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News of the Union.

MUST I. Reach the Editor by Sth of month. t. IW written in iak, on one Hide of the |Mi|»er only. it. lie short ami to the point. No. 1 REPORTS. AUCKLAND.—Nov. 10. Annual meetinK. Mrs Cook presided Mrs Brockenhurst. from Napier, was heartily welcomed. A tribute was paid to the life and w’ork of Miss Maunder. Mrs C*ook urged the members to do ■ the r potrw to —pport Miss Melville'S candidature to I*arliament. She spoke very highly of her ability and the public service she had rendered as a member of the Auckland City Council. The annual report showed a vear of steady work Major Gordon gave an interesting talk on her work among the young women of the city whose lives had been mar Ted by ski She thanked the members for their practical help with the Christmas tea for the women prisoners. She spoke in warm appreciation of the \V.C.T.l T . Hostel and Its comfort and honiei ess, and the good influence it has exerted. The Backblocks Committee reported that during the year a large number of tsioks and magazines had hern sent to isolated places. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs <V»ok; Rec. Sec., Mrs Taylor; Cor. Sec. and Treas., Miss N. Dewar. AKATAPI -TE KOPI KIT.—Nov. Annual meeting Letter read from Mrs T. E. Taylor. Reports of the various departments adopted. Most encouraging report given by Mrs Hill Taylor of the past year’s work. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs W. Godfrey; Vice-Pro*., Mrs Morgan and Mrs Hill Taylor; S«»<., Mrs A. J. Wordww'orth; Treas., Mrs Newport; CradJe Roll Supt., Mrs Wordsworth. senr.; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Waring; Pianist. Mrs J. Wlddup; Medical am! Scientific Temperance Supt., Mrs Hill Taylor; Notable Days and Tress Reporter, Mrs H. O. Bickers; Afternoon Tea Convenor, Mrs Dewbory; Birthday league, Mrs F. Marshall, of Aoroa. A vote of thanks to retiring officers for their splendid work during their time of office. Mrs Hill was Secretary for five yenrs. A Bring and Ituy for Willard Home brought in 11. Afternoon tea hostesses, Mrs Godfrey and Mrs Kelly. A*«l||tl IITON.- Nov. 14 Annual Garden Party of the “Little White Ribboners." Large gathering of the members, with their mothers, sp»«nt a happy time amid beautiful surroundings. Miss McLay spoke to the mothers, seated in the shade of the trees, on the two-fold duty devolving on them in training children, so that they may fill worthily and well the place assigned them In the race of life, and also in making it a safe place for them in which to perform the duties which fall to their lot. Hearty vote of thanks to the speakers ami to all who had helped to make the gathering a success. Tea served on the green, and games, etc., indulged in. Each child was the recipient of a hag of nuts and sweets. Good business was done in connection with the “Bring and Buy” in aid of the IVpartment’s funds. Pec. l. Annual meeting, well attended. Mrs Origg presiding. Vote of sympathy passed with relatives of Miss E. Taylor, fitter of thanks and appreciation sent to Miss A. M McLay, Mrs W. J. Moore, and Mrs Buchanan. Secretary submitted a comprehensive report of year's activities, and Treasurer’s annual report and balance-sheet. Income, ffih Is 3d; expenditure. £57 lRs f?d. Adopted, and votes of thanks accorded Treasurer and Secretary. Departmental reports were received, revealing much good work done. Tea was served, and following officers elected :—Pres., Mrs Aitkenliead. Treas., Mrs G. Tullorh; Roc., Miss Trevurza; Assist, Sec., Mrs D. S Osborn. Miss Jackson added to list of Vice-Presidents. Superintendents of TVpHrtments wrre re-appointed, and present N.Z. officers nominated for re-elec-tion. IIAI.I.ANCE.—Nov. Good attendance Mrs Handcock presided, and read an interesting paper on the life and work of the Willard Home, Palmerston North. Two boxes of Jam and other gifts were parked

and despatched. Including £1 donation. A dainty afternoon tea served. BROOKLYN. —At Mrs Hawden’s, who pleaded. Well-attended meeting. A beautiful bouqu»*t presented to Mrs Savdee, and dainty posies to Secretaries and Treasurer. Mrs Thompson tlmnked for the splendid work done as Recording Secretary sines the ineeption of our Branch, and was the recipient of a gift from members. Mrs Hillings read report of District Convention. The Treasurer's report was satisfactory, balance-sheet showing a small credit Mrs Brewer reminded members of the “Bring anul ifu>“ at Headquarters on December 2nd, and hoped as many as could would attend. Arrangements for Cradle ltojl party on December 10th. Six members to visit Hospital dur*ig lYecember. Motion of sympathy with Mrs Pearson on the of lit i father was carried in sile.’.e. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Sawtlen; Vice Pres., Mcsdames Baudinet, Brewer, Goring, Paine, and vVebster; Kec. Sec., Mrs Porteous; Cor. Set ~ Mrs Oil lings, 2*17 Ohiro Hoad; Treas., Mrs Oittings; Assist. Treas., Mrs ('rarkmcll; “W. It.” Agents, Mesdames Pearson and Btot kbridge; Cradle Itoll Supt., Mrs Butler; Scientific Temperance Supt., Mrs Webster; Anti-Gambling Supt.., Mrs Roberts. The hostess served a delicious afternoon tea.

