Save the World.” Devonport. April Mrs. AVilham- pr* - d ed. Arrangements made for moth v- meet Ing to he held In May. The Distrb l .lurih!. Sale and Fair was discussed. Mis- Head gave a splendid report on the Dominion t 'onventlon. lip-:, it - V home of Mrs AN'or*ley. Mrs Neal prc-icled. Mrs. Gilmour, late c»f Sydenham, was welcomed. Several apologies received for absence through sickness. Reports of th** Do minion Convention were gi\«*a hv Mr-. Neal and Mrs. <’arr. and Resolutions *on-dered llindtrwn Apt Reading from >u: 4, W R.” on the moral e ffect of gan Idlng Speaker c hosen for Ma' meeting. Peace Day. I\ ohinmnimn— April 12. Good meat Mr.-. Kasper presided and gave a detailed i -port of the Jubilee Convention. The blue ribbon badge was presented to the I'll ion for an increase in membership. Mrs. •' Wi’liams sai g two solos. Dec ided to hold an L.T.L. and Cradle Roil afternoon ant invite mothers nt the Mav meeting Mt. A Ibrrt. Mr* 1 Nc-al gave an mt* resting account of work done during Convention. Sympathy to Mrllrodie on the Joss of lier mother. Votes of thatiks to helpers at Garden Partv. Mart I'cotc" April M i Hull aided and spoke U|>on the Ric h Young Ruler and tlie need for sacrifice in our live-. Mr Smith appointed "W.R " Agent. Afternoon tea served. Otidmha. Apt I If Ml chair. Mrs. W. Taylor g«ve a full and hi-

(cresting report of the recent Dominion Jubilee Convention, nnd a very hearty vote of thanks was given her. Afternoon ten provided by Mrs. Keeersall. Oiielmngu. Aprs! D*. Mr* Mc.uumc.) pr* ided. Message* cd sympathy *.lt to i»* •In • *«■ r ii hospital. Mrs. King to sell \\ .It's. In yli . A.-hhy’s t&hsence. Mrs. Stacy seeing t*» regular subscribers. A very full and interesting account of tlie Dominion Jubilee Convention by Mrs. .Mountjoy, who received a hearty vote of thanks. In reply s'ie said idle was to have D«'c n to < ’ceaventlon and was all the better woman for the experience. One new member. Just a whips! from our new Cradle Roll Suj ermtendt a; . "I’ve got 71 new names on the t radie Roll since the first week in .March.” She certainly loves the babies. (Nelson w ill have to look to its laurels if this goes on.—Ed. W.R.) Poii-onhy. ApriJ ll*. M - Read presided, and gave a very lull report of the I kmiinion Jubilee < oiivcutioii. Mrs. Lee Cnwie, a lit'* Vice President ol the Poiisonbv Itruinli, at the Convention donated a sum of i2‘* through tin* I‘otisonhy branch t<» the N.Z i>i ganising Fund ot the I ti.oti A ternooti t*-.i wo- served by Miss Hawkins. sylvan Ayenue.. April 2 1 Attciniaiei fair. Miss l > udn«y presided. Nucleus of Dual Brandi Llorary formed. Tin* menace c»f increasing use of cocktails considered; decided to study matter further. Mrs. Kasper give an inspiring and Instructive report of the Jubilee Coin c-ntion and w..s heartd. thanked C.-eful informal talk over afternoon tea. One new member* initiated. AA ami. ii > M sided. 7 present. 10/*> was sent to the National Fair Fund, and anothet donation ol 2/<> was received at the meeting. Wc have been unable to start the* Hand of Hope* ag m for lack of a Superintendent. A letter ot thanks was received from Sister F.leauor Dobhy for the clothing which we M*nt to ii**i I'm tin* Maoris. *o| Til Al Ch LAND l»|V| ItICT. Hamilton. Mi. !. ion momm it* d lVacc Day. Tlie I’reaid< nt spoke on tin* Peace o God in our hearts, at peace yvitli our neighbours, individually ami nationally. Resolutions rend on Peace and Disarmament yvhich were passed at Convention. Mrs. Join*:-, delegate on the N.c.w. Resolutions of sympathy were pas-cel v itli tlie relatives of t\t > very value’ll members, Mrs Drown and Mr White, a wreath to he sent. A very we*, day, only 9 present. Decided that the r>' mninJer of Convention report l><* po; tponc.l till ix*xt meeting. Gpidihi. vpril 13. Mrs. ThmnpsoM presided. A yveli ’itt ended meeting. Sister Je-sie gate 1 a 11 i«».