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News of the Union.

Write in ink; or one side of |*fi|»er. Don’t send newspniter refunds. Don’t send reports tii 10 ii11ih old: the) only go in wuste pa|x*r bimkrt. BLENHEIM.—Feb. 4 Splendid attend - ann; Mm. Smith presiding. Mrs. Jackson read very interesting essays on “Alcohol and the Human Body,” written by pupils of Borough School. A “Frances Willard” Afternoon is to be held at Mrs. Trussing* home on Tuesday, 18th Inst. A Jumble Stall ia to be held In the town at an early date to raise funds. Arrangements wen* made for Cradle Roll Picnic. The fact of there being now 290 names on the roll, speaks volumes for the efforts and energy of Mrs. Braddock. Decided to leave a ‘‘White Ribbon” in the new Pluniket Indies' Rest Room each month, In addition to tin* one left In Public Reading-room. CHRISTCHURCH. Annual Meeting; Mi s Henderson presided. A vote of sympathy was passed with the relatives of the late Bishop Cleary, who had been a staunch Temperance supporter. Letter of sympathy to be written, also to the Misses Earnshaw and Annie May in their continued 111-health, also thanks to In* sent to Miss Earn slut w for the gift of the tablecloth used by hei for many years when one of th** Dominion Organisers. The resignation of Miss W. \V. Lovell-Smith as Superintendent of HickBlocks Department was received with regret. and a vote of thanks was passed for the splendid work done for so many years in connection with this Department. The Annual Report was read by the Socretarv. which showed satisfactory progress and work In a number of Deportments. A financial statement was submitted by the Treasurer. Election of officers resulted in all the retiring officers being re-elected, tO! I i NGWOOIJ J Decided to adve tise In "White Ribbon.” Decided to give prizes for the best two essays to be written by children of local district schools, also to *» nnl papers, etc., to Back-Blocks. On 16th January wo hold a Social, and cleared three pounds shillings to help with various things. Dl SEIHN. Feb. 4. Mrs. O', it presiding. Miss Powell reported on a visit to Mr. Locke, Child Welfare Officer. In connection with a rase of neglected children. Mr. Locke thanked the deputation, ami said he felt quite sure that a great Improvement would follow, owing to the publicity given to the matter. Decided to close balance-sheet in January Instead of December, if this is possible. Miss Macandrew was appointed "White Ribbon Agent Assistant. Mrs. Hiett gave a most earnest appeal for service ill the interests of ■ hildren, quoting from Dr. Hyslop on the effects of alcohol on the unborn child. Dr H>slop says, "Wo sc** so many evidences of ocgeneratiron as the result of alco..olism in parents, that I atn of the opinion th it, lust ns the habitual drunkard is put Into prison and deprived of bis liberty, so the existence of the alcoholic habit should be a bar to matrimony.” Mrs Hiett was thanked. FAIR LIE. At *u«l Meeting; Mrs. Wil< »x in the rhalp. O.tlcers elected: —Pres.. Mis. Barerod; Her. See., Mrs. Sangster; Treas.. Mrs. Hammond; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Sangster, "W.R.” Agent. Mrs. Harwood. Or,*» new member enrolled. Fifteen subscriber* to “White Ribbon.” Bring and Buy £3 1 3d. and to be continued during the coming year Bricks sold, il 2s. for Million Shilling Fund. EEI LDIN Cl. —Kelt. G. Opened the years work with an attendance of twelve; President in chair As a result of a letter from the Dominion Superintendent of the Birt inlay League, it was decided to form a branch i.f the League here, with Mrs. Reeve as Superintendent. Mrs. Camplln was ap pointed Superintendent of the Scientific Fact Department. One new* member. I.EVIN. —Annual Meet \,g; Mrs. Cummins presided; good attendance. Reported that good work had been done during the year. The balance-sheet showed a good credit balance, through the effort that had been