HI.KMIEIM.—I *ee. 1. Animal meeting. Bring anti Buy afternoon reported to have realised il» Ids. to to Organising Fund, il to Sailors' Rest, £2 to Willard Home. President read a very encouraging and inspiring report on year's work, showing hard work in all branches. Y Supt. reported Y's showing much enthusiasm, and keener than ever. Prattle Roll Supt. gave a very favourable report on progress matte by L.T.L.’s, stating there were IS new members. Mrs Braddock was warmly congratulated. The Treasurer (Mrs \V. J. Girling) showed a very satisfactory balance-sheet. Adoption of all reports was passed, ami a hearty vote of thanks to retiring offiters. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs \\. M. Smith; Vice-Pre*., Mesdames A. M K. Mills, Kimberley, Madill, anti Stockwell; Kec. Sec., Mrs J. Crushing; Cor. Sec., Mrs P. A. S. Stephens; Treas., Mrs W. J. Girling. Mrs W. M. Smith read a letter by Mrs T E. Taylor regarding voting at forthcoming election. BAIN HAM. —Nov. 12. Five present. Arrangements made for Christmas Tree on November 25. \Vp are intending to sen<l donation to Willard Home.

lt\l.rO||{.—Nov. Annual meeting Good attendance. Reported 2k members; Cradle Roll, 7k. Five meetings held. Two new members. Helpful nnd inspiring papers given by visitors ami local members. Mrs McKay had visited us. Prize- given for school essays. President thanked all who had worked so well. Special thanks to Mrs Morgan for collecting Queenstown subs' riptions, and Mrs Smith and Mrs Harper for judging essays. Mrs Grant hostess. Small Bring and Buy. Officers elected: Pits., Mrs McDonald; Vice-Pres., Mesdames George and Alexander; Per. and Treas., Mrs Church; Cradle Roll, Mrs Alexander; “W It.” Agent, Mrs Mcl>nna]«l; Korin) Secretaries, Mesdames Orr nnd Alexander. < \KTKKTON.— 1 »<■ . 2. V.ani il iie'-'ing Pair attendance. Mrs Every In the chair. Reports of the various departments were read and adopted. Revs. Liddell ami Catherwood gave short addresses. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Every; Sec., Mrs Ralldmi; Treas., Mrs Wisely; Evangelistic, Mrs Tyler; Cradle Roll, Mrs Adair: Million Shilling and Birthday League, Mrs Edwards; W It." Supt., Miss Waterson; Tea Convener, Mrs Baildon; Organist, Mrs Jones; Vl«el'i*‘s. 1 Mesdames Cntherwood, Tyler, Welch, Ring, and Maddm; Membership Sec., Mrs " '•k li. t lIKA lOT.—Nov. fi. Annual meeting, lair attendance. Mrs Gordon presided. I'"Mat ions allotted to Willard Home. Maori Pund, World's Mlsaltmary Fund. N.Z. Fund, Bi<«. ial Organising Fund. Election of ofTi'•rs: Pres., Mrs Gordon; Vice-Pres.. Mrs •lardine; Sec., Mrs Hyde; Rec. Sec., Mrs Re;i.|; Treas., Mrs Morgan; Cradle Roll B 'ipt.. Mrs Williams « IIRISTf 111 IU 11. —Nov. 11 Mrs A tkin presided. Arrangements re social of child,l*' to be made. Questionnaire to be put 1,1 andidates for Parliament. N "ov. 25. Sympathy with relatives of Mrs O'Donnell, an old worker. Mrs Pauline,

from South Africa, welcomed. Special committee appointed to help Cradle Roll Supt. for Christmas party. £ls donated to Organising Fund, and a letter of appreciation to he sent to our splendid organisers, the Misses C. M. and A. M. Me Lay. President gave a short account of Invercargill District Convention. ( (II .I I N(.V\ < M >p.—Nov. 9. Five present. Decided to ho'd annual meeting on 27th November. Nov. 27. Annual meeting. Mrs Hill elected President, Mesdames Coressy and Shetland Vice-presidents, Mrs Brown Secretary. Decided to hold a social in January in aid of W.C.T.U. funds. We heard with regret of Mrs Jamieson’s ill-health. Decided to get up a subscription towards Willard Home children. IWQMNST< —Nm id asstiag Officers’ and Superintendents’ re|K>rts were adopted, and showed good work done. Retiring Piesident presented with bouquet of roses. Officers: Pres., Mrs Williams; Sec., Mrs G. F. Day; Treas., Mrs Burnet. Unirm re-opens in February. I> NIC*. \\ 11.1.1..—> low 17. Annual meeting. Fair attendance. Mrs N. (>. White presided. Officers’ reports read and adoptee*. Cradle Roll now numbers 123, “White Ribbon" subscribers 17. Hand of Ho|>e meetings during year very successful. Decided W.C.T.U. meetings be held In Methodist Church next year. Officers elected: Pres., Mis A. E. Reynolds; Vice-Pres., Mrs N. O. White and Mrs F. Wordsworth; Sec., Mrs Martin; Treas, Miss Van Renin; Cradle Roll, Mrs Wordsworth and Miss Van Renin; “W.R." Agents, Mrs Bradly and Mrs Falls; “W.K.” Reporter, Mrs Noble; Reporter local paper, Mrs Reynolds. Votes of thanks to officers of past year. Pledge repeated. Benediction and afternoon tea. Dt M DIN : RN Mi \l -i meeting. Good attendance. Mrs Hiett presided. Annual report presented, showing faithful work done in all branches during the year. Cradle Roll had 294 babies, 78 having been enrolled during the year. Hearty vote of thanks accorded Miss Winifred Powell (Supt.). Treasurer reported that 1175 had been raised during the year. Membership stands at approximately 300. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Hiett; VicePres., Mesdames 1 ton, Dick, Alexander, and Miss Powell; (’or, See., Mrs Alexander; Rec. Sec. and “W.R.” Reporter, Mrs Hotting; Parliamentary Supt. and Press Reporter, Mrs Downing; “W.R.” Agents. Mesdames Blakely and Millar. Miss Boyle delighted all with her singing, for which she was warmly thanked. The President thanked officers and members for their help during the year. KINMI.—Nov. 2*i. Annual meeting. Mrs lictifell presided. All departments have been well worked, and satisfaction felt at results. I decrease in membership owing to death and removals from district. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Neal; See., Mrs Carr; Trias., Mrs Armstrong; L.T.1,., Mrs Kasper; "W.R.” and Cradle Roll, Mis- K.atfersfeldt; Birthday league, Mrs Beaumont. Thanks given to retiring President, Mrs Him fell, and to Mrs Hood, ‘W.R.” Agent, for many years of faithful work. Dec. 1. Thirteen present, t'tipta n Avenell presided. We hope to have Misr Me Lav in the New Year. Afternoon tea dispensed by Mesdames Broad, Brunton, and Davis. The annual met ting postponed to 15th I *eeem her, when gifts also are to Is* brought for the Willard Home. Some extracts takm from a report written by Frances Willard on the Woman's Court held at the World's Exhibition Fair, showing something of the clever work done by women at that time, was read by Mrs Pratt ley. (iRKYTOWJi.—Nov Annual meeting, 10 present. Mrs Every, District Pres., came to our help by offering to preside for us every other month, as no President could be found. Vice-Pres., Mrs Auker; Sec., Mrs H. Morrison; Treas,, Mrs A. llaigh; Evang» listlc. Mrs J. Allen. <>OKK. Nov. 24. Large attendance. Annual meeting. Mrs Harper presided. Gifts of groceries, etc., for Victoria Home, Invercargill. Mrs Fairhairn sjaike of work done and the need for assistance, und heartily thanked the Gore W.C.T.U. for the gifts; 25s donated. Sister Janet gave an address on "The Creation of Beauty.“ Annual report hiul balance sheet adopted, ami officers reelected. Two new members,

