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News of the Union.

Please take note:— 1. Reports should reach Editor by Bth of eacu month. 2. They should he short. Don’t report routine business. Do report all new plans and efforts. 3. Use peu aud Ink, and write only on one side of the paper.

lIRANCH REPORTS. HAWEKA. Mar. 30. Fair attendance; Mrs Kxley presided. Discussion on re-forming the L.T.L., Mrs Curtis and Mrs Shackelton promising to help. Mrs Barron elected Superintendent of literature. l>ecided to semi a letter of farewell and wishing her "God Bpeed" to Mrs Oxbrow, on her departure to Hastings. Jielegate’s report of the recent Convention at next meeting.

NAPIER. Settled down agam after our wonderful Convention, which has been to all a time of great blessing. Meeting more than usually well-attended. Three new members, v.ho, with the three iuitaied during Convention added to the thirty Maori girls, swells our new members up to thirty-six. Decided to form a V. branch with the Maor. girls. Following a suggestion made during Convention, it was unanimously decided to have Brixig and Buy table at our next meeting. Mrs Neal, of Auckland, gave an '.meresting talk ou "Alcohol as a Medicine," and gave conclusive arguments against su« h remedies. Votes of thanks to Madame Johns, performers. hostesses, and all who helped t•» make It possible to have Convention here.

TEMUXA. Mar. 9. Mrs Tilbnook presided; fair attendance. il was voted to the World's Missionary Fund, and II to New Zealand Fund. Mrs Black more delegate to Convention. One new member initiated. Afternoon tea dispensed. The roll was called, ea< h member responding with a verse, reading or sixng, which proved to be a very interesting afternoon. Apr. 3. Meeting to welcome Mrs Hiett, Dom. Vice-President, who delivered a very illici t.- ting address. The reading was Mark 14:1-9, iuhl subject, ‘ The Work of Winning Votes," emplia.dzng the number of new votes this year, aud how we should try’ to win them for God, Home ami Humanity, and explaining how alcohol is not n stimulant. Band of Hope to re-open on the 13th April, under the leadership of Mrs Smith. AKATAPU —TE KOPURU. Mar. 13. Good meeting; twenty members present. Miss Cullen presided, Mrs Blakey and the Secretary delegates to the Northern Alliance Convention at Whaiigarei. Notices of motion for the Annual Convention were discussed. Mrs Reynolds, of Dargaville, gave a splendid talk on "Great Reformers." Four new members were initiated Afternoon tea was served.

TIM ARC. Mar. 27. Mrs N'orrie presided; small attendance. Letters of thanks fron Miss Henderson and Miss llarband read. Hospital visiting reported on, and Mr Woodward reported a quiet month at the Res . only two overseas boats having visited tin* port. Decided to send greetings to Convene ion, Mid Mrs Norrie and Mrs Mlnifle wcw appointed to represent the Union at a meeting, representative of public bodies to arrange for a fitting welcome, etc., to Miss Maud Royden. Decided to have a Bring an 1 Huy Social on the last Tuesday in May.

ASHBURTON. Apr. 3. A large attendance, presided over by Mrs Ensign Mooie, V.P. A vote of sympathy was passed with the relatives of the late Mrs Jamieson, for many years f, member of the Union, and letters of cheer tu bt rent to members who are sick or laid anide. A warm welcome extended to Mrs A. U—.leit, Oantaru Union, returning from Napier Convention. Mrs Corlett briefly responded and conveyed greetings from Onmaru White Ribbon Sisters. Much pleasure was expressed

at once more having with us our honoured Ex-Proarident, Mrs W. T. Lill, after her long illness. A much appreciated solo was « ontributed by Mrs R. Featherwton Tea was served. Miss Powell delivered a very instinctive and interesting address on "Our Pledge," what it represents, and the many reasons why it should be strictly kept and honoured in its keeping. In closnig a very timely address. Miss Powell urged her hearers to work and to pray for su< < css in the co ml nr. Campaign. One new member enrolled. Arran foment* wire made for procuring wreaths on Anzac Day.

MASTTHTON. Apr. 3. President, Mrs Cocker, in the chair. Attendance smaller than usuni, and insny apologies received. The President thanked Miss Tankerslev for u>s* of her home for Garden Party, which was quite a success, rca’ising alwut 112. Afternoon for Cradle Roil mothers to be held during May. First meeting of L.T.L. to be last Friday in April, and to be a Tea given to the children. Special At Homo meeting to be held in Congregational Hall, on Thursday, 19th April, to receive delegate's report of Convention.