-t inter*-tu g report *> Co” vention: imparting it little of tin* inspiration and c-nthuidit'CM of ilie meeting held there Miss IMe brought greetings fiom Mrs. !*•• c’owic, Honolulu. an! spoke re* wearing th* Waite Ribbon badge* consistently. Afternoon tea aery cd I*' .drs. Cow and Mrs. .' i ’.onion. Ittnriihiine i April 27. Ia r ntfemlan • cine minute -ilc-m* observi d for opr \ iecpri sident, late Mr -. Hurton. Mrs. Wc let • and Mrs. Cobin elected c ommittee to vis * sic k members. Thame- Miy 2 A fairl’ w* 1! n*t ■im meeting presided over by Mrs. Paul *l* Donnelly >v is appointed “W.R.” Agar Mrs. Livci edge gave* a very stirring ai : inspiring address oil ‘Witness ng an* l • hnraeter.” As till* is the last ocens on o” uiil' li Mrs Liver-edge would meet w tli u~ Mrs Paul took fie opportunity of yvisli her “God-Speed." and thanked her for b ■ iielp tluring tlie past three years. The fotlowing protest is )>c*itu: -♦•tit to tii** h> Licensing t'c'ti inittee and tlx* Member for tlx* District: Tics meeting of the Thant branch of the ANT.T.i'. is of the opinio . that there is an excess of licensed bars for tlie sale of intoxicant* in the Ivornr h of Thames Taking into consideration the dwindling population, the huge number *>' persons on unemployment relief works, mi 1 tlx* financial condition of tlx* town, t’* -* meeting believes that 12 licensed bar- m ! l tute against tlm prosperity and yvel! being of the inhabitants.” it- Awnmutn. sided Fair attcnclHnce As our *!■ '• g t to Jubilee Convention, she cave •* most • terestine report. Mrs. Right W Ison who also a T ten*ic*ci spoke o*n the Communion s s *”- vtce at tiie opi'nitig of Convention. Ike ' '* character of which "a- tlie keynote «*f t

inspiring tone of Um* '.vliole Convention. The forming of a Band of Hope wui discu. sod. Mrs. Popperell sang ' Somebody Car*-#'' vtry sweetly. Afternoon tea served. Tuumngn.—May 1. Fair attendance. Presi dent in chair. Several member a ill. Interesting r. ddre** given by Mrs. Knowles on the la-ague of Nation-. Afternoon tin d spensed. TARANAKI I>I*»TICMT. New l‘l>mouth. -April. Reports of the Jubilee Convention given. The President stated that it v\;*s the first meeting of its kind in New Zealand, and the Hist lady member to take her seat in l’uiliament was a member of the W.C.T.F. A«counts of the social and n iigious side of the Convention were given, and the work of the National Fair was mentioned. During the afternoon pianoforte ami vocal solos were given, also two recitations. Votes of thanks passed, and afternoon tea served. .MAN.UV ATI DIMKHT. IVilding.— April 5. Fulr attendance presided over by Mrs. Bpence A hearty welcome- extended to Mrs. Camplin after a long and serious Illness. Mrs. Spence gave r.n interesting report o f Convention. May 3. —Good uttendatit-e. President in chair. Mrs. Terry gave a helpful address on “God’s presence in the litile things of life.” Resolved to open Uavul of Hope this month. Adjt. Uad'-hiTe to address next meeting. PnlmerMon North. April C. M l ** Moonpresided. Three new members welcomed Sympathy to Mrs. T. T. Ker.