lIAYFIJN K NORTH.—Nov. 27. Annual meeting Well attended. Mrs Waugh presided. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Speight; Vhe-Pres., Mrs Waugh, Mrs Alderman, and Miss Elliott; Sec., Miss Hill; Treas., Mrs Webb; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Haggett; Evangelistic Supt., Miss Hallam; “W.R." Agent, Miss Hill. Members spoke apreciatively of President's splendid work throughout the year. Reports read and confirmed. S. ienitifle fact, "Alcohol and Good Conduct.” Cradle Roll party arranged for December 4th. Afternoon tea enjoyed. ItHNDERsOiN.—Nov. Annual meeting. Mrs Platt presided. Small attendance. President gave a report of last Executive meeting and work done there. Secretary’s report of year’s work was appreciated by all. Treasurer’s rijMirt showed a small balance in hand. Secretary reported having received the school essays on "The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body,’’ and arrangements were made for the prize-giving. Decided to have a social afternoon early in December. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Platt; VicePus., Mrs Nicholas. Miss Duncan; Sec., Mrs Barton; Treas., Mrs Williams; •'W.R.” Agent, Miss K. Imncan; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Eh oat; Reporter, Mrs Williams. lIA MI ETON. —Dec. 3. Mrs Jones, J.P., presided over a good attendance at the annual meeting. The Secretary’s report showed that something special had been arranged for the ten ordinary meetings held during the year. A Garden Fete and lbrtlnlay Party had also been held. A "pound day" had been very largely contributed to for the Welfare League. The District i (invention wits held in Hamilton this year, and proved a great success; 54 delegates attended the luncheon. T! e Treasurer reported 70 financial members. £3B had been raised ami duly allocated, leaving a mall credit balance. The supt for Literature reported 500 packages sent to women in the backbloeks. Little White Hi It I loners’ Supt. reported 508 names on the roll; 45 had to he taken off at. over age, and there had been one death, leaving 468 on the roll at present. The election of officers resulted in all officers being re-electd. HAM ERA. —Nov. 24, Annual meeting. Mrs Exley preshied. Fair attendance. Letter of thanks for £2 to New Plymouth Seamen’s Rest. Proposed that cuestlons in the "White Ribbon” be put to candidates nt their public meetings.—Carried. Decided to -end 11 to the Willard Home, and hold effort early in the year. Secretary instructed to write letter of sympathy to Dominion President, Mrs Taylor. Election of officers: Pres.. Mrs Exley; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Benin and Barrel); Sec., Mrs Hayward; Treas., Mrs Squire; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Irvine; Legal and Parliamentary Supt., Mrs Birsrhoff; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Blrschoff; Press, Mrs Yearbury; Refreshments. Mrs Sharp; Notable Days, Mrs Evans; "W.R..” Mrs Spavin; Maori, Mrs Williams: Philanthropic, Mesdames Hounslow and Hayward, Literary. Mrs Barron. Appreciation was expressed b> Mis Exley of the way nil had worked with her. Mrs Burrell eulogised the work of the Secretary. Afternoom ten served. JOHNSONVIELK. -Nov. 19. Ynnual meeting. Mrs Peryman presided. Minutes of last annual meeting and Secretary’s report read and adopted. Other officers also gave their r»i*>rtH. Nineteen members on roll; Cradle Roll. 21; "W.R." subscribers, 22. Officers were nil unanimously re-elected and tlmnked for their work dur ng the year. Afternoon te? served. K\l %POI. —Nov. Mrs Burnet presided. Decided that the Secretary write to each local entrant In the recenit scientific temperance examination. Address from Mth Pirrett on “Anti-Gambling." and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speaker. The elc( tiem of officers and superlntenedents was carried out by Mrs Pirrett, and with the exception of the Rand of Hope Supt., which was left open, were all re-elected. Mrs Stanton consented to be Scientific Temperance Supt. KI MKC.—Nov. Officers elected: Pres., Mis Martin; Sec. and Treas., Mrs Stewart; Cradle Roll Supt. (pro tent). Mrs Addison: "W.R.” Agent. Mrs Barnes: Birthday league Agent, Mrs Farrand. Decided to send Christinas gifts to the children mi the Cradle Roll. Letter rend from Dominion President on poll postponement.