TAUMARUNUI. Mar. To receive the report of the delegates to Convention; eight members present. Mrs Reed presented a splendid comprehensive report, which wUJ he pawed on to be read by absentee members. The report was adopted and thunks conveyed to the delegates. A sale of small articles for the New Zealand Fund was held for the first ‘inn*, and will probably be a feature of future meetings. A member was nominated for ■ lie School Committee, and members were urged to attend the meeting and see that their rand irate got in. The Railway W.C.T.U. literature box is kept supplied vv'th Temi*-r----ance literature. The Cradle Roj! has seven members.

MAI NGAKA RAMEA. Apr. 10. A very enjoyable Cradle Roll Picnic was held at the home of the Superintendent, -Mrs Haniuun. Quite a number of mothers and children present. Lunch under a large bay tree was the first Item on the programme, tlie table heavily laden with good things. During the afternoon races were run. The little ones tiioioughl) enjoyed the many games and afternoon tea; each was presented with a toy. The Superhitemlciit was given three hearty cheers.

OWAKA. Mai. 14. Mrs Ryley, President, in the cb&ir. Good attendance. President commented briefly on the remits which wens going forward to the Annual Convention, lend invited papers aiul discussion o’l same. Tin* tin., local IfllaisUn, Ray, j i: Rev. \V. J! Be vis and Rev. Thos. Weston, were elected Hon. members of the branch. Mrs Bevis read a paper entitled, "The Temple of Woe." Apr. 11. Mrs Ryley, President, occupied the chair;; 13 members present. Decided to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, 17th April, to welcome Mr Hilliker. The President read some interesting facts mi the Liquor Trade, and gave u? some enlightening facts about the Annual Liquor Bill ol the Dominion.

TAKAPUNA. Mar. 15. Garden Party in the pretty gardens of Mr and Mis J. E. Tremahn, Takapuna. Mr Stall wort by gave an adress on “Teniperumv Work." A n-soiution wa.» unanimously passed, expressing strong resentment against hotel-keepers providing special facilities for women to drink alcoholic liquors. Thanks were tendered to Mr Stallworthy. Three Stalls furnished h.v tho Bring and h u y system, were presided over by—Cakes, Mrs Hinton; Flowers, Miss Piper; Produce, Mrs Morgan Richards. The sum of £6 14s. 2d. was realised \pr. 12. Mrs Richards provided a long and interesting account of the Napier Convention. She enjoyed her visit as a delegate. A gooc. attendance of members. One initiation. Afternoon tea. Two delegates i hosen for Alliance meeting at Unity Hall, Auckland.

SOUTH DUNEDIN. Mar. 8. Mrs Hinton presided; fair attendance. Miss Ford appointed delegate to Convention, to convey our greetings and to

present bouquet at the membership deuuai* (■tuition Miss Cameron read from the 'Evening Ktar," some remarks made quite spontaneously by a Mr Crossman, an American Tourist, now in New Zealand. He said, "If you really wish New Zealand to go ahead and become permanently prosperous, do away with the saloon bar. Don't believe W >ou lead about the 11 1 • License in America. For proof of the gicatness of Prohibition, look at our navings bank accounts and the improved erudition of our working man’s home. The workers of America were never so well off as they me to-da>, and they know ft, and the other side has not a hope of inducing them to vote ‘wet* any more. The worst drunkard there would not vote for the bar, not even if he was personally consumed with a thirst for beer." Mrs Hinton then brought before the meeting some facts against alcohol as a medicine, which Mrs Hiett had told at the Executive meeting.

FOXTON. Mar. 15. Mrs Perynum was made the recipient of an oak striking clock, as a token of esteem from members. The presentation was made by Mrs John Rom, who referred to Mrs Peryman's departure from Foxton at an early date, which they all regretted. 81ic sajd Mrs Peryman's activities had been an inspiration to all and her place would be hard to fill. Miss Duncan endorsed the previous speaker's remarks. Mrs Peryman, in an appropriate address, tom bed on the work of the W.C.T.U., and sincerely thanked the speakers for their good wishes and members for their gtft. Mrs Stone (President) also eulogised the services of Mrs Peryman, and wished her God-speed m lier new home. Vocal and elocutionary items were rendered, and afternoon tea dispensed.