-lakc in the death of her son. The President express* I the pleasure at Miss Wilson’s (Treasurer) return after her iiiness. Miss Moore anil Mrs. Bird-nil) i - <*nted reports of the recent Conventlo d received a vote of thanks. Mr Alien and Miss Jamieson lion °s. 11 ial Peace Day to bo celebrated at next meeting. IMI nicest on North May 4. Miss Moore in the chair. Attendance good. Bring ami Buy stall held. In charge of Mrs. Dorset. Two new members Initiated. Rev. Pate gave an add re-** on Peace, and was accorded a vote of thanks. Mrs. Dallas and Miss Wilson w«-ii- host*. ,-es for tin- afternoon. June Meeting to be a social afternoon. lIAUUIZS IJA\ DIVLKICT. llikstiiigN. April 26. Good attmdunce. to n«-w members and visitors. Mi.** A. M. Mi-Lav gave interesting address on tiu* effect of alcohol on the life of the world, nation and the individual. Report* received of 8< hool of Methods Conference, M et ug ;ind Homo Meeting*. Mrs Hud ton and Mis-- Mitchell fare welled. Mrs. S H kr ipi-ii'iitcd Tre:**urer during Mrs. Mitchell's absence, and Mrs. Bawling* Cradle Roll Supt. pro tern, with M*s Paul as V Supt. So lot by Miss Williams and Miss dc Forges Presentation of autograph album and dainty posies were mad*- l>\ the President to Mrs. Hudson a*nd Mi-s Mitchell, and. a posy to Ml*.* Me Lay, and good wishes tended to them for their respective holiday tr p*. Gr .tig* v f r• given to Miss M - Lay for Unions and World Conference. II avdock North.-—Met for devotion dm nt month. Held monthly meeting, April 27. Good attendance. Miss Me Lay speaker, liet talk nruh enjoyed on “Brewers’ Campaign” r.nd “8 -hool oi Methods”: was heartily thanked hy all. & ientlfh facts given and discussed. Napier. M - v 2. Good attendance of members and visitors. Decided to purchase 1 it - c.atvi.. and to -tart a Band of Hope. A case of distress *o be assisted, and M -ternity Bag (artldea made by members) to be loaned to Hoejat Service and Red Cre-s for us*- in necessitous cits. ■. Arrangements made for Pledge Signing in Bible Classes. H'aip'tkura Peace Day An account was given of the S' hool of Method* recently held in H i-Rings. I »;scu*«dm on di m>«-. ami ccntually a Copper Tr-.i’ w In 1 towards locaj funds Iko-idcd that the roll be called at each meeting. l»-, idcd to cornmenre the H-.tnd o Hope n .- n ; mi May l?th. Afternoon t*-> erved by Mr». McKa'n and Mis: King. One new member. U VMdM I I J IRK r. Irumobo. \ i - * i 1 2>i President in c hair Very good attendance. Lcttc*r of thanks for Juhll. • ribhon from Mrs. Morgan. Reuort given of a very successful afternoon to the inmate.* of the Jubilee Home. Garcleti

Party business finalised. Band of Hope to open on May Bth with Rev. AVhc-atley's iielp. Airs. * lie.*.* was gave an interesting talk on the life of Frances Ridley Havergal, intersper .-d vvitli a solo, “Light after Darkness" and the Consecration Hymn as a duct. Several members read verses of hymns written l»v F. It. Havergal, and to conclude, Mrs. < 'hesswas sang Jude’s rendering of "I gave my life for Thee.” Competition resulted in Mr*. Hamer Ist. Mrs. Richards 2nd. Marion.- March 22. Mrs. Barrington preded. 12 present. Gained 4 new member*. Mrs Barrington gave a splendid report of Convention, which was an inspiration to all present. The speaker encouraged us to go forward seeking to do our best in this most important work. Oliakunc.