IiAWHENfE.—Nov. Annual meeting. Rood attendance. Year's work reviewed and commented on. Oue new member. Devotions. Election of officers, same as last year. Afternoon tea. lAt\\ I It 111 I I V Ing, Mrs Mowlem in the chair. 12/- raised by coin afternoon. Number of comfort bags were brought for the Seamen's ltest at Timaru. A splendid report of the year's activities given ty Mrs Tait. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded her. The Treasurer's report showed £24 17s raised during the year, and a balance of £4 5s Id in hand to date. The “White Ribbon" Agent reported 48 subscribers and two new ones. Cradle Roll Supt. reports 166 babies on the rail, 19 being new ones. Garden party raised £2 6s 6d towards funds. The Librarian reported little work being done, and a suggestion was made to add some new books during next year. Visiting Committee have done sick visiting, etc., during the year; also sent many letters to absentees. A letter was read from Mrs Every asking each member to do her best to keep our paper going, and to endeavour to get new subscribers. Mrs Mowlem congratulated the I'nion on its activities, and urged all to go forward. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Lopdell; Sec., Mrs Tait; Treas., Mrs Aldersley; "W.R.” Agent, Mrs Taylor: Cradle Roll, Mrs Heyes. Senr., and Mrs Taylor; Librarian, Mrs Oreen; Reporter, Mrs Crawford; VicePres., with one exception, re-elected; Pianiste, Miss Page; Evangelistic, Mrs Spencer. A vote of thanks to the officers of the Church for the use of the building. LEVIN.—Oct. 9. Address from MaJ *r Smythe, on furlough from Japan. Most interesting address on W.C.T.U. work in Japan and other organisations to uplift the womenfolk of that country. Vote of thanks passed to our visitor. «>ne new member. M\t NCi U\ \K\Mi \ Nfl 18. Annual meeting at Mrs J. T Walker’s. Nine members present. Reports from Secretary and Treasurer presented, and adopted; also reports from different departments. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Weir; Vire-Pres., Mrs Byrt. Mrs Hannam; Sec., Mrs Gillingham; Treas., Mrs Adams; "W.R." Agent, Mrs Harvey; Little White Ribboners, Mrs Hann&m; Evangelistic, Mrs Walker; Notable I>ays, Mrs 8. Purdon; Membership, Mrs Hannam, .Tunr; Press Reporter, Mrs Gillingham; Committee appointed to arrange Cradle Roll picnic, Mrs Hannam. Mrs W. Cook, and Mrs Gillingham. Decided to write to local School Committee a-king them to consult parents re Bible reading in the Maungakaramea School, as we have a young lady from Institute who could give the lessons next year.

MOT! KK A. —> <7ov. 25. Miss Cresswell in the chair. Eleven present. T«o new members, and one babe for Cradle Roll, Election of officers. 16/9 collected for Willard Home. Social for the mothers of the Cradle Roll, a fair number present; had a very pleasant time. Mrs Moffat and Miss Cresswell gave short addresses. Mrs Hell read a paper on “Purity.” Mrs A. Herrick sang two solos. We also had several granmphone records. Afternoon tea served. KAKOTTKI meeting at Mrs Mann’s. Praver meeting. The following officers:—Mrs T Fothergill, Pres.; "W.R" Agent, Mrs J T. Dally; Sec., Cradle Roll, Hand of Hope. Miss Maldon. Treas., Band of Hope, Mrs Golly, Evangelical Supt. Ablrthdav cake was preented by Mrs Fothergill In honour of the fourth blrthda> of W.C.T.TJ. Mrs Mann lit ihe four coloured randlis. and the President rut the ctk* ChrlstniAS box to be stmt to Willard Home. Dainty afternoon tea served bv hostess M XI NOATI IP no ressful Mothers' Dnv held ir manse grounds. Musical Items rendered by M sses D. and E Cullen anti Mrs Knightbr’dge. and readings by Mrs Flower and Mrs Pnsley. Race for small children, and each child received hag sweets. Afternoon tea dispensed, ami enjoyed, especially by the children. Next meeting in Februarv. 1932. N.K. VALLEY.— Nov. flood attendance. Annual meeting Officers' and Superintend• ents* reports were read end adopted. Credit balance of £2O. Mrs Peart, ret ring President. thanked officer-* and members for their loyalty during her 15 years of office. Mrs Don conducted election of off '-ers: Pres., Miss A Grnv; Vlce-Pres., Mesdarnes Peart, \ n I ff v n 1 ‘l 1