RIVERTON. Apr. 3. Frances Willard Day celebrated at Mrs Gray's residence. Bad weather, small attendance. Mrs J. Cassells rtvul a very interesting paper on "The Life and Work of Frances Willard." Social Evening for young people arranged. Vote of thanks to Mrs Gray.

CH RIBTCHURCH. Mar 14. Cradle Roll mothers and babies entertained. Miss Henderson welcomed them, and Mrs W. J. Williams spoke on duties of motherhood and need of training in good habits, specially stressing the evil effects of alcoaol. Afternoon tea dispensed. Mar. 2H. Mrs Adkins presided. Decided to help Returned Soldier's Association in their Street Hale on Poppy Ray. Letters of sympathy to Mrs Sliavv and Mr Withers. Ensign Newton gave an interesting address on her work as B.A. Officer at Police Courts, and as Probation Officer fc*i young women and girls, and testified to unfailing courtesy avid kindness of the magistrates.

SUMNER. Mar. 7. Mrs McCombs presided ovt-r good attendance. Mrs Carter was ap|>ointed Cradle Roll Superintendent. Agreed to make regular reports to the "White Ribbon," invitations to be sent out for tlie next meeting. Arrangements were made for a series of Home meetings, the first one to Is* held at Mrs 8 her nerd’s residence. Mrs McCrea kinully offered lit-r home for a future meeting.

HAVELOCK NORTH. Mir. 16. Well-attended meeting; President ill chair. Scientific fact, "Reason given why Alcohol is a Poison mther than a Food.” Question brought forward by Mrs Speight from District Executive meeting, "Wba’. can each Union do to help forward W.C.T.U. work this >car." Members urged to attend Convention, also to remember Noontide Prayer. Vote of thunk* to Mrs Gilbertson for her well-read paper on "An Ideal W.C.T.U. Member. 1 " Two new subscribers to White Ribbon. Afternoon tea.

SOUTH INVERCARGILL. Large numbers of elderly ladies, guests by special Invitation, were motored to Bt. Peter’s Church. Mrs Paaley, President, conducted the meeting. Mrs Pryde and Mrs A it < bison sang. Mrs Parkin recited, and Mrs Parker acted as pianist. Much appreciated was the presentation of a beautiful bouquet made by Mrs Stewart, to the oldest Temperance worker present, Mrs Morris. Mr J. S. Baxter gave a stirring address on "The Early Fight-

in* Days of No-Licsnae hi Invercargill, ami tlie present-day Fight for No-Liren*e In the Dominion,” anti received u hearty vote of thank*. Afternoon tea win partaken or.

HAVELOCK <MARLBOROUGH >. Feb. 17. Frances Willard I>ny; spatial meeting at Mrs Brown’s home, six member* present. The Life and Work o' our Founder was read and discussed. AlternoMi tea served. Mar. 7. Farewell Afternoon for Mrs T\ Slallird, who la leavin* us. One new member was initiated. Afternoon tea.

ONEHUNGA. Mar. 8. We were rejoiced at thw attendance, twenty-eight present and four apologies for absence. School Committees; as a result of interviews, one lady has cornier ted to stand for Onehunga, one for Royal t\ak. two for Te Papapn. An endeavour to be made to get two other ladies, tnie eacli for Royal Oak and Onehunga Schools before next meeting. Letter of thanks received from Mrs Full James for donation towards her work among the Maoris. Remit* for Convention. Mrs Ben fell. District President, addressed the meeting, and reminded u.s s l m was at one time member and President «*f ©ur Union, and was always pleaned to to with us; then spoke oti “lies|toe sibility. Mrs Lead ley thanked Mrs Benfell for her earnest talk. Tea was handed round.

JOHNSON VILLE Mar. 15. The President. Mrs Halllday, in the chair. The rendts for Convention were read nnd discussed. Miss Bradshaw gave a eery helpful address, urging us to work this year more strenuously than ever beiore. Afternoon tea was served. Miss Bradshaw King the Noontide Hymn.

CHEVIOT. Mar. 30. First meeting of the year; Mrs Hyde. flnr.. Vice-President In the chair. Mrs Waltrolley's resignation received with regret. Mrs Clifford elected President. Miss Orchard elected Treasurer. £1 10s. forwarded to Campaign Fund from this Union. A paper read by President on "Nursing and Alcohol.*’ Meeting dosed with pledge, hymn, and Benediction. Afternoon tea served.