—April 19. Mrs. Farr presided. Good attendance. Mrs. Farr gave a very interesting report of the recent Jubilee Convention. A splendid article on ’’Prayer’ wa* read by Miss Glausy. \\ FI LING lON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—April 24. Mrs. Brewer pres ltd. Sympathy to Mis. Kaine. Secretary to tlie Bible in Schools League wrote asking for a representation at tin- Annual Meeting on Apt 11 noth. Mesdames Sawden. \V*-I<-ster, Pickering and Hillings appointed. Mrs. Brewer gave a title report of District Executive. Mrs. Sawden reported a donation sent to the organising Fund. Secretary to write a letter to Colon in Niue island. Mrs. Goring gave very helpful address on “The Christian Life.” The singing of special hymns was a feature of the afternoon. Mrs. Sav. den play ed the accompaniments. After noon tea. Methodist ladles hostesses. < .!• *crioii April i I:<■ v I: .1 Liddell presided, and gave an interesting address on It is the Nation's Right to Deal with the Nation s Wrong.” mentioning cofTin ships, slavery, opium traffie, and alcoholic liquor, a.* either past or present evils. Afternoon tea served. Dab-field —April 26. A very well attended meeting. Mrs. Ord'sh presided. An inspiring talk by Mrs. Tyler on the wonderful amount of work put tb: ugh at the Jubilee Convention. Any fund coming in to be sent to Headquarter*. Hearty vote of thank* to Mrs. Tyler. Island Huy.—April 18. Fair attendance. Mis. Mow lem presided. Solos by Mrs. Ayrton much appreciated. Sneaker. Mr. J. Malton Murray, very intere.-tuig andre*?. M* thedlst ladies hostesses. Isnvcr llutt. -April. 18 pri- ent. Prestdetit -m the chair. Decided to send a parcel of clothing to tin Willard Home. The thought for tin- month was: "The secret of happiness lie.* in extracting pleasure from tin- things wc have.” Arrangements made f »r the District Executive on Monday, 23rd. Mrs. Taylor reported 12 16s handed in it tin* Jubilee Convention from Copper Trad. R« port of Convention read, and delegate thanked for h< r comprehensive account. Tin* Julii let- souvenir book, Fifty Years, was shown at the meeting, and every menibei should end*- ivonr to get one. Tin* next meeting. Mrs. Chisholm speaker. Mothers’ 1 >ay. MuNterton.—-April. Good attendance. M *.* Jones in the chair. Decided to < oinplv with the request from the Salvation Amu to supply a table at their Jubilee tea. Rev-. V. B. Jamieson gave a helpful adilitss on Temperance work. Decided to call a meeting of ministers avid representation of tin- Sunday S< hools and Bible Clashes to go into the Band of Hope work. Hostesses. Mrs S. Freeman ami Miss Donald. Mu- t rtoii. May*. Good attendance. Miss E Jon.., presided. Report read of the Conv T.t-on. I H-eided to sell some of the goods left over from National Pair. Decided to invlt* Mrs. B. 11. Low, M.A., to address a meeting, arrangement for which were made. An address was given l>v the Rev. E. Rick on to day’s opportunities; he said thro*ncc - trv for success were a broad outlook, understanding and sympathy, and a definite aggr« ivo reform and evangelical work. Ho*tc si *. Mrs. Cocker and Miss Tan l*eto»»e. -May 1. Mrs. Playter pretided. M : .*s Coll e announced an offer by a Cartert( n iii> miter to organise a “Scotch Night in Petone In July. Proceeds of Miss Collie’s ouilt to be half to our fund, quarter to lb-adquarters an-1 quarter to Organisers. Vdjutant Grice nddr»*sed u* Lieutenant Bartlett saniT. Hostesses for next month, Mesdames Bradbury and Chalmers. On** new member initiated.