Miss Hogg; Treas., Mrs Sanders; Maori, Mrs Beath; Pianiste Mrs Ai.i’ler, Moss and Begg; Baml of Hope, Misses Moss and Bayling; "W.R.," Mrs Valance; Evangelistic, Miss Clifford; L.W.R., Mrs Green; Press, Mrs Coulter. Mrs Don gave short address. NAPIER.—Dee. Annual meeting, presided ovjr by the District President, Mrs Speight, who complimented the Union on the splendid report of the year’s work, although we had been so seriously handicapped through the great earthquake. Our earliest minute hooks were m the hall at that time, and if any lady has seen them we would be most grateful to have them returned to us. Mrs Olliver presented Secretary’s report, and Mrs Williams Treasurer’s, which showed the finances to be in a healthy state. Mrs E. L. Martin, the last foundation member, gave a rt port of the founding of the Union in Napier by .NDs who held several meetings, resulting in the formation of a branch of the W.C.T.U. on June 11th, 1885. The principal office-bearers at that time were: Pres., Mrs Patterson (wife of Rev. J. if. Patterson, for many years Presbyterian minister of m. Paul’s); See., Mrs J. P. Troy; Trias., Mrs Hutchins. A farewell meeting for Mrs Leavitt was held in Bt. Paul’s Schoolroom, over which Rev. Patterson presided. The election of officers: Pres., Mrs Milner; Vice-I'res., Mrs Macalister and Mrs Hull; Rec. Sec., Mrs F. Freeman; Cor. Sec., Mrs Olliver; Treas., Mrs Wilkinson; ”W.R.,” Mrs Alexander; Cradle Roll, Mrs Donnelly; Evangelistic and Home Meetings, Mrs Venables; Philanthropic and Flower Mission, Mrs Stokes; Prison Supt., Mrs North; Maori Supt., Mrs Hull. Votes of thanks were passed to tin* retiring officers for their work, and to Mrs fifpeight for presiding. NELSON.—Nov. 8. Luge attendance. Mrs Moyes gave the Temperance Fai t. Sent £3 3s to Willard Home, and an appeaal made for clothing. Farewell social to Mrs F. W. Smith, win* Is leaving for a trip to England. President spoke of the good work Mrs Smith had always done. Mrs Moyes spoke on behalf of tlie young people. The President presented Mrs Smith with a leather bag from the members, and Mrs Knapp a bouquet of roses. Solos rendered. One new member. OHAKI'N'K.—Nov. 5. Twelve present. Mrs Lyur. read letter from Mrs T. E. Taylor. Successful “Bring and Buy’’ afternoon in aid of Headquarters Fund was held. Songs and elocutionary items were given by Mestlamcs Webb, Bet k, Morgan, and Miss Foster. Amusing competitions were won by Mesdimes Phillips and Keats. A dainty afternoon tea provided by members. ON Kill N(»A.—Nov. 12. Secretary reported successful year; 11 meetings held, and 71 members. Treasurer reported donations to H.Q. Fund, Maori Work, and Orphanage. ■ Roll, 111 RMMebors. "W.R” subscribers, 40; six extra copies sold each month Birthday League. 19 members. We have members on local School Committee and Benevolent Society. Temperance literature has been distributed. Notable Days ob • Tvcd. and letters of sympathy sent to the sick and Itcreaved. Seven very successful Home meetings held this year. Meetings have been well reported in the two daily paprs. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Ashby; See., Mrs Craig; Treas.. Mrs Mushet; Home Meetings, Mrs Ashby; "W.R.” Agent, Mrs Petohell; Birthday League. Mrs Tailor; < rndie Roll Supt., Mrs Mountjoy; Good Citizenship, Mrs Parker; Medical Temperance. Mrs Lamond; Anti-Gambling, Mrs <’raig, Bible in Schools. Mrs Denize; Press Reporter, Mrs Stacey; Pianiste. Mrs Green. Hearts vote of appreciation to retiring President (Mrs Lead ley) for work faithfully done. ONI llt N4i\.—Nov. 25. Most mjoyable hone meeting at Mrs Craig’s, 30 present. The programme, given by the Orpheus Musical <’lub, under the direction of Mrs J. Craig. Songs were rendered by Mrs Spence, Mrs Petohell, Mrs Craig, and Mr J. Staeey, recitations by Miss Bilkey, and ive part sings by a combined choir. Mrs Cmig outlined the objects of the W.C.T.U. movement. Mrs Ashby occupied the chair. Eight new members were initiated, and four names added to the Cradle Roll. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to our hostess and the a rtlsts.

OTOROII AN'CIA. —liec. Annual meeting. ( *trj, ers elected : Pres , Mrs Tozer; Vlce-Pres.,