put forward during the year, officets elected: —Pres., Mrs. Cummins; Vice-Pres., Mr*. Sorensen; Ree. He«\, Mrs. C. Sims; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Young, pro. torn.; Treas., Mr*. Kennerly; Supt. of Membership Department, Mrs. Sorenscsi; Supt. of Young People, Mrs. Young. LINWIMML—Jan. 28. Mrs. Richards presided. Motions of sympathy to Me.-dames Armstrong and Turner and Miss Snell Iti their recent bereavement. Report* were read by the Secretary and Treasurer, and work for tlie ensuring year was discussed. Superintendents of all Department* wer* re-elected. NAPIER.—F**b. Presided o\«r by Mrs. Hull, our newly-elected President. Mrs. Brocklehurst moved a vote of appreciation and assurance of goodwill, which was ei rried by acclamation, directings and message from Mrs. Speight, District President: do forward, God first all the time, neighbours next, self last. Motions of sympathy passed in silence to the relatives of the late Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Itorsott and Mrs. May, Mra. Hull appointed delegate to Convention. A paper dealing with three stages in Miss Willard's life was read. Mrs. Hull asked for suggestion for better methods for the working of the Union as a whole. Mra. Mens also made an appeal for new subscribers to the “White Ribbon.*’ One new member. NEW PLYMOUTH.—dan. Mbs Drew. President, in the chair. A letter of thunks from Willard Home for a parcel of clothing . ent. Reports from the Seamen’s Rest that 1.202 visits from sailors had been made during tiie month. A good attendance was urged at an Executive Convention, to I*** held in February at Stratford. Willard Day to be celebrated at the end of February. The amount of £ll 7s. had been sent on for Headqfuarters Fund. Miss Drew spoke forcibly on “Woman's work among all Nations of the World” —she said reports from Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden. Denmark. uml even rebellious Mexico, show how legislation is being framed to vote Alcohol, as a beverage, “out of the running.” Address much appreciated. PAI’ANI I.— Annual Meeting; Mrs. Simpson presided over a fair attendance. Tin* Secretary ami Treasurer read very satisfactory reports of the year’s work. Hearty vote of thanks to Rev. A. Deters for judging the Temperance Essays from tin- local schools, and also for auditing the Treasurer's books. Election of officer* resulted ns follows: —Pres., Mrs. Simp-on: Vi* ePres., McsdamcN Hopper, Carr and Smith; Rec. See., Mrs. Wright; Treas., Mrs. Loud; “W.R.” Supt., Mrs. Elliott; Flower am! Philanthropic Supt., Mrs. Kruse; Way* and Means. Mrs. W. Cullough; Organist, Mrs. Hay ton; Pres* Reporter. Mrs. Tillman; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Wat**u; Notable Days. Mrs. Barnes; Scientific Teni|**raiire. Mrs. Hopper; Evangelistic, Mrs. Smith: Back-Blocks Supt., Mrs. Smth: Social < Vim mit tee, Mesdames Kruse, Hayton and Barnes. PONsONHY. Jan. 16. Miss Read presided over a large gathering of members and friends. A farewell address whs given by Mrs. Lee-Cowl*, who is going to assist m the Victorian Prohibition Campaign. Miss lb*.id presented her with a snmll gift as a token of love and esteem from the members, and wished Iter every success in the work she was undertaking. Two new members. A duet by Miss Kent Johnston and .Miss Pyle. HTRATFOItI). -Jan. The District Pr* c dent. Mrs. Phillips, led the devotions, ar.d spoke of the great unused power of concerted prayer. Mrs. Clarke, the newlyappointed President, in her opening address, said: "That we each had within ourselves an immense God-given force, which is seldom used wisely, but which, if we cared to cultivate it. we would find It was tin* power bv which we could move mountains of sin and sorrow, and make the world a pure and peaceful place." Site referred t" the power of unspoken thought, and asked all members to try to hold a clear vision of a purified and perfected lkJtniiroti, “for without vision the people perish.” Decided to start a Clothes Box to relieve needy eases, also to prepare a Maternity Bag. to lie lent to mothers needing help. The monthly Ten for Hospital patients was arranged for. On February 19tli, the mothers, with the cliild-