riimntcrloii.—April 10. Mrs. Hooper tlie chair. The day of meeting was cnang* to the 4tli Tuesday in the month. Deoiih to form a Band of Hope, Mrs. Hooper ui dertaking to organise and supervise it on Saturday afternoons. An interesting repo> of Convention was given by our delegate. Mrs. cummins. The W.R. Agent was deco: ated vvitli the Convention W.R. Honoui Badge. I pi»er llutt.—March 22. Very tine pap* by Mrs Haddy on story of Baliab, which concluded with an inspiring verse. Paper • auscd a lively discussion, for Rahab, who was not a good woman, was used for God * service. Shows that members pay attention. Ruth, the next Part of Convention report given by Mr.* Spencer (Communion Service, Service of Memories, Deputation. Success of National Fair). The r« ;t to be given at next meeting. Afternoon b served. I pper llutt .--Apt il 26. Charactei stu<l\ “Ruth.” A very beautiful paper was given, the outstanding thought being “Love *•« never lie hidden, love always serves.” Di*cussiou followed. Pledge repeated. Men, her rendered a nice solo. Another section of Convention report given. Competition proved interesting. “Things found in cupboard.” Letter of congratulation to k sent to Miss Kirk. During afternoon te: had a profitable chat about our w inter woi and plans are now going ahead for asiothei large evening meeting. Wellington.—Wav 3. Mrs. 11. Chisholi presided. Mrs. Chisholm reported the bus ness done ai the last District Executiv meeting. At a meeting held recently io dis< u*s the need for tin- Bible in School it was dated tlmt thousands of children i*a the hack blocks nave never heard tliBible read. Mis Peryman was welcome and spoke on tin* Convention of the Nation i! Council of Women held In Christchurch last month. They stand for many thing* amongst them being equality of men ami women and equal rights for all. Tin* speak*was heartily thanked, atnl tea was serveo by Mesdames Perry and Harris. M ARLBORO! (ill DISTRICT. Blenheim.—May 1 Mrs. W. M. Smith it the chair. Splendid attendance of 35 mein her*. Denied to hold social evening foi mothers of Little White Ribboners on May 15tli. A Bring and Buy afternoon on May 22nd. A very full and splendid report of Convention, which was greatly appreciate hy a|), was given by our delegate, Mr Braddock, who was warmly thanked. Tim M»r.?u».- April 19. President welconi «-d Mrs. Ft-ing. Arrangements made* for the ombined Bands of Hope. Mrs. Burrough gave a very full and interesting report o Convention, which was thoroughly enjoyed < »n* new member. Bring and Buy. NEICON DISTRICT. Nel*on. —April Id. Mrs. Watson n tli - hair, moderate attendance. Me d ime.* Vn drews and Kraghan, delegates to Convention. gave very comprehensive and interest ing repo. ts. Votes of sympathy icis.*'** 1 .. One member received on transfer. NORTH ( AM I Hill BY DISTRICT. Blackball.—Har<li. Good attendanc*. Mr* Colqulioun pr*-sl<led. from Mr Lynn rc Convention and Fair. An inten sting p:»|»er was rend by the President. Mi Dorvvard sang a One new member. March 22. Farewell to Mrs Wills, who k* leaving for Sefton. Mrs M< N’augliton. Mi liorward, Mr-* Lowe, and Mrs Gibson sang solos, and Mrs Cohiuhoun and Mrs Small irave re«-ltations. (>ii behalf of members, the President presented Mr* Wills with a box oi linen handkerchiefs, and expressed sorrow i’i losing one our members. Mrs J. Sued don and Mrs liorward endorsed the Presdent’s remark*. Afternoon tea was handed round, ami a pleasant afternoon brought to a do e by aJI singing “Farewell, Faithful Friend.” Grey mouth. — April 20. 8 present. A \*-r----interesting report of Convention received from Mrs. Cooke of Nelson was much appreciated. Superintendents' reports received Secretary to go through these and give a general resume at next meeting. Mrs. Perry, from Wellington, spoke of Convention. adding much to the interest of Mr* Cooke’s report.