Mesdarnes Burton and Rogers; Sec., Mrs P. L. Fairbrother; Treas., Mrs E. F. Fairbrother; Evangelistic Supt. and * W.R." Agent, Mrs Bell; Membership Recorder, Mrs Webster. A parcel of clothing and 10/- is being sent to Willard Home. Afternoon tea was partaken of, including a beautifully iced fruit cake, presented by the President, and decorated with four candles, denoting the four years since the branch was formed. OTMiI 111'.—Nov. 19. Annual meeting. Letter read from our Dominion President. Special donation given to Headquarters, Maori and Dominion funds, and to Willard Home. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Eceessall; Vlce-Pres., Mrs Gatnian, Mrs McArthur, and Captain Martin; Sec., Mrs Taylor; Treas., Mis Hall; "W.R.'’ Agent, Mrs West; Cradle Roll, Mrs Handyside; Notable Days, Mrs Burman; Anti-Gambling, Mrs Eccersull; Birthday League, Mrs Redshaw; Evangelistic, Mrs Gat man; Home Meetings, Mrs Muir. OAMARI . —Nov. Annual meeting. Miss Smyth presided. Good attendance. Secretary’s and departmental reports showed steady progress, and interest in meetings well sustained. Officers elected: Pres., Miss Smyth; Vke-lTes., Misses Cowan, Milligan, Beaton, and Mrs Hall; Record Sim., Mis Bridgman; Cor. Bee., Mrs Scott; Treas., Miss Rose Day; Pianist, Mrs Jackson; “W.R'' Agent and Press Reporter, Mrs Corlett; (Tadle Roll, Mrs Simpson and Mrs Beckingsale; Scientific Lecturettes, Miss Cowan; Social Committee. Mesdarnes Clarke and Corlett, Misses Cowan and Johnston; Sick Visitors, Mrs Mcllrafth, Misses Cowan and Johnston. Two new members. Small Bring and Buy Sale held. OitAl.—< t. Good attendance. Mrs Balneaves presided. THwotional exercise* and pledge repeated. Distress cases dealt with. Mrs gave a paper o<n BibD reading for the night. President delegate to District Convention. Miss Raper read “The Old Rugged Cross," by request. OTAL'TAI'.—We are still holding on. V • have 26 members; four new r ones as the result of Miss Me Lay’s visit. Closing social of the Hand of Hope was a great success, December meeting closes the branch till March. £1 to the Willard Home from our W.C.T.U. OXFORD.—Nov. 18. Annual meeting. President in the chair. Balance-sheet adopted, and a vote of thanks passed to the Auditor. Mrs Hawke gave an account of a very successful meeting held at the residence of Mrs S. Magrath, Bexley, when one new member was initiated. Superintendents’ reports showed good work done. 6C names on Cradle Roll, 13 for this year. Rand of Hope met regularly. Y.P. Branch active, and increasing in membership. Th** President thanked the Secretary and the members for their help, and a vote of thanks was paused to the newspapers for their eourtesy in inserting reports. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs G. Ryde; Viee-Pres., Mrs D. Hawke; fifec., Mrs C. W. Trltt; Treas., Mm Hoi; "W.R.” Agent, Mrs D. Hawke; C.R Supt., Mrs C. Morris; Evangelistic, Mrs Mai colm and Miss Whiteman; la*gal and Parliamentary, Miss Caverhlll; Notable Day-. Miss Waterman: Scattered Members, Mr Jimes; Flower Mission, Mrs J. Baxter nn<l Ntrs E. Magrath; Ifcind of Hope, Mrs <’. \V Tritt; Y.P. Branch, Mrs Comyns. One new member. PKTON’E.—I>ei. 1. Annual meeting, I s present. Mrs Carter presided. Balance sheet read, and showed improvement on last year's. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Playtor; Cor. Sec., Mrs Silbury; Rec. fifec . Mrs T. 1,. Battersby; Treas.. Mrs Woolford. Hearty vote of thanks and appreciation passed to our retiring President, Mrs Carter In reply, Mrs Carter extended a warm welcome to Mrs Playtor, and asked the members to give her every help and encourage inent In the coming year. Social afternoon was held at Mrs (Vtrner’s, a good gathering of members and friends being present. Speakers. Miss Avison, Miss Kirk, and Mrs James. Vocal solos were contributed by Mesdarnes Wakelin and T. L. Battersby. Vote of thanks to all who took part, and to the hostess. RKMUKRA.—Nov. 17. Annual meeting Secretary's report and departmental reports read and adopted. Treasurer’s report showed that after paying capitation and donations to all Dominion funds, a creditable balance was in hand. 18 members gained during year. Home meeting held.