CAMBRIDGE. Mar. 11 flood attendance; Mrs Jones, of Hamilton, presided. The room had been tastefully decorated. After a very nice address from Mrs Jones re our "Work and Duty to tb'J Cause,” four new members were Initiated. Cards were distributed for South Auckland Organising Fund. We then had some musical items and recitations. Afternoon tea wee served.

EDEN. Mar. 21. The President. Mrs Hayr. presided ; small attendance. special prayer offered for Convention. A vote of condolence With Mrs Ramsay in the death of her sister. Decided to send a letter of congratulations to am Invalid member, who was about to celebrate her golden wedding. Major Gordon, Samaritan Officer of the Salvation Army, gave a stirring address, touching on many distressing incidents hi her work, which called for the necessity of working In the Interests of Good Citizenship.

STRATFORD. Mar 23. A splendid attendance; Mrs Fawcett. Vice-President, in the chair, who read and commented upon the verses, iwige 2. In March "White Ribbon." Two members nominated for School Committee election. A Cradle Roll Picnic was held on March Ist. which was thoroughly enjoyed. Social arranged for next meeting, to hear Convention report frein the delegate. The usual monthly afternoon tea for the Public Hospital arranged for.

RANGIORA. Mar. 30. Cradle Roll Afternoon. A large attendance of mothers with children, whose names are on the Cradle Roll. The President. Mrs Thwaltea welcomed the visitors The Scientific Temperance reading was, "What to do In Illness in case* of Emergency.** Enjoyable musical Items were given by Mrs N. Balllie, Mis* E. Bcott. Mrs

Chappell and Mrs A. Yatea Mrs J. F. Karnes, of New Brighton, gave a fine address on •’Health” and "The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body," which wa* listened to with much appreciation, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorued the speaker. Afternoon tea wa* dispensed and sweets were distributed among the children.

RYAL RUSH. Feb. 29. Eight members present. The President, Mrs Wilson, occupied the chair. Secretary read a report of last year’s work, nnd also remits for annual Convention, 1928. The S psrintendent for the Cradle Roll read her report on her work; gamed lit new members and 118 names on the Cradle Roll; she was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Vote of sympathy with Mrs Buxton in the death of her husband. One new member. Afternoon tea. Mar. 10. Very enjovable Garden Party at the residence of the President, Mrs Wilson. Good attendant e of ladies and a splendid turn out of children. This branch has made wonderful progress since the visit of Miss C. McL&y, and Mrs Ogren, the Cradle Roll Superintendent, is to is) congratulated on the amazing results which have crowned her efforts; indeed, it would be hard to beat her record, which is 118 names on the Cradle Roll, and that in a country district. Tin new members have been added during the last few’ months, and three were initiated at the Garden Party by the District President, Mrs Fairbairn. who, with several officers of the District Union was there by invitation. Mrs Morrison gave a thoughtful address on "The value of careful and prayerful training of children from their earliest yearn” Mrs Fairbairn ga\e an instructive talk to the children, which wa* attentively listened to. A sumptuous afternoon tea was provided.

NORTH INVERCARGILL. Mar. 20. Mrs Macartney preaided. Greetings sent to Convention. An interesting address was given by Mr J. 8. Baxter on "The pure selfishness exhibited by tho*** who favoured the Liquor Traffic.” The President cordially thanked Mr Baxter for his informative remarks. ami for the substantial donation he handed her at the Hose of the meeting. Mrs Gregory sang a solo sweetly, and one new member was initiated. A successful Market Day was held a week later, and. a* a result, the funds of the North Union will be substantially Increased.

LEVIN. Mar. 9. Nine member* present, Mrs Cummin*. President, in the chair. President welcomed Mrs Peryman, of Poxton; sorry to be losing her from our District. Decided to ask Mrs Ferguson to address our next meeting. Mr* Y’oung appointed a delegate to Convention.

PAEROA. Mar. 8. A visit from the District President. Mrs J. M. Jones, of Hamilton. Th«* President, Mr* P. R. Hubbard, presided. Fifteen member* were present, six being inducted at the meeting. The President gave a very helpful and uplifting address, and Indicated possible lines of service that could be undertaken. Mrs Mitchell was appointed Cradle Roll Superintendent, and Mrs Amy White Ribbon Superintendent. The Secretary, Mrs J. W. Cocks, was elected delegate to Convention. Afternoon tea was dispensed.