—May 2. Mrs. A. Stocking in the ihair. Good attendance. Secretary of Teinuka Union welcomed by the President, in voted for expenses of North Canter - imrj organise:. One new member. Convent iti report was read by Mrs. Rinaldi ami vs t much appreciated. Suggested that .. number of remits passed at Convention be published in the lo> a! paper. New Brighton. March. Mrs M Moses pres deit. Temperance Fact given by Mrs Lillis \\ in a continuation of last month's, entitled The Wines of the Scriptures.*' a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs S. J. piintlt for her work in arranging su< h an cv client programme for the recently held nversuzione. Mrs. T. M. Cumuw interest - l the mem hers exceedingly in her talk on ■Miracles* * as they come in the every day life of women. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speaker. New Brighton. -April. Mrs. S. J. Smith presided. Sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs. Savill and the late Mr. It. S Pearson. The Agenda of the World’s W.C.T.I*. Conference, to be held in Sweden a .July, was read by Mrs. Moses. An invitation from the Mayor to take part in the \nzac Day Parade and Service was accept i : Mrs. Coa'es of North Brighton was the r< pient of a ‘'Golden” Posy and the congratulations of the members on the celebration of her Golden Wedding. Mrs. Coates Im been a member of the Branch since inception 24 years ago. A Comprehcn,m report of the N.Z. Jubilee Convention \« given by Mrs. J. Duncan. Thanks and ,ij>j>i o< i it ion w ere extended to Mrs. Duncan. Itcefton.—April 10. Ten present Mrs. Thompson in tin* chair. All members very pi. a ed that our I nion had won the i4lm Ribbon Badge. Afternoon tea was served i v Mesdames Thompson and Willis. It i court on. -April 12. Mrs Burrell pro <*<i and wtdeoined members of Sydenham I nion. Arrangements made for Mrs. Low’s •lit. Bring and Huy sale. Sydenham ends supplied much appreciated mus.< a items. Putt, Mes.laines Weatherhea.l and Ki;.-r; Solo, Mrs. Greenway; Recitation, Mrs. liulton. Mrs. White gave a full and interesting report of Convention. spreydon.—April 17. Mrs. Pirrett, Pre.-i lent, gave us a very complete and colour ul report of the Jubilee Convention. Looking forward to having an address from Mrs Low on '"Peace,” A good number present. II ' for the afternoon, Mesdames 11 u 1 - ton and Bowden. ‘dyx.—April 11. June meeting to take the form of a social afternoon to raise funds. 1 i mhinod meeting for May with Belfast and Papanui. Mrs. Lowe, Peace and Arbitra■m Movement, to give the address. M sBishop, who represented Styx at Convention, rend the report. I>erided to send anther 10/rt to Organising Fund, and £2/2/to Headquarters. The monthly meeting days Itered from 2nd Wednesday to 2nd Tuesday. First Hand of Hope to be held in May. Mi inner. —A i>ri 1. Mrs. Mulcock presided. Mrs. T. Tomlinson gave an address on the "omen of China, showing the ordeal of the easant woman working like a slave, yet by her labour often enabling her husband to < quire a little more of the beloved land that he may become a man of consequence, le to frequent the Tea Houses and bring oine another to supp'ant the worth* 'other of his children. Mrs. Tomlinson took as authority the revelations of Mrs. Bu<k, who knew life in North and East iin so well. Mrs. Tomlinson was warmh thanked. Hostesses, Mrs. Slierrard and Mrs. Walker. 'simmer.—April 10. Presided over by Mrs. lulcoek. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Morgan were hostesses. Mrs. Lowry gave .i live ount of the doings of Jubilee c<aivention. 'he ceremonies and results. She urgt*d mem- • rs to get interested in Peace movement. A vote of sympathy passed with relatives of the late I >r. M«*Ara. Sydenhum.—April 5. Mrs. Woodward pi< Med, good attendance. Mrs. Hancock wel•>m«‘d. Songs by Mrs. Faler and Mrs. M'eat herliead. Report of Jubilee Conven- ' ion by Mrs. Davies, who was awarded a • »rty vote of thanks. Sydenham Union to • 1: carton Union May 19th Mi - I«o i • to address the meeting. \Ve>tjM»rt April 10 Mrs. Parfltt in the hair, small attendance. Each member read l»*r on Temperance. Mrs. Parfltt also adin sed members on Temperance. Proposal