23 now members for L.T.L. gained. Offi- , , rs: Pres., Mrs Kasper; Vlce-Pres., Mes- > lames Robinson and la'wl* Eady; Sec., Mrs Wright; Treas., Mrs G. Daldy; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs K«iny; Evangelistic, Sister Gract; I’eaee, Mrs Hunter; Home Meetings, Mrs Daldy; L.T.L., Mrs H. Kasj>er. President thanked officers for ♦heir loyalty. A -|u< ihl tribute to Mrs Wright. Letter re drive for new subscribers to ‘'White Ribbon” read. Nov. 2. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs Percy Winstone's. Miss Reid spoke work of Union. Miss Hume, from Canada, spoke of work of W.O.T.U. there. Musical items by Mes(lames Lewis Eady, Isabel lnddy, Gordon Nicholson, and C. M. Gray. Two new members. Vote of thanks to hostess. Itl( CARTON. —Nov. The last of a senes ol dr i wing-room meetings. Mrs C. W. Price hostess. Mrs Harrell told the aims of the Union, and stressed that we be helped by a wider circulation of the ‘‘White Ribbon.” Solos were rendCied by Mrs Wade and Mrs Andrews. Rev. Lawson Robinson gave an interesting adddress on ‘‘The Present Situation,” which all thoroughly enjoyed. A dainty afternoon tea was served, and thanks given to hostess and entertainers. KA.VidOKA.—Nov. 17. Annual meeting. Pair attendance. Mrs Henderson presided. Donation sent to Organising fund. President urged members to make their vote for M P.’s a matter of earnest prayer. Scientfb Fact, “That Hi *hl worth of b* . i ther. was 93 per cent, water, 6 per cent, alcohol, and 2 per*cent, food value, while a 6d loaf contained 8b per cent, food value. bl’KliAlNh’.—Nov. Fair attendance. President stressed the protest made by our I K> min ion President re the postponing of the triennial licensing poll. Favourite hymns and quotations given by members. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdamea Hulston and J. Watson. Nov. 21. A Cradle Roll party in the Baptist Manse grounds, 50 children and 30 adults present. Items, vocal and elocutionary, by the children and friends, gave much pleasure. Each child received a small gift. Refreshments enjoyed by all. (Mir thanks are due to Mis Fehsenfeld, Supt. of the Cradle Roll, and her efficient helpers for the success of the function. STYX.—Nov. Splendid attendance. Ric- • iirton was entertained. Temperance Fact read, showing percentage of alcohol in wine, spirits, etc. Decided to hold prayer meeting each month before meeting. Miss H&rb&nd gave instructive address on “Citizenship.” Tl'l ART.—Nov. 24. Annual meeting. • ‘orrespondence from N.Z. President, N.Z. Treasurer, and Willard Home read and considered; also article, "Selection —Election,” from the ‘‘White Ribbon.” Decided that 1 opy of the five questions contained therein be -ent to each of the three candidates, with the request that they be answered at one of their town meetings. Reports received from Hospital Visitor, Treasurer, and Union's representatives on the W.E.A., and the District Nurse Committee; also from caretaker of Sa ilors* Rest, where valuable work is being done for unemployed seamen passirg through. Two new members. Election of officers: Pres., M’-s Norrie. Mrs Norrie thanked Mrs Cave for the valuable assistance she had received In conducting the business of the meetings. Mrs Cave agreed to do so again next year. Vire-Pres., Mes'l irnes Cave, Dow, Peat, Uuncumb, W. Trott, ■»nd Cunningham; Sec.. Mrs Minifle (temporary); Treas., Miss A. A. Pearson; “W.R.” •Agent, Mrs Cave; Peace and Arbitration Supt., Mrs Low; Notable Days, Mrs Butcher; s ♦ntiflc Temperance, Mrs IDuncumb; Cradle Holl, Mesdames Grandl and Donaldson;. W.E.A. representative, Mrs Arthur; National ouncil of Women. Mrs Miller; District Nurse Committee, Miss Palleson. TE AW AMI TV.—Nov. 17. Mrs T. N. ( ' son presided. Fair attendance. Maori ' >a v observed, when we were privileged to have members of the Methodist Maori Party present, who gave a short programme of rnusio. Paikea Toka gave an address on The Evils of Alcohol Amongst the Natives.” ' Election to be donated to the Maori Fund. Afternoon tea was enjoyed. TIIAMEH.—Dec. 2. Fairly well attended •H: annual meeting, presided over by Mrs hangford. Reports of the year’s work Kiven by officers md superintendents of de-

partments. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Langford; Sec., Miss M. Smith; Treas., Mrs Cooney; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs Biddle; Cradle Roll, Mrs Paul. We have now 108 on the Cradle Roll, an increase of 60. We are making an efTort to form an L.T.L. In the New Year. TEMI KA.—IH-c. 4. Annual meeting. Mrs Hewson presided, 24 present. Mrs Hllgli spoke on ‘‘Social Hygiene.” Small token of appreciation presented to Miss Butler, Jftiml of Hope Supt., and a bouquet of roses to the President. Two new members. Afternoon tea. The reports from different departments showed an increase of 12 members and six new “W.R.” subscribers. The Y and Hand of Hope and Cradle Roll also showed an increase of membership. All officers/ were re-elected. Greetings were extended to all, and thanks to all who had heljK-d the Union during the year. TV A MARINA. —-Nov. 24. At the Methodist Parsonage. Small attendance. Annual report. Gain of 7 members; Prayer Hand formed; Hands of Hope inaugurated at both Tua Marina and Spring Creek; 40 children signed the pledge. Treasurer’s report submitted. Clean balance-sheet and good ImoW standing. Reports Of “W R Agent and Cradle Roll Supt. 20 subscribers; 84 children on the Cradle Roll. Call for help from Willard Home, also 8.0.5. from Treasurer of General and Organising Funds. Treasurer instructed to forward £1 to each of these causes. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Kings; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Horroughs and Wood; Sec., Mrs D. Knight; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Robinson. Other officers reelected. TE AWAMCTI—Mrs T. N. Olson presided. Fair attendance. Eleven members attended Hamilton Convention, and several gave interesting reports of Convention, which was enjoyed by all. This Union extended an invitation for 1932 Convention, which was accepted. A pianoforte solo by Miss Bryant was much enjoyed. Afternoon tea was served. I PPEK 111 TT. -Nov. 2fi. Annual meeting. Report of Hand of Hope work received. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Shiel; Viee-Pres., Mrs Whiteman; Sec., Mrs H. Oorrle; Treas., Mrs Dickson. M A It k \\ (HtTII. ing to meet Mrs Hugh Kasper, District President, and Miss Read, District Supt. of L.T.L. Mrs Hamilton presided. Good attendance. Members of Plunket Society and W.I. attended. Interesting addresses given by both visitors Mrs Kasper and Mrs Yule sang, Miss Read recited. A special collection was taken in aid of Willard Home, to w'hich was added proceeds from ‘‘Bring and Buy.” A donation was given towards providing a Christmas dinner for women prisoners at Mt. Eden Gaol. Afternoon tea and chat. WAIVKV.—Nov. 25. Annual meeting. Mrs Anderson presided. 11 present. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Hallantlne; VieePres., Mrs Anderson and Mrs Smith; Rec. Sec., Miss lloaking; Cor. Sec., Mrs J. K. Hull, Treas., Mrs Anderson; Flower Mission and Philanthropic, Miss Honking and Mrs McEwen; Little White Ribboners, Mrs Smith; ‘‘W.R.” Agent, Miss West. A parcel of clothes and shoes sent to the Willard Home, and a Bring and Buy resulted in 13/11 for the Willard Home. w ii \n(> \ri.i < Inm Ing, 15 present. Mrs Vyle In the chair. Decided to celebrate Willard Day, February 17th, at Mrs Storey’s home. Two new members. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Vyle; Sec., Mrs barker; Treas., Mrs Hughes; Maor* Supt., Mrs Oldcom; "W.R." Agent, Mrs Court ley; Cradle Roll, Mrs Wliimp; Notable Dayi, Mrs Storey. The Branch has now gone into recess until after the holidays. WAIPVKI KAV.—Dec. Annual meeting. Fair attendance. The Secretary and Superintendents of departments gave their annual reports, all very satisfactory. The I*resident presented her annual address. \ hearty vote of thanks accorded the two Superintendents of the Band of Hope. Miss Caughlev took the chair for election of officers: Pres., Mrs G. Smales; Vice-t’res., Miss Burdett and Mrs McKatn; Sec., Mrs Treas., Miss Burdett; “W.R.” Agent, Miss Caughley; Cradle Roll Supts.. Mrs MeKain and Mrs Fletcher. President thanked th«* members for their support and the honour again bestowed upon her. Bring and Buy