SPREYDON. Mar. 13. Large attendance. Mrs T. E. Taylor gave an address from the text. "Freely you have received, freely give.” Give ol’ your service for the uplift of humanity. Five new members initiated. Afternoon tea wa* served.

ORANITY. Mar. 14. The Vice-President. Mrs Moore, presided. Regret at loss of Mrs Poole, who is leaving for Nightcaps. Election of officers:—Mrs Moore. President; Mrs Bolitho, Secretary. Social cup of tea In the Vestry.

RAETIHI. Mar. Mrs W. H. B<-arrow presided. A farewell tribute was paid by Mr* F. Pederson to Mrs McCowan, who Is leaving the town Mrs BCeCow&n suitably replied. Mrs Godby was appointed our Convention dele-

gate. As this was Frances Willard Day, Mra Godby read a “Tribute to Fram es Wiilard." Mrs Porymam gave a most inspiring address, for which the Chairwoman gave thanks.

GERALDINE. Feb. 29. A successful Bring and Huy Day. Proceeds, £3 Bs. Bd. Mar. 13. President, Mr* Neutr.e, in chair. 21 present. Mrs P. Dick, Dunedin, gave a homely talk on *‘V T ork of W.C.T.U.” Cup of tea handed round, arol vocal items were given by Miss Moncur and Mrs Walla* li.

OKAIAWA. Fob. 29. At the residence of Mrs A. Lees. Our Uniou has been resting for about three years, but we have started again with nine members. Mrs A. I/ees, President; Mrs W. Walsdorf, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs I). Green, Vice-President; Mrs J. Oldfield, Sunshine Member; Mr* D. Green, Bureau Kupt. The meetings are to be held at Mrs l*-e’* house, the last Wednesday of the month, lkdegute to Convention. Mrs J. Oldfield.

PBTONK Mar. 8. 14 members present; Mrs Murgntroyci presiding. The papers of remits to come before Convention were all read and discussed. A late member of the Blm, Un'on welcomed. Vote* or condolence were passed to three members who had suffered bereavements. M* r. 21. A very successful Cradle Roll meeting. Good number of grandmothers, mothers, and children were present. Mrs Donald, wife of Dr. Donald, gave a very interesting talk on "The Evil Effects of Alcohol on the Human System.” especially to nursing mothers, and wa* listened to with great attention and much appreciation. Bongs were rendered by Mesdames Howe and Pargetter. and a recitation by Mrs Mitchell. Mrs Griffiths, past Superintendent, made a beautiful Birthday cake. Mrs Carter spoke to the mothers, and urged all to look to the children and bring them up In Teni|*>rance. Afternoon tea was dispensed. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the speaker and artists.

NORMANBY. Mar. 7. President in the chair; eight members present, Paper read “Against the U*e of Liquor.” A discusrion took place re the mean* of raising funds for our Unton, it being decided to hold a Garden Party. Afternoon teA served by Mrs Be van and Miss Dickson.

DARGAVILLE. Mar. 20. Fair attendance, Mrs Hodgepresided. Mrs White appointed Vice-Presi-dent. A Temperance fact was read, alsoreading by Mrs Hodge, “The Beginning of the Crusade Against Drink*" Pledges repeated.

GORE. Mar. 27. France* Willard Day commemorated. Decided to hold Home meetings occasionally durint the year. A new member w’as initiated. Collection taken up, in aid of World Missions.

LAWRENCE. Mar. 7. Two new members Joined. Mr Hilliker, Area Organiser, addressed the meeting on “Aim* of th<s Y'ear’s Campaign.” Several members gave their names for use on Committee. Mrs Edle, the President, thanked Mr Hilliker for his address, and assured him of our help.

INVERCARGILL. Mar. 6. Fair attendance. Mrs Lillicrap presided. Copy of the plans of work for 1928 was thoroughly discussed, and the loyal co-operation of every member hoped for. Mrs Hamilton, an old and dearly-loved member, celebrated her Golden Wedding, and was the recipient of good wishes from Union members. Re the death of the Hon. Mark Cohen, M.L.C, A motion wa* passed, recording appreciation of the work for the general welfare of women and children no unselfishly given by voice and pen by him for so many years. Mis* E. M Smith. Cor. Sec., was tendered an afternoon prior to her departure for the old world, when the opportunity was given members to w’ish her “bon voyage.”