to ask S.A. Captain to address us next Meeting. HOI 1 11 CAVITIKItt ICY DISTICH I. Ashburton.—May 1. Good attend ip Peace Day. Mrs. Robinson presided. S> input by passed with the relatives of Mrs. J Watson, also with Mrs. H. A. Lloyd i*:i the loss of her daughter. Letters of cheer and sympathy to sick members. Decided to present L.S. Badges to members of 30 years' standing at June meeting. Reference was made to Peace Day, and special attention called to Mrs. Taylor's presidential address on that subject published in th* White Ribbon. Decided that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Mayor of Pahiatua for his outspoken utterances against wai and war propaganda at the Anzac !»•»> celebrations. Hoclal gathering and a delightful little programme. Piano Solo, Miss D. Craighead; Solos, McsUainc l-'« 1 1 1 • i ton Thomas, v\ eiis, and Craighead; Recitations, Miss I. Mdie. A hearty vote of thunks was accorded the performers, and Mrs. Linker for wreaths made for Anzac Day. Tea was served. Rakaia i Decided to open Hand of Hope IPitli April and to hold monthly meetings during winter Mi \ \\ Allan to In President and Miss Betty Coat.sw'orth Secretary. Full report of Dominion Convention was giv*»n by Miss S. C. Oakley. Rev. Mr. Moore asked to speak at May meeting. Hostes.-, Mrs. Evison. Tcim.ku. —April IL. Mr- liewson presided. 2*> present. Sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs. Walker. Meeting day changed from the first Friday to the first Wednesday. Regret is expressed at removal of Mrs. Elston, a very active member tor over four years, and pray that God's blessing will rest on her in her new home. Hand of Hope to commence on April 27th. Very hit cresting report of Convention by Mrs. liewson. One new member. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. Elder and Mrs. Wilson. May 2. Mrs. Douglas gave a short talk on helping and cheering those around us and sang a solo. Afternoon tea by Mewdames Wright and Alanby. Wnimute.—April 11. Mrs. Roy pr*-suh l over large attendance. Mrs. Clarke gave splendid address on her experience us u slum worker ill Glasgow. Mrs Palmer gave very interesting report on Jubilee Convention. A pianoforte solo by Miss Lumsdcn. OTAGO DISTRICT. Hahlotba M 'll: Mrs. Clark presided. 10 members present. Miss Keaeh read a good and Interesting paper on Peace, and Mrs. Clark also read portion on Peace. Roll call to be answered at next meeting by a Temperance fact. Mrs. Fryer appointed as Cradle Roll Sec rotary, with Miss Trix ■> Fryer as Assistant Members asked to pray specially for world peace. Dunedin Central. May 1 Good attendance. Mrs. Hiett in < hair. Union thanked for help on Poppy Day. Letter of congratulation sent to Miss Kirk on her appointment as DoiMinioti President of N.C.W, Warm welcome extended to Mrs. Don aft> i illness. Decided to hold Peace meeting in June. Report of Convention presented by Mrs. Hotting. President expressed thanks of Union for report. Reaffirmed resolution in regard to Women Police. kiukomi. April 24. Congratulation.- <*\- trnded to Mrs. Bed ford on her promotion to District President. Union was presented with a badge for gaining the highest percentage of White Ribbon subscribers. Mrs. Bedford gave a report of Convifitjon. Members were touched at the beautiful tributes paid to pioneer members, past and present. Mrs Bedford was thanked. The W.R. Agent t ongratulated. Afternoon tea. l«w mm, April Ift. lira Edie over good attendance. Devotions. Correspondence. Paper for the day, "Francof Willard,” read by Mrs. J. McKinlay. lawrenof.—May 1. Mrs. Edie in the chair. Fair attendance. Devotions; business. Report of Convention read by Secretary. Decided to ask Rev. l*es. Clements, a recent V delegate at Convention, to address next meeting. Mosiriet.—April 17. Fairly good att<mdam e. Mrs. Bedford presided. Small presentation to Mrs. Wilson, our late Secretary, who has left the district. Mrs. Bedford lead u very comprehensive ami interesting