stall did active work, proceeds to Organising Fund. Union goes into recess until February. No. 2 REPORTS. lIAI.KITEIJ).—Dec. 10. Annual Meeting. Nine members and many friends present; Mrs. Ordish in the chair. Interesting reading by Mrs. Tyler, and Election of Officers. It was very heartening to see such a good rally. Decided to hold next meeting on first Thursday in February. UREY' LYNN.— Nov. 19 Annual Meeting. Officer* elected as follows:—Pres., Mrs, Singleton. 64 Onslow Road, Epsom; Vlce-Pre*.. Mesdames Hobday and Kedgley; Sec., Mrs. Hynes. 25 Stnnmore Hoad; Treas., Mrs. Lewis, 5 Stnnmore Road; “W.R. ’ Agent. Mrs. Neal, 14 Old Mill Road. NfiAßl AM AlllA.—Nov. 19. Seven members present. President addressed the meeting. Next meeting In March. Afternoon tea served. PAIIIATI’A. Nov. Annual Meeting; Mrs. H. Paterson in the chair: 12 present. Reports received from the President, Treasurer, Band of Hope Treasurer, ‘White Ribbon” Agent, and Hospital Visitor. The BalanceSheet shoved a small credit balance. There are 29 financial members and 18 ‘‘White Ribbon” subscribers. OfTicorß elected.— Pres., Mrs. H. Paterson; Vlce-Pre*., Mesdames Pickering. Sutherland, Han*en, Willis, and J. D. Wilson; Sec., Mia* H. Ro • . Mi O. Johnson; "White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs. Ryan (Tnrarua Street). Box of gifts for the Willard Home was made up. PONMINBY’.—Nov. 19. Annual Meeting; Miss Read presided. Reports of the year’s work given by the Superintendents of Departments, also the Secretary’s Annual Report, which showed good work done during the year. Resolution passed: The Ponsonbv W.C.TTT. protests against the public; tion of impure literature, especially mentioning a leaflet known as ‘“Trinity Bits,” and «b mnnd that the circulation of these leaflet* be suppressed Officers elected:— Pre , Miss Read; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hodp l inson. Frost and Walker; for. Sec., Mrs F Far rand: Rec. Sec,, Mrs. .T. Joiner; Treas . Mrs. J. Stewart: Cradle Roll, Mrs. Hodgkin son: Evangelistic, Mrs. Turnbull; • • \ vl l Ribbon." lira Whiter; AntiOanibllng. Mrs E Fnrrand; Sick Visitor, Mrs. J. StewTt: Notable Day -*, Prison Reform and Good Citizenship. Mrs Bragg; Press Reporter. Mrs. J. Joiner. KAKAIA. — Dec. to. Annual Meeting. E’ertlon of Officers: —Pres., Mrs. Bong; Pec., Miss A. Oakley; Treas., Mrs Saunders; Supt* of Departments: Badges and ‘‘White Ribbon.” M s Oakley; Cradle Roll, Mrs. and Miss Rapley; Reporter “White Ribbon.” Mrs Newman; Literature, Mrs Cromle; Letter-Writer, Mrs. Palmer; Pick Visitors, Mesdames Rapley and Kirk; Absent Visitor, Mrs. Saunders. SnTNEK. — Nov. Annual Meeting. Fninti has 54 members and Cradle Roll of 57. under Mrs. Carter. Department reports were read and confirmed. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. McComhes; Vlce-Pres., Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Sherrard. Mrs. Topping, Mrs. Wells; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Carter; Evangelistic, Adjutant Ferguson: Music, Mrs. Heslop: Citizenship, Mrs. Henley; Scientific, Mrs Robertson; Treas. Mrs. Booth; AntiGambling, Miss Cock: Sec.. Mrs. Hutchinson. Musical Items were given bv Mrs. Heslop. Miss Wilcox and Mrs. Langdale. Methodist lades served afternoon ten. Thanks were voted to all sections of the Press, and to the Preshyterirn Church C-om-mittee for their rooms.

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White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 437, 18 December 1931, Page 6

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 437, 18 December 1931, Page 6

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 37, Issue 437, 18 December 1931, Page 6

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