ren of tho Little “White Ribbonei* " Department, are to be entertained. i u kdi>\. Mra* 11 Mi i • gUMin's; good attendance of members, the chief business being the farewelling of our much-loved President, who is removing to Napier. Tho talk over the tea-cup* was both sad and cheerful, with n few remark from our President to brace us up for what might lie before us in the future. A dainty bouquet was presented by Mrs. Foxcroft. and a handsome tea cloth, a gift from the member*, was given by Mrs. Tobin. A duet was sung by Mrs. Christian ami Mrs. Castles, everyone then joining in singing “God be with You,” and the meeting closed with prayer. TIM ARE.—F*L. 4. Good attendance Committee* formed for Convention arrangement*. Decided to ask Rev. A. J. H. Ik»w, H.D., to preach Convention sermon at Trinity Church —evening service—ami to accept Teinuka'* Invitation for Convention to be their guests on Saturday afternoon, March 22nd. The holiday season had been a very busy one at the Rest. Musical Afternoon held in December for Headquarters Fund, realised £3 ss. Convention will most likely be held hi Trinity Hall, Barnard Street. LATE BRANCH REPORTS. AsIIBURTON.—Feb. 4. Frances Willard Day; Mrs. Grigg occupied the chair. Votes of sympathy were passed with the following in tiieir recent bereavements: —Mr. W. J. and Mrs. liaker. Mrs. J. Copeland ami Mrs. O. D. Verco, also with Mrs. W. T. Lill in her prolonged illeiess. A cordial welcome was extended to Mrs. W. (». Gallagher, Ealing, and Mrs. F. Silrock. Fairton, who were present. Final arrangements were niAde to hold a special effort on March 7th. The further sum of £2 6s. was handed hi to M.B. Fund. Miss A. Watson was appointed delegate, ami Mrs. G. Holmes substitute, to Dominion Convention. The President, by request, brought before the meeting the recent decision of tlie N.Z. Plunket Society, to endow a Chair of Obstetrics in connection w'lth the Medical College, Dunedin, and bespoke the hearty support and co-operation of the Union in such a worthy cause, a collection was taken up m aid of World’s Missionary' Fund s. (•REV I.YNN.—Annual Meeting; Mrs. Williams presided over a fair attendance of members. Reports of the year's work by t lie Secretary and Treasurer. Then Mrs. Williams gave us a nice talk, and also explained our duties as officers. The election of officers for the ensuring year resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. Hawky; Vice-Pros., Mrs. Hobday and Mrs. Locking; Sec., Mrs. Cox; Treas., Mrs. Lewis; “W.R." Agent, Mra. Watson; Cradle Roll, Mrs Harper; Home Meetings, Mrs. Hiscnck; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Scaft: Notable Days Supt.—to vote one next meeting. PA 111 ATtA Feb. 6. Mrs. H. Paterson in the chair; fifteen members and friends present. Mrs. Johnson reported t lie credit balance for 1929 was £6 10s 7d. Mrs. Paterson spoke eulogistically of the work of Mies Edmed for the Union, and expressed regret at her departure for Dargaville. The following were appointed as a Committee to take charge of the Band of Hope:—Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Pickering and Miss Ross. Mrs. Paterson road an interesting paper on "France* Willard.” The collection amounted to 13s 3*l. Mrs. Paterson delegate to Convention. SYDENHAM. Feb. 6. Mrs. Gilmour presided; large attendance. The syllabus for the year approved of. Mrs. Gilmour spnke a few words on the Franchise. Mrs. Perritt, Dominion Superintendent for Anti-Gamb-ling. gave a short address on this subject, an I was heartily thanked. Mrs. Gilinnur del* gate for Convention. Mrs. Windsor gave a recitation, and afternoon tea was served. TRMt'KA, v ii- Blal emore mii new President, in the chair, and read us a short, impressive paper, saying we were starting on a new year, and to work rii*l pray, not thinking our work was not worth while, as each one possessed Jewels, and by doing each one’s little In sympathy and love, we were urng God’s Jewels more precious than any diamonds. Decided to offer afternoon tea from our Fnion to the Convention. Mrs. Bakemore being appointed

delegate. Resolved to hold our Annual Garden Party at Mrs. Blackmore'a In March. WANGANUI CKNTKAL —Feb. - Mn Irvin hi the chair. A helpful address on •'Faith” was given by Mrs. Davis. The new "Egmont’* Exercise lfbok for school children was highly approved and recon 1 mended for increased use. Mrs. Wilson was elected delegate to Conventioei. The meeting decided to endorse the Executive's invitation to hold 1931 Convention In Wanganui. £4 Bs. was received for Head quarters Fund. Afternoon toa concluded ai. inspiring and encouraging meettog. Members are asked to remember the ‘‘Bring and Bu.”'' Stall during this year. WE LI .IN (iTON. —Feb. 6. The President presided; fair attendance. Superhit' ndents for the different departments of wrrk were elected as follows:—Mesdames Murray, lx>gan. Howe, Hirst, Perry, Mow.ein, Port, Free, Bott and Boss. A Visiting Committee for looking up absentees and the sek was arranged as follows:—Mesdames Harris, Robertson, Spearman. Rowe, and Miss Brookes. A Bring ami Buy Afternoon is to he held at the W.C.T.I. Headquarters In Brougham Street, on Tuesday. February 18th, at 2 p.m., and all were Invited to come and make It r* great su< com. The afternoon will take the form of a Gardwi Party. Mrs. Mowlem gave a short address on the “W.C.T.U. Movement,' and the need for love, devotion, patence and personal work during thd coining year. The Pledge was repeated, lea dispensed, and the Benediction pronounced.

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White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 415, 18 February 1930, Page 13

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 415, 18 February 1930, Page 13

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 35, Issue 415, 18 February 1930, Page 13

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