report of Convention, which w« all appreciated. .N.K. \ alley. Miss Gray presided. Mo Denton Leech gave interesting address on League of Nations ami received hearty vote of thanks. Pea« e hymns were sung. N.K. \ alley.— Miss A. Gray, President, in tlic chair. Miss Bcgg reported on the social doings of Convention; Miss A. Gray on the business done there. Decided to send a wn ath lo tin* .Memorial Ar< h at the ,>.E. Valley School on Aiu>.t Day. M* i:J«t. were reminded of the election for the local School Committee on April 23rd. Otunur i. April 9 Good attendni M - Smyth presided and gave a full and comprehensive report of tlie Jubilee < 'onveiition and National Fair, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The Fair netted 11 ."ill from goods contributed by tin* various I nions throughout New Zealand. OxmLn.—April 4. 12 present. Mrs. Jamt , President, In the chair. Short appropriate poem was read. Mrs. Holland read 1 Cor. 13. interesting piece from souvenir nuinuer read by Miss Campbell. Season of prayer. Violin solos by Mrs. Keelty. Port t lull mem. April. Good attendance. Mrs. .Mirams presided. Several interesting papers were read by the following ladies; Mrs. Sutherland, Evils of the Drimk Habit; Mrs. Karquliarson. A Letter from a Niue Island W.C.T.I’. Vice-President; Mss Maweon, The Dangers of Home Brew; Mrs Pratley, How Alcohol Affects tin* Heart; Mrs. Tait, The Value of Bands of Hope; Mrs. Mathieson, A Beautiful Poem; Mrs. Hmlllie, How a Member raised £5 by means of ;in autographed cloth. Mrs. Miller suggested that more active work amongst the young people could be undertaken. The matter was heal over for further consul* ration. A trio by Mesdamos Mitams, Farquharsoti Mid Murray. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. BlnfT. April 14. Special m**« t r to meet Miss Jamieson, Invercargill, who gave a report of Jubilee Convention. 9 present, v very wet day. Cup of tea hunch d round. Miss Jamieson gave h most interesting report, and also handed a White Ribbon badge to Mis. Walker as a reward for a number of new subscribers to White Ribbon. Thanks accorded Miss Jamieson. Gore. April 23. Pay-up Social. Miss Robert-on presided. Good attendant’ . Mrs. Sired gave a comprehensive report of the Jubilee Convention and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Items rendered. Solos, Misses K. Johnson and M. Anderson; Guitar Duet, Mrs. Blackmon* and M - Finlaysoxi. All greatly appreciated. Daintv supper served. Arrangements made for District Quarterly Meeting to be held at Gore. Invercargill Central. \prd 10. I" r ttendance Mrs R. R McGregor in tb< chair Me dainea Vi ei nd tvi prehensive reports of Jubilee Convention. One new member. s. Invercargill. April. That sting, yet gentle exhor r ation by Jesus. “Suffer th** little children to come unto Me," was appropriately < hosen by Mrs. Richards, Evan. Supt., for devotions to open Mothers’ Meeting. The great need to-day for mothers to be watchful and diligent regarding the spiritual as well as the physical welfare of tlieir children was stressed. To each child present, Mrs. frozier, Cradle Roll Supt., handed a small gift. The Rev. L. B. Bryan addressed the gathering on, ‘‘Mother, the Moulder,” arranging his remarks tinder three headings, “Mothers’ Influence,” ‘‘Mothers* Opportunity,” and ‘‘Mothers' Responsibility. ” Programme: Mrs. Him. Soles, recalled; Mrs. McDonald, Solo; and Miss Simon, Solo: Mrs. Lea, Accompanist Votes of thanks to the speaker, the artists and Social Committee. Eolith Invercargill, vpril Notice given that the first quarterly meeting of tin* oistrict will be held in Gore in May. Members present were keen on hearing the delegate'* (Mrs. Robb) report on tin* recent 1. held Dominion Convention in Wellington, and they were treated to n very comprehensiv • account of that gathering- -verbal questions being answered in a satisfactory manner, and aided by Miss Langskaill. delegate for North : nvercargill Union, some Mitetv-t ing side-lights on Convention were g ven Bracketing Miss Langskaill, Mr- Robb v.t accorded a very : °ai*ty vote of thanks.

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White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 464, 18 May 1934, Page 7

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 464, 18 May 1934, Page 7

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 39, Issue 464, 18 May 1934, Page 7

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