U., 7. Sixteen ladies prenent; two memb.r« received; number is up to twenty. Mrs Jo iiv's, District President. »*'*• “ *® r > Instructive talk on thr work to be earned out ttiis year. »»ur deepert sympathy is extended to one of our sisters. Mrs Istiut ,'oril. whose husband passed away on February 13tl».

ash BUKTON. Mar 4 Good attendance, preside*l over bv Sister Mildred, letter of sympathy to be sent to Mr and Mrs A. Thomas in loss of father. A report of Executive naoetiiiK held on February 23rd, was submitted. The Secretary of Willard Home wrote than km* Uie | T nion for Ktfts of clothing, etc., revived, letters of (treeting were received from \V (\T.U. Organisers. Miss A. Watson appointed delegate to Convention. A number of remits were received and eoosulered, and delegate authorised bow to vote. Mrs Saunders was unanimously elected Treasurer. A ,•>,v hearty vote of tlianks was accorded Miss I lent, for the very eltleJwt service rendered by her.

DUNEDIN CENTRAL. ™Nlar 6. Hood attendance; Mrs Hiett in Ult . ,-iuiir. Miss Bryant’s resignation as «'rattle Holl Supt. received with much regret, an appreciative resolution being adoptetl. Miss M. H. Powell gave a brief talk, dealing niainlv with the Importance of the white t-orpueele In the bk»otl. Mrs Alexander. Mrs I*. Harden anti Miss M. H Powell were appointed delegates to Convention. The Union expressed appreciation t»f tlic work tit the late lion. Mark Colnv, and it was decided to semi a letter to the relatives expressing sympathy with them, die new member Joined. The Treasurer reported 3**'i l>ant -up members.

AI.VKI.ANI > Mar. 13. (Joiml attendance; Mrs C,n»U pc - sitletl ami welcomed the members l»a«k after the recess. Sin* stressed thr •need of prayer in our work to do effective service. Hible-in-Schools anti Sxhbatli Observance were two 1 lepnrtmerits emphasised. A season of prayer was held. In width many of the members took part, on behalf of the work, Kev. Marries gave a very inspiring address on “The power of personal influence and the need of the power of Hod in the life to inspire tin* lives of others." Only by prayer tan tlie litiuor traffic l»e overthrown and hiiv effective work be The remits f<*i the Dominion Convention were brought before the meeting, ami an interesting discussion followed. Willard I *a> was celebrated, and a rolled ion was taken for the World's Missionary Fund. One new nit*nil*T was initiated. Hreelings were received from Mrs Reuben Bailey, who lias been invalided home to Australia from llong Kong.

PAPAHOA. Mar. 2. Sis-ciul meeting. Mrs hv-*’<i‘vit' given a hearty welcome to Paparou 1 ni**n. Htsul attendance of memlsTs. and a fev. visitors. Mrs J. Haines presided. Mrs la*eCowie gave a very stirring address on 'The Works and Aims of the \V.t\T.IV' After noon tea was served. Mrs I.ev Cow ie held the Initiatory Service for three new members. A number of articles were sold by Mrs»wie, on behalf of tin Missionary Fund.

RIVERTON. Mar. Hood meeting our Treasurer, Mrs J. C assells, gave intersting report of quarterly meeting in Invercargill last month. Our "White Ftlbl*on" Agent, Mrs Put hie, reporteil 21 subscriber* President, Mrs Gray, invited Union to eelebrate Frances Willartl Hay at her honts next meeting night. Secretary was instructed to write t«► Invercargill re next quarterly meeting, to be liebl in Riverton next June.

MAKOTUKU. Mar. 13. Mrs (Jolley presided. Reading* from the “White Ribbon" were given by Mesdamesi Herbert ntnl Hally. Attendance fair, considering the weather was very wet.

TK KUITI. Mar Good attendance. Two law mein l*ers. Mrs G. Hall appointed President. Mrs Cole read the hulam-e-sheet, which was adopted. I Voided to send letter of congratulation to Mrs Jones, on her appointment as

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White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 11

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News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 11

News of the Union. White Ribbon, Volume 33, Issue 393, 18 April 1928, Page 11

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